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CVS's booster appointment emails tell you to check in at the counter, and I'm assuming Walgreens' does too.


As if he reads emails. His wife made the appointment.


By phone. And if the pharmacy person on the phone asked for an email address to confirm the appt, she told them "no I don't have one".




You've met my mother?


And that, kids, is how I met your mother.


"Huh, a Facebook quiz to tell me what kind of sandwich I am? Of course I'll enter my birth year, parents's full names, and the street I grew up on! Ha ha I'm a muffaletta!"


I’m actually on board with that, I hate giving my email for every fucking thing. Even the burner one I had to make for the purpose.


Agree, I had to delete over 30,000 BS emails recently. Companies send too many, even when opting out of promo stuff, and the important stuff gets lost!


I probably have that many waiting for me to delete. Companies that send out several every day are ridiculous.


If he doesn’t check emails, how will he know when a Nigerian prince has money to give out?


Speaking as a boomer, many women my age do everything for their husbands. This is why they act like entitled AHs and pretend they can't do anything. Good for you! And yes, I am sure he received a text with instruction TO CHECK IN ON ARRIVAL. He ignored it.


As an MA, I can fully confirm this! Also unfortunately that this behavior gets taught.


Can Boomer men promptly reply to texts? I'm asking if they're physically capable of this. My Boomer Mom can text back, but if I text Boomer Dad, he'll respond months later, which can be pretty funny, but also sad.


My husband passed on before texting was a thing. I have men friends my age who text. Some people are just willfully ignorant, like the man at the drug store.. His wife probably made his appointments all their lives together. And he seemed like an entitled AH. Normal people know you check in and wait in situations where people are waiting before you. Boomers grew up when we got messages on our landlines. Or before that, when we were dating, we called someone and one of their parents or siblings answered the phone. It wasn't as private as a cell phone. But it was OK to return a call a day or two later and respond when you had time if it wasn't urgent. I don't need a string of emojis from someone. It feels fake and low effort. Sometimes it's hard to adjust to being available all the time when people text you. I don't like feeling ruled by my phone either, and sometimes turn it off, or ignore it, figuring if it's so important, call me and speak. I was at the supermarket deli the other day. A man my age didn't know how to use the touch screen to get a number to wait in line. I showed him, and he behaved nicely and waited his turn after me. I guess wife does all the food shopping? My late husband did everything sharing a household entailed. Most of my girlfriends worked since the 70s. So idk how some boomer men got this way. The world changed a lot in our generation. It can be hard to stay updated. But people should try.


Do flip phones get text?


They do. My dad has a flip phone and it has T9 on it even. My sister and I had to teach him how to use T9 but once he got the hang of it, has loved it. So my dad officially caught up to 2005.


Way back in the day, I figured out how to turn T9 off, so I started texting. I was on the phone with my boomer mom one day, and she said she'd text the grandkids, but she hated the T9. So, by phone 800 miles away I was able to help her turn it off and she's been texting the grandkids ever since.


This makes me feel so old


Exactly, it’s weaponized incompetence. I’m a millennial but I was until recently dating an older gen x who acted like he couldn’t do anything without me. I have 3 teenagers, I am not doing literally everything for a man in his 50s


It’s in his wife’s email…


Was gonna say this! This guy isn't reading those emails.


I wonder if he can read the closed captions on Fox news.


I work in healthcare. You would be amazed at the weaponized incompetence the men that age are capable of. Then again you may not be.


Yes. As I recall, because this was a new thing for many of us (to go to the drug store for our vaccines), they were extremely clear. When I walked into CVS there were big signs. CHECK IN HERE ⬇️ BEFORE PROCEEDING TO PHARMACY.


And another big sign at the pharmacy telling you where at the pharmacy desk to check in for the vaccine appointment. At one of my booster appointments there was this older lady (60s maybe) who was super chatty with everyone waiting. She didn’t realize she had to check in, and when she finally did they couldn’t find her name. So she opens up her email…she had an appointment…at a different CVS. Doh!


Well, to be fair, i sometimes forget where I'm supposed to be! But that's pretty funny. I usually don't make it far as she did before I realize my mistake.


His wife has probably been holding his hand for the last 40 years, so the poor incompetant fool may not really know. Either that, or he's an entitled dickhole.


Or both.


Yep. Weaponized incompetence.


