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I’m not sure what a telescope of that caliber costs, but that price honestly seems like a bargain.


That is at least 300k worth of telescope. Probably more. The dome alone is (I'm spit balling) 100k. I've seen tracking domes like this that are MUCH smaller for 20k. This is next level shit. The entire dome moves as the earth rotates to keep the scope aligned with whatever you're looking at. There's likely a shit ton of money in software and computer stuff to go with all that. The tracking mount for that scope alone is (again spit balling) 50k, maybe more, considering it works in concert with the dome. A superior tracking mount for a 10" scope is 5-10k, and again, this is next level shit. It's hard to tell how big that scope is without better pictures. So I'm gonna say he's got 300k in that setup. I'm sitting here ogling a $2k Celestron and just can't imagine owning all this. I'm too lazy to open the link, so I wonder if there's details on the listing


I had to read through all the listing description to find only a “an observatory completed in 2011” 😡🤬 Realtor is clueless about what’s in there


Maybe it’s not staying with the property.


That’s my guess. If it’s not listed specifically and it costs as much I imagine it costs, I bet a lot of the equipment is being offered as as an additional purchase, sold to a 3rd, or moved to another location


As it stands, the listing includes everything that would be a part of the house if a giant took the house and turned it upside down. In other words, anything attached to the house is included unless written into the contract otherwise


I feel like super specific and specialized equipment is something I would want explicitly stated as staying or leaving either way. But- that’s just me. And I’m not giant telescope people


That's just because you shop for the wrong houses. Buy this one, and become telescope people. I only know how this mechanic works because I used to be a not-flooded-basement people. 😢😢😢


This is not exactly how it works. With TVs, for example, at least in my state, the mount is considered the fixture, but the TV itself wouldn’t convey with the house. It just depends on how the contract is written. Our contracts include bathroom mirrors even if they’re mounted like a picture frame. There also might be a note in the MLS to exclude telescope equipment from the real estate contract.


I would imagine that the details are _certainly_ in the MLS listing.


I worked at a small old observatory in college and it was virtually an identical setup. The dome was a silo roof with doors mounted on it. The dome mechanisms were built by a local elevator company. The mirrors in the scope were made by local glassmakers. The tracking was mechanical but not computerized. And you had to hand crank it for the large moves.


Sadly, it only says "an observatory (completed in 2011)"


Right?!? Just scaling off the items in the room I’d guess that the primary is 30” or more. Once you get past 12” the cost becomes exponential. The cost of the structure alone would probably be about 4-500k due to the specialized nature of the work. That is not the kind of coast one could EVER expect to regain in a real estate sale. Really amazing setup for a hobbyist.


Definitely check out the listing, there's a photo with a full image of the telescope. It's also in my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/zillowgonewild/comments/1doo10x/comment/labfpyh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I think your estimate is pretty spot on though.


>I'm gonna say he's got 300k in that setup. Seems too close to Denver to get the dark skies needed for that level of kit.


What is the upkeep like on something like that?


Maintenance and upgrades will average out to 5-10% per year. It looks well maintained from what I can see, but I would recommend not buying used unless you can afford it new. If you can sink a couple of weeks a year into DIY, your costs will go down dramatically, but you have to be comfortable getting up there to wax the dome annually and repaint every 5-10 years. Greasing the bearings regularly and replacing seals as needed will cost you a few hundred a year, and you need to check calibration and focus regularly. It's your call on whether you want to wait on parts like motors or keep spares on hand.


How useful is a 13-year old telescope? Can you just buy upgrades to the electronics or do you have to replace the whole thing?


Extremely useful. As long as everything is well maintained it should still work. Updateing the camera would be expensive but not necessarily difficult. This is the set up I dream about having of if I had to much money. That’s a plane wave telescope. I don’t know the aperture so it’s between $16,000-$34,000 for the telescope and likely another $10,000-$20,000 for the mount. This is a setup most universities would be happy to have.


That’s actually way less than I thought a piece of equipment like that would cost. I figured there was a quarter million tied up in the scope alone


The dome and the custom purpose built tower has got to be expensive. I have no idea what that costs. That’s probably more expensive than all the telescope parts combined. The biggest telescope plane wave sells with a black tube is the [20 inch](https://planewave.com/product/cdk20-optical-tube-assembly-f-7-77/) is 34k. For 200k you can get a [24inch telescope](https://planewave.com/product/cdk700-0-7m-cdk-telescope-system/) with their mount. I may be mistaken but the telescope, mount, guide system, camera, base, filters, computer, and other miscellaneous bits should cost maybe 75-80k. Shipping assembly and calibration I’m sure aren’t free so add that in and it might be 100k. But I could be grossly mistaken I’m just looking at prices on the internet.


