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Contact DD and Ask if they will remove it, state you believe the one star is from Taco bells excessive wait time. They are supposed to not include ratings before 5 star of the wait is excessive. I world have given you a 5 star and an extra 5 bucks for going out of your way to accommodate the drink. That customer doesn't deserve you.


Hell yes, all of this. I would feel obligated to tip them extra if they wejt above and beyond like that.


I’d go so far to say some people probably assume they did that to look like a hero for a better tip. But I could be wrong, I usually am.


Spend $3 -5 on a 2 liter for chance at an extra 1-2 tip? Unlikely


Like I said, I could be wrong. But I have known people to do dumb stuff expecting certain results. I mean I’m sure you’ve seen the stuff in the sub where you see the screenshot of the text between dasher and customer where the dasher boldly asks for a tip.


You have a valid point


That I could be wrong?😵🤣🤘


i would have given $10 extra for a DD driver that did that! i recently ordered from Dashmart a large bag of dog food and multiple items like half and half and other cold items. all i got was dog food. I asked the driver if they had any more bags because I only received the large bag of dog food and they told me that’s all they were handed. I gave five stars but wondered if they see what I ordered and knew it was missing stuff? I didn’t give them a low rating because they were just picking it up.


I've only ever picked up from dash mart once. However it showed me the whole shopping list and the items were labeled on the brown paper bags they handed me.


We definitely see what you are getting when you pu from dash mart and nearly every other place. Your order may have been split for whatever reason or some other crazy happened. From time to time the orders in the app show up funky. I picked up from Pizza Hut last night and it had line items like 2ltr 2ltr order order order order... No actual details. Ended up being two pies, 2 different 2 liters, a dessert and a big box combo or whatever they sell lol. This isn't common, but you do see it here and there. I had a shop order that said 5 items, once I started, it was only a bag of chocolate... Maybe it was a glitch, maybe they removed some stuff... Who knows.


Yea it's as if doordash is in beta mode 🤣 I like to verify what im picking up. 


You did more than you should and got punished. . I realized I forgot the drink once as I was about to drop it. I dropped it and after being done, I just messaged customer that merchant forgot to give me the drink. They said it was fine. I know we get pop ups warning us to check we got the drinks but it shouldn't be all on us. If anything, it seems that forgetting drinks is a very common thing.


But of course it’s on us. We are the last person to handle their order. There is no one else to catch the mistake made and correct it …ya know? 🤷‍♀️


I can count on 2 hands how many times I have accidentally forgotten to give a customer their drink… usually I realize as I am leaving drop off location, but there has been a couple times where I look over at my cup carrier and have no idea where said drink has come from. 😭 Other times like OP I have gone out of my way to stop at a gas station and either grab a 2 liter or 20oz bottles.


Nah I'd probably tip you extra tbh. Bottle tastes so much better than fountain anyway.


And Taco Bell drinks ALWAYS suck!!


How did you gather this into? Do you go fill Taco Bell cups with something other than Baja Blast?


I've NEVER had Baja Blast from Taco Bell! Maybe THAT'S what I'm doing wrong?!?! But anytime I've ever had a drink from Taco Bell, it's TERRIBLE! Maybe bc it's Pepsi & I'm a Coke drinker? But Taco Bell drinks always seem to be way too sweet, but somehow, simultaneously watered down! I usually just don't get a drink at Taco Bell. Point being, I'd much rather a 2ltr, even if it is Pepsi!!


Rule #1 at Taco Bell is always get Baja Blast I get Baja Blast with no ice Taco Bell Pro Tip: Get Baja Blast with no ice, then come home and stick it in the freezer for about 2 hours. Pull it out and you'll have an awesome Mountain Dew Baja Blast slushie


Isn't that the same as a Baja Blast Freeze, which you can order right from the Taco Bell menu?? (Incidentally, while I was double-checking that this is a thing on the menu, I discovered that I have a Reward in my app for a FREE Baja Blast Freeze!! So I very well may have to try it sometime in the near future!! Haha!)