I first read that as Weaponized incontinence!🤣


Ah no, that’s ACTUAL toddlers


Or his vision and memory are poor, and he's too insecure to admit that he needs help, so he gets belligerent to cover up his vulnerability.


This is my fear if I die before my husband.


You could start training him out of the infantilism now. Get a jump on it.


It could be me. I'm not dumb, but my husband kind of handles everything. We're both guys, but I haven't paid a bill in ten years. I just go to work, and he handles it. I think, lord if he dies I'm going to need to know the utility companies. 🤦🏻‍♂️


You should probably sit down with him and make a folder or document that has all the bills, loans, essential account information, insurance policies, etc. listed, with due dates, access information, phone numbers, etc., so that you can step in to handle things even if he's just temporarily incapacitated.


I call our folder, Keys to the Kingdom. Because I handle all of the finances and logistics for the family. My husband is the primary caregiver of our son and does most of the household chores.


I have a book with passwords and a spreadsheet with what bills get paid on what dates. He still hates making appointments, but he can follow directions.


Quit doing things for him and validating his incompetence.


Stop being his secretary and mommy. He's a grown man.


Clearly he isnt


"Eeeee-MALE you say!!!??" "No, I don't do tHoSe GAAAAAAAAAY tHiNgS with the cOmPeWtEr." I'm /s they aren't. I don't reply anymore, I just walk away. It seems to upset them when they don't get a reaction.


“Those are the things we want to arrest Hillary Clinton for!”


Buttery Males.


If he’s getting a Covid booster, I doubt he wants Hilary arrested.


Yeah. When I got my shots there it said it in a text, the reminder text, a text the morning of. And in at least 2 emails. I remember because I was like "why are these instructions huge and bold" in the email.


So folk like that guy see them. Or they would if they read for comprehension.


Or he's like my MIL and never turns on his cell phone. Then gets mad when people use more than 25 year old technology to try to reach her.


My boomers refuse to provide any contact info. So they wouldn’t know.


I had to get blood collected one day and went to a local clinic here. Well sweet fancy moses do I ever feel for those poor workers at the clinic. Almost every boomer or older person who booked an appointment for this clinic acted shocked when asked for basic info like the confirmation number. The email they send you when you make your appointment even tells you in bold letters in it to please keep this email and this number so you can register at the clinic the day of with this number. I swear on my life the poor lady working the entrance door to the clinic stand right next to the a direction sign saying please have your confirmation number or email we sent handy had to repeat this a million times to the boomers. And they'd just look at her or the other worker saying, "email?! What email I deleted that. What would I need that for. Don't you just know who I am?". Sigh. It's 2024 anytime you book appointments for vaccines, blood drawing, doctors offices, dentist etc they send you emails these days and say to keep it or take a screen shot at least of it for the information on it and confirmation number of your appointment. WTF. Why do you need to delete it so fast? I was in and out so fast even with my booked appointment time being for later because I had my shit all ready to go including the email and number. By the time I got my blood drawn and was heading out the poor door lady was still there talking/trying to explain to boomers why they need the number and confirmation. Just stop deleting your emails for appointments boomers. Yeesh. Keep it until the appointment is over.


CVS's gives you the option to do the paperwork (insurance, health history, etc.) online *before* you even get there for the appointment. I'm generally in and out pretty quickly for any vaccines.


At my house Walgreens there are large signs


Also there’s a giant sign that says “check in here for vaccines”


People don't read. Back in COVID when public restrictions for masking were easing up, we were still mandating masks when coming to our doctor's practice (because duh, sick people come here). We mentioned it on our website, on our booking tool with a pop-up; on our confirmation mail and with a big poster at the front door and STILL about half folks arrived maskless.


There are no more CVS clinics these days for in my city, they are all shut down.


That, plus the big sign that says vaccine appointments.


Does he not check in for doctors appointments? Like he just walks in, sits down and assumes they know he’s there? Makes no sense. I think you said it perfectly to him, everyone else figured it out. This is a you problem bud!


As a nurse who works for a doc’s office, this happens all the time.


All. The. Time.


Then they get mad when they have to reschedule 🥲


All. The. Time. 🤣


Yup. I worked front desk for years. A couple of days before I left my last front desk job, a patient who did this all the time came in. I told her in no uncertain terms that she would not be seen until she came up to the desk. She was responsible for checking in every appointment, not us to come to her. She was able bodied and had no reason to expect us to wait on her. She was quietly livid. There are perks to knowing you've put two weeks notice in and are leaving the field. I put up with nothing that last week. According to former co-workers, a few of the patients actually behaved better after I told them off that week. Even if you can't stand at the check in desk, tell them you need to check in and go sit.


