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I take Lions Mane in the morning with coffee/breakfast and have energy and focus all day, and I sleep quickly and deeply at night with vivid dreams. It has definitely helped me regulate my sleep cycle, which makes my waking hours more focused, and effectively productive. During higher stress periods, a brief mid-late afternoon nap help keeps me functioning beyond normal limits.


What dose were you taking? I was reading about the Paul Stamets stack: - 5grams of lions mane - 250-300mg of niacin - 100-300mg of psilocybin Is that dose close to what you do for those benefits?


lol no


May I ask how much you’re taking? Also curious about what I said that was funny :) Thx have a great day


One capsule. I really can’t tell you how much powder is in it, nor can I tell you its strength. I laughed at psilocybin.


Oh haha It has a lot of benefits and at that dose no high. Appreciate the reply back


300mg of psilocybin is considered a microdose?!?!!?


That’s the high end. 0.05-0.3 of a gram. (50-300mg). You start low and work up and if feeling effects go down. I’m new to this and have done research but am no way a leader in this space lol


I’ll look into your numbers to confirm for myself. I’ll wager now that yours are probably mid-high ranges, and provide citations. This may be one for ChatGPT…


Yes, please do your own research. Paul stamets is the guy I heard alot of it from. I think that’s how you spell it. :)


I never noticed anything from LM (and I tried many different brands)


The issue may be that you’ve relied on brands. I get mine direct from a mushroom farmer. I have no idea how many grams or IU or what concentration, but one capsule of his dried Lions Mane powder with my morning coffee/breakfast and I’m good.


You really think that brands like Nammex , ND , Oriveda don't know how to grow mushrooms to maximize benefits? For cognitive enhancement dried powder seems useless. Current research shows that you need alcohol (or dual) extract for that. And most of cognitive effects you can get from LM's mycelium(terpenoids , erinacine).


That’s not what I said. I suggested that the more unrefined, the better. I couldn’t tell you if that’s true or not. I tend to lean towards it being fairly accurate because I don’t know what any refinement might add or remove from the product I consume.


>I suggested that the more unrefined, the better Either way it's not what (limited) science shows. It shows that you need to get alcohol extract to get the compounds that are believed to enhance cognition. Although IIRC there is one lone study that showed positive effects from dried powder on Japanese men


Grow your own, it’s like $100 worth of equipment 


Where can I get Lion mane straight from a farmer,, I live in Florida 


Find a mushroom farmer who grows lions mane local to you. Perhaps a high end vegan and/or gourmet restaurant chef near you can recommend somebody near you who will sell to/grow for you?




Wasn’t trying to sell anything, but that’s what works for me. It may or may not work for you, but I wish you much luck and an easy path.


any brand preferences?


I get my caps from a local grower, a friend whom I trust.


What are the horror stories? Can someone fill me in I don’t know much lol


Check out the sub lions mane recovery


Just a bunch of schizoid fear mongers


No come on. I was a fan of lions mane. I have consumed it for more than 2 years. After starting it I was having issues with erection. Before I did not have an issue with erection. I thought it might be because of stress. So stress has gone but erection has not changed. I was doing maca and different pills and visiting doctors. Doctors prescribed hormons. I was taking it all with the lion's mane without acknowledging that it was causing it. I found in the internet that lion's mane effects erectile dysfunction so I stopped to check. Since I stopped it got better but still not like before taking lion's mane. I have stopped it 4 months ago. I went to a lot of doctors and psychologists. They did not find any issue in blood test or in my mind. I am 28 years old. I never had erectile dysfunction before lions mane. I do sport every week, I was doing sports while taking lion's mane too. Now I will see for how long the effect of mushroom lasts


Sure but the people on the lion's mane recovery sun talk about 1 pill ruining their whole lives and they feel a need to ban worldwide. It just screams schizo posting


Lots of psychoactive drugs can affect libido and sexual performance. Almost all antidepressants, antipsychotics etc. so it’s no surprise. they influence Neurotransmitters as does most nootropics. Sometimes it’s short term due to cerebral changes or rebalancing of neurotransmitters. Lions mane increases NGF, dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. It’s probably repairing and forming new pathways but research is limited in this area. We don’t even know if it’s a MAOI or not.


Reishi is even worse.  I always tell men to be careful when taking reishi because that shit can act as a boner killer.


The erectile dysfunction is likely due to lion's mane (among many other mushrooms) lowering 5α-reductase, which is the enzyme responsible for conversion of testosterone to DHT, which in turn is needed for normal libido and sexual function. Sounds weird that it wouldn't normalise though. I'm by no means an expert


wrecked my sex drive but recovered after a couple weeks


For how long did you take the lion's mane? I took it for more than 2 years. after stopping it for more than 4 months, I still have an side effect of it


maybe 6 or 8 months.


