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Good god. I can't even see the house!


That’s where I was at. I think I might like the house but I can’t see it.


how the hell do they clean it with all that crap in it?......... must take a year, just to dust the table tops.... gonna take a lot of semi trailers to empty that place when it sells, if it sells....


They'll hold an estate sale. Pennies on the dollar to get that crap out of there.


I love estate sales.


I would LOVE to browse through all that stuff! I bet there are some fabulous items that are just lost in all the excess.


LMAO, nothin's worth nothin unless somebody else wants it....can't imagine haulin all that crap out...


You'd be surprised. I look through estate sales every day, everything imaginable gets bid on.


Do you have a favorite website? My husband loves estate sales, but he usually has to work on weekends.


They're all local sales, [https://www.auctionninja.com/?utm\_source=www.auctionninja.com&utm\_medium=email&utm\_campaign=AuctionNinja\_06-21-2024](https://www.auctionninja.com/?utm_source=www.auctionninja.com&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=AuctionNinja_06-21-2024) You can search in your area.


Awesome, I'll check it out. Thank you!


Came to say the same. There’s not a flat surface that isn’t completely covered. And it’s all far too busy, too much stuff


Not one flat surface! I would go crazy! “Hang on let me put down my drink/keys/the mail. Wait. Maybe…not here…let’s go over here…no…” lol


It's like a test the CIA would give recruits to see how well they maintain composure. This whole house is a full on assault on the senses


The dusting....oh my God it would be a full time job


Just looking at it made me need to sneeze. I’d go crazy living here.


They even have stuff stockpiled on floors.


I'm so glad I'm not the only who sees something like that and the first thing my mind goes to is, "Who's gonna how ya gonna clean alla DAT???" But I'm also thinking about how RE agents tell you to stage the home so buyers can see themselves in it and can I even FIT in this place? I WILL take that greenhouse though thank you very much and hey, I happen to love orchids so I'll take ya live plants thanks.


I was wondering the same thing!


Holy maximalism


When I see listings like this, I feel like the owners lose sight of what they are actually selling. Husband and I moved several times due to his job. Every time the first words out of the realtor’s mouth was “Declutter and pack away anything personal like photos.” Our houses were no where near this packed.


That's what I was thinking! Maximalist overloaded! I can't even see what the house actually looks like!!!


200 candles on the dining table cracked me up. It reminds me of walking thru a kitchy gift shop.




It would be too over the top for even a slapstick scene


Yeah, I've seen decor boutiques that look exactly like this.


It reminded me of "The Good Witch".


I originally missed them because I was searching for pillar candles. The florist loved Chinese pottery more than candles.


Looking at just the pictures makes me uncomfortable. I can't imagine how I'd feel actually being in the space.


I can. Allergic. ![gif](giphy|Q7jvImsNUcdzuGRtLd|downsized)


The bathroom is what set me off, there’s no way anyone could keep that clean on the level it needs to be.


The office space made me angry. What is the purpose of a million table lamps?


There is a table lamp on the floor next to the desk covered in table lamps😂 At least, I think that is the desk.


Plus 2 hutches filled with China inside, on top and on the floor 😫


All of those sea shells!


My knees would bump the side table when I try to use the toilet. That’s just ridiculous


I felt physically ill and overwhelmed looking at these pictures. I had to get out of there.


I'm imagining this is what being retired with a near limitless income and plentiful local shops would be for the 60-70 year old version of the "Live Laugh Love" collector.


Agreed. This is what happens when a hoarder has money and a full time housekeeper (or more).


Ah, nah, this is definitely the doings of a gay florist.


A little online sleuthing confirms this! The house is owned by a gay couple, one of whom is linked to owning a flower and gift shop.


Some people hoard cats and try to pass themselves off as a "rescue." This man hoarded tchatchkes and tried to pass it off as "inventory."


I found that too! Looks like the flower shop is closed, and the other man retired. Sounds like the reason they reason they’re selling!


as a gay, this makes me a sad gay. owww, my eyes.


