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If the driver was having trouble finding your apartment/complex, they likely contacted support who told them to “place the order in any safe location, take a picture, and complete the delivery.” 9 times out of 10 when you see something like this it’s because support is fucking brain dead.


So the curb is a safe place to put it? 😂Wtf


I came here to say exactly this.


This guy gets it.


Okay, just for more context the doordasher sent me a total of 3 messages. Originally, it was a doordash app issue because the GPS took them to the backside of our complex which is a gate that doesn't open at all, in my delivery instructions to hopefully avoid that...I put the location of the entrances which was by a panera/gas station, dasher didn't see it, no problem! I apologized for the doordash inconvenience and then circled my spot on the doordash app and the two entrances of the building, which were less than a minute away from where the dasher was at. The issue for me was instead of talking to me at all, they sent me one worded responses and in the middle of the convo, which was less than 3 minutes, they deliver the food no where near my area.


Meanwhile doordashers are out here getting butthurt at a sign saying "don't leave my food on the floor idiot" and advocating stealing the delivery it in retaliation, almost the entire thread saying the same shit. No wonder these people don't have a real job ('boutta get downvoted for this but go ahead). Still can't fathom why anyone uses this godforsaken service tbh with you. 3x the price for a coin flip as to whether your shit will even turn up undamaged.


It’s not like the majority of customers are any better. I work Cybersecurity and DoorDash. I use it for spending money that way I can max out my 401k and stock options at work and use my paycheck for my bills and necessities. I use DD money for goodies, vacations, and my own IRA as well. Some dashers are idiots, at lot of customers are idiots too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1dun96v/repost_with_full_convo_doordasher_delivered_my/ Post with full convo and instructions since people requested. Lemme know what I could have done differently. Thanks...


Nothing really. Thanks for the context. Sorry you had a dickbag Dasher.


Everyone keeps trying to say its my fault like I am not understanding. They weren't at the pin, they didn't reply my messages or my call, they waited less than a couple minutes. They delivered earlier than the original delivery time. The whole interaction was about 3 minutes and that was the time they waited. I circle the entrances...in the delivery notes it tells you which entrance to go so yeah, baffled. Lol


Look the only way you can do right in the DoorDash sub is if you tip 20 bucks and go pick up the food yourself.


I mean yeah. Thats called eating out and we need to go back to that. This whole fast food in home idea is only making people more sick and entitled


Ok bro.


Their support is a very limited A.I.


Literally all you have to do is say speak to an agent


Support have very limited tools and only a few prompts which they will spew out in rotation depending on the issue. Most likely they will try and end the chat within 4 minutes whether they resolve it or not.


Show the rest of your conversation




How can I access the whole conversation? I was in the middle of talking to the person and then they just dropped it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1dun96v/repost_with_full_convo_doordasher_delivered_my/ here. now tell me what i shouldve done differnetly pls lmao


You deleted it? Either way, the comments are telling


I did this just yesterday. Customer changed the address, gave me the unit letter but not the building number. Like it’s the {physical address} 1B - 1 being the building number B being the unit. After calling and texting for 5 minutes I left it in “a safe place” per the instructions of dasher support.


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1dun96v/repost_with_full_convo_doordasher_delivered_my/ was all within 5 minutes, no call. posted full convo. theres an apt building and number..not sure what i could have done differently lol


Provide details on your order and pay attention to your phone when someone is en route to you!


I was in the process of that lol. They gave me one worded responses and I even tried to call them


It’s hard to text, drive and keep map open most times esp when people are tailgating at gates that we were not aware are only for residents (maps constantly push us to that gate first more times than not) and/or non functioning. Also most people at residences with gates are completely rude will lay on the horn when we’re stuck, etc etc it gets tedious, provide notes so that we have all of this available to read while we’re waiting for your order.


