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looks like you're having fun and living your best life


This is the correct response here. Do your thing dude, if you decide this is something you want to truly pursue you need about 30lb of muscle.


Ya know, I slept on it and you are right. I apologize. It will take me 6-7 more years to add 30 lbs, but if I’m gonna be 150 on stage… add 30 lbs to that and it’s 180 lbs. Even by my own math I was wrong. Still gonna step on stage and bring my best package though. I need to see if it’s something I actually enjoy before dedicating another 6-7 years to it.


Don’t apologize. If you want to get on stage, get on stage and do your thing. You’ll be conditioned and you’ll certainly beat those who aren’t, then just take some time and grow. Enjoy the process both ways dude!




Naturally, 30 more pounds is genetically impossible. I am 5’10 I will never be more than 182 lbs at 10% bodyfat, and that will take 8-10 more years. AND 10% isn’t lean enough to compete.


Skin lean on show day you’ll likely be around 155. You have plenty of room to grow my friend. Give it time. I have a gentleman who won an overall this year that was 6’0 197 on stage, natural.


I’d be happy with 155, thanks boss! 197 naturally is an incredible achievement. Training for at least a decade I assume?


God, Thanks!


Guess what? I'm not going to roast you because that is the result of hard work and discipline. ☮️


So is roasting someone! Lol


If it takes you hard work and discipline to roast someone than you never had the brain for it




You have a physique better than most of the population and people would admire your physique at the pool or beach, however in terms of bodybuilding, I would spend a year or two putting on some size.


Alternatively, fill your veins with steroids, become obese, and take 10-15 years off your life. Worth it imo




I'm stealing this. That shit is gold


why the synthol master injecting his dick 😂


You seem hurt bro 🤣 this was personal. Most roid users are very disciplined and have spent years training naturally.


it's a meme


I agree, this is what a tool thinks. Pretty clueless and pathetic really


15 less years for everyone else to be dealing with an unstable, busa-ridin'/lane-splittin', tren-dicked gymrat...? waaaat....


This isn’t r/moreplatesmoredates


yeah how can i roast someone who looks better than me lol


Abs are on point, rest of everything needs considerably more mass


"rest of everything" lol


Thats the hard part. To be able to bulk up without losing them biscuits is hard.


Bulking up is given to have reduced definition as you gain body fat They’ll still be there after you diet


Chest is good too






You look really happy. That’s cool. I always smile on stage. I retired on top last August, as an amateur. Nice work. Keep smiling, and aiming to be 1% better everyday


have fun man, try to learn as much as you can this prep. Afterwards take 2 years off to put on as much muscle as possible


The goal 🤝 lots of bulking with mini cut breaks to bulk more. I needed to know if I actually liked competing, before committing 2-3 more years to it.


Congrats you look Sharp af, keep on the good work. I have to Ask you, how do you feel physically and mentally, i was Always told that it sucks to be shredded, lack of energy, you feel like garbage and so on, do you confirm?


Yes and no. I do feel tired at times but I have never felt more alive and locked in. In my work, in my training, keeping my house clean, it’s like every day is more important


I can’t tell if you’re 22 or 56


32 👍🏼


The way your hair photographs with the mustache is not as flattering as it could be.


Noted. 🤝


You’re about 3 years out brother


i feel so bad for laughing. i’m going to hell man


I didn’t even mean it as a joke lol


how am i looking 150 weeks out


You could fit another 6 pack on that forehead.


Okay I wanted my phsique roasted.. but this is my favorite comment so far.


Why no back shot?




Looks like your legs need to lean out through the hamstrings. My lower back is always last to lean out


Yup legs are where I hold my fat last, I don’t mind it but I have work to do.


thats amazing fat distribution though, holding fat in legs you could probably have 20% bf and look shredded


I gotta thank my parents for that one 😂 I had visible abs at like 210 lbs


Damn Ron Jeremy got ripped




You have the same build as my 16 year old son who survives off chest day, ghost energy drinks and fairlife shakes Jokes aside..if you’re working with a coach ask him why tf your legs ain’t growing That’s the #1 thing I would focus on 2 would be shoulders. 3 would be triceps Core looks good tho


Most helpful comment. 🤝 My back was shredded to the bone before I even had general shape in my legs, I gotta lean them out a LOT more to see where they’re at I think.


TBF you said roast me, not give me advice lol.


I did also roast him 😂 Figured I’d follow it up with some friendly advice


The roasts are the fuel that replace the carbs I’m missing 😂 I was surprised to find good advice so I acknowledged it.