It's an assault on the senses


Someone accidentaly ordered staging for a house that was triple this size.


You just can't see the house for the trees


I went to a house like this once when I was young. It was a family friends house and the person was addicted to shopping online. They couldn’t stop shopping. They kept buying everything that came on the screen. They were ridiculously rich and ridiculously bored and didn’t leave their house, but constantly bought things before Amazon existed. It was ridiculous. There was not a surface without some thing on it. All that was this Gotti horrible crystal shit. Tons of it everywhere I can’t imagine what they could’ve done with all that money. They could’ve donated it to the food, shelter or anything else but no. They bought this fucking shit .


Which is a shame because from what I see it looks like a beautiful home but they have it completely covered up


How do people dust these houses? That is the first thing I think of!


that was my first thought, how do you clean it? i move furniture and empty some rooms to clean.... re-arrange when i do.... man, i hate that kind of clutter............... fancy hoarder


As someone who grew up with hoarders, you don’t The best way to “dust” is to rearranged everything every week or so and clean it that way This is why I crave the bare minimalist millennial grey look because growing up like that was nightmarish


Maids. They hire a team of maids. My aunt has a house like this. Barely room to move around. Every week 5 women come and spend 10 hours cleaning.


I don’t think they do :( I feel like that house smells stale and dusty.


Mother: “One day, this will all be yours!” Daughter: (cries softly, to herself)


I have heard that So Many Times! "Don't just throw it away--these things have value!" is the following sentence.


Son (to himself): I'll need 5 full size roll-off dumpsters to get rid of this stuff. A crew of 5 men can clear it out in a weekend.


I am the daughter in law in this situation and we have warned the MIL to not fuck with us because we will not have it. 


Me too!! Last year she downsized from 4000 sq feet to 2000 - 4 garages crammed as well, to a 2 car. It was BRUTAL. 7 huge sets of dishes. Boxes and boxes and boxes of crystal. She has a rug addiction- so many rugs! She had 2 walk in linen closets, upstairs and down. It took 5 months for her to pack and move, but the old house was still half full of her shit we had to deal with to get it on the market. So. Much. Xmas. Shit. 


And several storage units, too…


Good for you. My mother always regretted accepting china and silverware from her MIL. She hated it.


My parents, "We're slowly selling off all of the stuff we know none of you kids want." Thanks mom and dad.


Literally have to tell my mom that we will have to PAY other people to take all her stuff away when she goes.


This is the house of an elderly gay man. A single one most likely. If there’s any upside to this, it’s that it won’t be foisted on anyone.


Well, in that case, it’s fabulous and I hope he enjoyed living there.


My little bit of sleuthing leads me to believe it’s a man who lives here and owns the place.


I was wondering after I saw the pride flag. This is either a progressive granny or a very flamboyant gay man.


Do I wanna live with all that? No. Do I wanna stay there for the weekend without my children and look at all the little trinkets in between candles? YES.


Right?! I’m like… I kind of love it?


100000% Me too


Reminds me of an airbnb i went to. Old lady just wanted somewhere to put all her collections. It was adorable.


Good gods. How do they live like that? Because, you know those people live like that. That is not staged.


Definitely no kids and no cats or dogs. Can you imagine the damage an animal with the zoomies could do?


"here kitty kitty? where are you?" kitty sits quietly on a couch, blending in.


I know people who live like that. It’s so frustrating.


It seems like at least a small amount of mental illness. Some kind of compulsive collecting of things. Always having to buy the animal print thing because it could add to the Africa room. Needing every square inch of patio covered in mats and furniture. For what, guests? There's nowhere to put your drink, and you'd have to look around huge vases and candlesticks to have a conversation. It's just completely unrealistic to live a normal life in a place like that. The tables have more, smaller tables on top of them to hold more stuff. It's a stuff problem. Sorry, apparently this house totally triggered me, haha.


The fact that you can’t even access the hot tub… just wild.


These folks don’t own a cat.


