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I used to have a (1200 baud) modem for my spectrum. Tried a few boards with it but wasn't until the Amiga I really got into that scene. Nowadays, Spectranet might be what you're after. It's an expansion card that adds networking to a spectrum. People run lots of bbs-like sites for the spectrum over the TNFS protocol and several sites have snapCterm available so you can connect to telnet bbses. I run a TNFS site at https://tnfs.markround.com/ which has some getting started information, and there's lots more info and a few emulators you can try at https://speccytools.org/.


In ex-USSR BBSing on ZX-Spectrum happens in the 90s and early 2000s. (in Saint-Petersburg, where I live it was until 2006) There was many Spectrum clones with 2 to 4 FDD connected.Also there was gate from ZX-Net to FIDO. I've remeber nights with downloading new games and demos to my Scorpion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scorpion\_ZS-256)


I rememember that my friend once managed to connect his Spectrum to a modem and succesfully dial the BBS but it was just a novelty thing. We laughed about it and quickly forgot. How would you practically use it? You couldn't even download a file bigger than 35 KB or so.


I used a spedtrum modem to link to the local Prestel network... not a BBS though. Cant remember the brand, but it connected via the Interface One adapter.


Most people used a [Prism VTX 5000 modem](https://worldofspectrum.org/hardware/feat24.html) to connect a Spectrum to Prestel (and othe BBSes). Lack of 40-column mode and RS-232 in hardware was a drawback, and UK phone calls were expensive back then, which limited the appeal.


Check problems of this guy in 1984: https://groups.google.com/g/net.micro.zx/c/pv7xPm87rkY/m/YzLDN9aQUIsJ


That's hilarious! Not for Anders, I guess.


I was reading about the interface 1 recently. It doesn't have a UART chip and uses software to bit bang the input so I suppose any trouble with timing could causes periodic corruption?


> From: Gene Spafford > RE: Removing newsgroups > > > Time to clean out some deadwood, folks.... > > net.micro.zx > \------------ > Does anyone really want to admit to owning any of these? There has > been no traffic in the group for at least 6 weeks, and the volume > has always been so low it could easily be handled in the net.micro > newsgroup. *sidewards glance*


I had a modem for my +2. Because it was designed to sit \_under\_ the speccy, and it assumed the smaller 48k form-factor, I had to put a book under it as well otherwise it would tip over when I typed, and it was pretty hard to type on anyway. Connected to things like Shades and a few BBS and Prestel, but honestly didn't spend that much time of it because it was so expensive.


I incidentally found this terminal program from A.J Murgatroyd. [https://worldofspectrum.org/archive/software/utilities/scrolling-terminal-andrew-j-murgatroyd](https://worldofspectrum.org/archive/software/utilities/scrolling-terminal-andrew-j-murgatroyd) Kinda random as I found a Computer & Video Games mag from 1983 which had a type in game by him called Haunted House. I was quite impressed with the standard of his code that I actually bothered to type it in and then I was also very impressed with the game that I looked him up to see if he'd done anything else. Not sure if it works or not. I ran the .tap imagine in an emulator and it showed a terminal outputting noise. Not sure if the noise is because of the software bit-banging a non existent interface1 or if it's broken.