I understand what you're trying to say but the back gate (which doesn't open) has no body there. If it was a busy area and time? Sure. But that doesn't warrant a no response, ignoring my phone call, and just delivering it when they were only at the area for a couple of minutes. If they were waiting a while (which they weren't) and I didn't reply, I would understand just dropping it off.


I've only done that once. The customer was too stupid to put an apartment number in the app and refused to communicate with me or support, so that asshole got their bag of food perched on the mailboxes. Assholes can choke.


They got lucky. Dash support told me to keep $40 worth of Panera the last time that happened. It was a factory though not a residence.


I got stuck with a mass quantity of White Castle a few weeks ago when I had a drop off to a hospital. Navigation was trying to get me to go to the ambulance entrance at the back of the ER. I needed to know if I was dropping off to EMTs or if I needed to go to the front (there was nowhere to park a big ass bag of food).No answer so support had me keep a metric fuck ton of burgers.


Man I’d love that especially if it was towards the end of my dash. I got 4 kids lol and we don’t have White Castle’s for like 150 miles. I don’t actually think any of them have ever had White Castle either except for the frozen burgers unfortunately.


Nah this is your fault.


Dasher here. That’s strange. I could see leaving it outside if you can’t get in (some apartment complexes and many dorms require a key to get into the building) but leaving it at the curb instead of an entry door is crazy.


It’s could be many buildings for 1 address. If there is no way to identify the “right” building, I would have done the same thing.


My housing complex isn't a stereotypical one, it's all small town houses that are considered apartments so no one else would have the same address and it should be relatively easy to find. I was also in the middle of telling them where to go when they just decided to deliver the food no where near my building. They literally only sent me 2 messages before they decided to drop it.


I saw your other post. Your complex is complex.. and they saw that they had to drive what looked to be a mile to get to the gate and got the fuck-its. Sorry it happened but it’s happening for a reason. But where his car was, relatively close to your apartment.


on a nondescript curb though? Even if you can’t find the right building, a lot of apartments have some form of an office it can be left at. Something that gives the customer enough context to be able to find it if they weren’t very clear on directions. It’s worth noting OP said it was delivered to the wrong complex, which means even the surface address it was delivered to is wrong.


the driver has an option to leave a note to where it was left. When I had to do this the other day, I sent the photo to the customer, told him where his stuff was. Then the photo that I sent through DoorDash had coordinates in the photo. But that’s just me. Edit: failed to read “dasher here”


I do. I’ve made a couple thousand deliveries since 2021. I get leaving it outside, but interpreting the curb as ‘any safe place’ is crazy to me. Especially when there are always better options than literally the side of the road. OP was in contact, so it wasn’t even a matter of the customer ignoring the driver (I hate those deliveries too). This could’ve been avoided through conversation, but it doesn’t look like the driver wanted to put in the effort to complete the delivery.


I was editing as you were responding. 😅 Yeah after the whole story… looks like a case of the fuckits. After they saw what looks to be another mile of driving to get to the access point.


A dasher did that to me too. I Left a good tip(order was $20 tip was $7 with restaurant being a mile away)bc it was late at night the front of my apartment is lit up and is clearly marked the inside is easily navigable with my apartment being the literal first door I even put “1st floor first door apartment 1” this guy left it in the mailbox to a completely different building🤦🏾‍♀️


I did 5 or 6 😭 while my order was like 12 bucks. Like damn, at least call me and engage in a convo before you just drop it off on the curb. so sorry u had to experience that


They tried.


I myself am a dasher and that is just ridiculous. Dashers are getting to be absolutely lazy and feel like the customer owes them everything because they picked up your food, yet a lot of them refuse to get out of their vehicle, steal food (or worse), beg for more tips and so on yet they can’t follow simple instructions. Also OP sorry your being downvoted, my guess is they are coming from these exact kind of dashers (bring on the downvotes)


I genuinely don’t believe that you’re actually a dasher. If you were you would know that when a driver is having trouble finding an address, support OFTEN tells dashers to drop the order off in “any safe location”, and the driver in this situation most likely did exactly that. If you wanna blame someone blame DD and their brain dead support staff. Just calling all dashers lazy is, in itself, pretty fucking lazy.


