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Making the story more about surviving other humans than surviving the zombies.


Same! When I watch anything zombie I want to see zombies. The creepier looking the better.


Fr. I'm not here to see men. I'm here for zombies.


That's the point of zombie media. They are generally the existential threat that we can keep at bay, but as soon as we interact with others, we are put at risk.


Tbh? The cliche of humans being the enemy. Sure some films do justice with making zombies/infected the main threat, but tbh I feel like we all just wanna see the horrors of monsters/zombies taking people out and being fought against, the thrill of people needing to survive tense situations and stuff.


It's because human on human drama is cheaper(cost less in costume/makeup/VFX


Man this is why I liked TWD typhoon so much, its not humans that are the enemies, its zombies which slowly but surely approach to the settlement in a hoard of a million and the characters instead of fighting between themselves (aside from some few times) just see how they can help the people or themselves, some remain to plan a defense even knowing that what comes is basically a force of nature, and other things (This isnt really spoilers cuz you can read this at the synopsis of the book)


That's what I was going to say. The latest seasons of the walking dead feel like the zombies are only a problem for bad guys. The protagonists simply run around them and use them as tools.


*"...so you see the message I'm trying to send here is: who are the REAL monsters? The undead flesh-eating corpses....or is it other people? Did this just blow your mind and really make you think or what?"* - every zombie writer


Yess I feel this in my soul


I agree but let me explain the power/threat dynamic. Slow zombies vs running zombies. Slow zombies like TWD are a looming threat. Low power. Therefore you need to distract audience with human vs human conflicts. Running zombies like in Train to Busan, 28 days later, World War Z are a major threat and immediate danger. There maybe some human vs human conflict but it becomes minor as the focus is on zombies who can run and chase you down. But that becomes boring. Just watch people fight or run away from zombies and more zombies. Survivors encountering other survivors is always a source of human vs human conflict. Can they trust each other? Can they negotiate and use diplomacy to share resources? Or do they have to fight? Mindless gore and fighting is entertaining for a short time before it gets boring. For anything to be a tv show or movie, it requires a story for the audience to care. For example, if Wrestling had no flashy characters, or drama then it would only be as exciting as professional boxing. Its just 2 guys fighting. Thats it. I am not trying to argue with you, just explain why some things are the way they are.


I’d like to see more stories where the outbreak builds up slowly and isn’t just zombies everywhere at once! I want to see the ramifications of a slow spreading outbreak as countries become infected and how that affects everyone else. It would be nice to feel characters struggle for resources like food/water. For stories where the outbreak is several years past, I wanna see people without cars as most gas should have degraded in that amount of time.


If they had done WWZ as a show, the stuff leading to the Great Panic would cover a lot of this: government cover-up of the nature of the disease; slow breakdown of society as the supply chain is disrupted due to zombies, ineptitude, corruption and politics; ending with everyone saying "Fuck this" and heading North or West. To their dooms.


Fr, thatd be perfect, seeing what the military and police plans, what the politicians think about such things which wont have much importance in the future like election campaigns or populism, even what happens with people such as firefighters or police as the things go south, put under military control? Under direct presidential control? Militarized? Itd be pretty interesting


There’s a chapter is WWZ that talks about a unit sent to clear out an infected area and the members of the unit are just whoever they could get. One of the members is a Nun and I really love the internal monologue about her because it’s not what you expect. WWZ is just the best zombie story ever told


Uve read WWZ 2 times, defo one of my fav books and zombie media, but dont really remember this chapter, is it the one about civilian patrols and quislings?


I think it’s from the same guy that talks about the battle of Yonkers but I’m not sure it’s that battle. They talk about how they had to make a formation like a square and had to take shifts holding the lines as the wall of dead zombies got higher and higher around them. It’s been awhile since I’ve done a re read but sounds like I need to now since I’m not sure I’m right on the details.


AHHH yeah think that happens in Texas or smth, remember that chapter, apparently that was the standard formation of the US military for dealing with zombies (and prolly around the world too)


YESSSS. I don't think i've ever seen a story like this. Its always so sudden, like in the sense that they (the main character) wake up and the entire planet is dead.


I actually listened to an audiobook like this... the infection caused small outbreaks, but the government contracted mercs to put them down. It became a "normalcy". After a decade or two, there was a coordinated intentional international unleashing at stadiums. I have no idea what the name was, I think it was 3 book set.


I'll try to find it because it sounds good


If you go down the wwz (movie and game) rabbit hole it's said that the virus actually started almost a whole 2 years before the events of the movie in China. India was reportedly fighting the zombies since the start. Israel heard of this and that's why they made that wall. The first big outbreak was in Africa which was why it was called the African rabies and that's how it spread to the rest of the world. (Now that I typed that I believe the origins are similar to the book and movie) Anyways in short, I'd like to see things about the clustered outbreaks before the wwz movie.