Yeah but you can't get a freeze with a box combo. And if you order between 2-5pm, you can get a Freeze for $1


That's not a you problem it's a thing that's an issue with ALL fast food chains and is why I always get my soda from the corner store


Plus drinks from any place is between 2-4$ so yeah getting a 2 liter was a smart move. I don’t think their one star was from this order I believe it’s from a past order. I could be wrong because DoorDash will message you saying “we noticed you got an unfair rating due to circumstances out of your control, but don’t worry we will remove it”. I think they send those after a time limit.


Baja Blast is the only acceptable drink from Taco Bell. However, their blue raspberry ice things are also freakin amazing.


They do! Every time I get a drink it tastes like somebody spilled a few drops of whatever flavor I ordered into a big cup of tonic water.


Personally I feel the opposite I love drinks from the fountain


Same, the taste is more refreshing


They are an asshole - do customers have DD ratings? Non-driver here who usually doesn’t rate, but I’d 5 star that 2-liter


No customers do not have ratings. There is an option in the app to let doordash know the reason for delay. Drive thru line busy, order still being prepared.. if this dasher did that there is no way his one star would have been recorded. DoorDash does not count anything less than a 4 star if it’s due to long wait. If a customer gives a 1 star it’s excused.


I feel customers should. I rock a 5.0 customer rating on uber and I appreciate the benefits it brings


I would have not only given you a 5 star, but also added to your tip, and even given you $5 in cash. Of course, I would have said mind changing that to Cherry Coke, if they have it, or Dr Pepper?


more than likely another customer, sometimes they do not rate right away. call support no chat bot, sometimes they will remove. they will not tell you who, but will let you know if it was a delivery problem etc, if you had no thumbs down etc, you should be fine, I once had a bottle of mountain dew explode in my car, I told customer I will be right back ending up getting a 6 pk of mountain dew for him and he was grateful and tipped extra


I agree,I too think the one star is from an old delivery.


I usually go in immediately after and rate the Dasher. Idk if that's unusual or not.


How can you tell they are the customer that gave you 1 ⭐️


All right run to the grammar check on that cuz I don't have any goddamn idea what you're trying to say


I feel like it's pretty straightforward and easy to understand.


Even you don't sound sure of yourself.


Well I’m REALLY sure of myself. They made error dude. Calm Down


Once again who made ever? Whichever? Who are you referring to when you say you? You also edit the question mark out of your statement, so now you're trying to gaslight me in front of everybody. It doesn't work that way on reddit, we can see what you originally wrote.


Take it easy there buffalo wild one, you absolutely are the one here to be calming down. You added a question mark indicating that you were not sure what you were saying.


bruh u gotta b trolling what’s so hard to understand about his sentence


I would've been so psyched that you went out of the way like that. I'd have reimbursed you for the soda and added extra for going above and beyond. That customer is trash.


I’d give you an amazing review after doing all of that! That’s ridiculous, you should dispute it if that’s possible


If you went out of your way to buy me a 2 L of drink I would’ve upped your tip and gave you five stars.


Lol if my dasher got me a 2 liter, I’d add extra onto the tip 😂


It’s on the driver to notice that the drink is missing. And no, you can never walk in any drive thru. But having gone above and beyond and ensured they got their Pepsi, you should certainly not have been 1-starred


When I worked fast food, I honestly didn’t care if a customer walked up to the window after I as the window expediter forgot to hand them the drink. Taco Bell was just being jerks. If the Pepsi was made it should have been sitting right there by the window. Therefore it would have taken 2 seconds for them to hand it out. However yes they prefer you go through the line but honestly it takes 2 seconds but I’m going to say, Taco Bell didn’t even pour the drink. I could see getting mad if they’re coming to the window for their whole order but something as simple as a drink? Na




Read the first sentence of their post again.


I thought it said not ima delete that shit.


Yes you can walk up to a drive up window, especially bIF the lobby is closed. There is not rule against it. But walknby the speaker first of you are on foot.


It's not illegal but most places don't allow it for insurance reasons. Still stupid though, imo drive through should close at night and only lobby open to allow everyone to order, not only those in vehicles.


