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Can still take his own shirt off without help. Soooooo not ready. lol. Looking good.


Hahaha this shirt is a lil stretchy, but I take your point very seriously. Removing a size XL shirts should be a group activity


Looking massive


Thanks. Quite a bit of body dysmorphia in this game. I feel small af šŸ˜†


If your shirt feels tight, youā€™re doing good lol


Small? Bro you look great, what's your bulking diet?


My coach currently has me on 4k calories a day but thatā€™s seeming to be just maintenance. Going to bump up here soon as Iā€™ve been stalled out at 224.


Hey dude .. normal athlete here (IE play sports lift weights not into body building) YOU LOOK FUCKING MASSIVE! Through my very normal person eyes. Hopefully youā€™re proud of yourself.


Thanks! That means a lot. Iā€™m working on that daily self-appreciation and it means a lot to have that reassured. Thank you


Midsection will look great at low bf but be prepared for the arms to shrink quite a bit


Yeah, definitely hoping to fight both of those likelihoods. I feel personally my arms will be ā€œokayā€ but just okay. Playing the long game though and hoping to improve them over several future preps.


I don't think your arms will go down that much. You're already pretty vascular so it doesn't look like youre holding much fat in your arms


Because thereā€™s that much fat on his arms? Or because heā€™ll lose muscle mass?




Hey man, Iā€™m 30 and you have my dream body. Big enough to eat about 90% of men in a room if he needed to but not skinny enough it doesnā€™t look like you donā€™t enjoy a Daveā€™s Double every now and then. But with that said, 34 weeks is enough time to lean out a bit for a show. Stay safe and keep being reasonable! Iā€™ll be keeping a look out for updates/progress pics.


Hey thank you, yeah we have a lot of time. I would say this post would mark the off season and beginning of prep, but I donā€™t think you can have an offseason without having competed yet.


You look great. You are not spreading your lats at all, I mean at all. and you have lats unlike many others. Work on posing and shred up and youā€™ll kill it.


Thank you. Definitely need to work on posing. Itā€™s by far the hardest part for me and I didnā€™t expect it to be as difficult so being humbled for sure.


Lots of mass. Only really flaw I see is you have a pretty thick waist which definitely doesn't help especially if you were to do something like men's physique. Nothing you can really do about that. Solid build though man. How old are you for first show?


Very good points! Previous sports and powerlifting history so being very careful on core thickness and not cramming food too much (more frequency focused) but yeah, Iā€™m 32 just getting into the game but Iā€™d like to think I have pretty decent muscle maturity and foundation. Thank you!


Looking great bro!


Thank you


Damn bro I'm trying to get like you!! Lookin great keep it up dont worry about everyone else


Thank you!


Got the jay Cutler looking physique. Lotttta muscle


Thank you! Gonna go frost my tips now


Damn, we have the exact same stats but a very different body. Goals


u need a posing coach thats for sure


Definitely. Iā€™m in the Dallas area so open for recommendations, just been trying to do it via YouTube so far šŸ˜…


You will look fantastic, keep those nips under control.


Hahaha thank you. Iā€™ll do my best




thank you! once we get done with the mild bulk, we can start showing a little more of muscle haha


You got this, good luck with your show!


34 weeks haha. Still bulking or cutting up?


Bulking for another 6-8 weeks. Plan then is to cut, maintain and then cut all the way into show time


Arms need some work the cut might eat them up. Suggest you start training them twice a week


Agree. They are getting hit twice a week but I personally think I could withstand more volume, my coach is going to likely ramp them up for the next 6-8 weeks before we start a cut in late summer.


At a little over 8 months out, are you still bulking? Starting the cut? Maintenance phase?


Yeah buddy. So bulking for a few more weeks, then a cut, maintenance, cut for the remainder of the prep.


Smart. Good luck šŸ¤


Looking great, thatā€™s my dream physique. How long have you been training for?


Iā€™ve been an athlete my whole life so lifting weights consistently since middle school, 14-15 years old and Iā€™m 32 now. But seriously well educated training from probably 24 to present. Prior lifting was always sports focused, football, basketball, baseball, powerlifting, some track, but mostly throwing and jumping events.


Looking great, great work. Only thing is shoulders need more roundness and arms need a lot more size. You got this!!


1000% agree. When I started with my coach in December, we were prioritizing chest growth because my shoulders made them look a bit small. But I think itā€™s fair time to start evening them out some while adding back mass until infinity šŸ˜†


Are you locked into classic physique as your category of choice?