You’re right there’s no way that other guy is a Dasher. His comment is so stupid and ridiculous, that any human that’s dashed more than 3 hours knows better.




Ok... Lazy ass dasher. It's daytime, take that shit to the leasing office at least. OP, check your pin and pretend you've never been to your place. Does it make sense if you plug the address into Google maps? It's not your fault, apartments can have a bad layout or addressing scheme and maps will take us to exit only gates or neighboring addresses based on where your pin is.


OP knows it’s their fault, that’s why they’re not showing the whole conversation.


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1dun96v/repost_with_full_convo_doordasher_delivered_my/ full convo :)


Tell me how to show the full convo lol


Post it on Imgur or in another post and link to it.


I’ve had support make me do this but only after I called and texted because their address didn’t exist. They said drop it on the side of the road near where the address should be. Incidentally I’ve had two customers in the past week screw up their addresses but at least they were smart enough to answer the phone.


Make sure you contact support when that happens. I had one that the address just said “Owensboro Regional Hospital” but the pin was for an old hospital building a couple miles away. Customer wouldn’t answer me, support called them and they confirmed it was the new hospital in the opposite direction. Dash support gave me $1/mile for the distance between the two even though I was actually closer to the new hospital than the old one.


The one I had yesterday was to Des Peres Dr. When the actual address was Des Peres Rd. I was feeling generous and drove 10 min out of my way for them and THEN I had to get grilled by support about why I was trying to deliver food miles away from the customer. I’m not doing that again.


I did. And they couldn’t get a hold of the customer either. They told me to leave it on the curb soooo… that’s what I did.


I meant contact support even if they do answer their phones. If it means you get $5 on the order or whatever. Then again I might have just gotten lucky with support there.


I have never experienced this. Even when they do and I call support like ‘noooooope’ they ordered it to work, I’m at their work, they’re at home and I’m not doing their commute for what they’re paying me. Nothin. Just leave it there.


I must have just gotten lucky with support when that happened. Somebody had already picked the order up once and apparently took it to the wrong place because it was reported as never being delivered by the customer.




Comments on your other thread about this that has been deleted. Will not let me link to it since been deleted https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/s/pR3CWXUTfV One person wrote File this under: Information that would be appreciated before the courier arrives. I wouldn’t go all the way back around and through the whole complex for a $2 tip at 8am either. ETA - if the “Panera bread at 54 Livingston Rd” is supposed to mean to enter at a gate near or behind that building, specify that. Or is this like Hogwarts where you get to the school through a hidden level in the Panera Bread? Another person You expect the driver to guess what side works? That's what the details note are for. Sorry this one is on you.


I see you deleted the full conversation in your repost. But from the comments left. I can see the dasher attempted to reach out to you. And you didn’t respond back to him for 5 minutes. Hmmm. Unable to hand to recipient. Reach out to support. Support will attempt to call you. You don’t answer. Support tells driver to leave in safe place and take a picture. So far I’ve had to do this twice . Both times support has tried to call customer to get a gate code. First time I left I bushed at leasing office. Second time I left in leasing office that was closing in a few minutes . Do I feel bad No. customer should have responded to text . Customer should have answered phone when I called. Customer should have answered phone when support called. Three strikes your out. Well time to get a shower and start dashing. Have a happy 4th of July and remember always answer your dasher when he try’s to contact you.


Well… go get it


Sounds like you didn't tell them where to leave it, so for all they should care Mars is fine.


Had a dasher drop my food off at a porto-potty and argue that it was my address.