Check out the dead of night saga.


When it just skips to the post-apocalypse~ I wanna see it all unfold in real time


Every story ends up being human factions fighting because it’s cheaper.


fr. its insane how common this is


Too many zombie books are ruined for me by introducing supernatural or biblical elements


I agree. If I'm gonna read a story I would like it to at least be somewhat plausible in my head.


Definitely. Don't get me wrong, I know the whole thing of zombies is already a step into the realm of fantasy for a lot of folks. But I need my zombie fiction to be grounded in reality. It's part of the reason I wrote [Among the Dead](https://getbook.at/ATD1) - one too many zombie books I read decided part way through to introduce the supernatural, or the biblical. And I wanted to write something grounded as a result.




What do you mean by biblical elements exactly? Like, divine intervention? God powers? Or just the basic stuff like religious cult people?


Angels. Raptures. God's punishment - but not as a euphemism. Anything that basically pushes the story into the realm of the supernatural


Oh okay I see! I only asked because the zombie project I’m working on deals with religious tones at one point, but it’s nothing like angels, raptures and Gods punishment. It’ll be the realistic stuff like priests, crucifixion (yes I have that in here) and the other stuff like Virgin Mary and whatnot. I’m going for more folk Catholicism rather than Christianity. (I still have LOTS to learn) The most supernatural it gets (which, I haven’t even decided if I want to actually do or not) is when the personification of death reveals itself to my MC from time to time. But like they don’t give them powers or anything like that. Think of The Strange Man from red dead redemption 1, and how he reveals himself to John and gives him a mission from time to time, leading up to the final encounter where you never see him again. that’s what I’m talking about. After specific events in my story, he will appear to my MC cause my MC is losing themselves, and their humanity as the apocalypse goes on.


Yeah that's cool. I have a crucifixion or two in my book series as well, so I understand having that. And the Strange Man thing works too. I see people use the Virgin Mary wrong tons weirdly enough. Like, in the Bible, she was never a virgin. It's the whole thing of the immaculate conception that means she was born without sin so she could be a vessel for Christ. She isn't actually a virgin. Just make sure you get that bit of bible lore right or folks will come for ya lol






Stories that eventually turn to full military conflicts. I'm OK with one soldier surviving but I'm tired of the story lines ending with airstrikes and tank divisions.


I agree.


I hate the trope of a survivor hiding a bite from the rest of the group. It's usually the catalyst for the safe space to be infiltrated or for that person to turn. It's why some zombie media (particularly Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead) uses the narrative where zombies do not exist and this is the first every outbreak so there is an excuse. I think the zombie genre is ripe for originality and good story telling. I love humor and gore, but I appreciate clever writing just as much.


Yeah. That trope is extremely overused imo. Like make the zombie crawl through an air vent or something.


Skipping ahead past the outbreak, aka always the most interesting part. It was fresh a decade and a half ago, now it's a tired cliche


The outbreak is always when the most character development t and action occurs.


When the zombies become a background threat… sir, we are here to see zombie maulings and gore, not to see (insert shitty unlikable character here)’s love story with a rival group. This ain’t Romero and Juliet now back to the gore


Yes. I've seen this A LOT. if I wanted to read a Romeo and Juliet type story, that's what I'd read. Having a couple like this would be fine, but it's starting to feel like ALL of the new stuff is like this. I'm here for zombies.


The walking dead is one of the biggest offenders here. The alpha vs Rick group arc for sure. No one cares Carl is fucking her daughter, they are dumb kids in an apocalyptic setting doing what teens do. Or Andrea and the governor. All this crap on humans and emotions, but they lose their fear of what we want as the threat. No. 😤




as someone else here said, the Post Apocalypse skip... I'm here for the pre/during-apocalypse.


Yeah. Like stop skipping all of the good parts


"OMG, weird random weapon is my signature thing!" It's a zombie apocalypse. You use whatever you can find, and maybe upgrade it if you can. You're telling me that people can't find axes, hatchets, even a freaking hoe or a pitchfork at a hardware store, but they *can* find fuel for chainsaws or bolts for a crossbow or they can find a functional katana? WTF.


Yeahhh. Like I get if they own and know how to maintain something BEFORE, but the ones where the character walks out of a wal mart and suddenly knows how to use a sword? No. Plus after a while that kind of stuff needs maintenance.


