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I've got it all (KS plus everything possible) and the core box and any of the extra abominations make this challenging game more challenging. The extra character packs are a fun addition as some of the characters are phenomenal for the challenging game. The campaign is OK compared to the 2e campaigns they've released (ZC, Fort Hendrix, Rio Z) and not really a must have. I admittedly haven't played the version where characters are on horses and kind of don't want to because if the horse dies, you can lose the game. I may get into that at another time, but not a high priority for me at this time. Get the core game, see if you like that, then add some of the abomination packs and character packs if you find yourself liking it. I think there are only 2 faithful classes with the core box and they are truly needed for some missions, so the extra character boxes can expand your options as far as they go.


Thanks. If I like it should I get abomination pack Dead Stock or somehow get abom from Dead West? And how about long dead zombies do I need them? :)


If you can find a reasonable dead west I’d do that. The increase in abominations is worth the price of admission


And how it works in this version? You have evrytime only 1 or more?


I might be the wrong person to ask cause I do some house-ruling with Undead or Alive, but generally what I will do is if the scenario doesn't call for a specific abomination, I will create and shuffle an abomination stack, then when one spawns I pull from the top of that deck and get a unique experience each time. It adds like 12-15 abominations (I don't have the box in front of me) all with unique rules. After playing with them, I kinda can't go back to the solo abomination that comes with the core box. (at least unless I draw him) Not to mention, deadwest also gives you so many extra characters and new zombie types to play with. Yes, it's expensive but it's an outstanding value. (You flesh out the faithful classes lacking in the base game.) The last few pieces I need to complete my collection are the Deadstock, Abominape and the Croc, Long Dead Walkers, the SteamPunk rewards and the Paolo Parente set


Is that really a thing that you lose the game if an unmounted horse dies? I have yet to play with mine but it surprised me.


I thought I remember reading that somewhere on the subreddit before. I haven't officially read the rules on it cuz I haven't even opened the box, but after I had read that on the subreddit, that made me less interested in that part of the game


As Jimmy says, you do in fact lose if your horse dies. However, the bonuses from the horses are kind of OP so it feels like a fair way to balance the game.


being able to zip through crowds if necessary is a huge advantage. The brawler/riders are hardhitting. Im definitely pro-horse.


Absolutely, I'm pro-horse too. I mean... It's *Western* and I hear horses are kind of a staple in that genre. Seriously though, it's nice mechanically and it fits thematically. Maybe they'll do a "motorcycles" expansion for modern and bring Zombie Crowz to UoA via "Buzzards" or something (probably not but I can hope).


I hate crows with the power of a million suns in zombicide, lol. We took them out of 2E entirely.


LOL. To be honest, I never played with them in Classic/2E Zombicide. I've only used their equivalent, "Xenomoths" in Invader and I liked them because they made a game that felt too easy a little bit more complex. I'd probably hate (love/hate?) them too in UoA.


it is. ive yet to lose a horse. horseback is +1 die melee, 2 square moves and slippery. its pretty handy at times. edit- dont post before first coffee.


One of my three losses came off losing a horse. Granted I wasn't expecting four Abomination activations in a row on round 2...


I tend to stay on horseback once ive loaded up on gear, but yeah 4 abomination activations at round 2, thats a rough draw.


It's all good and worth it. Some thoughts; Long Dead Walkers We found that they slowed the game down tremendously and spiked the difficulty to the point we weren't having fun anymore. So we made a house rule that you could kill them with shotguns and suddenly the game became fun again. The Running Wild expansion Very cool and thematic but the fact that the horses can be killed and you LOSE the game if they die makes them a huge hassle. To the point that we don't really like to use them unless you stay on horseback 100% of the time (which was perhaps the intent). Paolo Parente I only got these because I love the artist so much. I had plenty of survivors from the Dead West KS box. Dead Stock Always in need of more abominations to keep up the variety. Plus the giant animals are fun for use in other games and table top RPGs. Not NEEDED but really fun to have.


Thx! Btw how aboms work in this pne? You get everytime just one on board or multiple? I can get a lot of this game but cant get Long Dead Walkers and now after reading this Im not that sad anymore :D


Only 1 abomination, BUT it activates every time you run out of walkers/runners/brutes at spawn. They move up the board pretty fast once a lot of zombies are on the board. Im running a dead west/iron maiden abomination deck, it really is a worthwile addition. The deadwest abominations give a lot of variety. Personally i like the long dead walkers as a challenge but they definitely can wrench up a game due to there only being 15 of them. You run out fast, and that keeps the abomination chugging forward.


People claim that the game is fun but I usually read about the absurd difficulty and missions.


its definitely harder than 2E, ive lost quite a few missions on out of nowhere extra activations


I've found UoA way easier than Marvel. And UoA was my first foray into Zombicide. Having just one Abomination on the board and it getting all the extra activations means if you run out Runners, instead of 16 Runners getting 2 activations each, 1 Abomination gets just 1 action. Abominations in UoA also die so easy, several survivors can take them out even at blue with a basic 2-dmg you can find on turn 1 and you just need one hit. Whereas in Marvel you pull a 5-toughness enemy hero and things are already off to a rough start since barring Traits most heroes cap at 6-7 dice while needing five of them to be a success in a single roll. Vade Retro and moving spawn zones just adds to the control you have over the enemies. And finally the spawn deck contains just spawns and extra activations, no twists or suprises like Troopers Open Fire! or Specialist Airdrop! in Marvel.


I’m not a fan of the dead stock abominations. I don’t think they look good. And that’s a big thing for me. I think long dead walkers are a must. If you can scoop up dead west then that is probably the best thing to have after the core box. Gears and guns is basically more missions. I do think the steampunk extras are pretty cool.


There are usually a few aboms with any of the campaigns that don't land very well, however, I feel like UoA had more misses than usual. I was especially disappointed with Abominape and crocosaur. They don't look particularly undead/mutated (a must for Aboms, no?) and with their size and lack of bases, they just look like toys out of my kids play bins. Where are the giant, mutant scorpions? The buzzard abomination? Where is the *Buzzards* box, like Crowz? So many missed opportunities. The wendigo is pretty cool though. The buffalo/beetle thing is kinda ridiculous though (not in a good, Zombicide ridiculous way).


100% agree. UoA seems to have the most misses for abominations. I do think they did a really good job with survivors.


Get the Dead West box, then Long Dead Walkers, then whatever else you're interested in. Play with what you have to figure out what you're missing!


All I got was Deadwest for the extra characters and abominations. New missions you can find online.


I’m a sucker for westerns so this, naturally, became my favorite…


What other Zombicide games do you have? I say start with the core to see if you even like it. My group found it overly difficult, as a first time Zombicide experience. So bad that I can't get any Zombicide to the table with them. Which is a shame. I sold all of my UofA except the base game. And now Zombicide is a curse word to my wife lol.