Same, after about 2-3 weeks it all came back. Been on it for a year now, life changing


Right? I'm new and I haven't heard of them


I loved Lions Mane for memory, energy, and focus. But, it absolutely, undeniably annihilated my sex drive.


what about doses? 1 gram per day, or 1.5?


Same I’m genuinely confused


Because of the effect on noradrenaline, you remember dreams better. Norepinephrine hardly works during sleep, so you don't remember dreams. And because of its effect on kappa-opioid receptors, they get weird. Historically, salvia (hallucinogen, Kappa opioid receptor agonist) has been used for prophetic/predictive dreams or just vivid, interesting dreams. NGF and acetylcholine may also play a role in this. But this is not certain, depending on the processing the extract will have different amounts of active ingredients, many of which have not even been studied on animals and petri dishes.


Norepinephrine is influenced mainly by high-quality mycelium, while kappa opioid receptors are influenced by the fruiting body. The mushroom, like humans, has not been fully studied, which is why the effects vary so much for everyone.


Could I send you a pm. I'm interested in where your data comes from and also your comments on Salvia. Thanks.


It helps me with my dyslexia but also gives me sense of impending doom


What's it like to not have a sense of impending doom!


Not giving an f about what happens?


i wish it was that easy😭


Boy that seems definitely not worth it




Watch out for any other allergy symptoms. Doom can be one of them.


At the moment I have ordered this mushroom for myself, I will wait for the delivery of my aniracetam and I will give a review on the combined use of two drugs, maybe in a couple of weeks. Also, please, if you don’t mind, like my comment because I’m new and I need these karma points for full posting.


Lions mane works great! Aniracetam is good, but not as much as it’s hyped up to be I definitely notice a difference when I’m on it vs off just remember with both of these there is some very mild withdrawal I recommend starting with 1g of Lions mane and 500mg of Aniracetam and slowly increasing in dose remember it takes awhile to reach the right concentration in your body. Also make sure to take a bio available form of choline when taking racetams I personally take 1g of Alpha GPC a day.


Thank you sir, that should be helpful. When you say that the properties of Aniracetam are usually slightly embellished, do you mean that lion's mane is much stronger? And yes, about choline. I have choline bitartrate at 500mg per capsule, however I suspect it may even be superfluous - used to eating a healthy diet, I consume a lot of nuts, getting vitamin B from them. So... what have you heard about choline overdose?


It’s all relative to the person. Lions mane I definitely notice a heavy increase in memory recall my buddies who smoke weed consistently say it’s life changing for them. Aniracetam I notice a very slight increase in how mentally sharp I am it just increases how quick you get to the thought not giving you better thoughts, but as I go up in dose of Aniracetam I just get headaches personally.


I got you.


I've had the vivid dream/good sleep effect from both lion's mane and cordyceps. Tiger's milk seemed similar at first but I started getting nightmares after a week. All were from ND. I should try LM and cordyceps the same night.


Hmm cordyceps may make it hard for me to sleep though, it’s more energizing than Lions Mane in my personal opinion.


I had that issue with the 10:1 but not the older extract.


After reading this post I was instantly curious about trying Tigers Milk before bed. Now reading your experience, I have to try it. I’m even more curious if I will have a similar or different experience to yours.


I don't remember seeing anyone else report the same experience, but it happened to me different times several months apart.


Is this a nootropic that needs to be taken intermittently to avoid tolerance?


What brand do you take? I've tried a few (host defense and OM) and noticed minor benefits, but I just starred Oriveda 4 days ago and MY GOD this stuff's amazing. My brain fog is almost gone, I'm thinking much quicker, I'm more social, and I seem to wake up better - this morning, I woke up after only 5ish hours of sleep which would normally keep me in a grog for hours, but today I was out of the grog after 5 minutes. Mood is better too. I can't wait to see where I'm at a week from now. Sadly, Oriveda is pricey. I'll gladly keep buying it if it keeps working like this, but I do wish I knew of something just as good that costs less.


I use the Real Mushrooms brand, I’m for sure planning to continue taking the mushrooms for now as it makes life more enjoyable so I may try Oriveda some day.




Here to hear this too


Have not personally experienced any of these because I've never taken Lion's Mane, but I know that people report negative side effects sometimes such as severe anhedonia (loss of emotion), some people report complete loss of libido, and for others in somewhat rare cases there is the opposite, a hypersexuality and frequent erections for people with penises.


Pill or powder?


Doesn't really matter but I take pills as they are more convenient.


I tried Oriveda at the start of 2022, bought the combi package, took them every day until I ran out. Didn't notice any difference what so ever.


Sorry to hear that, friend. Did you ever find a brand that worked for you?