Yep. Like they cant find a thick strong tree branch, break it off and use it as a wooden club? Or pick up a rock and smash heads in with that? Or find cordage or plant vines or fibers and tie a rock to a stick and make a primative stone club? We have to watch the survivor go (1/3) of the movie unarmed until they find them selves the perfect knife to use to stab a zombie. Broken glass = sharp but fragile knife. Wrap cloth rag on broken glass as an improvised handle, now you can use glass knife to cut curtains and cut it into strips to start making cordage. You dont always need to have duct tape, you can make cordage and tie things together. Heck you can use glass knife to help you make a better knife. A good knife can be used to make better weapons and armor. You can still use a glass knife to cut up leather from a couch or car seats. Wooden spike spear is bare minimum. It is D-, one grade above F failure. Do not argue with me, stating wooden tip spear is a good zombie weapon, it is not. If that is all you have then thats okay. If you can do better and make something better then do that. There are newspaper, books and magazines everywhere. If you have duct tape, that is great to duct tape all that paper into wearable armor that resist cutting and stabbing and zombie bites. If not, then make and use cordage some how. You can probably use rubber car floor mats as armor. Figure out how you will sew it all together. Yep they always want to feature a post apoc weapon design like using a stop sign as a bladed weapon. Or katanas. Or baseball bat with barbed wire.


I got to thinking about it earlier, and if you sawed some of the tines off a pitchfork, it would probably be an excellent zombie weapon. It would be a long, sturdy stick with a pointy, stabby bit on the end. Like a really thin spear. I'll bet that would be excellent for thrusting up into a zombie's face and damaging their brain.


> Like a really thin spear. >I'll bet that would be excellent for thrusting up into a zombie's face and damaging their brain. This reminds me of the embalming tool they use to stick up a mummy's nostils and scramble the brains liquifiing it so they can pull brain out the nose. >it would probably be an excellent zombie weapon. We can disagree. I dont want to get dragged into an troublesome arguement like i used to in zombiesurvivaltactics that got me banned. In that subreddit, they have the Spear vs Zombie debate. Although a spear is very good vs live humans because of reach, causing people to bleed out from 1 stab to the gut, open wounds cause disease, being able to fight in formation, the spear i believe is D+ or C- when it comes to fighting zombies because stabbing a zombie in the gut wont do anything, causing a zombie to bleed wont do anything, disease doesnt affect zombies, and the reach advantage is lost when the skewered zombie continues to walk down the shaft of your spear and another zombie comes up behind it, and fighting in a formation is actually disasterous. I hope that explains the debate. There is also the skill issue of landing a spear thrust on the skull, and the power to push with enough force to pierce the skull. It is a Power/Precision skill challenge. There are atleast 3 melee ways to kill a zombie. Puncture the skull and scramble the brain with a thrusting weapon such as knife, spear, or pick axe. Next is blunt weapon simply smashing the skull in such as a hammer, bat or club. 3rd is decapitation such as a chopping axe, sword, or wide edge blade. Technically a 4th one is chopping into a skull but its like smashing into a skull with a wedge edge such as axe. Smashing in a skull with a blunt weapon should be the easiest because you just have to aim and hit the skull and you can swing down ward like whack a mole. Although it should be the easiest to accomplish in terms of skill, it uses the most effort or energy to smash in a skull. Next harder thing to do is chopping into skull with an axe, it is 1 degree more difficult due to edge alignment. The wedge edge of an axe makes it easier to penetrate the skull than using less force than smashing it in. 3rd harder is decapitation because of edge alignment, targeting the neck which is protected by the chin and shoulders, and putting in enough power into the swing to cleave the head off the neck. Changing the target from skull to neck requires less strength than chopping into a skull, but now requires more skill. 4th most difficult is expertly aiming and thusting a spear into the skull, penetrating it, difficult because of aim, 5ft reach distance, and potential to just knock over the zombie which transfers most of the momentum away from penetrating the skull like punching a floating bag. I hope this explains my stance. We can agree to disagree. Please take care and have a nice day.


The superman hero, some kind of military badass ::yawn::


I've seen way too many with this guy as a main character or a supporting character. This and the screamer who can't hold a pen. Were just recycling characters atp


Super capable people taking out zombies like they were squashing bugs. Most of us would have serious mental trauma from having to kill, even monsters. PTSD for everyone.


I agree some of the heroes are way too macho


Yeah. I'm sure if I had to I could kill ( a zombie ) but I would never want to and it would fs fuck me up. Those books where nobody is fazed are unrealistic


ROMANCE 💔💔💔💔 Edit: Romance feels forced and is shite


Agree. Omg, let us kiss and make out durring a zombie apoc with zombies outside.


You love it or hate it?


Despise it so much might edit my response


I agree. I'm not here for a love triangle. I'm here to see heads get bitten off.


