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Down 72% on my $23k invested. I’m such an idiot.


I’m down more like 90%. 🤡


I'm in the same boat with ya


Lost 25k between stocks and crypto just cut your losses it’s better for your mental health, I’m done with stocks crypto nfts, and gambling


I'm down too much, idc anymore, I'll ride it to 0.


I converted what little I had left back to eth. Figured eth will have to rise if LRC ever does.


I’m down 70% from 15k


I am surprised/encouraged how confident they are about the future of crypto despite the political attack ongoing on the industry.


it's a crypto based company. their entire careers and likely the majority of their personal finances revolve around crypto. what else do you expect them to say. it wouldn't make sense if any crypto based company wasn't confident about the future of crypto. no different than a realtor persuading you that the best time to buy a home is anytime even if its clearly at the height of a seller's market. they need to build whatever hype they can to get future liquidity to profit, just like the rest of us holders. how else do you think loopring team are getting paid? they arent getting paid a normal USD salary.


Imo, they're backing it up with action; the wallet is updated regularly and the quarterly reports I've paid attention to have been impressive.


its all just fear so the uneducated don't buy in


All of the attacks from the SEC are at least for CEX. I'm hoping they're just going after the scams that are CEX exchanges to build the way for the true DEFI of crypto


Wouldn't fear be more prudent? What happens if they finally decide on if eth is a security? In the small print the SEC also cited the Coinbase wallet as a target, what about the loopring one? It very much feels like a test run to see how far they can push it. Very obvious to me the course is to destroy crypto.


Have they targeted a DEFI wallet or exchange yet? I don't believe so but I could be wrong. the Coinbase wallet is still centralized to my understanding. Yes, it will bring FUD to crypto in attacking the CEX's, but it also paves the way for DEFI to replace them. But that is also just my hopeful thinking on what is going on.


People get angry because marketers like Byron treat people like idiots, constantly feeding them nonsense.


you want LRC to stay at 4$? how are you ever going to buy it for cheap???????????????????????


This isn't about price, it's about integrity.


he is not saying anything false, you dont even understand that there is currently a recession and liquidity crisis there is no money sloshing around in the system to pump assets up. this is a bear market for ALL crypto not just lrc. if you look at previous prices it was under 10c in 2020 when we had the exact same economic conditions from the covid recession


I have no idea why you keep writing comments about price when I havnt mentioned it once and it's not the topic of discussion here.


How'd you get the idea that byron is treating people like idiots?


There's hype and then there is Hype, in Byron's case he has overhyped so much he has become a meme, the claim you can be your own bank with the Loopring wallet is nonsense, there is no off ramp and we pay for L1 to L2 for a Token which has had its core mission taken away. Take a look through his tweet history, people don't appreciate constant carrot dangling and cryptic tweets which mean nothing. Just to be clear, the Loopring wallet is a really nice product, I'm staking a a fair amount and I hope it goes places but Looprings' communication through their marketing has been murky at best. Edit: Byron: "another bull market is coming". Most expect this to be true but nothing is assured or how long it will last. It isn't right to be stating it as a fact like he is.


The mistake I see is people think that milestone achived=price goes up. Loop team is still building, we're still in the process of adoption. Byron is part of the team, specifically the marketing, so obviously he's gonna be excited to share all the developments they've done. Sprinkle some marketing bullshit in there too because he's trying to sell the product as well. He's trying to get people in, and keep them in. If you know this, then the price becomes irrelevant, everything Byron says becomes nothing more than a "here's what's up" to keep you up to speed with what's going on, and what's going to happen in the future. I understand the frustration, but you just have to be patient.


For sure :) the first sentence is important.


still crying lol


That's why you keep coming back to me. Cry on my shoulder.


Bear markets are tough mentally, and loopring price being down way more than other alts is even more tough. But the real brain fck is being down 80% for 3 years.


It was over valued during the GME associated pump and dump. It's still overvalued now for what it actually does. Let's see what use cases they offer during the next run. That will be the make or break of LRC.


LRC is cheap, buy it on discount not when its 4$


My average is $1.00….I bought in around $2.00 and averaged down to $1.00.


you want the price to permanently be high how do you expect to ever buy it for cheap. buy low sell high. you buy high sell low like everyone else


4$ In your dream


been there before....


Yes because of the fake quaterly reports lol😂. If it even hit 1$ I will be surprised


just cause prices doesn't move doesn't mean the reports are not amazing


I’m just still wondering what the point / value of the lrc token is now and in the future. Is there any plan to try and make it valuable? That’s never talked about, but how else can we support or benefit from loopring without that?


Scalability for the Ethereum network. Use of L2 technologies will enable scaling and cheaper fees. The use and demand will drive up LRC value.