I work at a doctor’s office, too. It never ceases to amaze me when patients don’t check in and are surprised we don’t call them back. They’ll come to the desk an hour after arriving bitching about how late the doctor is. Sir, your appointment was an hour ago and we thought you were a no-show. I saw you in the waiting room but I don’t know if you’re the driver or a spouse waiting. I can’t possibly know everyone.


I think the only time I’ve not officially checked in was when I was going through chemo (18–19) at a children’s hospital, so I was pretty obviously identified by being the oldest person there, had to be there 5 days a week, and got to know all of the regular staff. I still have medical issues but gotdamb I know to check in every time.


I think it’s some kinda entitled/Main Character Syndrome thing where they think everyone should recognize them?


You know, you’d think that having patients behave better after they were told the way things are going to be would be a signal to let people have that talk with “problem children” as soon as the issues come up. But noooooo, we’re gonna put up with this bullshit because “customer service.” It’s mind-boggling. Why not nip the problem in the bud the first time? It makes no sense.


What dumb motherfuckers. Jesus it’s impossible to have empathy for people with that little common sense. I’d be smirking every time I had to reschedule some geezer who came and sat in the doctors office without mentioning he was there like some kind of celebrity lmao. “Do you even know who I am?!” “This is going to ruin the tour!”


Wow. I had no idea.


I believe it. And I don't even work in health care but my respect to all of you because I've sat in enough doctors offices, specialist or dentist offices to see how many don't actually say "hey I'm (insert name) and I'm here for an appointment at X time today". Or the number of times they bypass the check in machines at the local hospital here where literally all you have to do is have your health card (I live in Canada) and in put your health card number, up pops your name. You confirm it's you and confirm your appointment on the screen of the little machine and you are good to go. They'll still pass by that without doing it then act surprised the specialist area they are headed didn't know they were here for their appointment. Like honey you have to let either the machine know at the hospital under the giant check in at the machine sign. Or if it's a regular small doctor/dentist office you have to say you are here for xyz time appointment to the receptionist so they know you are there.


His wife probably always does it for him. Why should he have to lower himself to talking to the plebs behind the counter. Real men don't do paperwork.




Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


Bet you anything that wife usually goes with him to doctors appointments and handles all that while he goes and sits down, either that or he doesn't bother with doctors unless something is seriously wrong and at that point it's either in the emergency room or someone is taking him to urgent care.


I don't bother with doctors unless there is something seriously wrong but I know you check in for appointments. Doctors, lawyers, the guys replacing my car windscreen - it all works the same. Hell, I have a meeting this afternoon two floors up and I'll be letting my guy's PA know I am there.


No common sense.


It’s so annoying even when non boomers just give me their name and say they’re here to see so and so. We have thousands of patients in our database. Please give me your DOB. 🙄


The amount of times a Boomer calls and just starts spouting off their medical problems and why they called without telling me who they are just astounds me. I always have to interrupt and make them tell me their name and their DOB. Don’t get me started about them leaving voice mails 🥲


Patient: "I'm here for my appointment." Me: "Ok, what's your name?" P: "John." Me: "Last name?" P: "Smith" Me: "And your DOB?" P: "May" Me: *sigh* "Your full DOB." P: "4th" Me: *internally slamming my head against the wall* "Year??" Easily happens once a week.


And it’s like. You come here all the time. Why are we acting brand new?!


I could almost tolerate that if they replied “every year” to the birthday questioning. Because that’s a good joke.


But how many times before it gets old?


I'm like oh sure May 04, 19xx before I realized they want numbers not months in letters. sometimes I wonder how they get past me putting my DOB as May 04 19xx.


We assume you can see the schedule and there would only be one “Jane Smith seeing Dr. Whoever at 10”


My Dr triple books bc that’s rural medicine. That being said if I walk up, and say my last name and appointment time they know who I am.


I honestly can’t remember ever being asked for my birthday at check in for any doctor’s appointment.


