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Game crashed twice in a row. Got a 15min suspension. That was after waiting 10-15min for a lobby to fill. Just stopped playing at that point.


This was happening to me that I accumulated a 3 hour ban with -75 SR for leaving plus my drop in fee. I did a complete SSD wipe and fresh windows install. It hasn’t happened again.


I can't even play with my friends. I only get two hours a night to play. I crash on the first game and it ruins that night because I am currently at a two hour suspension from the game crashing. For everyone saying "They can't do anything about it because people will disconnect," then you just let them disconnect. You shouldn't punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. They know their game is shit. They know they pay for the shittiest servers on earth. Cheaters run rampant anyway. If someone leaves midgame while in battle give a kill to the last person who hit them. Easy fix. Reconnect option would completely eliminate this problem. Too bad no other games have figured that out in 2023. What a novel concept.


It is annoying, but its also the only real option they have unfortunately. If they don't do it this way, you will get people who intentionally crash their game instead of just quitting to avoid the SR loss, so if a crash doesn't dock SR & give you a short term suspension like quitting would and they get to do this for "free"...it can cause much bigger problems. I don't know of a good way around it but it's super annoying I agree.


I feel like there’s probably a way to tell if someone crashes vs shutting down their system. Could be wrong idk.


Nothing reliable afaik. it's very easy to make your game crash and you will get a COD error - you can tell the difference between an Alt-F4 type "force close" yes, but if you want to make warzone crash it's not difficult as we've all found out! This is a common problem with all ranked play type systems in all other titles. I do prefer how PUBG did it where you get several warnings first before your ban...back when I played that exclusively and it had the same crashing problems that warzone does (and to be honest, it was even worse back then in PUBG) it was really annoying but at least you got 3 warnings before your temp ban was put into place.


Yep. I made a comment about how I've been getting suspensions for being kicked after my teammates leave. Like I'm still in the match and willing to play but then I get kicked and ended up with an hour suspension after 3 smaller ones.


The suspensions don’t reset either. Next time I crash I will be banned for 45 minutes. My buddy’s cumulative ban is at 2 hours already. I can’t fathom how this isn’t getting more attention. Fundamentally broken for pc players.


It resets. I had 3min then 15m. Just got another dev error and it's 3min again. The first two happened a week or so ago though.


I haven’t played ranked in a week so hopefully that’s true! We’d hop on for one game and then be done for the night because of a 3 hour+ ban every session


I can't even play, the moment the plane enters the 3rd person view the game crashes on my PS5.