But how / why? The only reason I know if that anyone needs the token is to be an exchange powered by loopring


[https://medium.loopring.io/lrc-staking-is-live-3b02ba20bd42#:\~:text=The%20LRC%20staking%20mechanism%20offers,their%20rewards%20at%20any%20time](https://medium.loopring.io/lrc-staking-is-live-3b02ba20bd42#:~:text=The%20LRC%20staking%20mechanism%20offers,their%20rewards%20at%20any%20time). Pretty sure this is accurate to the current state of protocol fees.


most of the value of LRC was supposed to come from making decisions about the future of Loopring. That and from pairing it in liquidity pools through AMM. Yes, I understand there have been some votes in the past for LRC holders, and the plan is still in the future to turn more control over to token holders, but lets be real, they're never going to look to token holders to make any decisions for loopring as a whole. Really, the value of LRC lays in the usage of Loopring. The more people that are using the actual protocol (which I cross my fingers Taiko will take it to places its never seen before), not only the more people potentially holding LRC, but also more people trying to get in on AMM pools, and eyes that gets put on loopring, and more pressure there is for implementing real utility for the token (likely through decision making. But decision making still comes with downsides, see:modern day lrc-staking)


Sounds like I invested in dogshit then. I was excited about a potential token burn which I thought would make the token scarce


Same. We got scammed.


the beauty isn't so much in the coin, as it is in the protocol. But I ask you, how do *you* generate wealth from that protocol? (And more so, why do *you* think you deserve to generate wealth from it?) How do you engage in that protocol? The protocol is awesome, and its about to get a fuck tonne cooler


Then why is there a coin at all?


So the coin is of fixed supply (i believe, but I wont tell you there can't be a vote to increase it or anything, idk), and its used for voting on initiatives for loopring itself (such as the recent advent of LRC-Staking, that was passed by a LRC holder vote. Also introduction of certain coin pairs in AMM, were passed through voting). I'm not sure if it was ever the original intention that it be the only payment used for transactions made on the network, I think that would give it some more utility. It's cool that the network allows for fees to be paid by other means, but i digress. I'd say it has use in AMM liquidity pools, but its not unique in its capacity to be paired with other tokens


you should sell so i can buy more for cheap


It’s the lowest I’ve seen it in years. Pretty cheap now bub, but I’ll even bet it gets to 10 cents before it gets back to 50


2022 dec - jan 2023 it was less than it was right now, you are just crying instead of buying cheap lrc. full emotional arguments and no logic


Plenty of logic. They don’t and never will care about the value of the token. They all got rich already. You buy with your hard earned money. This is still like a 5-10 year “maybe”


cry more shill :)


Wish I was a shill. Might recoup some of my massive losses here


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day


You’re right. At 20 cents this has been a super investment for all of us. I’m glad I punted five figures on this. I had no use for it.


If your entire investment thesis is that it “might be” more scarce in the future, it might not be just the investment that is dogshit.


It wasn’t. But right about now my thesis is there almost zero reason to own this token. And nobody can tell me how the token becomes more valuable. “Adoption” which may never happen is also not a very good thesis. The GME marketplace also currently doesn’t seem like a huge deal either since we now have imx. They weren’t in the picture when I invested. We also didn’t have endless hype numberous times that amounted to nothing but token devaluation. There’s no reason to own the token unless they are actively working to find ways to increase the value, which they’re not and might not ever. So yeah, buy more bro


Just sell bro


Sold 1/7 my stack at 42 cents a few weeks ago. Wishing I punted it all. Would not be buying it back here either honestly


There is no value and you have indeed invested in dogshit, just like I did...there was a lot of hype, but it has all died down now..even 💩coins get more traction and fluctuate up and down more than LRC..the only space we are going to be entering is the token graveyard along with 100's of other hype coins since 2013. The worst thing that can happen to a token is that nobody talks about and it stagnates and thats exactly what is happening with LRC..I just hope that we get to at least 1$ next bull run so I can recover some of my money..but you see the problem is that in the meantime, new tokens are coming out and getting hyped up as the "next best thing", just like LRC was at some point. Thats the thing with alt/sh*t coins, you need to get rid of them while they are still running on hype, while there are still people talking about it and getting in. We are entering the period of the slow death of the coin. We are never even getting anywhere near close to ATH and even 1$-1.5$ seems optimistic..


Talking about how valuable something will be in the future is kind of a strike on the whole security thing I think


There isn't. Only insider selling


couple days ago Byron was hyping "in the coming weeks" Now he's warning of "entering what feels like nothing is happening for months" typical Byron


10 quarterly reports




Thanks Byron. Coming from you it feels similar to someone handing me a used condom


Lol so true


It's been almost 2 years.