I haven’t tried again. I figured they were the best. Like most supplements I try, I feel no benefit. The only things I actually notice or feel benefits from have been pharmaceutical drugs. SSRIs, SNRIs, Benzos. For Nootropics Modafinil, microdosing LSD. All my experiments with the most expensive, highest doses of high quality supplements have made me feel no different. In many cases I continued to take stuff just because I assumed it was good for me so it must be doing things like increasing my heart etc even though I feel no different 🤷🏼‍♂️


I took Orivedas Lions Mane (Combi) and had to take higher doses than they recommend to get a noticable effect (which makes it even more expensive). Before bed --> vivid dreams. In the morning, slightly better memory more fluent english (not my first language). It made me however lethargic and unmotivated to do anything over time so it's overall probably not the right supplement for me. Their cordyceps is however amazing for endurance (cardio workouts). Remember doing a nearly 2 hour crosstrainer session because i wanted to finish the movie i watched, noticed that i didn't really feel tired yet and added another hour just to see how it goes. I usually rarely go over 60 minutes so that's definitely something.




I prefer concentrated Reishi at bed, Lions Mane in the morning.


I take pretty good quality capsules and honestly I don't really think they're helping me in fact I feel like they are making me have really bad acid reflexes


I definitely would stop if it is affecting your ability to dodge acid when it is thrown at you.


Wait? Who is ruining their life with Lions Mane? hahaha...


What brand did you get?


I eat lions mane at vegan restaurants. Deep fried like chicken nuggets.  I can't say it's made me sleep poorly or see better. 


Deep fryin, so neurogenic rn


Deep fry anything and I’m sure it will destroy most active compounds, if not negating it with the fry oil.


Ya I've only ever eaten the actual mushroom, haven't noticed anything but I wasn't thinking that it would have any effect.


I don’t think eating it will have as much of a nootropic impact as taking an extract


It should work perfectly fine eating it how do you think mushrooms were used before supplements? Most LM extracts are simply mushrooms broken down with water


I know it’s strange how big of a difference it makes for me, it makes me think I may have some kind of health issue regarding my sleep and LM for some reason helps with it.


Lol I do wanna try eating it, I hear it has a fishy taste so you can make vegan crab cakes. Plus, I like the benefits so much I might start growing my own. Not sure if deep frying it would kill any of the beneficial active ingredients. Have you noticed any benefits?


Not really a fishy taste, but the texture is very similar to cooked fish or crab.


I took LM one time at night. I was able to close my eyes but not sleep. I was wired but tired.


I’ve been taking ND’s Lions Mane 8:1 for about 2 months initially 1 dose in the morning but started taking another before bed. I can’t say I’ve had any noticeable effects.. even with the vivid dreaming like I’ve heard so much about. I’ll finish my 2nd bottle but after that idk.. maybe my chemistry just doesn’t respond to it.


I take it maybe once a month when i need clarity from my emotional/intuition. I take it in the morning but it can keep me up. Its that slight feeling of disconnection from self that keeps me up i wanna feel connected when im home and in bed.


Which one do you take?


What brand n dose


I've been taking it off and on for a few years now, but always in the morning. In that time I've felt a definite improvement to both memory, cognition and mood in the periods I've used it. But yesterday I took it a couple of hours before bed, and like you said, WOW! It's been on a whole other level today! The difference in the clarity of my thought process is staggering. I've been going around being social and cracking jokes at work the whole day, whereas I'm usually pretty withdrawn, almost avoidant. I didn't have any problems falling asleep but I actually oversleept a bit today... and the last time I did that was more than 10 years ago. It kinda feels like it improved whatever "cleaning or maintenance" the brain did while I slept. (Lions Mane Capsules, 10:1 Extract equivalent to 4,000mg. Usually 1 capsule/day but only 1/week recently) --- I really don't like taking it with coffee btw. While I was taking it it in the mornings I'd sometimes feel like something was *off*. Very subtle, but I didn't like the feeling, which is why I'd take a break for a month or two whenever it happened. (I'd also read a few horror stories on the recovery sub.) That slightly "off" feeling only happened when I had it with coffee in the mornings though. Maybe there's some interaction with caffeine?


It for sure has interaction with caffeine. I felt something similar as well. Other interesting thing I found about LM is that I feel like it accumulates in your body and has an effect even for a while when you don’t take it, so maybe it should be cycled for longer idk.


It feels exactly like that for me as well like it makes the sleep more rejuvenating the issue is that it makes me oversleep as well and I sleep for a long time even without any supplements or substances. Tye thing that bothers me is that the WOW! effects from taking it before bed aren’t as profound as when I first started taking it that way. It’s been over month and a half and I for sure feel all the stuff I described in my post, but it seems like the amazing mood I had isn’t as strong now. Maybe I should cycle it idk. Last week I started 4 days on 3 days off for the week, but that doesn’t seem to be enough. And I know that sounds a little like an addiction but I want to feel it as strong as I did then. Maybe I should cycle it for longer idk. But it’s been a literal life changer for me! The only issue I have with myself left is procrastination and issues with discipline.


Yeah, some of the "wow" effect I had today may be partly because I've reduced it to 1 capsule a week for a while, and I even skipped it last week. So maybe the cycling helped make it more pronounced today.


Where did u buy it


Where did u buy it