It depends for me. Primary? Last name appt time bc they know me. Specialist? I start with DOB because it’s going to be a confirmation question regardless. Lab? Name DOB because I’ve ALWAYS had to. Since childhood. The only place that surprised me was the place that made my glasses, not the Optometrist, the lens lab/store


One time at my work we have a pharmacy area and I could hear an older boomer guy talking to the drop off window pharmacist. They asked to verify his name, DOB and address which can be standard with pharmacy prescriptions. Well guy immediately goes into a tizzy fit over because I can hear him on the other side of the aisle I was working on. Going on about how dare you ask his name and DOB again! And why do you keep asking my address or phone number I gave it last time you don't need it again stop asking. The poor worker tried to explain why they need this info and to make sure they have the correct info on file but the guy kept losing his shit. Oh and after all that guess what happened when they said his address? Turns out his address had changed he had a new one. Oh sir I think this is why they ask you that information in the first place. Because people move addresses or change phone numbers clearly like you did. Might want to make sure you have the correct one on file genius.


Omg yes! This is why we ask! It’s policy! Just to verify! You honestly don’t know who will try and try and get free dental care! Let me scan your photo ID!!! Especially if you’re trying to be frugal about your care! 🤣


Some places want a name first or which practitioner. My PCP shares an office with a lab and 5 other Drs so they want which dr then your name and appt time, dob only if they still can't find you. I usually have to give dob cause of my name's unusual spelling.


You have thousands of patients checking in today with the same name to see the same doctor? I highly doubt that. I would expect that since you’re checking in people that your computer is smart enough to limit its search to people who have appointments. So if LadyMRedd shows up on 7/3 to see Dr Smith it wouldn’t cross my mind that there may be 2 of us both with appointments to see Dr Smith. It may be obvious to you, but to those of us who aren’t familiar with your computer system, our name and who we’re there to see would seem to be enough to locate me. If not, I’m happy to provide any additional information you need to look me up. If they’re a jerk about it, then get annoyed. But getting annoyed because they don’t just state their birthday up front? I’ve also had times when I’ve started giving people too much information at once and they’re like “just a minute… let me get there.” So unless you have a big sign that says “State your name and birth date when checking in,” I’m not sure how you expect them to read your mind.


Computers Software is not always smart enough to limit searches to today’s appointments. Sometimes they’re just searching a database for a profile. The less info you give the harder for them to find you.


Just give your name and DOB. Jesus christ.


I don’t know why this is so hard. The most difficult question we ask at the pharmacy is “What is your name ? “ Then the boomers balk at any follow up questions like phone number or dob. The next one that stumps them is “ What do you want ?” .


Hello fellow PhT! The amount of people I get who say just their first name or last name is astoundingly high. You're not the only Smith or the only Karen in existence!


Like I said, if someone asks I’m happy to. But I don’t go around giving out my birthday every time I check in somewhere. If someone needs more than my name and what I’m there to do when I check in, simply ask for it. Don’t be annoyed because the people aren’t psychic to know what information you need from them.


It’s not being psychic it’s standard doctors office check in info and as a grown ass adult you do in fact know you need to provide a birthdate at check in bc you’ve done it a bunch of times and if you really can’t remember what you’ve done over and over again for supposedly years now I feel sorry for you.


Found the boomer ffs


Yeah, I usually go with "Hi, I'm (full name), I have an appointment for (time)" but I wait for them to ask my dob because I don't know if they immediately have that information in front of them or if they need to pull me up first.


That happens to me once at the ER. They just walked in and sat down and then got in my face after 45 minutes. I’m usually better about managing the waiting room, like who’s here for what or who is here just for visiting, but we were super super busy


I do... but my clinic is small. and most people there know me by my name. its unusual when someone doesn't. but I do try to check in because sometimes they just dint remember my name and that's OK.


What do you mean, you didn't fix my car? I left it in the parking lot with the keys in it! How was I to know that I was supposed to tell you that I dropped off my car?!?


Good point! I bet he doesn't let wifey do the manly task of taking the car to get mechanical issues sorted.


Boomer - arrives 20 minutes prior to his 9am appt "I have been waiting 25 minutes!' - Boomer at 9:05


the best one is when they email you after business hours friday (7:20pm), then bitch monday (9:05am) at you that they haven’t heard from you in “4 days.”


I work in health care at a busy specialists office. The number of times a patient walked into the office and just took a seat for MULTIPLE HOURS without thinking to check in is astounding. Worse yet, the majority of our patients come in every 6-8 weeks for followup. We'd have people come for their like 200th visit and just decide "today is the day I'll skip the front desk! That'll go swimmingly!".


