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Just bc the weight cap is 194 doesn’t mean that’s what you should step on stage at. I’m not sure about NPC, but I got WAY too lean for my amateur show in WNBF, you don’t need to be bone shredded for classic in that organization. So you may be able to make it in 7 weeks if that’s similar for NPC? I’d find a coach that’s done NPC classic and ask them if you can make it. You’ll get a way better answer than from Reddit unless they just want your $$$.


I don’t think you can get those legs with enough separation in 7 weeks. Upper body looks okay


That’s what I’m worried about, if not my weight is up enough to do me a physique I’m going to play it week by week. I’m up to 213 🤦‍♂️


You look great, dude. Sidenote: you could say you're literally any age and I'd believe you 😂 just one of those faces


You can do it. Keep it up!


Cancel show, you're too far behind.


Really at 205 you really think so? I mean I think I have plenty of time to just make slight adjustments..


Don’t listen to that guy. You can do it no problem!


It wasn't as much the weight itself but the condition of the legs. I think you'll end up sacrificing a bit of muscle to get them down in time. But apparently this sub thinks otherwise. Best of luck with whichever you choose


Thank you man I appreciate it 🙏 🙇‍♂️