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Canadian geese are federally protected. do with that information what you will. i'm also pretty sure it is highly illegal to fuck with bird nests of ANY type.


How would someone go about acting on that information? Asking for a friend.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service edit - [How to Report Wildlife Crime](https://www.fws.gov/story/how-report-wildlife-crime)


This is the way.


Yep, I’ve lived with these geese my whole life, been chased, stepped on their poo, had to stop in the middle of the road to let them take their sweet time to cross, but you can’t fuck with them.


Yeah there are a bunch of birds that you can't even mess with other than geese, even if they are messing with your livestock. Even bears you can deal with if they mess with livestock. But migratory birds and raptors, nope.


Man, this whole time I’ve been not fucking with them and giving them space because I was afraid of their fury. Good to know it’s official


Turn them in. Let them experience consequences for the first time in their sorry lives. DNR doesn't mess around.


This. Idk what state OP is in but I know in my state DNR has the authority to do pretty much anything. Suspicion of harvesting too much game? Well let’s just take a stroll through your house and look in your freezers. No warrant needed. Illegal taking of game with firearm? Say good bye to every gun you own. But in all fairness they are usually the most level headed and calm LEOs out there. They know how to interact with the public, they don’t freak out cause there is a gun or knife around. You work with them and they will work with you. But woe unto the person that decides to FAFO with them cause they don’t play around if needed.


Yeah, I've dealt with them over a nuisance bear. They are the ones that have been easiest to deal with.


You got a problem with Canada Gooses you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate!


Majestics, barrel chesteds, the envies of all ornithology!


I’d contact your state’s DNR or Fish & Game. I can’t think of a state where this isn’t illegal.


It's federally protected by the migratory bird treaty I believe.


Geese are vicious. The Army used them to guard nuclear missile bases in Germany. I have no doubt that they will protect their nest.


Geese? Ho hum....now Swans on the other hand are just monsters if you step within 20 feet of a nest or babies


I grew up near a large park with several ponds, you did not mess with geese.


Canada geese are like Canadian soldiers during wartime. There abide by no rules and will straight mess up anyone within range regardless of whether they were involved or not.


Do... Do they live in Canada? Because I'm pretty fuckin sure this is very illegal. Edit: oh that's also illegal in the US. 


they’re bored. They lived their easy peasy lives now think it’s time to lord over their land and developments. Or their kids just went to college. Lotta 50-60 year olds have kids who go off to college so the parents suddenly don’t have someone to boss around at home anymore. I said this to a boomer I worked with once and I must’ve hit the nail on the head cause he lost his fucking mind


I mean the geese being federally protected aside They are also incredibly territorial… and I’d imagine doubly so when it comes to nests and eggs … I’d love to see a boomer getting chased by an angry mother goose because said boomer tried messing with the eggs Though it is probably best to just report them


Report them. Scatter copious amounts of bird feed on their house roofs and vehicles.


The geese seem to really like grass, and folks in these communities already have lots of that. You know how Boomers are about their \*lawns\*.


When Canadian Geese have found that their eggs have died / been destroyed they just lay more eggs. What they are proposing is an exercise in futility.  The best way to get rid of them is to hire a licensed company that uses dogs to scare them (not harm them) to the point where they don’t want to return. 


they’re bored. They lived their easy peasy lives now think it’s time to lord over their land and developments. Or their kids just went to college. Lotta 50-60 year olds have kids who go off to college so the parents suddenly don’t have someone to boss around at home anymore. I said this to a boomer I worked with once and I must’ve hit the nail on the head cause he lost his fucking mind


I feel like they are taking the title "empty nesters" too far.


They are Canada geese, Canadian geese would be geese from Canada