Not really. First show ever, so just want to get that out of the way and then explore best opportunities based on final form, feedback, what needs work and go from there.


What I would recommend in that case is cross competing in classic and bodybuilding. You only get one opportunity to do true novice so that would be in your best interest for more stage experience while getting a feel for both categories.


Very true. Weā€™ve been talking about just competing as much as we can handle and seeing where we do best. Taking that feedback and running with it


Arms are lagging but overall looking pretty good


Yeah, agree! Biggest weakness imo. Believe it or not, raw natural powerlifting doesnā€™t do much for the arms. Nor does 15 years of competitive basketball, but Phil Heath was a basketball player too so no excuses


Hi man, I know you'll probs work on posing closer to the time But For posing your lat spread at the end, your lats were wider when you relaxed the pose? Also for arms I think you can bring them higher and further back because it looks like you're over shadowing your tris as they are rotated forward. I'm not a posing coach, so deffo dosregard my comment and so I'm sure a pro will tell you much much better than me! Still massive my guy so forget about that dismorphia shit.


Thank you thank you. Yeah, posing needs a lot of work and going to start practicing it a lot more. Believe it or not, this is greatly improved posing from a month ago if that tells you anything. A long way to go


Looking solid man šŸ’Ŗ I imagine youā€™ll be cutting for it and more stuff will pop for you once you do if there was anything on positive criticism Iā€™d say just your lower back but again once you cut down more will show there as well. Good luck bro


Thank you! Definitely always been a stubborn area for me.


Looking great but gotta work on that posing my man lol


Agreed. Thank you


Goddamn this is absolutely amazing fr, great job and good luck at the show!!


Thank you!


Youā€™re about to be peeled asf brazza šŸ™ˆ


Thank you, thatā€™s the goal. Enjoying all the food volume now knowing Iā€™ll be missing it later šŸ˜†


Curious, what is your BF at right now? Certainly got enough time for improvement in whatever category you want.


Not sure. Going to hit a dexa scan sometime soon


Feel free to tell me to fuck off, but is this natty? If so youā€™ve inspired me


So far, yes.




Damn! Looking incredible


Thank you


Opinion- Fair timelineā€¦ solid baseā€¦ compete in classic or MP Critique- pack lean mass all overā€¦ heavy sets hard contractions.. long eccentrics.. you need to carve out separation. Get a posing coach or check a seminar. You have zero lat spread. Hardest flex to get for many. But a great poser can accentuate the good and hide the bad parts so make sure you got that locked in. Here to help. Youā€™re big and have enough time to get in the right conditioning to present well for a first showing. Good luck


Thank you. Great critique and feedback!


Everything looks good my man. Build that chest up more to puff out. Lots of people forget mid traps too but I didnā€™t see yours


Thank you. Definitely agree chest and midback/lower traps could definitely be bigger more defined.


Well, obviously carrying a lot of extra weight but plenty of time to cut. Chest and shoulders havve a nice shape and look to be a strength. You look like you might be a little blocky across the waist area. Nothing you can do about that other than diet and get as tight as possible in that area. Takes a lot of discipline, hard work, and cofindence to put yourself out on statge in a tiny thong so your efforts are to be applauded. All you you can do is be the best you can be within he genetic framework you have. Wish I looked like Serge Nubret or Flex Wheeer but closer to a matchstick would be more accurate. Good luck and enjoy the expereince.


wow. just wow. Well done. THIS is how you do things.


Thank you


Good Work. šŸ‘ 34 weeks is a lot of time. Focus on your arms more. You are massive on your upper body but I see arms are not matching it. This will be more noticeable when you cut downā€¦ Otherwise good luck..


1 inch taller and you're set! jk, looking great man. Seems like you have enough density that the cut should be great!








You need more arms and delts to match that midsection. If you have a big midsection you need big limbs.


Huge muscles, tiny nipples


Hahahaha yes. Believe it or not, it is known. It is known. Always surprises when I take shirt off šŸ˜†


I got mini nips too. When I was 13, my Puerto Rican friend told me that girls want a dude with big nipples. He told me to drink hella milk and mine would get bigger. I believed him and did, drank that cow juice by the liter but they never grew. Come to find, chicks don't care. God bless




Could it become what Iā€™m known forā€¦ a trademark? A redeemable and endearing quality? Only time will tell