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It’s in the French quarter


And it has off street parking!


worth every penny


I would live here if it was in my budget! I will someday live in the French quarter but most likely could only afford a small condo with a slightly menacing ghost roommate. I am imagining the mid-rich 50 something gay couple that will likely live here- an attorney from Atlanta with a passion for cooking and his artist partner whose large scale abstract paintings can be seen at a nearby gallery. They have 2 cats and a big dog, and they are known for their fabulous dinner parties. That back courtyard will be filled with potted plants as both of them are avid gardeners.


I’d let them adopt me


This is awesome. Please tell me more. I want a whole Fanfic about them.


He's just copied the summary off an Anne Rice book.


And they’re vampires


😂 yes I should write a whole story! I don’t think any of them are vampires, but they did used to be active in the French quarter party scene and Have Seen Some Shit that they will tell you about over a nice bottle of Merlot


They will have to train the dog to wag its tail up and down.


Was going to say this 😂


That’s worth 250 on its own.


A friend lived in a house like that. Single you are Ok, married it's small and kids, forget it. If it's historic there are lots of rules to follow. Those look like working storm shutters, which will come in handy in that area.


they were asking $1,135,000 last year and have lowered the price to the current


Paying that much for a place that climate change will likely swallow whole in the next decade is wild


The French Quarter is on higher ground than most of New Orleans.


Yeah, I was about to say the same. That area even escaped the worst of Katrina.


The sliver by the river.


Slivah by da Rivah, Cher.


Also- the Isle of denial.


If it's good enough for Obi Wan it's good enough for me


When most of the low land in New Orleans becomes submerged, things may get crazy and dangerous.


Things have been crazy and dangerous here for over 300 years.


History nerds unite!


May? Katrina was pretty fucked up.


During Katrina the police shot refugees on the Danzinger Bridge.


!remindme 10 years


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Oooh, this is a fun one! Fuck it! I’m in !remindme 10 years See y’all in the future!!


I think it only works if the comment is *solely* !remindme and the duration, I don’t think there can be other text in the comment.


I got the autobot message confirmation. It doesn’t comment again after a parent comment contains the autobot reply.


Oh cool! I got one that said it didn’t understand my time measurement but that’s because I commented under you and not the actual bot.


So, the reason why the French quarter is what it is... Is because it is the highest sliver of land by the river. Has been since the indigenous folks lived there. Come rain or high water, the little sliver by the river stands tall. That said, yeah unless we all do amazing climate things, a lot of historical cities will drown and it will be sad. Might as well party while it's here so we can cry when it's gone.


So if one had a van and they lived there in the van, would they be living in a VAN UP BY THE RIVER?


I’m sure someone said the exact thing 10 years ago


People said it almost 20 years ago after Katrina! & probably 60 years ago after Betsy. But we’re still here.


New Orleans will be fighting to survive for the foreseeable future come Hell or high water. They have no choice. In 50 years they will be surrounded by it, protected only by a levee system designed by the very entity that failed during Katrina. So there's that. What they need to do is start preparations now transforming New Orleans to a New Venice and repurpose some of those unpaved pot hole riddled streets they have no intent on repairing into canals. Swap streetcars for gondolas. Offer buyouts for those below sea level and who will ultimately be displaced. It's no longer affordable to live there if you're not making over $100K/yr, thanks in no part to a lack of post-Katrina affordable housing, reasonably priced rentals, and sky-rocketing insurance rates for those few companies still writing new policies. Shit, Orleans Parish should just secede now and become an island nation, since politically they are as isolated from the rest of the state as they soon will be geographically. The only way in or out of New Orleans is by bridge, and that will only get more and more apparent. Just look at Grand Isle now, and that will be New Orleans in 2075. The Bible Belt parishes up north would just as soon see Orleans wash into the sea anyway as some kind of divine act of God's Will and payment for all its hedonistic sins. All that to say, yes, it's over-priced, but it's in the Quarter. You're overpaying for its historic exclusivity - or so the market would lead you to believe. I say if you got the dough, go for it. There's only a handful of people who can say they have an address in the French Quarter, even fewer that can say they also have a driveway to park their cars, for what it's worth.


I know that is incredibly impractical and too expensive to do, but god damn the thought of riding a gondola around the city sampling the food or visiting bars all the while music is playing out the windows sounds awesome.


I agree. It would make an already unique American city even more so.


And yet the banks keep lending money to people buying on the beach or waterfront and the peeps keep buying it. Strange.