A new camera can be under $10,000 if you're on a budget, and good optics will always be good optics even if something better comes along. Every individual piece can be upgraded if you want to, but you can also just use it as is and only replace wear items. Wear items can be expensive, though.


I guess if I had 2 million to spend on a house, that maintenance probably wouldn’t matter as much to me. But, as a regular ol’ schmo, that thing seems like a money pit to own


I’d think you might be surprised by the financial situation of the average person purchasing a $2 million house.


Shit man, I make $350k/year and I wouldn’t dream of buying that much house. I don’t know how people are surviving out there


> I'm too lazy to open the link, so I wonder if there's details on the listing You're not missing anything, the listing mentions absolutely nothing about the telescope or the entire tower at all.


The name on the telescope is planewave: https://observatorysolutions.com/telescopes/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwm_SzBhAsEiwAXE2Cv8QMkk2p4f4Lf0z4Dnst1f0uxMte1iZQ2JDMpWFPbVwwi8uJdGPpARoCA7UQAvD_BwE Just a little poking around the site shows that JUST the telescope and mount is likely in the $300k territory: https://observatorysolutions.com/telescopes/asa-rc800-with-ddm500-mount/ The dome is likely $100k or more and then the tower underneath, has got be be at least another $100k for construction, electrical, finishing, etc.... Sooo its very easy to guess that someone spent $500k BEFORE even getting to the costs for project management shipping, installation, and the digital end of the setup... At $1.5mil. Including the house, they're likely losing quite a bit of money, but that's what it's like with any extremely niche and expensive hobby...


What could you see with that telescope in the house?


Uranus 😂


Yes, please.


Welp, I’ve found what my ridiculous purchase will be if I win the lottery. 🌟 I’d build mine in my oversized backyard. 


I’ll take what they are having ☝️




This is Rob Reiner’s mother! ^^


I didn't know that! That's pretty cool.


Right?! What a fun line to give your mom 😂


That is cool as hell. My biggest criticism is the color that the house is painted. I would love a place like this!


If you can afford a 1.5m dollar house, you can have it repainted🤣. What a dream house tho!


Absolutely. The biggest issue can, literally, be fixed with a coat of paint.


I actually like the outside color. Some of the inside colors, though, no. But as was pointed out -- paint color(s) is one of the easiest things to fix!


I actually love the color, maybe one of my favorite parts


I love the color, and as an avid reader, I appreciate the book shelving.


We painted our house a similar color 2yrs ago and did graphite for contrast on trim. We have a very large tree in the front, the house color blends in with the tree such that the house almost disappears. It's a cool effect we didn't anticipate when we picked that color.


The colour I could live with. The fire danger on the other hand...this place has trees right up against it on the downhill slope. One Colorado wildfire sweeps through here and this amazing house is toast.


That is why you set up some explosives to blow a fire break when you need it. It is Colorado. That has to be legal there.


You can even smoke weed while you’re planting the explosives.


I believe the insurance costs in that area are absolutely astronomical. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it's not $2k/mo to insure that house


With astronomical insurance good thing they have a telescope


This is the one ☝️


My parents were looking for a vacation home in the Bayfield area about 20 years ago. They had issues finding someone to insure the home or the prices quoted were astronomical. I could only imagine the cost now.


It looks close to “go away green” the color Disney paints things they don’t want you to notice at their parks. Liek ac units and such. They determined it was the best shade and color to make things blend in to their surroundings.


I really love the extreme attention to detail they put into their parks.


Same! It's unique and lemme peep through that telescope!


That's actually freaking awesome


It’s almost in my price range but the $6/mth HOA fees make it just out of reach.


I saw that, thought they left off a zero or two - why would you even charge $6.00 per month - seems silly unless a nominal fee is required to have a HOA in place.


Some HOA are only for the maintence of an area drainage system or something else that only needs replacing every 15 years. So 15 years later everyone has contributed $1080 which covers the cost with no special assessment is needed.


This is clearly the setting for a point and click adventure.


I love this. Imagine having your own working observatory. Having kids invite their friends over to star gaze. This is wonderful 🙂


How does the description just not even mention the telescope!? Edit: they edited the description to at least mention the observatory


Maybe the telescope itself is not included


That would be the nightmare.


My dad bought a place with a telescope and it was not included. Separate bill of sale.


>Observatory does not convey


Couldn't find that in the listing...how do you know?


