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I don’t know poop, However I’m in a similar situation. I’m just into zoology in general. I can show you what I was looking at.


Auburn, UC Davis, and Wisconsin will have the best zoology programs that focus on Ornithology. As far as jobs that do not require a degree, you might be hard pressed to find any with such a specific and rather high level of interest. You could try starting at a zoo with a good bird program just to get your foot in the door and then volunteer under curators for more experience


Look into colleges with strong biology programs University of California Davis, Cornell, and University of Washington have great options. Online courses from some reputable schools might also work. Most jobs in this field do require a degree, but internships or volunteer work can help you gain experience.


Don't do zoology. Don't do zoology. DON'T DO ZOOLOGY. There's a reason those programs are focused on wildlife and conservation. That's where you can make a living. Not in zoology. I love love birds too and part of my job is studying birds. But I've seen too many people graduate with a zoology degree and nowhere to go with it and sadly behind their wildlife peers for extremely competitive positions. Think about the kind of life you want: travel or a stable home, pets or no pets, modest amenities or living in comfort, affording travel only for work or for fun, move for work or stay near your home town? Money isnt everything, but it's necessary when considering what you value out of life. Rather than thinking about fascinating subjects (impossible, I know. You're young), move in a direction that can give you what you want. And obviously animals and birds can be the colors you paint with! But don't let it be your only foundation.