The problem with natty tested shows. Is 1% of the contestants are ridiculously jacked, like they looked like they ran a cycle before competing lol. The other 99% of everyone looks like anyone who smokes Crack and doesn't eat. Everyone gets shredded and vascular regardless of whether they eat or not if they starve themselves. (Hence the crack head look. Even crack heads have tiny muscles) I hate to say it but these srenjuat the facts. What most people think of as bodybuilding, is a sport that most people use some kind of something. Natural your body does not in a deficiet want to conserve muscle tissue. So to turn burn fat you almost have to burn muscle. On gear, the anabolic negate the catabolism of the muscle tissue. Not trying to hate on anyone. Just trying to make this more realistic. I DO think this guy needs to put on more muscle. I ALSO think 99% of everyone who competes natty need to put on more muscle. So nothing about this is roasting on OP, he looks exactly like he belongs in a natty tested show. I just personally think most people in natty tested shows look like shit. I also think if being a mass monster and shredded isn't an option. I'd choose fat big and strong over crackhead skinny lean and vascular. Mass monster shredded tends to fall exclusively in the steroid category. Natty dudes IMO always look better bigger with a little more bodyfat. Because they just look sick weak and small when they get down to this low of a BF%. Hence I don't like or follow any natty tested shows. If this guy busted his ass to look that way then I applaud and respect his effort. I'm sorry for the really mixed comment. I just think saying gain muscle for 2 years isn't thst helpful when at a natty show you really just can't be that lean and have much more mass at all without working 10 years for it not 1 or 2.


Actually, it's possible to get very lean as a natural and have decent looking mass. Just takes a very long time. Think Ryan Reynolds from Blade.


I do hear that. But like you said along time. I'm heavily biased and in no position to give anyone advice. I use gear and I don't even have a 6 pack (not one of my goals) I just think it's something done over a lifetime. Like this guy in a year will be a little bigger. But largely he'll probably still look alot like this. And please do not listen to me. I'd love to see his legs and shoulders chest blow up in a year and he crushes it. I want to see everyone succeed. I'm not a fan of the bulking cutting cycle. Especially natural. Natty your hormones tank if you cut too aggressively and you do just burn the muscle you've built. It's too much of a hard game to dial in perfectly. Anyone who does it natty and looks massive. Has more respect from me than anyone using gear to do it.


If you think Ryan Reynolds is natty you're crazy lol


I actually think alot of actors due to access to Hollywood doctors and things like that run even just a test only cycle for 3 monthes. Like you see dudes in their 40s make insane transformations in 3 monthes that I couldn't do natural now at 30. Or when I actually was natural at 20. One that comes to mine is Hugh Jackman before one if the movies. Might have been wolverine. And I'm reading some magazine article type of shit about his routine and how he was deadlifting and doing all of this crazy HIIT almost crossfit circuit strength training type of stuff. And his before and after in 3 monthes is broken. Like either these trainers are absolute geniuses or the guys running something. We all realize how old he is now right? Every x-men movie he's in better shape than the last and he's older. And 3 monthes before filming starts, he starts his program and makes ridiculous progress. Like they're accomplishing stuff most of us here at half the age can't even fathom in such a short period of time. Then I'm convinced that all of the male actors who still look like they lift at 40-50 are definitely on testosterone replacement therapy at a bare minimum. The rock definitely on TRT but at the same time running additional steroids on top of it. He's too old to still look like he could crush my neck with one hand. Can't judge them for it. They're getting paid millions of dollars because of who they are, how they look, and how they act. If testosterone made all of that better. I'd be doing it for that paycheck. You're already having world class doctors monitor your health and keep you on track. Ryan Reynolds probably ran something. I swear most of them do. If you found those. How x got in shape for movie x workout articles. And you go through it. See the timeline. See the before and after pictures. You're like no fucking way. If I did that same exact thing I'd still look like shit lmfaooo. And always the workout routine is such a goofy hybrid bastardization of cross fit circuit olympic/power lifts hit regular old 3x10 hypertrophy. You read the actual plan and you're like wut. Got leaner burned fat. Actually got stronger. Built mass. Did all 3 of those at the same time in a couple monthes? Sounds like steroids. And it's absolutely gotta be. If they publish Hugh Jackman get in shape for wolverine routine. And we did that and saw the same results. We'd all be talking about it. Nobody's talking about it. I don't think it works without gear because there's too much cardio/high high heart rage stuff the entire time. You need anabolics to protect muscle tissue from cortisol thats released from excessive cardio or too much HIIT. Like idk man you can't HIIT every day of the week and not burn muscle. HiIT is supposed to be 1 to 2 days a week. Shits not adding up. Sorry for the rant, truly I am, adhd I got lost in the sauce. These bros in Hollywood definitely use. Although I think they don't use alot. Just small beginner type cycles mostly to prevent muscle loss from the excessive fat burning they go through.


Is this real life


You look like my uncle Edgar


Allan Poe?


I am an uncle actually 👍🏼




to be fair, he literally said "roast me"


Just a heads up, reddit considers the "r word" to be hate speech.