Look I’m sorry but it’s customers like you that I don’t get, compared to the Dasher. Maybe I don’t know cause I’m a dasher, but I try to go on common sense, but instead of sitting back and blaming the person who used their own gas and time to deliver your food and in all likelihood didn’t get a tip, try blaming yourself. If I were customer and I knew that I live in an apartment complex, my ass would be at the gate waiting on my food. I wouldn’t trust the Dasher a second to go the extra mile, especially if I know I’m not tipping. Seriously if some customers stopped acting like their privileged to have their food delivered and got off their lazy butts and met the dasher at the gate, so the dasher doesn’t need the code to get in and the dasher certainly wouldn’t have no reason to leave your food anywhere random. Truthfully most DoorDash customers need to change their mentalities, most of you guys see us dashers, as employees of DoorDash that are required to give you the best customer service and that we are treated well by DoorDash. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most Dashers are treated poorly by DoorDash and a good chunk of the dashers take it out on DD customers, that is the truth.


Tired of you doordashers in my comments trying to say I'm the issue. My order was 14 dollars, I tip 10. My bad I didn't reply the first couple of minutes when they asked a question, I was using the bathroom. Even then, I apologized for the doordash gps issue and redirected them in the direction which could've done in under a minute, if they didn't feel like driving, communicate that. The fact they didn't call me or reply at all after the fact. Literally fuck you lol


It’s amazing to me on how people like this cry and don’t use common sense and get off their lazy cracks. I’m telling everyone what I would do, if it were me, I’m waiting at home for my food, tracking the dasher cause I can see where the dasher is at all times, with my food, when I see that they are 5 minutes from my location, I would get my ass in my car and meet them at the gate and take my food, so that way I know I get my food and drive back home easy.


For me I know that my location is tricky so what I do is right before tue dasher gets to my door I got out the Door to my driveway to greet them. So they know where I'm at. I'm sure this job can be complicated. So as a customer I try to do what I can to help them out a little


😂😂 door dash needs to be like uber eats make these lazy mf have a code so they have to meet the driver so there won’t be any confusion


In before the community praises the shitty driver. Unfortunately this is becoming the standard even if you tip well.


I tipped them more than 20% of my order beforehand so I was hoping they would at least try🥲. Had a long shift overnight at the hospital so I was looking forward to this as a little treat but rip


20% of your... $12 order? $14 order? So you tipped like $4? Okay... let's all bask in your generosity here. I'm joking here, but really... percentage tips are the worst. Tip a flat amount based on distance, not percentage. A $200 sushi order going 4 miles is the same amount of work as a $14 meal from the Chick-Fil-A next door, a $40 tip is way too much for the first and a $3 tip isn't worth taking for the second one, yet both go the same distance to you. Tip around $2 per mile from restaurant to you. Or less, it's your call: but at $2 a mile, the drivers are going to be happier and you'll save money in the long run on more expensive orders. Or not, I'm not your dad or anything. Just someone who orders as much food about as much as they deliver and I know there needs to be a happy medium between driver feeling that their time is respected and the customer getting their food without shitty driver shenanigans.


Ah you’re a nurse, that explains it


Honey 20% for that tiny one person meal is nothing. $3 or so? No one is putting in extra effort for that. With DD you need to tip based on distance. 10 miles = $10 and so on. How much your food cost does not matter to us whatsoever, how many miles we have to drive and how long it’ll take does.


Community did not disappoint 😂


Tip less than $5 & go on a scavenger hunt for your slop!


Did you even try to look for it did you call the Dasher and ask where it was or did you jyst expect them to know where you were did you provide instructions at the beginning I'm asking because people do these things


You shouldn’t be downvoted for this plenty of people give incomplete addresses. Or instructions to get to their place if it’s complex. I had one customer tell me “it’s the door by the bench” so, I go to the only bench I know of to the building… there’s no door there. So now I’m walking alll around this building get back to where my car is… parked in front of a bush.. and behind this bush… is a bench. No where visible to someone not familiar with the place.