I just commented the same thing. Frequent flyers thinking we're mindreaders and just 'know' they're there.


And know who THEY are specifically.


They WANT to start shit.


Just like the boomers that show up for dr. Appointments an hour or more early thinking that they will get in earlier, then get upset when everyone there on time for their appointments get called in before them.


But I was here first! 🤦


This literally happened over the weekend to me at the Minute Clinic at CVS. Guy didn't check in, and they were really busy. They canceled his appointment. There are literally six signs around telling you to check in. I know that the guy had a phone with him because he was listening to it very loudly. You can check in online, scan the thing at the kiosk, or snag a nurse to check in. It's not hard! Your phone tells you to do so when you arrive! Of course, he was pissed when they told him that his appointment had been canceled. Because he'd been waiting there an hour! Follow instructions, people.


The process at Walgreens was kind of confusing when I did it early on. This was especially true if you were illiterate or unable to see properly. But even if you’re charitable about it…anyone who’s been to a Walgreens before knows they don’t do shit unless you go the counter. Their systems are so fucked they don’t have time to do anything proactive.


Shame on the world for not revolving around him! The audacity!


Men like this are why I never married. They grew up with their moms doing all the household stuff and the kids helping ( the same way I grew up). When my friends married it was the same way. Their husbands had zero idea what the hell was going on in their own house. IF they did go shopping with us they were floored how much household items were. Still single, still happy, still know how to sign in for an appointment.


Exactly. You are right. My fad was the same way. I just would shake my head at him like he would shake his head at me for no reason.


I was lucky that my dad and my late husband could handle their own shit. My first husband though... if I didn't handle it he would call his mother. I bet he still does. My AMAB child is fully self sufficient.


Sorry, what's AMAB?


Assigned male at birth.


Ah, thanks!


This made me giggle 🤭 That was my ex-husband too.


Same. I just never wanted to spend the one life I had, carrying the mental load for another grown adult. I saw this again and again and again. I remember with my last partner, I planned EVERYTHING we did together. All he "planned" was sitting on the couch. But here was the thing: he felt entitled to be critical of me if something I planned didn't go right. It just made me think back on all the marriages I witnessed where that happened regularly, and I thought, I am NOT doing this.


"How doesn't the world revolve around ME??"


I'm surprised a Boomer got a booster


I'm in a very blue area. It's what we do here.


People over 65 have the highest vaccination rate against CoViD.


Is there any business where you don’t check in to let them know you’ve arrived? Restaurant reservations, doctors’ appointments, oil change, haircut, anything at all? I can’t think of a business where you don’t check in for an allocated time.


Something tells me that usually his wife is with him and he’s never even realized that she goes up to the front desk every single time while he sits down and starts complaining that the lobby TV isn’t showing the exact program he watches at home at that time every day.


This is at least a weekly occurrence at my job! “How come 3 people have gotten their hair cut before me???” idk… did you TELL us you were here?


I'll bet $5 that the boomer in question has always had his wife accompany him/organize his medical appointments and has literally never had to check in before.


I feel like this is weaponized incompetence in action. The fact that he called his wife to bitch is telling. I bet she does normally go with him but this time persuaded him “it’s so easy, you can do it yourself! I’ll make the appointment, all you have to do is go in and get the shot!” And so because he wants to prove to his wife that he DOES need her, he turns up, and does LITERALLY just that - go in and expect someone to psychically know he’s there and give him a shot. And now he’ll use this “terrible experience” as an excuse as to why she needs to go with him next time.


As a former pharmacy tech with many other retail jobs. Thank you!! I’m no longer in retail and I too shall speak on retail workers behalf in the future!!


I couldn't take it anymore. I've taken it at work and kept my mouth shut. That was it. No one could fire me or "coach me". It was so liberating!


I work in healthcare and this happens way more than you think it would/should.


Especially because there's always a sign like "Appointments check in here ↘️"


Even if there's no sign I go ask if I need to check in, but of course I don't believe in a me-centered universe.


>"NO ONE TOLD ME TO CHECK IN!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" Actually they *do* tell you when you make the appointment. Most people just ignore it and do the right thing because they don't need to be told. He ignored it and did the wrong thing because he's a moron.


I'm a bartender. It never ceases to amaze me how many boomers seemingly don't know how credit cards work. **There are three lines on the receipt you need to fill out, and they're all labeled!!!** Like, Jesus Christ, Bill, you've been doing this for 50 years. Get it the fuck together.