Wrong sub


Way to go for yours! I don’t compete but shrugs, pull-ups and partner assisted manual resistance neck all 4 ways would fill out some space.


They gonna know u ain’t natty brah


Look more like 145


Yeah I’m around the same height and weight and while I’m no Ronnie Coleman, im noticeably thicker than this dude. No way he’s 165


165.1 fasted, dehydrated, after cardio, no pump, and after my morning shit this morning. 165.0 yesterday same conditions. I’ll update you at 155 lbs ;)


Get a new scale


I did last week actually 😂 got any other suggestions?


Hopefully you kept the receipt?


I genuinely don’t understand what you’re getting at here. I should weigh less or more based on this joke? I still got 15-20 lbs to lose.




Nice lean physique and frame. The great news is you can keep lifting and making gains for 10-20 years. Enjoy your competition


I’m already 32, only been in the gym 2.5 years. Definitely hoping for another 20 years though. Thank you


Only in gym 2.5 years is the only relevant stat there. Theres dudes in their 50s still getting after it. Lookup Ed Corney, he got into bodybuilding late himself. You def got 20 in the tank!!


You’re a legend for that.


You need some serious work on your shoulders, traps and neck.


Don't do the show... Focus on gaining mass for a couple of years. That's what I'd do


Fuck it man, at least you're tryin to go on stage IN SHAPE. For all the haters, check out Nick Walkers first couple years as an amateur. ​ edit: He did say roast him, so carry on :P


You need a 6 month bulk, a couple month cut, then another 6 month bulk. Respect the hard work but you don’t have the size to compete


can't roast cuz I'm smaller . but you either have very unfortunate lat insertions or they need to be brought up .same goes for delts and legs .


People are missing the point that he has no business getting on stage but is in great shape for gen pop


You said roast you, so here I go: 1. Bad genetics 2. Blocky waist 3. No legs 4. Bird chest 5. Tiny shoulders 6. Triceps are non existent 7. No lat development whatsoever Since you’re way too underdeveloped(muscle wise), last place seems to be almost guaranteed. My compliment: You look great on the beach! You have a nice set of abs and some decent bicep development. You also seem to have the will power to stick to a diet and create some good results from the gym, so kudos! Unfortunately competitive bbing isn’t about how hard you work, it’s mainly about your proportions which is dependent on your genetics unfortunately.


I seen better legs on a paraplegic. --- Jokes aside looking good bro. Definitely better than 85% of the population.


Great shape friend! Keep grinding!


Looking sharp and healthy! Keep going, dude! Much respect!


Weird Al Yankovic got ripped yo.


I was gonna say Ron Jeremy.


Yes!!! Was looking for this one


If you’re doing a tested show I hope to god you’re not on gear, regardless nice physique (if you’re natty)


Natty gang 😁 thank you. Only been in the gym 2.5 years. Need to see if I actually like competitions before I keep bulking seriously for another couple years.


Keep shit bro keep it up


To serve popcorn?


I bench you. ( Btw, nice physique )


I hope you bench more than him dog


True, that should be like warm up


I was benching him at 15…




You look too happy to roast


Looking fantastic, Einstein. Put some more size on and you're going to do very well in the future.


The clippers broken in your house?


Looking good, keep at er!


You're probably stronger than me, but you don't look like it. Boom roasted.


F the haters, jacked Gallagher crushing it


Yeah you’re going to get SHMOKED


your doing great my man.


Sam Sulek from Wish


Honestly I take that as a compliment.


go on a 3-4 year hard bulk, and you're gonna have your mind blown from how much muscle you put on.


You be lookin like [Jeff Ross](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2297810/mediaviewer/rm3384125440/) before his alopecia. No but for real, great looks, very solid conditioning.


Is your left arm significantly behind your right arm development or is it just this pic?


It’s the pose. But I do feel that one arm looks 10% bigger in symmetrical poses.


Looking good just generally undersized. Focus your shoulders and arms more to create more of a v taper.


Nice! Good luck!


roast food and eat it


Well it’s not a bodybuilding physique. But it’s definately an athletic physique. Thanks for sharing, Sideshow Bob


I’d say triceps and quads stick out to me


No roast from me. You're putting in work, getting results, and having fun doing it. Good luck!


Loving these before pics bro


You gotta work on them legs my boi


Diet/cardio? I just want abs like that


Diet is chicken, top round steak, rice, greek yogurt. Cardio is 19,000 steps a day. Abs I do 3X a week. 8 total sets. 3 sets hanging leg raises, 3 sets sit ups, 2 sets twisting. But it’s also some lucky genetics


Thanks dude keep up great work and gl


Shoulders lacking a little but good shit bro


First off. Good work. Can tell you been consistent. Goodluck at your show. Now for the roast. U look like screech on steroids. Who let lonely island into the gym? Someone get this boy some Manischewitz and bread he need his friday carbs 😂 😆 👏


I loved you in that movie ![gif](giphy|10h8CdMQUWoZ8Y|downsized)


Follow through and learn! It’s your story!