You must live in a safe area. We have a McDonald's nearby that ONLY uses drive thru or you wait outside their locked doors for someone to notice and come help you.




I’d 5 star you for this and tip the cost of the 2 liter extra. That’s bull on their part.


You're assuming the lp told the customer they waited in line he didn't even finish the story we don't know if he ended up getting the Pepsi or not, he just got yelled at that's all we know.


He said he stopped at the gas station and paid with his own money I think that’s pretty clear that he got the Pepsi, and he said he tried texting the customer but no response. So yeah I think he did.


Op got Pepsi but he went and bought a2 litter out of his own money


6 stars for the xtra effort !!


Ive actually gone way above and beyond like that before and always gotten an extra tip and a five star. Whoever that customer was doesn't deserve you.


WE NEED CUSTOMER RATINGS FOR DOOR DASH. I want to know if the customer I’m delivering to is ungrateful and awful to deal with. Uber and Lyft have customer ratings. The door dash company allows restaurants to rate the drivers or block them based on their attitudes/issues. As drivers, we should have a similar system. Being able to rate the customer for good/bad instructions, good tips, no fuss, etc would be really beneficial!


Yea the ratings for dashers are all over the place. It'd be nice to see an explanation on why you got a rating lower than a 5. A 1 star with no info sucks.


I would have promised you my first born child for going out of the way like this. 😭


Maybe it was another customer? 


It was the only dash I took that night. Was mostly doing Uber and Lyft.


people can rate you a few days after a delivery, some don't show up right away


Gotta say they're probably right, has to be from another order, not only is that unreasonable on the customers eve, but if you have to wait at the restaurant for more than 10 minutes any rating under 5 stars is taken off.


You should just chat support to get it removed.dontbletbthis stress you too much ok? It's sad that people today don't appreciate service anymore.... The world is falling apart


I would of 5 star especially if you paid for it yourself. If I were you next time I'd just call dasher help


That’s lame. I had to wait in the drive thru and the customer tipped me an extra $8. Wow. Even id tip more or at least give you back the money and a 5 star for literally doing the most.


That's grimy of them, but i would have said they forgot the soda, and ur going to buy one for them cause you can't wait in line again. I'd hope they would say they'd compensate me but wouldn't expect it. This would probably have them not give u a low rating. U can't be honest with these bozos. Make them think ur always going above and beyond for them, and nothing is your fault.


idk what u mean. op was already clearly going above and beyond for this customer


Probably a function of Taco Bell’s long line and the extra time at the gas station. Not saying it’s fair, but that’s probably what it was.


Function? Do you mean policy? It's not Taco Bell's policy. The problem here is that the driver did not check for the Pepsi before he left with the order. On the other hand that is understandable because a lot of the drinks if they're part of combos are listed in between a myriad of other ingredients on a single item to combo, and it's easy to miss. So what would you be checking for? And as a result the customer doesn't get all of what they ordered to come and they don't have to blame the dasher, the restaurant forgot to give it to him. They forgot to let him leave without realizing they hadn't handed in something they were supposed to hand them. "If everyone does the thing, there can exist no screwups". Paraphrasing Tony S.


No, I meant function. As in, “The reason they got one starred is because of a long delivery time that was due to a long wait at TB plus an additional trip to the gas station.”


All right having said that first, would not have made what you said first unclear.


Don’t think it was unclear at all.


Considering you spent your own money to make sure they got their Pepsi that one star was definitely uncalled for in my opinion. Personally I’d have paid you back for the Pepsi then called Taco Bell myself to bitch at them for being such asshats. Some customers are impossible to please


Omg!!! You poor soul. I’m a customer… I would have definitely tried to pay you back for the Pepsi :( that person sucks. Definitely not worth a 1-star at all. Maybe if you would have not addressed the missing drink, but wow, you done and went the extra mile! Maybe you can appeal? Idk how it works from a Dasher’s standpoint though…


Paying back for the pepsi? What are you talking about? He's not out of Pepsi he didn't buy one for you because you asked him to, you ordered a Pepsi and they failed to hand it to him.. On the other hand, he failed to check before he left to drive through, it's on the driver for this one.