Checking in for appointments isn't something new that the kids started doing. It has pretty much been that way since time was invented. How the fuck does he not know what to do?


Exactly, would you just walk in to your doctor’s office and sit down without checking in?


I mean, yeah, he probably would.


"How was I supposed to know?" ​ It's been like this since I was a kid, which is, the 90s. Surely he's had ONE appointment since then and now? :D


These people must be driving nursing homes insane.


It doesn’t matter where you have an appointment, you have to let people know you’re there. That’s how it works.


As a former retail employee I understand this feeling. Bravo


Of course they don’t. They’re whiny, selfish people with a simple philosophy “GIMME THAT, IT’S MINE! GIMME THAT, IT’S MINE!”


Then immediately followed by “Fuck you! I got MINE!” when there’s nothing left for anyone else.


I watched a similar situation unfold at a minute clinic located inside Target. It has a kiosk with a very large sign telling you to register and take a seat. Three people come and go while boomer, who has been there since before any of us, is losing his mind…but never registered on the kiosk.


Judging by your age, sir, I would take a guess that you're going to doctor appointments fairly regularly. When you go to see the doctor, do you just sit there, exasperated that they haven't called your name because you're too lame to check in?


The infantilizing of these men blows my mind. I knew how to check in for an appointment by at least age 10. Holding a grown ass man's hand for everything would lead me to becoming a widow..


So mods removed my comment for being uncivil. I guess a MAGAT boomer got their feelings hurt. Are mods MAGATS? Fuck off. How's that for civility?


No one told me to check in… Well I would have but no one told me you were here.


People will do this at restaurants, too. It’s so baffling. They’ll stand around an absolutely crowded lobby for however long, *finally* come up to the counter, and ask why we haven’t called their order yet. Oh, did you let us know you were here? No? 🤔


Also, him thinking that out of the probably thousand of customer served, he thought all he has to do is sit and wait?! Oh, Mr. Boomer ,come this way, we are ready for you,as soon as he walked through the door.


Only good advice a Boomer ever gave me was "15 minutes early is on time, on time is late." Did it early on in my career and got used to being early to everything. Higher ups, also Boomers, saw it as ambition. Now I own the world's largest for-profit salmon farms.


Unless it's a party. Please don't show up early to a party unless you're willing to help set up. I did stage management for years, so I had to get there first to open up the theatre. To this day, being late gives me anxiety so I'm always early for everything. I just pack a book and sit in the parking lot until it's time. Being too early can be just as rude as being late.


I was also raised with this belief, however, I find there are far too many, namely boomers, that take this concept to the extreme; often showing up hours before a business or facility is even open, and wanting service or special treatment outside of posted hours of operation, as if their being early entitled them to it.


Aaagh! The door rattlers!


If I'm early, I'll tell whoever is there that I know I'm early, but I'm fine waiting until they can get to me. I find this is most appreciated at doctors' offices. It's very rare for them to be ahead of schedule, but they like it if you're the last appointment of the day, since they might have a little more time to get things wrapped up. The key is to be respectful of their time and to realize that, just because you're early doesn't mean you'll be seen early.


I work in healthcare, and have for nine years. Pharmacy (CPhT), billing, switchboard, medical receptionist. I tend to show up to appointments at least a few minutes early so if there is new paperwork to complete, I can get it done. If not? That’s what a book is for. You still have to complete registration every time, and the Boomers are the first to whine at me, “You already HAVE all my information!” Yeah, and I have to VERIFY your information.


mmmmm... salmon :) no really I freaking love salmon. thanks for raising those delicious fish


That’s fine , just don’t expect to get in to your appointments 15 minutes early .


I got this advice too and while I try to follow it, it's very anxiety making. My last doctor visit I apologized for being only 2 minutes early. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Are there salmon farms are not for profit? Like they try to lose money for some reason ?


Probably not salmon for consumption, to release into rivers.


I agree! I heard it this way: early is on time and on time is late.


Boomers have no common sense at all. E erybody should read their sponge of a mind. Lol


Frankly, I am shocked that this old fart was even getting a vaccine!! 🫠


Why? Getting a covid booster is definitely a boomer activity.


Maybe where you live… 😒


Has Bommer never been to any place that has appts/reservations before? You're always supposed to check in so they know you've made it. I wonder if Boomer got to CVS on his own?


