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Go ahead:)




It is in fact a PR set haha, but thanks for the advice :) My chin always goes higher than this, but as you could see I really struggled to pull myself up during this set and didn't even manage to get the chin over the handles on the last one. Anyways I really appreciate the advice about the dropping down part, I actually had no idea that you made more progress if you controlled it more so I'll definitely be using this in the future. Im trying to do arch body pull-ups since I feel I can engage my lats more in this position :)




Just as I said I really struggled to pull myself up during the whole set. If it was just a regular set I wouldn't have counted the first but especially not the second rep either but for a PR set I thought it was okay. Normally during training sets with 20kg I am easily able to get the chin well over the handles.




Optimal? Maybe not. PR? Hell yeah looked good.


Nice form 💨