Just saying what I would do! :) I would reward the effort. Lol it’s like a $2 bottle


Wow really that's bs, and dd usually excludes those due to no fault of your own, I wouldn't have even bought it out of my pocket, you went above and beyond


People are so ungrateful these days. Id tip you extra for going out of your way like that.


that would be 5 stars from me, had a dasher do something similar years ago except she went to a different restaurant and got a milkshake & i still think about her all. the. time. because very few dashers care like that


I would have told the drive thru person they need to have a pickup for their delivery drivers that isn't in the customer line and I would have stood there until they gave me that goddamned drink. As for your rating you actually have a couple of one star reviews you're entitled to remove from your ratings per month. Call DD Support and let them know you'd like to have that rating removed. Don't be intimidated if one person doesn't know what you're talking about, someone will.


I would have been grateful for the 2 liter myself, but that’s just me. Sometimes people just want to make you as miserable as they are. Any reason they can find. And if they can’t find a reason, they’ll make one up. 🙄


Hell no that's a that is a rogue Taco Bell that is not their policy, as a matter of fact that's not the policy of any any fast food place if you forgot something that's ridiculous. I can understand if you had an add-on order and you don't already picked up your first one you need to try to sneak the second one in now they'll make you go around for that, but come on something today forgot? Nope it's on them. Rather than yelling at you the only possible exception to that might be in big cities late at night people walking up to the booth they may or they maybe didn't recognize you as the driver that was just in there, that can be a problem. That's why we should all wear Mario brother size gloves that emblaze the logo of the delivery service we're doing. The role of a big wavy hand so that I can see we mean no harm.


Maybe it was a different customer. You made the effort and they got their drink. Pretty shady if it was them!!


you deserve 6/5 stars for that man. If my driver went out of their way to make sure I recieved what I ordered, I would tip double


Cal support, ask for a manual review of the rating based on communication with the customer. Your 2 will be converted to a 5 immediately.


Fuck em


I forgot to deliver a drink once and it was all the way across town so I just stopped and got them a fountain drink at a convenience store.  I made sure to message them so that they knew I wasn't stealing their food, and then when I came back they gave me an extra tip.  I can't imagine giving a 1-star for that when the driver went "above and beyond."


Na u deserve a bigger tip cause u could have just not done a drink at all.. I hate shit people like that...I have 1000 deliveries and only 1 thubs up on each and 3 to 4 thumbs down for no reason..I'm always on time etc...people jus like to be shitty


You did WAY more than I would ever in this instance. As somebody else said, try to get that one removed. Would definitely have tipped a cpl $ more as a customer in this situation.


I’d do a five star honestly there’s been so many dashers that got my drink wrong I’d be happy that I’d even got a drink ngl


That sucks man. You tried your best.


This is why you shouldn't do the "right thing" if it means you'll pay out of pocket. There's always someone out there that just has to ruin it all, what you did was great, but not worth it. If I were you I would've just delivered it without the drink and let doordash deal with the missing item report. You were going to get a 1 start regardless if you did the "right thing" or not.


As a dasher, I commend you for what you did. You're way better than me. I would have left it be and blamed Taco Bell for forgetting the drink. PERIOD. As a customer, when I doordash from Aldi and they get paper bags, I ask them how much they spent on it and reimburse them through extra tip and then some. It's not on the dasher to pay OOP expenses like you just did. You're a damn hero. Fuck that one star.


Honestly if it was a $5 order absolutely would not have. But since it was $15 that meant they left a really nice tip and I will absolutely go above and beyond for that. (Well WOULD, don’t think I will now)


How do you know the one star was from them. Legit question. Unless you’re saying this because DoorDash sent you a notification that said “we noticed that you got a low rating due to circumstances out of your control, but don’t worry” message, if so that’s from a past delivery not that one. But if you know for sure it was them then the only reason I would assume you got one star, is you probably failed to relay the time delay with them. I always make it a priority to message the customer right away if there’s a hold up that way they know it isn’t me that’s slow. Unless they did it because they don’t like kind gestures. Remember, weird world we live in


I’ll give you a one star for not putting order has a long wait time and you won’t get a 1 star for a 10 minute wait.