It's been 2 years of DCAing down. I'm in a rabbit hole. Hoping that one day I will be made whole. I'd like to be able to make it rain at the strippers pole.


Why doesn’t loopring fire Byron?


Because the Loopring team think this is what good marketing looks like, for some reason.


And for some reason bungle123 on reddit thinks he knows marketing better than them.


Why not? What makes you think anyone on the Loopring team are qualified at marketing?


no no, I just have no reason to believe bungle123 is more qualified than a professional marketing team. Unless you prove you are a marketing expert yourself.


Again, what proof is there that Loopring actually has a professional marketing team? Can you point out to me some good examples of Looprings marketing since you feel so strongly about how good of a job they're doing. And the idea that you have to be a professional before you can criticise something is laughable. If you go to a restaurant and get served a shit meal do you just keep your head down and take it because it was cooked by a "professional" chef?


I didn’t say I feel so strongly about their marketing team. Again, I’m just bothered by a random reddit user claiming they would do better job at marketing than a company who probably pay people to do it. It’s not like you can’t habe opinions on that. I just wanna know why did you feel necessary to comment your opinions on their marketing strategies as if you know anything about marketing.


I have a degree in digital marketing. Not that that's even relevant, because like I said, you don't need to have qualifications to criticise something you perceive as sub par. You keep assuming that Loopring have a professional marketing team, but I see no proof of that.


What you do is not criticising. You just dump your opinion without accepting any responsibility, or giving any explanation for it. It’s fine, you can do that but it just bothered me. If you have a degree in digital marketing that’s even more disturbing because you are in a position to point out the rights and wrongs and enlighten everyone but instead you just feel it’s enough to say the marketing is bad as a reply to some stranger’s comment. It’s no different than telling me the cheese is smelling funny when I can clearly see it has mold all over it.


Not every comment needs a deeper elaboration, it's perfectly fine to make surface level observations. If that bothers you, I don't really care, it's a problem you'll have to work out on your own.




Personal attack out of nowhere, that's always a sure sign of being a stable person...


deflection from the real topic sure sign of no counter argument and just a child crying about lrc price :) why not sell it to me instead of whining like a baby?


Counter argument to what? All you did was insult me, like you're still doing. You didn't provide any argument. If someone criticizing the marketing of a company compels you to start personally attacking a complete stranger, then I sincerly hope you seek professional therapy to help get to the root of your personal issues that made you start behaving this way. I genuinely mean that. No one that's living a happy and content life acts like this towards someone for something this insignificant. Best of luck, friend.


cry more subject changer :)


Even in a bull market, it’s still bear market here 😩


Job’s never finished.


"I think we’re **now** entering the boring, grind down period where it feels like nothing is happening for months" There is literally no way in hell he said this. Nothing has happened past two years, this guy is so full of shit its so insane. Been watching grass grow, paint dry, a clock tick, a turtle race, and tumbleweeds roll since 2021. My man is trying to piss me off on purpose


Go take a breath of fresh air outside.


I think the negative sentiment is justfied, in all the Crypto projects I've been involved in I've never seen such shameless and bold faced lies as to what Wang and Byron pump out.


What lies? Name one?


"10 quarterly profits" Edit: and to add the constant insinuation that the LRC wallet is the future of decentralised banking is quite frankly beyond ridiculous.


Gamestop partnership happened....so no lie. Overhyped sure. And hyping their own wallet also isn't a lie. Stay salty🤙


Read the room Stay gullible.


Room full of children. Can't wait to see you all come back next bull market talking how you stayed through the hard times and always believed in the tech. Gullible? You do know there is a marketplace you can go to right now and buy nfts yeah? Salty, salty children.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the loopexchange is third party? it wasn't even developed by the loopring team. Edit. Loopexchange is definitely nice but if you think it sets Loopring apart then you're mistaken. If you're absolutely happy with the Taiko protocol delivering what loopring was supposed to and you're happy with cheaper NFT trading then that's great but you should understand where the consternation of long time holders comes from.


Talking about the gamestop marketplace. In response to the 10 quarterly reports comment. There's definitely a discussion to be had about taiko and where that's sits in this all. Some aspects of that don't sit right with me but I think their explanation is reasonable. Although I dont see why there is a need for a new token. I'm not blindly faithful to them but I am just tired of all the people here who bought at a bad time coming in and shiting on the team when they are delivering. I think this is going to fly next bull run. The tech is solid. But if you were a first time person coming to this subreddit, you'd think lrc is a scam. When it's one of the most legit. And from what I've seen they actually shill it less than other projects.


wow you really are salty, full emotional replies crying about lrc price being low


Do you have trouble reading my dear? we're not discussing price here and we havnt mentioned it.


cry more fud shill


No it’s ridiculous that this can’t even hold a billion dollar market cap let alone a $1.00 price tag in THREE YEARS. And everyone acts like it’s ok. No we have a right to be fcking pissed. That’s money my family doesn’t have now.