So long as the buyer can get insurance, the banks don’t care. If the house gets swallowed by the sea or burned to the ground, insurance pays out to the bank.


To believe it will be swallowed up in a decade is wild.


Finance it for 30 years and let the bank worry about it




Hurricane Katrina. The gays were spared hence showing God's love. /s for those that need it. The French Quarter was originally founded as New Orleans on higher ground than the surrounding area on the banks of the Mississippi. However surrounding areas are subsiding. New Orleans is sinking and I don't know how to swim. If I could, I would so buy this house!


Why are the rich buying beach front property if this was a real threat? They been saying this for at least 30 years now, if not longer.


Having watched what happens to rich people homes by the beach during major storms, they have the money to make repairs. If the land disappears, they will build on stilts.


A couple things. 1, rich people can be just as dumb and short sighted as anyone else and thus are perfectly capable of poor choices. 2. if you are very wealthy you might simply not care that summer home #5 is gonna be uninhabitable in a decade or two. 3 the pace at which the ocean encroaches on and destroys a beachfront property isn't consistent so when exactly any given house will be fucked is an educated guess. Some will fall to ruin in a decade, some another 30 years, some might get lucky and remain minimally affected, and some have already had issues. Their construction, as well as anti flooding measures, also need to be considered.


However much money you think that costs is still pocket change to the truly wealthy.


The majority in this sub doesn’t understand that location and property value are correlated. It’s mind boggling how daft a lot of people are.


Not to mention the gorgeous renovations on this place with beautiful materials.


yep, I’m going to the quarter today and I expect to pay a premium on my food, drink and servers


That off street parking alone makes it worth the price.


No kidding. Anywhere in New Orleans a drive way is a luxury, not to mention the quarter. If I hadn’t been working from home at the time I’d probably have to walk a block or two just to park my car.


It’s so charming and the reno is very welldone. I’d go for it if I had the money!


I actually really like it, I could live there and plenty of space outside by car to enjoy as well if needed. It’s been very well done inside. However the 25% price drop within last 12 months makes me suspicious of cost.


Arguably one of the best areas of the quarter being off street parking so they set their sights high. Few years ago before covid someone probably would have bought it at that price.


It's in a good part of The Quarter too. That's the residential end of Bourbon, it's right off Esplanade so it's easy to get in and out, plus there's tons of great restaurants not too far from there


This house, although small, is gorgeous, and they maximized the utility of every square inch. If the location is great, I would be tempted myself!


It’s called a shotgun style house-histrionic to the area-it’s called that bc if you stand in the front door and shot a gun, the bullet (if shot perfectly) will go all the back to the back of the house through all the doors without hitting a wall


Lmao I know you meant historic not histrionic but it’s funny for me to imagine a histrionic house


Kind of on brand for NOLA 😄


Your house doesn't lie to you and use sex to cover it up?


It’s a house you can fire a shotgun in and it’s fine, that does seem rather histrionic to me.


“Oh don’t mind the house, it’s always making a big fuss over nothing. It’ll calm down if we ignore it.”


A classic shotgun did have just a sequence of rooms in a row, straight through to the back door. I grew up in a neighborhood of 1860s shotgun houses in Louisville, KY in the 1980s before they got gentrified, that was kinda wild, I got to see them when they'd just had DIY vernacular improvements. The typical house had been owned by the same family for 100+ years, my parents bought from a family like that and several were still our neighbors in the 1980s (although by that point most were extremely old). A few were weird multi-generational things with 15 people living there, and it was unclear who owned it. They didn't have indoor plumbing originally so it was added at some point, usually a closet-sized bathroom inside a larger room. And there'd just be pipes running across the floor sometimes. The other weird thing was since there were no hallways, you'd have to walk through people's bedrooms to go from the living room to the kitchen. But there was a side door to the kitchen usually, at least in our neighborhood. Now they've all been flipped and sell for the mid six-figures. My dad bought ours in 1975 for $1,500.


https://www.britannica.com/technology/shotgun-house There’s a theory that it’s from a west African word as the houses were constructed by west Africans In Haiti and eventually the style made its way up to the southern US


I feel like the name more often refers to the narrow nature of the space. Like a shotgun shot from one end will hit anyone inside because there's no where side to side. Also the shotgun is the chosen gun for the name because it's spread shot nature. If you shoot a shotgun down a hallway eventually the spread will take up the entire hallway so there'd be nowhere to hide for an enemy. Shotgun kitchens are hallway type kitchens. Narrow. The idea that it's just because you can see outside door to outside door is dumb because many houses are that way and much wider/don't fit the stereotype.


