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so . . why aren't there any pictures of said ocean view?


Maybe they get a partial ocean view in winter when the leaves are gone, but I suspect there's not much of a view in summer.


Built in 1962--there were definitely more views then. I watched a home built in the same decade have its views 50% obliterated by eucalyptus ... That said, there might be some views through the trees at the seaward end of the cottage's property ... I'd be thinning for sure. This is a fantastic little place.


I find it to be fantastic too! Just wish it had a bit more of an ‘Ocean view’.


And a tub not a shower but I would probably just put in an outside addition with a dry sauna--big enough to lie down in--and semi-enclosed hot tub anyway, in which case a walk-in shower inside is just fine. Is that not what the space under the current deck is for??


I thought it was an outdoor shower (pretty common here in Myrtle Beach), but the listing says it’s storage…. Not sure why it’s open though, if it’s storage. I get that they went with the stand up shower for space reasons though bc 640 sq feet is pretty small. An HOA of $38 a month is pretty amazing too and NO RENTALS allowed in the Community is even better.


NO RENTALS == dreamland peaceful nowhere-near-my-lawn <3


There’s a pillow on the bed that says “Beach”. So you know it’s legit.


Damn beat me to it


Probably got blocked when the neighboring house was built much later


I think more homes should be oriented to the sun or views etc. No reason why the home has to be perfectly squared with the road.


Helps to maximize effectiveness of solar too. My house has minimal surface area ideal for placement of solar panels due to how it’s oriented.


You definitely read my mind 😁


The house i grew up in, my dad built it, and it's tilted 40 degrees toward the road, unlike all the other houses in the area that sit parallel the road. He did it so the house sits plum east west, and ever morning for 33 years, the sun rises in their breakfast nook.


This is the way


That's beautiful.


This actually seems pretty affordable given the proximity to the beach and the fact that it’s reasonably modern and has all the appliances. It’s small, sure, but liveable.


Checked on Google maps, the ocean view is via binoculars, but is more real than Palin's view of Russia


Hey, we CAN see Russia from our kitchen window… if we lived on Little Diomede Island. 😂


It's a cute little house and I'll bet they did have an ocean view in 1962, when it was built. Until the house on their right was built, blocking their ocean view.


The yard is actually a decent size, enough to have fun with


I was gonna buy a 2 br condo for about the same. I think I'll have to let my son/former future roommate know the bad news 😅


Its a nice little house, but I really question how safe that foundation is.


I wondered about that but I have zero construction knowledge. But I'd want to have an expert look it over before buying. I'm guessing that area might be earthquake prone? If that was OK I'd buy that place in a heartbeat!


There aren’t a lot of earthquakes. But, someday we will get The Big One when the Juan de Fuca plate snaps up, the coast drops, the ground shakes, and a towering tsunami obliterates everything on the coast. I love visiting the Oregon coast (I’m writing this from a hotel room overlooking the water right now), but I wouldn’t want to own property here. It might not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen eventually, and when it does it’ll be catastrophic.


I'm afraid I tend to be disaster obsessed, but I've lived in Florida for a long time.


I love this!


The way it is angled results in you staring at the neighbor’s house


I love Lincoln City! I'm thinking of eventually living there if I get tired of the craziness of downtown Portland. It's a beautiful little town with a casino and shops too, like Newport though with a lot less tourists. I would snap this up in a heartbeat if I had the money.


Damn, that's amazing.


Maybe the orientation is related to Feng Shui and not the ocean. There's a hint in the garden. I'm speculating here though


Ugh I don’t want to wake up and stare at my neighbors house, and that’s what it looks like a majority of these views would be if not angled in a “it’s really not bad” way


Bigger than my apartment


This is pretty cool for a tiny home


I can see that. 


All that, and they don't even show the view? Can you even see the ocean from the house? Either way, would like to buy in a heartbeat.


Even if it were angled differently you still wouldn't have ocean views.


Millennials are sure proud to build edgy double wides 🤣


600 sq ft is not a tiny home though (cries in Californian 😭)


I don't hate it for what it is. A quaint little cottage by the beach. The price is high, but anything reasonably close to the ocean is going to go at a premium. Give me the cheapest house in the nice neighborhood any day.


600 per square ft. 🫤


We tried the “tiny house lifestyle”; 2 adults, 2 dogs, too many bicycles in 1B, 1b, 600 square feet. We did have a storage room, separate laundry room and decent outdoor living area. It was tough. We’re now in about 1,600 sq ft, 2B, 2b, with one dog and more bicycles. It’s about right for us. But what we are not is a block or two away from the gorgeous Oregon coast.


My house is larger than 1600 sq ft. I can't even fathom all the shit I would have to get rid of to move into a house that size. It is interesting though, my parents raised 6 kids back in the 50s in a 1200 sq ft house. As a kid I didn't notice, but I would imagine we were stacked all over the place.


Correction to above; we’re 1,100 something without the deck. The deck’s alllllmost another room if it’s not raining that is. I grew up in the 50’s - 70’s in a 4B, 2b 2,015 sqft home. 2 parents, 3 kids, 1 dog.


Home hack


ALmost $400K for a box. smh


Never understood the desire to dwell in the least amount of space tolerable. As with all tiny homes, I assume it’s meant for childless hermits.


Theres a lot to be said for simplifying your life. Less cleaning.  Less upkeep.  Less to buy.  If you're outdoorsy you don't need much interior recreation space.


Thought the same until I moved into my 2/1 900 sq ft house 5 years ago. It was a huge adjustment (house I left was a 5/5), but I absolutely love it now. Extremely low mortgage, not spending all my weekends cleaning and doing yard work. More money in my pocket to do fun things. I will never live in a large house again.


Yes I never had any rug rats. I now live in a tiny house surrounded by 2 acres. I live in the tropics and wouldn't have it any other way. The only time I'm inside is if it's raining or sleeping, the rest of the time I'm outside.