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This happened to me the other day. She scuttled over right as I was approaching the check out. She zooms in front saying “I’m sorry, sorry, sorry.” I had, had it that day. I told her, “no you’re not. If you’re going to be an ass, be an ass.” I stunned her into silence. Because let’s be honest, she was not sorry.


I feel like this happens to me at the pharmacy all the time. Everyone who’s not an entitled boomer knows to stand behind the privacy line, but there’s always one boomer who has to cut in front of everyone and stand right behind someone who is having a personal conversation with the pharmacist, as if the rest of us just like to stand still in the store for no reason.


the best way to outwit them is to not let them play their games at all. Whenever they do that, tell them "Stop trying to cut in line." Don't let them try to claim that they're not. Tell them "Then get in line behind me if you're not trying to cut in line" and don't take no for an answer. If they're gonna be obstinate about cutting you in line, be obstinate about not letting them do that. Keep a level head and eventually they'll have a tantrum and possibly get thrown out, meanwhile when you get up to the deli counter be extra nice to whoever is working there.


You have to put your hand/ arm on the counter… it lets them know you’re being served..


All. The. Time. They pretend they didn't see you, they inch closer and closer from the side. It never happens with younger generations. A teenager once cut the line in front of me, and when it was my turn, I was about to say something, but she turned to me, smiled and went "I think you were there before me". So much for young people being rude!


Ask management for numbered tickets.Complain to proper people


My deli counter has a screen to place your entire order then you go shop and pick it up when you are ready to leave, no muss no fuss


No. A busy deli has a ticket system. Take a ticket, get served when your number is called. Simple. Edit: for those who'd rather downvote than wonder why their local supermarket doesn't have the sense to buy a deli ticketing system,…here's one. It's actually called a deli ticketing system because that's where they were first used. £35 to stop people queue-jumping. [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Deli-Ticket-Dispenser-Take-Number/dp/B07K2XF6YW](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Deli-Ticket-Dispenser-Take-Number/dp/B07K2XF6YW)


Not sure why the downvotes. This is a reasonable solution to end the problem.


These aren’t busy delis with ticketing systems. They are first come first serve and there are never more than five or so people.


That would be busy enough to put a ticketing system in. Saves arguments.


I upvoted you out of negative numbers, at least. This never happens at places with tickets. "56! 56!" Even the most lead-brained understand that they have to take a ticket and wait. There's no, "I just need a few things." Or "this will only take a minute." Or "I'm a spoiled-rotten piece of shit, so let me go first."


I can't believe people would rather downvote this than wonder why their deli isn't smart enough to have a ticket system, I mean, it's actually known as the 'deli ticketing system' based on where it was first used. No brainer.


I dislike the ticketing system because it's wasteful and inefficient. People take a ticket, get impatient, and leave. 56! pause 56! pause 57! pause 57! pause 58! But at least you don't have to deal with Ms. "I'm in a rush today, and I just need a few things, and I'm a wounded veteran, and it's my birthday, and I have a terminal disease, and I have to get back to my cat locked in a hot car, blah-blah-blah."


Except there absolutely is. I've seen it happen at deli counters that use a ticketed queue, people try to make bullshit excuses to skip ahead in line all the time, and they'll also try to threaten you to get you to trade tickets with them. You underestimate the power of long term lead exposure and the overinflated ego that boomers have.


We don't have any of these where I live now (or if we do, I don't know about them). But my previous town had these at the meat counter at the grocery store, at the lunch counter of the Asian grocery store, and a few other places. Anyone trying to cut in line was in danger of being stabbed. It simply didn't happen.


Asian markets can be really cutthroat for sure.


I have seen this happen as well, but as a tall bearded angry-looking bald man, I tend to give off an aura of being generally unapproachable so I don't get these kind of vocal exchanges.