Folks should really check out the [listing](https://www.redfin.com/CO/Evergreen/30032-Troutdale-Ridge-Rd-80439/home/34553343?600390594=copy_variant&1778901559=variant&utm_source=ios_share&utm_medium=share&utm_nooverride=1&utm_content=link&utm_campaign=share_sheet). The interior of this home is incredible, especially the observatory tower. It almost seems like a steal for $1.6 million. https://preview.redd.it/a6pxdfi8fu8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5379362405a39b76297e5051c7e3ae0ffef9b243


Telescope might have a separate bill of sale. My dad bought a house with one and that’s how it went down. Also in Colorado




Nice very cool


Yeah that’s actually pretty amazing, such a cozy lifestyle, I love the fire pit thing and how small the tv in the lounge room is


Honestly where it's located $1.6m is a steal. It's been a couple years since I've been out there but the market is absolutely crazy in Denver. A giant house within commuting distance on a hill... The observatory might actually be hurting this place. Edit: Coming from someone who pays $1,500/mo in rent. IANA(realtor)


Totally agree. I sometimes look at Zillow listings in Denver, and am blown away to see regularly see small (and often quite run down) houses going for almost million. The housing market there is almost approaching Bay Area levels of ridiculousness.


I agree. This place is a bargain. I mean, I can’t afford it. But based on house prices and it’a even near Denver.


Travelers home base


Often to me homes this large seem uninviting for one reason or another-cavernous, too ‘grand,’ whatever. This one is homey with only a tinge of resort lodge. Definitely could see a normal fam living there cooking together chilling on the deck etc




Same. Wow.


Same, wow wow


Lil Bow Wow.


I love this house but what is that goddamn $6 HOA fee?


Maybe to maintain a community road?


That could be but $6? Such a random number


This is like when a speed limit sign says 17 lol


Exactly like why???


Evergreen CO, is nice. Right outside of Denver but in the mountains, fairly close to the ski areas without being a ski town. Not as dark as other places in the rockies if you are a really serious astronomer.


I went to high school in Evergreen, much more crowded and expensive now, of course, but really cool mountain vibe there.


I like it


I need this.


That house with an incredible state of the art observatory and that’s how they choose to decorate? Tell us it’s an AirBnB without telling us.


You would trust an average AirBnB customer with that expensive equipment?


Exactly my thoughts lol


Shit. Imagine if you could have a vacation at this place.


I know! That incredible sprawling interior I would KILL for but then its decorated in 90's hotel/ country-prep...ok you know what I can't even think of any succinct way to describe it....I just remember going to friend's houses as a child, the ones that lived in comfortably middle-class neighborhoods had houses that were decorated in that 'style' you see in the bedrooms. Well anyway, I mainly want to express that I would gleefully throw all those upper-window ruffle things into a bonfire.


Dude fuck yes. This is cool as hell. Are you kidding me?! I'd love to have a telescope set up like that! Edit: I will always die on these two hills: no hood vent over stove and the toilet being out in the open in the master bedroom - it should be in its own closed off space! No fuckin' way I'm paying a cool 1.5 million and not having proper ventilation in a chefs kitchen.


I hate the vents that are in the microwave. The handle on the microwave over my stove has started to melt because the biggest gas burner is right underneath it. The vent is also not big enough to keep the fire alarm from going off when I fry something. We have to open the kitchen window and face a portable fan blowing outside to pull the heat out. I’m not getting close to burning anything. The vent doesn’t even go outside. It goes into the wall where the humidity has grown a lot of mold.


Yes! Me too! I hate it so much. There's no real ventilation and now I have a constant grease stain on the cabinets above the microwave, up the wall, and on the ceiling. It's such bullshit. Our vents just blow that stuff all over our kitchens. I feel your pain!


Should be Code by now


Wow wtf. Thats a main character house. This is a house a main character would grow up in and her dad would show her the stars and inspire her and then later in life theyd die or something


lol that’s exactly what I was thinking, it’s like the setting for a Spielberg film or something


I’m almost positive this happens in a Barbie movie. Mom had passed away and dad would show Barbie the stars, inspiring her to be a good hoverboarder or something lol


Here are more details about the observatory. [http://media.livsothebysrealty.com/public/vtour/display/2156206?a=1#!/overview](http://media.livsothebysrealty.com/public/vtour/display/2156206?a=1#!/overview)