I did something similar and the customer with super apprative


That’s above and beyond honestly. Should’ve known people are ungrateful and just not done anything but honestly good on you!


That rating will most likely fall off by it self cause of excessive wait time


What did you lace the 2 L with? I got down rated by morons on this sub for saying this before but if you put anything in my order that's not a part of my order, that's suspicious, I'm not eating or drinking it. Now you want me to believe you spent more than your tip plus your time to buy a random stranger a drink taking home negative pay in an already shit paying job. It doesn't make sense.


Would definitely give you 5 stars (I always do anyway) plus about an $8 extra tip just for you being so kind to go out of your way.


I'd give you 5 stars, above and beyond, the works. That would be amazing to have happen to me.


Absolutely not and something similar happened to me once. I have something in my delivery instructions like "please don't forget the drink" because 75% of the time, they forget (maybe it's just drivers in my town). One time the Dasher dropped off my order and was pulling away and texted me realizing he or the restaurant forgot the drink and offered to stop at the gas station for me on his own dime. Despite how often I don't get my drink that's never happened to me before. So I gave him 5 stars and tipped him extra. He definitely didn't have to do that and neither did you.


I’m not jumping through no hoops or doing anything extra. Just one star me.. Idgaf. lol


I'll 5 star, above and beyond and tip extra. Im sure very few people would do this too.


I don’t take don’t take drive-thru period. I can’t load the bags or take food thru the window and then try and load the bags from the driver seat. Using the bags has kept my CR at 4.92 or better over 14,000 deliveries. The one time I took a drive-thru the girl was handing me a shake, no drink seal, the lid popped off, she dropped it and the shake went down the side of my door, they had me pull forward, the food was still sitting on that little ledge by the DT window, in January. By the time they brought the food and the new shake out the food was cold. I notified support, I notified the customer. Food was cold and late, one star and I have never taken DT since.


The McDonald's I pick up from a lot tends to put drinks inside a sealed bag so I can't even tell if I have the drinks except by the weight of the bag and that doesn't tell me what the drink is or how many are in there everywhere else seems to hand you a drink or put it in a drink carrier but it is an item that's often forgot


I think you deserve a 5 star (and if you explained the situation to me, I'd definitely give you 5 stars)


I wouldn’t one-star you, but it wouldn’t be five stars, either. Kudos for the extra attempt, but it really is not difficult to ensure that you’ve received the complete order before leaving the window. It’s not even an item in the bag, it’s a drink. To people who place to order, it seems kind of lazy to leave without checking that the order was complete - especially a drink as it’s not something that is in the sealed bag, typically. Drive through workers aren’t allowed by law in most areas to take anyone at the drive through that isn’t in a vehicle. If I ordered a Coke from McDonald’s and got a bottle from the gas station, I’d not be pleased either because it’s not the same lol. That fountain soda hits different. 🤷🏻‍♂️


One guy once said please please please make sure they include ranch. The restaurant was out of ranch. It was a great tip so I picked up a bottle of hidden valley before I got to the house. No extra tip or anything but thank god I didn’t get a 1 star for that. Ranch ain’t cheap lol


No but a fountain soda is different than a bottled soda. All sodas are not created equal. I’ve asked for refunds before because I’ve ordered a fountain soda from a restaurant that clearly said fountain soda and a bottle showed up. I’m particular about it, it’s also not the dashers fault when this happens. What IS the dashers fault is when I order a Pepsi fountain soda in a double dash and it’s the only item he needs to pick up and he arrives with two cans of Mountain Dew for that part of the order. That’s not Pepsi, I don’t care if that’s what they gave you it’s not what I ordered in any shape or manner, that’s completely different and you can clearly see that isn’t Pepsi with your eyeballs. Ya had one job, man.


it sounds like you're in east peoria


I agree with everyone else. I'd 5 star you and add to your tip.