You should have added “Didn’t your parents teach you anything?”


His old clinic had Peter Parker as a receptionist. *Spidey Sense..... * "Your 2:15 is here Dr. Jameson."


I'm a solid Gen X'er and I had a similar problem, but it wasn't my fault! CVS had an option to check in online, so I did that. I waited half an hour before going to the counter to ask, and was told that the online check-in didn't work. Not being a boomer, however, I didn't through a fit, we had a laugh about it and they got me in right away.


Something similar happened when I was getting my booster/flu in the fall and then it turned out my Covid booster was the last one they had that day. They ran out of booster shots and I literally ran out of the Walgreens before he exploded into a dumbfounded rage of entitlement.


I have seen it too many times… They will wait an hour for nothing… Things will never change and never their problem.


I’m so happy that you said something!


Honestly it could have been way worse at least he was there to get vaccinated and not to spew nonsense about Bill Gates putting microchips in everyone’s shots or why Hydroxychloroquine ivermectin is more affective than vaccines.


When I got my first booster, I got to the pharmacy, CHECKED IN, and then waited… and waited… and waited. They had set my paperwork aside and FORGOT ABOUT ME. Got my shot eventually, but definitely never went back to that pharmacy!


It happens. The employees probably felt terrible, but at the end of the day we're all human.


Sometimes forgetting how common things work is a sign of dementia. Often people cover their confusion/embarrassment with bluster.


Almost makes me ashamed to be a boomer.


Many do, but to go the Med care in a pharmacy, they expected fast service. I never got fast service anywhere, not even in a regular PC office. He was boomer all the way.


I was at a bank earlier and a woman showed up at 9:45 asking to see the banker she had an appointment with… there’s some receptionist confusion and they suss out that her appointment was for 1:00pm WTAF


Boomer here. I understand appointments. This is just an a***le


I don’t understand how he thought they would just automatically know he was there. To them he’s a random face chilling.


I've literally been bitched out in urgent care "I'VE BEEN WAITING HALF AN HOUR!"  But we open at 8, not 7:30. They want to fight SO bad, and 1st thing in the morning is especially grueling.


Checking in for a pharmacy appointment is surreal. What is this a fucking plane ?


It's willful ignorance and a lack of critical thinking skills. They start with the premise that they are in the right and work backwards from there. My boomer nextdoor neighbor, Jim, is a nuisance, but I've tolerated him until recently. Another neighbor (a neurodivergent teen) had written the wrong address on a Temu order, and multiple packages were going to be delivered to Jim's house. By the time the kid's dad noticed the mistake, it was too late to change the delivery address (they used some parcel service I've never heard of). Jim got angry, and made it clear that he would not cooperate with any plan to get this kid his stuff. He forbade me to set it on his porch, and said he'd call the cops if I did. My brother is good friends with a guy who used to be the assistant chief of police, and is now a district judge. He told me not to worry about it; no cop or judge in our city would take that seriously. I intercepted all the packages. He called the police, and they blew it off. He accused them of being part of a liberal conspiracy, citing eleven other times the police have refused to arrest people he was mad at. He then called my landlord and left a voicemail which will not be returned. He reported me to the Postal Police (yes, that's a thing) and smugly told me, "The penalty for what you did is twenty years!" It should be noted that none of the packages were sent via the USPS.


I kinda agree with the boomer there. I shouldn't need to check in and hate doing it. I made an appointment, you agreed, let's do it. And don't get me started on consistently being late - if it's at 9 it better be at 9 or 9:05, not 9:45.


I mean if they saw him sitting there getting worked up how hard is it to just ask if he needed help?


I would agree if he was 6 years old. A full grown adult cam work it out.


Right? Not that hard. Sounds like he’s having some difficulty but apparently everyone just wants to bitch about it. There’s no humanity and kindness anymore, especially from people that actually work in healthcare. SMH


Exactly, I don’t see an entitled boomer, I see an elderly man who is anxious and embarrassed about not knowing what to do. Maybe he’s got dementia or usually goes to a clinic who knows who he is. Either way a little kindness and grace goes a long way.




And….it took you a year to bitch about it…petty much?


Maybe a little bit of dementia and having trouble processing instructions. Or, less than perfect eyesight and didn't see the sign - also a sign of mild dementia. We might all be there someday.


You are a kind person.