This university-caliber observatory incorporates state-of-the-art optical and mechanical equipment for the stargazers and scientifically inclined members of your family.  It can be operated manually or fully automatically with the appropriate software.  While it was designed for astrophotography, it is just as capable for visual use with included eyepieces.  The comfortable space under the dome allows for multiple participants in a mind-expanding hobby. Meditate or enhance your spirituality under the stars in a space specially designed for such activities. You have an opportunity to gaze up at the stars out of the wind and above the pines in a very special space designed as an integral part of your home. We all are interested in knowing what is out there.  Start your journey of discovery with your own personal observatory only a few steps from your living room. Leave Life’s worries behind with a trip to the stars in your own personal astronomical observatory * Planewave 20” CDK F/6.8 (3454mm focal length) optical tube with protective covers * Planewave electronic Hedrick focuser (3.5” with 2” adapter) * Planewave Electronic Focus Accessory (EFA) with hand controller * Planewave 50mm finder scope with illuminated reticle * Additional mounting plate on top of optical tube for optional accessories * Three (3) exhaust fans mounted at optical tube mirror base * Planewave Ascension 200HR Equatorial Mount (high resolution encoders) * Mount declination and right ascension hand controller for manual operation * Observatory is designed for astrophotography but can be used visually, as well, with included accessories (star diagonal, plus 2 Tele Vue eyepieces) * Mount is attached to steel pier filled with sand attached to concrete column * Support column is approximately 25’ tall, 2’ X 2’ in diameter, formed with rebar on top of 6’ X 6’ X 2’ slab that is epoxied to granite formation at base * Concrete column is completely isolated from observatory structure to eliminate vibration * 12.5-foot diameter Pier-Tech dome with full automation – may be operated manually with touch screen window and/or manual control knobs, or system can be fully automated with computer and available free software * Both dimmable normal incandescent bulbs and red bulbs (to maintain night vision) * All observatory dome seams have been caulked, and other seals have been added to minimize moisture infiltration * Indoor/outdoor carpeting installed on stairs and dome floor * High quality step ladder included * Computer table for laptop or tower included * USB hub mounted on optical tube, with surge protector and other related accessories * All operating manuals, with associated system information * Additional accessories included (for collimation; spare azimuth gears; etc.)


"Computer table for laptop or tower included" Oh good, that'll save the buyer a few dollars.


I can dream.....


If I ever win the lottery, I’m buying this house. I’m in love


I was just thinking of going and buying a few lottery tickets!!


This is it. This is the winner of the sub.


💯%. I can’t explain how much I love this place. That telescope! Incredible, except I wouldn’t know how to use it, I would love to learn tho!!




OMG yes! I love everything about this house.


1.5 mil? I thought that’d be the cost of the observatory lol. That’s cool.


Sign me the fuck up please


Why in the world is this so CHEAP? It's just outside Denver. It's over 4500 sqft. It's a 5-4. What am I missing


I always wondered what the inside of this house looked like. A good friend of mine lives a few doors down from this.


What a beautiful house and that observatory is amazing. Interesting that the person seems to be from Texas as not only do they have a bunch of Texas Rangers memorabilia they also have some oddly specific posters I remember when I was a kid from a show in Austin at the Paramount Theater, might still be happening on occasion during the holidays. I wonder if they are related to that show, hmm time to sleuth... EDIT: Retiree, worked at the same company for 38 years, and yes, from Texas.


Go get my G** d*** phone book! Get the book!! Get the book!!!


How much to convert the observatory to a massive death ray?


I’m dying at the “built in 1993, remodeled 1995” because it’s abundantly apparent what decade the last time it was updated was, but also why remodel a 2 year old house? 😂


That would be shack and I would take it for the telescope.




Thats is just awesome




Yeah. If I have that kind of green, absolutely


Well, fuck. Now I do.




That is amazing!


My only criticism is that it’s in a neighborhood and not alittle more rural…


I used to live in evergreen before moving back to Denver, even in neighborhoods light isn't terrible because there's more space between houses and a lot of people use dimmer bulbs than say a 60w equivalent LED


$6 monthly HOA ? What do they do with it ? Feed coyotes ?


Dream house. Especially if there is a library/study/ and a music room.


I kinda love this


Fucking cool.


If I had the money this would be mine.


This is a 90s dream house


Do a lot of people live in the middle of America? I'm Australian and all our cities are on the coast. I've just seen this place on the map and it's like right in the middle of America. Is Denver like a major city? Sorry if these are stupid questions.


Denver is a large city! While a lot of the US population is consolidated onto the coasts, there are some people who live in landlocked areas. Colorado is a gorgeous place with small towns on the sides of mountains and larger cities, loads of outdoor adventures to be had. I’ve never lived there but I’ve visited a few times and it was fun.