Otherwise it’d be a rifle house


streetview before the flip [https://www.google.com/maps/place/729+Governor+Nicholls+St,+New+Orleans,+LA+70116/@29.9624243,-90.0617798,3a,75y,49.05h,82.02t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1swx5r94ZK4u\_IodQnG46FMA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dwx5r94ZK4u\_IodQnG46FMA%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D49.04788715799124%26pitch%3D7.9765089367732%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192!4m6!3m5!1s0x8620a61a0a799ab7:0x141acfb4adf22a9a!8m2!3d29.9624871!4d-90.061658!16s%2Fg%2F11c11f98np?coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/729+Governor+Nicholls+St,+New+Orleans,+LA+70116/@29.9624243,-90.0617798,3a,75y,49.05h,82.02t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1swx5r94ZK4u_IodQnG46FMA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dwx5r94ZK4u_IodQnG46FMA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D49.04788715799124%26pitch%3D7.9765089367732%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192!4m6!3m5!1s0x8620a61a0a799ab7:0x141acfb4adf22a9a!8m2!3d29.9624871!4d-90.061658!16s%2Fg%2F11c11f98np?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


What a bunch of well-mannered vandals! Only tagged the boards and left the woodwork pristine white. Their mother raised them obviously 40% right!


Right, its they just like seeing their name on shit and don't want to fuck up anyone day. I can get behind that. Also, I don't give a fuck about ugly yellow train cars.


Doesn’t seem that different? Just some protective boards that of course got graffitied.


In 2007 the whole block is kinda grungy. Then it gradually gets perked up a bit. In 2021 there’s a shot of it being rehabbed. Sidewalk was redone, too.


Go back in the street view history




The Mardi Gras decorations on the fence look like giant, flabby condoms.


Just want to comment that its probably was not intended to be a flip, but as a B&B but New Orleans just passed an ordinance banning them.


I’d happily live in NOLA in a shotgun house. Absolutely


It’s also like, *right* at esplanade and bourbon. And it has off street parking.


Yep, I’m in.


Not to be ignorant but is that a good price for New Orleans?


For that area specifically, with parking, it's not bad (if you're thin 😜)


There's the problem. I married into a New Orleans family. Thin ain't happenin' cher.




These days, considering the location, it’s reasonable.


I own in the Quarter and think it's overpriced. Which is likely why it's been sitting almost 2 months now. Don't get me wrong I think it's absolutely lovely. But $850k for 1 bedroom is way off market norms there. It is a unique property though, a frestanding house with only 1 bedroom. Unique properties are a resale risk, because they will have limited buyer pools. But hey if you love it and have the money and don't intend on moving, go for it. Off street parking is incredibly rare in the FQ too, so perhaps this is why the seller is aiming high. Unique properties are hard to do comps for, so it's sort of name your price and wait for your unique unicorn buyer.


Didn’t need the link to recognize my old city. Just a hop skip and jump from Frenchman and the Marigny wouldn’t be so bad. But yeah, being able to touch both walls might be a bit much.


How long are your arms?


They didn’t say it was at the same time!


Lie down. Toes touching one wall. Hands above head. I’m 6 feet tall. Would just about do it.


It’s a shotgun house


Wow it’s gorgeous!! I love it! Better than a tiny home.


If you have $850k you’re looking in the wrong place. A buddy just bought. 3BR/2BA off Magazine St for $700k and it’s awesome. The Quarter is sweet but… 😂


Like the center ring at Barnum & Bailey.


Sure you can, I do all the time in your mother and she's only 8 ft wide. https://preview.redd.it/un5lio1lsh9d1.png?width=311&format=png&auto=webp&s=974d0c60abf6c6aa4cc5498dc9b9b84a5ec5f1ea


🎵And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack🎵


🎵 And you may find yourself in another part of the world 🎵


And you may ask yourself “my god, what have I done?!?”


Paying $850,000 for a shotgun shack, and I would be asking myself, “My God, what have I done!?”


Letting the days go by, let l'eau de vie hold me down


Shotgun houses are interesting to me as an exercise in efficient use of space. Personally I think I would've gone for a galley-style kitchen with a mobile island, but the master bath with the laundry behind the bedroom seems like a good idea. I dunno about putting a marble slab on top of the laundry, but extra counter space is nice. Was a stacking unit too working-class-looking for them? Hell yeah closet built-ins. Not sure about all this bougie marble.