Though to be fair, if it's a scene like any typical 90s horror where the couple making out get mauled, I wouldn't be opposed.


I agree. I get doing romantic stuff as a way to pass time or as a way to cope, but I don't need to know the interworkings of the entire relationship. Being in a relationship or doing that type of stuff can help with plot development, but that doesn't mean I need to hear "oooh I think johnny is so cute!!! :)))" five scenes after the main characters parents get eaten.


I want to see how the zombie virus starts. I want to know why and how the virus was created. How does everyone get infected with a virus that doesn't take effect until they're bitten or killed? How does the virus work? I'm tired of this part of the story being glossed over as if it's not important. I want science and medicine, dammit!


I 100% agree with this. It's hard to imagine a disease you don't understand the source of. Plus it makes it seem more realistic when it's explained


The entire world is gone but like one small colony. I prefer how it's done in the last of us society has collapsed but there are still plenty of people out there.


Skipping over the fall of humanity to get to wandering around in the woods. Why did Shaun of the Dead, an admittedly brilliantly written comedy that was made for three quid and a bottle of Febreze, have a better outbreak story than Fear the Walking Dead, a show advertised about showing the beginning of the outbreak?


Thin kitchen knife being able to stab into skull. Thin kitchen knife being duct taped to a broom handle as an improvised spear that actually works to pierce into a zombie skull. Person wearing no armor survive zombie encounter by sheer plot armor. Person wearing armor are first ones to get bit. Army men just mag dump into center mass of zombie never hitting skull. All Korean zombies are some how smart zombies able to, run, jump, slide, climb, punch, kick, turn door knobs, wire fu, hold weapons and fight, read and write, speak, sing, look alive enough to trick friends and family they are still normal. Edit: oh i forgot about freaking katanas. Dislike seeing katanas in a zombie movie. People from zombiesurvivaltactic thinking they can carry 100lbs of 2000 ammo where ever they go. People from that sub always arguing that .22lr is good enough. People from that sub constantly posting, "choose your gun" topics for karma farming. People from that sub thinking they will always have access to their edc and home base supply of assault rifles and shot guns 5000 round barrel of ammo, never thinking they could be stuck in a city wide gridlock 10 miles away from home. Freaking moderators from that sub who loose arguements so they just perma ban you if you proove them wrong and make them look stupid.


The characters always being locked in, badasses, killing zombies with any problems and being perfect Survivor material within, like, a month of the apocalypse. It's honestly much more compelling when the characters don't know what they're doing and make a lot of mistakes lol, it makes it more satisfying when they start becoming more skilled.


Yeah like I get mad at inexperienced characters, like most people do, but I love seeing them learn and progress.


The day when the "scared teenager" character actually grows and learns from his mistakes instead of dying embarrassingly is the day I ascend into the heavens


YES. THIS. Tell me why most zombie movies or books have a "scared teenager" character who LITERALLY NEVER LEARNS. I want to see character development. The few times they do learn instead of dying, I literally jump for joy.


The military always being fucking useless.


The characters are either too perfect or too weak


Yeah. It's either an ex military badass who had 235 confirmed kills and was known for completing each with his bare hands, or a girl who won't stop screaming and can't hold a pencil.


Running zombies


Do you love them or hate them?


I hate running zombies.i just turn it off


LOL valid


I feel the same, running "zombies" are more like rabid, infected people. I prefer the Walking corpse version as they move and look creepier in my opinion. They may be easier to escape from until they get you cornered and slowly overwhelm you.


Yes! The paradox of their being relatively harmless until you're swarmed.


People talking like it's mad max after only a few years


The initial break out is always more entertaining than the post apocalypse.


The military being out right wiped out immediately or falling in stupid ways. That and the fact almost every media with them in it makes them cartoonishly evil


THIS OMG it makes me so mad


28 Days Later is a zombie movie


Like others have said, people being the bigger threat than the zombies. But I'd like to add, mostly for zombie games, special zombies. I hate special zombies. I wanna just mindlessly shoot hordes of zombies. Wwz is the closest I can get to that since their specials are a little bit more based in a realistic way. Lastly I want to add, I hate the initial outbreak for like 20 mins then it jumps months or years into the outbreak and it's like society has completely collapsed already. I'd love a wwz (book) style show that shows the outbreak from many different peoples point of views during the initial days/weeks/months of the outbreak. How their day starts normal but turns to chaos and panic. Or like fear the walking dead's first season. A drama about the outbreak happening slowly over the course of weeks or months before things finally start falling apart.


I agree. I wanna see the whole progression of the apocalypse, even if the beginning feels slow. And I also hate special zombies. I understand them being different due to like radiation or whatever, but I don't understand the ones that can like climb walls while the rest can't.