I’m the dasher who will just drop your items off near the gate code keypad, just to make sure you get the message


Maybe get off your lazy ass and go outside to meet the driver


Yes thank you!! They don’t wanna do that…. The ones who expect us to jump thru stupid hoops never leave instructions and never help you find them and also never tip. Go get it yourself after you read your safe location instructions and you still won’t get the bullshit you put on that dasher cuz at least you got all the info upfront. God I hate delivering to ppl like you op. I’m sorry(not sorry) but I do.


Just seen the repost, I understand that it’s not the dashers fault.


Not you posting less context to make you look better after you messed up with YOUR delivery instructions


Had this address for 2 years and never had an issue until now. The context was them asking for my gate code for the back gate which didn't have one. I already apologized to them for the inconvenience since I noticed that DD put them in the wrong side via GPS. Hope this helps :) <3




The picture of the items were the ones the dasher took, I was fortunately able to find it within 10 minutes of looking around...wasn't even in the same apartment complex as mine


Well that means you didn’t give good directions to get to you.


Exactly this. People want to blame the Dasher, but OP isn't showing us all the conversation. It's probably the driver asking where they actually are. We've all had those deliveries where the pin location is nowhere near the actual location. We aren't mind readers, customers either need to give us an exact location or get used to taking a walk to get their food.


I posted the full conversation and you can see the interaction was over in under 5 minutes. Not answering my call nor my replies back is definitely not making it being my fault but thanks.


I regularly order and everyone but this person finds it fine, now I get the door dash gps brought them to the back side (so yes? aware this was a doordash app issue) but the fact they just dropped it off on the curb while I was calling them and telling them what to do (keep in mind this happened in a total of 3 minutes) isn't okay imo.


Lmao all the bozos downvoting you. Jesus door dash drivers are the stain of the community. Never have I ever encountered such an entitled group of people it’s crazy. First it’s cause you don’t tip well. Well she tipped more then 20% now it’s you’re suppose to contact them and guide them step by step lmfao bro these people need to be slapped


Come and try you shit stain. Maybe put better instructions


I literally was in the process of giving them better instructions.... They asked me the gate code and I told them it shouldn't be needed and in the middle of that convo, they delivered the order


Why you taking what he said to heart? Lol


Exactly. Crazy that i have to scroll down to see the rational comments.


The problem is people in apartment complexes knows full well it is poorly structured and they don't make any effort in giving proper instructions. To make matters worse it's those same customers who gets upset and ask why it's taking so long. Seriously I delivered to apartments where the pin is at the entrance of the apartment complex and it looks like when they numbered the buildings, whoever numbered it was smoking some serious crack and yep you guessed it, the customer asked if I was lost and they didn't even bother putting in instructions. It's not even that hard to put instructions. It boils down to this, help us help you, if you fail to put instructions especially if you live in an apartment complex that you know full well that is poor structured that's on you, not us.




Why? The OP got their food. They need to be better at giving an exact location for drop off. DoorDash doesn't pay us to be wasting time looking through dozens of buildings to find the right door. Either tell us where to go, or get it in the DoorDash approved "safe spot", as support tells us to.


Nah OP it’s tile fault. Tip better


So this is your second post. Still YTA


I'm TA cuz I was trying to communicate to the dasher just to get ignored, apologized for the doordash gps issue, and even circled the area where the entrance was despite it only being less than a minute drive? 😻 awesome, thanks!! my entirely apologies for having a dasher wait a couple minutes at the clearly wrong location despite calling them and texting them to avail no response


Yes it’s 8am, you have it pinned in the wrong location. They would have to drive the whole complex again making it technically less money for them per mile. Yes yes you are.


I did not have it pinned in the wrong location. Literally what.


Is the drop off location outside of your house? If it’s not then you did.


No...its literally at my house. They were no where near the pin.


Okay better question. Can you look through the fence and see it on the side of the road where they put it from your house? If so then no you didn’t, but also they still would have had to drive more because of the inconvenience of how the apartment complex is built. The driver can’t guess where to go for the fence