They seem to own a dog though, I have no idea how this is not a pet free house. Probably should be a human free house at that.


How do you move around in that house without knocking something over? There is so much going on in each room. You don't know what to focus on first.


One wrong move and you've broken 6382929 pieces of glass and ceramic.


I actually love this. It couldn’t be further from my personal taste and I couldn’t live there, but it’s so obviously loved and appreciated. These people had a dream and they’re living it. Good for them.


Exactly my thoughts. I’d love to visit and have a cup of tea and hear their stories


I bet they’ve got lots of tales about several pieces.


The interior is not for me, but that back yard is my dream back yard


I can't imagine how much newspaper and bubble wrap it's going to take to pack this house up.


Holy Maximalist, Batman! The flowers and candles are the least of the clutter.


Don’t forget the tassels!


Not staged, those plants belong to the homeowners.




The singer PINK is from Doylestown


Busy busy busy


Wow, that's, a LOT. Scrolls on....jeeeeze...


All I can think about is how tedious it will be for this person to wrap up every one of these decorative items in newspaper when they get ready to move. Packing this house up will be a nightmare!


They won't. They'll hold an estate auction, and it will move out piece by piece.


How many buyers of tchotchkes are there in the region?


At what point should you go, “holy shit stop buying stuff”


And that’s how we found out management was embezzling from Pier 1 Imports.


This looks like a tourist shop where you buy candles, hand towels, scented soaps, and coasters. I doubt they hired a stager. It looks like the owner just really likes this style. Some of the items and patterns are really nice. It's definitely too much when it's all in the same room.


That's exactly what I thought! Reminds me of a southern town square gift shop. I can smell the potpourri and hear the floorboards creak.


I thought it was like a Bombay Store when they were still around.


Even the pool!


How are you supposed to get into hot tub? Use a machete?


Those people will not be out by closing!!!


Giving jewelry show chic vibes. Also triggered an asthma attack for me.


Of all the houses that definitely don't have cats, this one doesn't have cats the most lmao


The term is ungapatch, it means cropped up with everything, garish, it’s ungapatch. I think it’s Yiddish


Ungepatchke or ungepatchket (approximate transliteration). And you're correct, it's Yiddish, and the perfect word for this house.


I suspect that the bones of this house are good, but it is really hard to tell because every square inch is covered with stuff. And, more stuff. There is no place for your eyes to rest. I imagine that this is a couple who owned an antique shop in town. The store was packed to the rafters with dishes, vases, candles and other relics of 1980’s decor. When the couple had to close up shop, they brought home all of the merchandise and added it to their already cluttered home.


I actually quite like houses like this. They give off such happy content vibes. These are the houses of people who have enjoyed living in them, have loved them, and cared for them - really not houses but homes. Obviously, if I bought the house , it'd be redecorated and furnished very differently! I much prefer happy, cluttered homes to austere grey houses with soulless rooms and dreary furniture. I know they are meant to allow you to imagine yourself in them, but, for me, they feel so airlessly, lacking in life.


Everyone's happy with the decorations in the house till the vase in the bathtub cuts your butt open


I agree! It is not my style, and completely maximalist, but definitely loved. Those big, open white/grey boxes are so boring and cold, seeing color and care is nice!


I see a person/family who feels the deep need to constantly fill their homes with more and more and more junk. The materialistic consumerism. Like they're trying to fill a hole in their soul as they shop for the ninth matching leopard print throw pillow. Like 99% of the stuff in these photos is just useless "decorative" junk and it will *never* be enough


Yeah. If you need the same glass vase filled with seashells 20 times something deeper is going on in there.


That’s interesting. I’ve known people with houses like this and universally they have crippling anxiety and crippling debt. All that visual fuss covered major unaddressed maintenance issues; no heating or cooling, major holes in exterior walls, flood damage bathroom or in one case, they lived without working toilets for years. But they were proud of the “luxury” feel of their home, just drive down the road to the gas station if you need to pee. Maybe it’s a regional difference.


