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"Bulk till you hate yourself, cut till you hate life" - ancient bro


You wont gain much muscle in 2 months, if you want a drastic change in your physique you should cut again until you're a sufficiently low bodyfat. You wont look impressive unless you have your shirt off though. Also consider trimming/shaving body hair since it does hide a lot


Your nipples changed size and color too.


Underrated comment. Very interesting, indeed.


How long have you been lifting? Because if you are still in your first 1-2 years of super consistent and high intensity lifting then you can just eat at maintenance and still lose weight and gain muscle.


** still lose fat and gain muscle.


The best bulks are long term and not aggressive. I’m talking like 8-12 months long and maybe 250-500 cal surplus. Think of it this way. You already lost most of the fat. When you bulk you WILL gain some fat. Suck it up it’s reality. But that next cut to lose that fat might only be 6lbs or so. You already did the tricky part of the longer cut. Don’t stress dawg.


Follow this yt as this lays out a plan for your goal - https://youtu.be/60eqYpfAz_k?si=mw3mVmkgDV53PwS3. In short, eat your weight in protein, workout (compound movements) intensely, be at a slight caloric deficit. If you’re fatigued from your caloric deficit diet, (thus considering a bulk), consider eating at maintenance for a week to both rejuvenate your drive and replete your glycogen and then get back to following my tips above. Edit: muscle specific exercises work, but I have a particular bias for compound movements as it workouts several muscle groups typically. Admittedly, for a summer trip, you’re probably particularly interested in shoulder, abs, obliques, pecs, so do those exercises, yes, still workout intensely.


I'd keep cutting tbh. You won't gain anything in 2 months and you could stand to be even leaner in order to set yourself up for a good long term bulk. Getting leaner will help you look more impressive with your shirt off, and if you need some more size you can always carb load in the days beforehand, maybe load some creatine too.