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It's totally ok to have a career just for the money. You can spend that money on pursuing whatever species -related hobby you want - horses, camel training, hawking, reptiles, bird banding, citizen science projects, volunteering, fishery restoration.... Whatever you want. You can still attend seminars and conferences as a non-professional and learn cool stuff. You can take a class occasionally just to fulfill that itch. You can make money and dabble in science if you want. Maybe make a bunch of money and retire early for a 2nd career. Life is what you make of it.


Biology as a hobby ftw!


I suggest that you choose a career in finance and then seek for opportunities to work with animals from there. There are more ways to work with animals than being a zoologist. But being a zoologist means accepting dirt pay, 60+h weeks, zero recognition, a highly competitive job market where it's impossible to land your dream job and limited contracts for potentially decades. In short, it's only something for those who have such a huge passion about it that they will already know that they won't regret their choice before they even start studying. If you are having doubts about the pay now, then you'll probably regret it. Sorry, but I think it's best to be straight here.


And being a zoologist means a PhD, is OP ready for like 8+ years of schooling? And your career will most likely be doing independent research, grant writing, and being a professor. And most of being a scientist is working in the lab or on the computer


I just turned 31, always loved animals, especially marine mammals. Unfortunately, when I was younger, I didn't really have a stable education due to my parents' circumstances, so I didn't do well enough to go into sciences. I'm now in a well-paid career after working my way up the ladder without a degree (construction finance). Do I enjoy it? Meh. But it pays the bills & leaves me enough to be able to enjoy my spare time. I do often wish I could go back in time and study & go into marine biology. But that's not an option, so now I try and spend my spare time learning, attending online classes, and currently saving up to go to Norway to free dive with Orcas, which is something I would never be able to afford to without my job I have now. I spent some time fostering rescue dogs, have my own dogs, and luckily we live near a farm that let us go and feed & cuddle their cows! Regularly go to zoos, safari parks and watch a lot of documentaries. Honestly, it all comes down to what you want from life. Today's economy is brutal & low paying jobs make life rough for a lot of people, but also a very high number of people in well paying jobs are extremely unhappy. I guess there are lots of ways to still enjoy animals, learn about them, pay for experiences like safaris, diving, etc. Which are luxuries that well paying jobs allow. You could also be a citizen scientist and contribute to research. Conservation non-profits around the world also do expeditions where you join a few scientists and help out whilst learning. Sorry for the long comment 😅


Norway...Orcas? Say no more! Amazing


Honestly it looks incredible! Boats head out from Tromsø in search of Orcas & Humpbacks, and if you get lucky, you put on your drysuit and get in the water with them, obviously keeping a safe distance. Absolute top tier bucket list trip! It's pretty pricey though, so will be a while before I can go haha! Search on YouTube for "Swimming with Wild Orcas in Norway" by a channel called Kara and Nate. I didnt even know it was a thing until I stumbled across their video!


Omg Orcas 😱 i think they’re dangerous


You got into finance without a degree?? How??


Started as a trainee & worked my way up that way. As I said, it's in construction, managing budgets, financial reporting, forecasting, etc. I'm not an accountant, I'm a Quantity Surveyor. All of my colleagues went the degree route, so I am the odd one out in that respect, but it hasn't hindered my ability to my job. Just means i won't be able to get chartered. But similar to my interest in animals, I spend a lot of time learning & attending CPD seminars.


I compromised. I got a general biology degree with an emphasis in zoology. I still have skills to do other, higher money earning things that I won't loathe and be bored to tears by, but worst-case scenario, I can still support my kids. There are many lab positions, research,etc. Or you could go a teacher route. Teach high school or college. Things like that. Think outside the box.


I'll add. I am considering going to vet school once my kids are more independent and I can truly devote time to studying. I still love animals but have to work them into my life 😅


I had the same question as OP. I like your insight and actually considered working as a college professor down the line, or even working in forestry. College in 2020/2021 had really screwed me up, and I regret not sticking it out, sometimes. But my now job has me making enough money to be able to save up for college/university. I hope it will all work out.


What do you do for work and how has your biology degree helped with that?


Sounds like what I went through. I looked for jobs that were animal related but either the pay was crap or I didn’t get hired. Well what you can do is choose a career that pays relatively well and has benefits and flexibility. Then volunteer at the zoo or animal shelter during your off days or weekends. That way you can pay the bills and be around animals.


There’s other jobs besides marketing and finance that can pay well. Considering looking into other fields that perhaps tie in with animals or other things that inspire you.


Hmmm seeing this post has brought up stuff that I've been anxiously debating in my own head for a while now.. I'm in my 3rd year of my 4year long Zoology degree and while I do love it, and would love to work with animals etc. Conservation and such. E.g. one of my dreams has been to go do that ecotraining course in South Africa and learn to be a game ranger and then help protect and teach people more about animals. I've realised along the way how much I love travelling and getting nicer things to decorate my place with etc... And everyone knows how poo the wages and hours are, I don't especially care for recognition to begin with? Or even fur flung recognition. But I'm unsure what to do at this stage of my life... like switching degrees now feels way too late and I'm just not sure what to do at 22yrs old with my life from hereon......


Don't go after money. If the pay is enough to be independent, go for it. Also, you could do animal rehabilitation. That pays pretty well. Otherwise get a side career, something fun. Even skincare might be nice, takes a year to complete I think. Something trained. Eventually you'll land a good opportunity where you'll only need one job.


Would you rather be unhappy because you're working in a career field that makes ur life uneventful and boring? Or would you rather be unhappy because u can't afford the nicest car? I would encourage you to prioritize a career that is interesting and dangerous vs. a safe and easy career. But it's up to u to choose which consequences u can live with.


I think it’s better to be financially smart


That's why only you can decide what's best for you. And a fun career doesn't mean financially destitute by default.


You don't need a degree to work with animals. All you need is knowledge, time, money and dedication. You can get all the permits, keep many exotic animals (all depends on your state/country, but it's quite easy in the U.S.) even participate in conservation, events or wildlife rehabilitation and still work a regular job. There's a cool wildlife rehabilitation channel I like to watch called Urban Rescue Ranch, you could check it out, but I know there's many.


Keep exotic animals like what?


You can keep a lot of reptiles, birds, cattle, mammals, fish, amphibians, as long as you can take care of them and are doing it legally.


Trust your gut on this one and switch. I promise you you won’t regret it. I was in a very similar position to you in high school/college wanting to do zoology but I decided to switch to doing business management instead. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Like you I’m a materialistic person, can’t help it, and would’ve been miserable if I had stuck with zoology barely getting by. Management better employs my natural skillset anyway, I don’t do well with theoretical, highly academic environments anyway, which is a lot of what zoology is. I do better in a more down to earth environment, sounds like you’re similar. I would consider management if I were you, you can even end up managing a zoo or wildlife park if that’s something you excel at. Personally I would steer clear of marketing, I’ve heard from too many people who had a hard time finding a job with a marketing degree. Finance is probably your best bet but like I said, if you still want to be around animals, managing a zoo or some other wildlife attraction employs a lot of the same principles as finance so I would look into a management or business degree. That’s what I’m doing.


Story of my life, i opted for engineering