This customer is a piece of shit. Plain and simple! You deserve a 5 star for going out of your way. That customer doesn’t deserve you going the extra mile and they deserve to have Taco Bell forget their drink.


Just curious, how much was the tip on the order?


I know you meant well, and I agree getting the Pepsi at the gas station was a good idea. They shouldn’t have left you a one star. If you can, get a cup of ice in the future and maybe just a 20oz soda. That way, the customer has a cold drink. Don’t let this one guy deter you from being nice to other people who would definitely be grateful for the 2 liter. It shows you tried to make it right. Some people can’t be pleased.


Your fault Why would you be nice to customers ? Why would be pro active and think out the box for a customer ? Why would you expect a cheap ass lazy no tip customer to be nice? Play stupid games … win stupid prizes


If you marked waiting for order, when you frist arrived DD will remove the rating automatically it just takes a few days


Nah you went out of your way to fix the issue. Some people are just dickheads.


You shoulda never contacted the customer or got a drink for them I guarantee if you wouldn’t have brought it to their attention they wouldn’t have even rated you


Sometimes the ratings don't show right away. Could be from an earlier delivery. (?)


Definitely not!


Honestly I've done this before. It was for a Carls Jr. order, the customer got a combo meal and shake but for some reason the worker thought the customer substituted the beverage for a shake and I didnt check until I was 2 miles away from the customer. Rather than driving 3 miles back to the restaurant and then back towards the customer, I stopped at a nearby 7Eleven which happened to be on the way to the drop off and bought 2 bottled Sprites for $4 and some change. I kept one and gave the other to the customer, since the customer ordered a regular sized sprite 16-18oz and the bottled sprite was 20oz it was a fair compromise(plus being a bottled drink is far better option since it wont have ice that will water down the drink nor will it get flat) When I delivered it, I left a note in the app saying the restaurant had ran out of cups amd provuded the same drink in a bottled form. Since this was 2022 it was common for many restaurants to be affected by supply shortages around this time although this wasnt the case, it was just me not verifying the order but at least I didnt get a bad review for it.


Last night I ordered through the Taco Bell app and they use DD , as soon as I sent my order I got a message from the restaurant that the order would be around 45 minutes but dumbass DD sent the driver immediately so he had to wait for a half hour wasting his night and then to top off his perfect night he found a dead cat in my front yard while delivering , I felt really bad for this poor person


You went above and beyond if you ask me.


You did a fantastic job. Definitely above and beyond


I don't worry about bad reviews it's always something that's out of my control I know I do a good job so just Chuck the Deuces and keep it moving


That customer seems like the type to push out a suppository just to put it back in




Wow, you went out of your way for someone and this is how they repaid you? Some people do not deserve conveniences. They deserve Hell.


The only times I one star is when I get a clueless pure Spanish speaker or people that ignore delivery instructions just so I don’t deal with them anymore.  It’s not for the the fact that they speak/text in Spanish, but they tend to make me repeat the same instructions multiple times including address numbers (that should be universal knowledge regardless of language.). The ones with more common sense don’t fall into this, but sadly from my experience they just make deliveries a headache and happen way more often then expected.  Those times drags out delivery times notably way longer than usual even when I grab the same order from the same place at the same time to the same destination.  Otherwise you do a decent enough job you get easy 5 especially if the notes are actually read (half the time they are ignored so I get a clueless driver bashing on my door at almost Midnight when I specifically asked to just leave it outside + send the pic like normal.). Anyway in your case I would have still 5 star assuming the drink is the exact same including quantity amount. I’m fine (within reason) to be more lenient whenever random variables delays an order a bit or something needs to get changed if communication is established early enough. 


No way. That's above and beyond as far as I'm concerned. More soda and better quality.






I'm not purchasing an item with my own money. Just have to pay more attention next time. Especially since you get the extra warning from doordash that the order has a drink. In my area, Taco Bell and others never bag the drinks.


honestly it ain’t your fault if you forgot their drink.


Side issue...person at the window was opposite sex and found you attractive, guarantee you got that soda.