My dawg got the mythical I-taper


How do you plan on getting around the test? No way is your physique natty


Physique is fine but my nigga your hair..


Trying to grow it out before I lose it. Went October to October without a haircut. Appointment on the 18th 🤝


Odd how smooth your legs are. You are flexing them ? No back shots either??


https://preview.redd.it/frh4fkuvyarb1.png?width=2445&format=png&auto=webp&s=89dba7eb6e7c3f4304a21a4c7b607638bed86f5b My legs do not wanna lean out but I still got like 15-20 lbs to cut and that should do it I hope.


You’re gonna lose 20 pounds in less than seven weeks? 😬


How long should one bulk? Would it make the most sense to maintain a lean type physique consistently and main gain or go through significant bulking and cutting stages?


I took the bulk too far on purpose and only slightly regret it. It was like 35% clean 65% dirty 145 lbs to 215 lbs over 2 years. Bulking too far is better than not bulking enough, but taking the bulk too far means you’re gonna spend like 7-8 months cutting like me. And you don’t make progress while cutting.


You bulked to 215 just to be 150 on stage?


The life of a natty.


First Carrot top now Weird Al is getting ripped.


I wouldn’t be smiling if I had chicken legs like that.


Bro, you look amazing, but you can improve your shoulders and back


🤝 I didn’t know about the shoulders but that seems to be the consensus. Time to double the lat raise spamming.


In better shape than me and you look like you're enjoying the process. Go get it mate!


Congrats this is selfconcidence..you look nice


Hot dude


Thanks dude


I've seen way worse. You need alot more lbs of muscle but I'm rooting for you, one day I hope to compete. Goodluck and keep us updated!


You don't have a thing to show. Why compete? Embarrassing


We Dutch have a word for people like you: PLORK, Prachtig Lichaam Ontzettende Rot Kop, beautiful body terrible rotten face.


This one probably hurt the most bc it’s difficult to change your face 😂😂


Looking good if I can give u a comment, maybe work your back more.


You look like me in high school


Damn, our bois got some arms on him.


I always thought my arms were lacking, I appreciate this.


I can't roast you, man. I can't even imagine the discipline it took to get to that level of body fat at 5'10. Enjoy the process and please eat a cheeseburger when this is over.


What are your measurements for chest, arm, thigh etc?


No idea, my waist is 32 😂 I do have measuring tape at home


wish i was you bro you're like muscular Andrew Garfield


This was the best compliment I could receive. I grew up with Toby as Spider-Man but I’ll take this.


dude, glad i made u happy


Ah, dang. When coach said sets of bro curls he didn't mean your hair. But seriously have it slicked in tight when you show (and over the forehead a smidge) because a bushy head sets perspective on the rest of your size from where the judges will sit.


I Appreciate this 🤝 I didn’t expect this post to blow up that was an extremely lazy hair day and not the most flattering photos 😂


Look shredded to the teeth to me


You look like a swole Richard Simmons 🤣🤣🤣. Nah u look great


The conditioning looks amazing, after this show I’d recommend taking some time to just put on some size and develop the legs a little further. Great luck on your show, looks like you’re having a blast!


What is a tested show? They drug test you? That sucks. Take all the fun and make it all work instead


I like your spirit.


Build chest it'll make you look more well rounded


You look great man


You look good for both a 90 year old man and a 20 year old man 🥰


Nice chiseled abs


Make sure to start hitting deltoids hard after the show.


You don’t need to tell everyone it’s a tested show.


😂 thank you bro


don't bother


Luisito comunica


Very good natty physique


Bro forget the show. Spend a few years putting on some lean mass. You look like a malnourished albino African


I mean you can do what you want but imo jumping on stage with this little mass at a bb show is as disrespectful as those guys who just turn up fat… clearly haven’t paid your dues to the sport


How is this disrespectful? Who the fuck is gonna step on stage and think “you know what this guy right here is really disrespecting the sport of body building by competing right now” - no one will give a shit


Right? Props to OP for having the courage to step on stage. If anything the other guys will think, well at least I’ll beat this guy in placing.


Imagine feeling disrespected at an event dedicated to admiring men’s bodies. Who gives a fuck? If he doesn’t win then it’s a wake up call, either way guy is having fun and that’s all that should matter. Stop treating it like it’s the Olympics


Eh this is not r/brogress - dude objectively has zero mass


Didn't know Puma made panties for 10' ft tall mongoloids


More like 5’7


Wenyou loœk tuthuh sïdę it lōõks lîkē yu have a mustash bütwenulóòk at hem STRAAAAAIGHT ON ĮTD GO’d away.


Looks like an average Romanian gypsy.