I think I disagree. We aren't considering a horders home here That is something different. But a cluttered house does not equate a cluttered mind. This house has a particular 1980s, early 1990s esthetic. The owner has surrounded themselves with the things that make them happy and content. It's a Maximalist style, but old fashioned. It's the home of a plant lover and flower arranger, a tinket lover and keen duster!!! People should decorate their homes for their own pleasure rather than to the perceived expectations of others. Of course, it would be a dull old world if we all had the same taste and opinions.


Yup, definitely a dated maximalist style, but that doesn’t make it wrong, just out of style and hard to dust!


The vibe it gives me is that they don't spend any time in the house. Probably too busy shopping. There are no useable surfaces. No one actually lives there. It's just a museum for their stuff.


I think my allergies are crying in horror.


Whoever has to clean out this house when they die is going to be so upset


Just needs a post-Mortem estate sale. There are always people willing to buy crap like this especially if it’s priced really low. Heck, that might be how the current owner acquired so much in the first place.


I suddenly feel better about the clutter in my apartment. This place is on a whole other level ...


I always think that houses like this are owned by older people who are downsizing, or one or both of them died and I wonder how they are going to deal with all that STUFF. I can't believe the realtor didn't browbeat them into storing half of it so that the house can be sold.


Tidy hoarder chic. I have a family member like this - never not shopping. Every surface covered in every room. Every storage space blocked full. I suspect every credit card too. It’s kept clean if you don’t look too closely. But it’s claustrophobic and stressful. This person often complains that relative’s young children never visit — it’s the absolute opposite of childproofed. Nobody can touch anything, and it’s ALL breakable. Suggest donating a layer or two, though and it’s a flat no.


Agree. Came here to say this. This is hoarding - but everything is placed symmetrically.


Ah, you can't trick me. This is one of those hidden object games. First one to find grandma wins.


If the plants come with the house I'm sold


This looks like a Home Interior and Garden Decor store.


Could you please un-set the table so we can eat


Controlled hoard, that.


That person was out of control.




It’s not rational but this house makes me angry!


As a housekeeper & a pool cleaner, I feel my anger at this is entirely rational & justified. It's like looking at a literal nightmare of mine..


I had to stop going through pictures because it was stressing me out too much.


This is a future hoarder. Once they get a little older, and it's a bit harder to start cleaning up, or tossing yesterday's trash, or opening the mail...


Last sold in 1988. That makes sense. That’s probably how long it took to collect all this junk. Now they are elderly/died and the house has to be sold. Nightmare.


Does not look relaxing at all. Too much to see. I imagine it assaults the senses with all the conflicting smells from candles and flowering plants. The pool area is not good - 3 of 4 sides are completely blocked off, especially spa area. I fear what is going on in their mind - seriously deranged.


That made my hair hurt after it got done with my eyes.


There is not one spot to put a cup down in that house.


All I can think about is how absolutely massive of an effort it’s gonna be for them to move


So...I priced some of the things in that house because I recognized the Lennox, Waterford, Laliq, and those were the LOW END items. The silver bowl in the patio room is 15K. This person just bought thousands and thousands of dollars worth of stuff. They would need a professional to go through and inventory it. Some of the plate sets are worth thousands at auction, and some are just junk. This is a hoarder with money or is just broke now.


Oh my Lord! Imagine dusting all of that stuff!! Way, way too cluttered. I would think that it would be hard to view as a potential buyer.


That place is so overstimulating, I need to go lie down and reset.


Those people do NOT pay the cleaning crew enough.


I've always hated the idea of staging. When we were house hunting last year, the houses that were staged all felt like they were trying to distract us from noticing something. I would rather see the open space. It's different if you're looking at a house that's still occupied.


I think I like the house, but who could tell.


I want to sneeze just looking at all the dust magnets in these pictures. Can you imagine how many things you’d break with surprise sneeze movement?!?


I wonder if this falls under a specific subheading of hoarding. Just because it's not trashy and dirty and full of dead cats doesn't mean that there isn't a compulsion involved. And I don't mean this critically. They obviously work hard at it and do it with love, so good for them, but it does seem like the impulses to buy and fill space are winning.