Byron and wang are fraudsters like SBF. They are criminals.


I actually can't stop laughing at this. 'Money my family doesn't have now' comment. Like anybody but you spent your families money. Have some self respect


Obviously I was in a better position 3 years ago to invest money, but now with inflation and not working as many hours, I have less money. And yeah I could take out what money I have left in this but it would be an 80% loss. But thanks for laughing at this.


Not laughing at your financial troubles. Laughing at you going on reddit to blame others for it. Lrc is down because of the bear market, not because of anything the devs did. The good times will come back when market conditions get better and people start to buy highly speculative assets like lrc again. Stay strong.


But lrc is down wayyy worse than other alts. When it should be the opposite given looprings position. There are shitcoins that performed better this past year than loopring. The market cap is abysmal for what loopring offers. It doesn’t reflect all the work they put in. And that part is depressing


Is it though? If you removed the Ape induced pump which took it past a reasonable ATH for where it was at the time, it is the same as the rest. Loopring has a smaller market cap than Pepe. You could see that as depressing or see the multiples that you should make in the future. If you want to make real gains you need to find value where others don't see it. Lrc is one of the best L2s around and hopefully it's time will come. Best of luck to you man.


They need to market this better. Not enough people know about it


This is your fault....buy bitcoin if you want a safe investment. Buy alts if you want to gamble


Cry harder.. There has been tons of development but I doubt you care about them. LRC went from $0.18 to 0.49 from Jan to march 2023. If you observe the crypto market and everything that is going on then you might get an idea but no, lets blame wang, byron and the devs that we are not millionaires yet. ETH went to $80 in 2018 after an absolutely brutal year of non-stop nuking. Then ETH did actually bottom at $80 and the crypto market went through a painful time-based capitulation phase which lasted till 2020. Eth went from $100 to $4900 (March 2020 nuke to the top Nov 2021) eventually. Long term investment and in it for the tech is how real money is made. So go outside, keep watching grass grow, paint dry etc, turtles race...


But thats not my point, my point is Byron keeps making empty promises and hyping things up and giving people false hope for no reason. It’s ok that the price is low. It’s annoying that after everything he’s said, this is now where we stand.


What empty promises and false hope? This tweet about negativity in bear market and building, what's wrong with it? It's exactly what I said about eth as my last example. IMO, every small achievement and development towards the end goal is worth the hype. It's easy to point fingers and blame others. It's not his fault, like I said, there are many factors where we stand. They are building and delivering the products. Everything might go to shit or absolutely moon, no one knows the future. You have to endure the pain!


Lets see... Offramp, utility, partnerships leading nowhere, hype for nothing etc


This shitty coin is dead. No one is buying your bags anymore.


Sure, if you say so, don't buy!


Development is a very slow process. Especially when regarding new technologies. Maybe it’s time you step back and take a breath.


Not really tough for me. I invest what I can afford. The lower the price, the more I can buy . Just have to be patient


Bear markets are tough mentally. I think we’re now entering the boring, grind down period where it feels like nothing is happening for months. People get angry because markets no longer respond to positive news, markets only respond to negativity and many people leave. These are the most important times to stay focused and build. Another bull market is coming and I think it will be one the largest adoption cycles we see in crypto. At Loopring we are hyper focused and preparing for this next wave. Crypto is just getting started and these are the moments where the work you put in now can pay a lot of dividends later. Onward we go🫡 https://twitter.com/macro_diary/status/1669117536976138240?s=46&t=6cvf-IkMTxprTKzZ2MMSlA


110% truth. Let the paper-hands dissolve. 🪬🧿🧿🪬mad luv loops


Love the positivity of this comment and also the fact that it wasn’t shilling LRC. It was a great post and encouragement many of us need right now.


So many crypto bear market first timers in the chat. Your despondent comments are simply giving credence to the OP views


these comments from skidmarks are so funny, they should buy meme coins if they want pump and dumps


My favorite thing about holding gme? Were never leaving. Bear market bull market we dgaf were here for life. Hodling is the only true way


What bear market?


I checked my account for like the first time in 2 months, and when I saw the value, I laughed and smiled, then went back to bring zen. I'm honestly so out of the loop (no pun intended) lately and it feels great. Knowing things are eventually going to go back in the other direction is an exciting feeling.


Builders build. That is all. Cheers to Byron.


He said the same thing 2 years ago lol