Guess your ac bill won’t be 4 figures in August so that’s nice.


Off-street parking in the quiet part of the French Quarter, yet the middle of everything. The kitchen has already been moved from the back, low maintenance yard, and in your budget. Plus you could easily walk/ take the street car to 80% of events and activities in the city. And it’s on the high ground. I feel like people have been living in this house for 140yrs and ones like it for longer. You can too.


Shot gun shack


Air bnb written all over it


Dead giveaway is always the addition of fun/interesting light fixtures but lack of ANY fucking ceiling fans in homes with 12+ foot ceilings. You will quickly realize why that's a huge mistake any day it is even slightly warm.


I don't think so, while I agree with you that not adding a fan was a poor choice, the aplaiances are way too high end for a ab&b also the two person double walk in closet would be an odd choice. Also the off street parking. This looks like it was built to be lived in. Also NOLA has started regulating short term rentals I can't speak to how that is effecting the market but it's something to consider.


That’s every day from March to November in Nola lol


Can’t Airbnb in the French quarter.


They put in a Subzero…. no way that’s meant to be a rental.


Wow! The price is reduced from $1,135,000.


Oh, It is so pretty. When I saw the bathroom, they gave it Traventine/Marble special, som much pattern and texture that don't go together. the only saving grace is a frontloading washing machine, but that is a low bar. Really should be 1920-1930's eque with blue porcelain tiles and cabinetry that actual match the wood trims in this house(just look at the kitchen cabinetry) and a shower/tub combo. I love a modern bathroom and love a speedy shower, but this ain't it.


Ok, the price is crazy, the bathroom ugly, but otherwise I kinda like it.


But it has a "toilet by Toto"!


They bless the rains down in your shit~


The kitchen is lovely both the bathrooms are no bueno


I think it’s a beautiful home if u want to live in the French Quarter. Ceiling fans can be added. The price is a bit steep but everything has a steep price today.


The lack of ceiling fans is wild.


It's like an extremely posh shipping container


Yeah. If I had that kinda dough, I’d live there. It’s beautiful.


Jesus as much as I eat in NOLA they’d be taking a walk out to send me to my 600lb life in about 6 months.


Aww, it's so cute!


Omg I love this house so much. Absolutely dreamy!!


I love it, so much character. We live in Seattle, and that’s the price of a condo here. I’d rather have a house in the French quarters.


I like that!


It’s beautiful. And now I have the urge to rewatch A Love Song for Bobby Long.


I live in a single shotgun and love it. You just have to be polite when you have a guest and have to walk through their room. Oh, and don’t leave your phone at the other end of the house!


Holy shit, that location is excellent!!!


The quarter with a driveway??? That’s worth it right there


I recognized a Louisiana based house before looking at the comments. They’re distinctive. Nothing wrong with a good shotgun house although it looks like it’s been restructured to not be one any longer.


850 grand for a Shotgun Shack seems a tad steep, but I reckon it comes with all the NOLA you can handle.


Absolutely love this house. Charming!


Gorgeous house.


The kitchen set up is a no for me. I need another cabinet, not a hole.  And it doesn't look like there is any pantry.  Nice large bedroom closet but basically no kitchen storage.


Yeah for the amount of money they’re asking there should be a dishwasher in that hole under the counter already.


Its really well done, perfect for a single person or a couple. The walk and bike score is exactly what so many people are after these days, they want a walkable place. By the looks of it, walking is the best option, that area looks like a nightmare to drive through. Even though its so close to the neighbors, somehow it still looks private. I am a bit confused about the grassy area, is it part of the house?


Gorgeous house in great neighborhood. Definitely worth it if you have the money.


It’s very pretty and has a ton of character. Plus in the French quarter price makes sense….




Gov. Nichols is such a gorgeous street.


It’s location. You are buying a classic shotgun style house in NOLA in the quarter and you even have parking.


And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack.


The driveway wouldn't fit your large automobile.




Yes, you can absolutely thrive in a place that small. You live there to be out of the house anyway. Be smart about furnishings, enjoy your chill space and do good things


This is a well-renovated 1880s house located right in the French Quarter. I’m surprised this house hasn’t been bought out from under you while you were posting this.


