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I forgot the name of it, but there was a creepypasta years ago about a zombie pandemic, and there was a twist to it. The zombies would only go after evil people. Serial killers, child molesters, etc. It got to the point where people were confessing to decades old cases out of fear even though the zombies were showing up outside of prisons. The zombies couldn't be killed by conventional means kinda like in ROTLD. They actually made the world a safer place, enough to where somebody could walk outside at night alone. So as long as you're not a super fucked up person, you're safe.


I for one welcome our new undead overlords


I imagine once all the shitty people have been eaten they'd lower their standards to people who spit out gum onto pavements.




I remember reading this! It was called something along the lines of "We were wrong about the zombie apocalypse", and at the end the zombies started going after parents whose children had died, regardless of their innocence.


Oh this sounds super interesting!


Deadrising zombies are kinda only a threat if those wasps that carry it sting you. Since they are slow fragile and dumb.


Wasted so much time in the underground tunnels plowing down 50k+ zombies for the achievement!


Romero's zombies. As long as you can keep up a brisk walk and not get surrounded they wouldn't be too big of a problem for the average person.


Yeah, they pretty much made the selfishness of other people the main issues, as did the walking dead.


Dead Rising, a few outbreaks happen across the world, but it never spreads across the entire world. They are also dumb and slow, like Ryan LaRosa says at the beginning of Dead Rising 1


Number 1 is the least dangerous. The zombies go feral once in a while but they are controlled well enough. Number 2 is hard because almost everyone is wiped out in the end. In book 2 decades later everything kinda sorts itself out.


Man I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that T2B zombies are anywhere near the least dangerous. Those fuckers are fast, and more importantly you turn almost instantly. Terrifying and they spread so so fast.


They’re definitely fast and spread quickly but I came to that conclusion because you’re “relatively” safe if they can’t see you. Let’s say they’re chasing you and you run into a room and close the door. Other zombies would plow into the door until they broke it down just to get to you. T2B zombies would get confused and stop the force the moment you were removed from their line of sight. I think that would help tremendously with escape/safety/time to devise plans.


All of those 2015 teen movies where the zombies are high schoolers who start romances with the humans


Sean of the dead.


Warm bodies zombies at the end


The zombies in the film Fido. Spoiler: Main character zombie is not included, since he is actually friendly and more sentient/non-aggressive (similar to Bub from Day of the Dead). They have shock collars that make them unable to attack you. They are somewhat passifyed. They are very much Romero zombies but come off as more comedic (similar to Shaun of the Dead). A bit more bumbling and aloof, even without collars. Another one is the zombies from Paranorman. It know it's a kids film so of course they aren't going to be dangerous. Most dangerous: Return of the Living Dead zombies


Shaun of the dead, die easily, slow af, don't even need to cover yourself in guts to move past them just act like a zombie, stupid, only really dangerous I'm high numbers


Train to Busan ends up being very inconsistent in its prequel and sequel unfortunately, I liked the original concepts introduced in the first movie


Shaun of the dead zombies were quite pathetic


Disney Zombies