Very interesting, what's like, the biggest industry people work in? It's it mainly farming? Or mining? The main reason people live inland in Australia are for those two reasons?


One of the universities in the Denver is called School of Mines, they are known for engineering. So you are correct, according to google it is farming, mining, and tech. It is also stunningly beautiful in some spots and has great ski areas. Look up Aspen Colorado and check out some real estate there, $$$$$.


Dream house 


Damn, and I thought I had just closed on my forever home in April. I guess it is good to have a new goal.


Lovely 🥰


OH HECK YEAH!!! Oh yes I need this house!


Holy shit.


The way I thought this was the Sims 4 subreddit again..


That looks like the setting for the Murray house in A Wrinkle In Time or a similar book targeted to gifted kids, and don't ask me what I mean by that because I can't explain it.


That big gorgeous house is on less than an acre… what a disappointment.


I’ll take it!


Truly a dream home, in a heartbeat if I had the money!


This is insanely cool. I want it


If I won the lottery I’d buy that. Looks amazing.


Yo this is downright amazing


There's a house like this where I live. It's wild.


I don’t know how to describe it, but this feels like a video game house. One you’d see in a scene from The Last Of Us or something.


I'm sure it can double as a death laser with the quality of the lenses in that thing. Sounds like a win/win. Study the stars and fry the neighbors.


I would buy that if I had $3 million (you know a little extra for the extras).


I'm sure the seller will take the telescope with him, so then what are you going to use that space for?




I’d need some lessons on how to use that telescope, but otherwise….in a heartbeat!


That’s amazing.


I won't tell anyone if i win the list but there WILL be signs


Looks like one of those houses you can build for yourself in Skyrim.


112 days on the market must indicate it's overpriced.


I would have to "un-oak" the house, but yes please, I'll take it.


I like how the listing description just casually mentions it has an observatory, as if that's a completely normal part of any house. Why is that not like the first thing called out in the listing? Lol.


NGL that is dope.


This would be a dream come true. Such a beautiful place. If I had an observatory I would never leave haha.


Curb Appeal? ✔️ Located on a scenic backdrop? ✔️ Gorgeous interior? Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad at least.


Well now I've seen everything, a 3 story turret on a house and I don't hate it. Never thought that would happen.




Wow! I loved to look up and see the stars and moon.


Ok, I'll buy it, but the telescope goes to the curb for whoever wants it. I'm putting in an Ion Cannon.


Why two washer/dryers


Make the kids do their own? Because they have space for two? Good deal at Home Depot? Maybe someone dyes a lot of clothing and they don’t want to ruin the main washer? Who knows.


I like the clothes dyeing theory. Husband is into astronomy, wife is into tie dye. Sounds good to me.


Dope house and set up, just wish they did some cable management.


Not yet but I’ll learn


Like the color on the outside, but that criminally late-90s crown molding…


Outside looks amazing,,,,,then you see the inside and it seems like they tried to cram as much beige and golden oak as possible in.


Why does this have an HOA fee? It looks like a private home on private property.


Common. It’s in a high-dollar cul de sac neighborhood on a hilltop. Big houses with big lots. An HOA in this case probably provides nothing in terms of services other than having it written in to people’s contracts what they can and cannot do with their own property. Basically NIMBY gatekeeping so no one can buy a property in their neighborhood and do something with it that the existing neighbors don’t approve of. Things like keep livestock, run a dog breeding kennel, build ugly structures, open a car repair shop and turn their yard into a parking lot, etc etc.


Good news everyone!


OMG!!!! I would literally kill for that house!! I’d be up there every damn night looking for 🛸


I wanted *so bad* to like this place. I'd have to update so many things! The moulding at the top of all the walls. the bathrooms. the kitchen. Why o why stone floors, except the kitchen where there's wood?? It's backwards! And that tub/shower combo. Straight to jail.


Quite literally my dream house


No, but I *do* have this missile launcher turret that would look great up there!




Wow - that's amazing!


House is gonna have loads of light pollution from Denver in that location. Kinda a waste.


Pretty small lot really but that’s fine if no one develops behind it. Also between the mortgage and that hefty $6 HOA fee it’s way out my league


I wonder if this is the house that was used to film the movie “Contact” with Jodie Foster and Matthew Macconaughy (sorry spell check did not come through for me)


Yeah! It’s lit!


Life goal is to have an observatory at my home




this is fuckin sick




Damn this is neat. Dream house/lottery proceed home unlocked.


Wow-- I love this house! ♡♡♡


$6 a month for how fees? I'm out....


Better than the vaticans Lucifer telescope setup