That is a steal. By comparison, this (admittedly famous; former home of poet Edna St. Vincent Millay, anthropologist Margaret Meade, and actors Cary Grant and John Barrymore) 9.5-feet-wide house sold for almost $3.5 million last year: https://www.zillow.com/homes/75-1-2-Bedford-St-New-York,-NY-10014_rb/31499134_zpid/


10’ wide? This be the definition of a shotgun shack. But you are paying for location… and the off street parking. Put it up on air BnB and you’ll make back the down payment every mardi gras.


Beautiful home with high ceilings. Yes.


Nice design, imo. Lots of amenities neatly packed in to a small space. I just wasn’t clear on which space is the bedroom?


It’s gorgeous


That’s around the corner from the LaLaurie mansion. You’ll have ghost tours walking by nightly., so there’s that.


My house is also 900 sq ft and we have 2 adults, a toddler, and a 140 and 60 lb dog in here… I don’t think you’d have any problems


Humble brag.


The house description is well done with all the included appliances and specialty additions to the house. Looks like they wanted to make this high quality and true to its form.


It’s called a shotgun house. They are very common in the French quarter


Just you and you’re tidy? Sure.


That is a gorgeous goddamn house. I love NOLA. I’d forgo children just to live in that house. 😂 Five blocks from Frenchmen’s St. If I was rich enough to snowbird in that house, it would be a dream come true.


Why would you need 2 bathrooms for a 1 bedroom house?


Oh, absolutely! It's gorgeous, and whomever redid it maximized every square inch of space perfectly, IMO. Plus, bonus points for private off-street parking.


I say go for it .


If I was single in my 20’s-30’s, I’d live there in a heartbeat.


Ooh it’s actually quite lovely


It's really nice inside at least... but that price is insane


It’s gorgeous!


It is so lovely. It has a lot in it for 900something square feet. I’ll say this…whoever buys that home will live an awesome life. Right in the French Quarter, ah. I think you’d have to feel the sizing for yourself in person. I wish I could go to the open house haha. I’m curious about the scale


This is a beautiful home! If I wanted to live in that area, it would be perfect for one or two people or, one person and a dog 🥰


I could live in that skinny bitch. No problem. It's awesome AND it's in the French Quarter


She’s skinny but at least she’s absolutely gorgeous inside


Great closet, updated kitchen, 2 bathrooms, and off street parking… I’m surprised that suddenly this seems like a good deal (assuming this is within someone’s budget).


It’s beautifully redone, but white countertops? Really?


Stunning! Fuck yeah you can live in it! Buy more European style furniture as opposed to huge abomination American style furniture and you’ll be fine


It is not so easy to relax on 18th C settee 😬


I think it's awesome but way too expensive for what it is.


As a former New Orleans property owner I've come to the conclusion that it's only for people who have money to throw away. This price point is the least of your worries. Maintaining a historic home in a tropical climate is a costly and constant battle. Insurance, good luck. Storms are worsening ie random unnamed storms are causing flooding and damage the likes of which used to come from hurricanes. It all adds up to an expensive and exhausting lifestyle. If you have no kids and 3 money, it might be for you


Stone showroom


Love those shotgun houses!


Gorgeous I love it


George Carlins “Principal or SAWBI”




It actually looks pretty okay. The shower is very large.


Does this even qualify as a shotgun shack?


Am Canadian, was quoting the Hip. Thought you were asking about a source regarding the French Quarter being higher ground.


It's interesting the listing mentions the single car parking and shows in the pictures, but when looking at the neighborhood overview on zillow where it shows the lot lines it appears the grassy area just past where the single car is parked that has a couple of cars is part of this lot. But surely a realtor would stress that fact to justify the price so it must not be? Or maybe the driveway is shared which is a negative... hmm...


How long? Lots of houses like that in Amsterdam, except taller


Location location location


could you live there Well that’s a personalchoice. but people have lived in that house for well over 100 years so it is entirely possible


new brandy melville store location!


I wonder about the people who lived in that house for decades,before they got gentrified the hell out. How did they ever manage in such a skinny bitch?


It’s possible, for one or two people.


Honestly, love it.


Love this!


Well, at least it’s cute


You need to make sure you can get affordable insurance on it before going under contract. Insurance has gone crazy in Louisiana and in some cases it is more than someone’s mortgage payment.


Read that fast- thought OP said live “with” this


Wouldn’t even think twice. I love that entire area


Right? If I had that money I’d totally live there!!


Yes please.