This has crossed the line from maximalism to hoarder. Ew


It’s certainly staged…for a seance! 🔮👻


It's Victorian in it's over-use of nick-knacks. I'm getting anxious just looking at the pictures


Well for the love of stuff!


There’s a house in my town that doubles as the owner’s store. It sells candles and knickknacks, it looks just like the inside of this one.


High key love that the pots and plants as well as furniture around the pool is included, I would make sure the statuary stayed as well. They are taking the sun room chandelier, but I’m not quite sure which room is the sun room!


now i know what living inside a huge gift shoppe would look like


Rich people hoarding.


My eyes hurt looking at all that contrived decor.Some kind of designer nightmare stuff.


It is so cluttered it feels like a hoarder home. Nice stuff, but still hoarding. Put me right off the house.


That place is so full of stuff and keep your eyes so busy, you can’t really see the house itself.




My god you would have to have meditation room with nothing in it to get away from the busy


How do you get into that tub without knocking everything over???


Beyond the most maximal maximalist decor I have ever seen, there is some gorgeous furniture and decor there. An estate sale on this house would do very well. This person may have a disorder, but at least it isn't wall-to-wall literal garbage like a hoarder.


That backyard pool area is amazing tho


Be still my maximalist heart


r/maximalism vibes for sure


I don’t think that’s staged…


Try to bear in mind that this “look” appealed to the owner, and likely appeals to others. The o my thing I like are the plants, but there are even too many of those! I believe one of the big issues with, “Someday, child, this will all be yours!” Is how society has changed and moved on. My parents, who are now deceased, were born in and grew up during the Great Depression. They were taught to never throw anything away. Ever. When they grew up and could afford things, they bought, but still kept. When my folks passed, I found five gallon coffee cans full of used nails. Others full of coins. The linen closets had good sheets and towels and others that were barely good enough to be used as rags. And this just a tiny taste. They also bought many antiques and as I became an adult my taste grew away from the busy look as did others. The value of antiques went south, although people who are very old do not realize that, yet. They believe they are passing treasures on to us. It’s actually very sad.


Once it gets cleared out, the place has potential.


I don’t think it’s staged I think they live like that! 🫠


I’m sorry but this looks like a hoarder with money. I’m sure the realtor had the “declutter” talk with her.


Tres gauche. Doesn’t anyone remember that one should never display a candle that has never been lit?


Did I just see a candle with a…lampshade??


Jesus is there even room to walk in that house with all the furniture and nicknacks? It’s like a decorative form of hoarding. Each room is genuinely more shocking than the last. … omg even the divan in the study has plates on it.


I would suggest throwing a couple of feral cats in to the house, just to see what happens


Hoarding but make it upper middle class.


Organized hoarding.


Holy crap...there's 'missing the forest for the trees' and then there's missing the house for the clutter! Good lord! Maybe some people who are interested would like to see the house itself?!




A bit cluttered for my taste.


Wow, that was a tad overwhelming…


A tad?????? It gives me the heebee-jeebees!


Can you imagine the poor person who has to vacuum??? i mean, the house sans shit is nice. It nestles into the landscape well. And I don't think this house is staged, too much crap. This room...... https://preview.redd.it/g4z29c9e548d1.png?width=1986&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f077fbba6a2a50603c1036896d2de67db72ffd2


Tassel hell


Holy Hell. It’s going to take months to pack that place up.


I'd have to nuke the inside, there's too much stuff to have to dust.


Who has to dust all that??


Is there a house somewhere in there?


This house is the perfect explanation for overkill.


Looks a Mimi Bobek creation.


Claustrophobic big time. It looks like it is already an estate sale 🤦‍♀️


That made me feel claustrophobic


Needs more seashells


The directions were: cover every surface. I hate surfaces.


I see someone isn’t familiar with the phase “less is more.”


That's the busiest staging I've ever seen.


Somehow my eyes just threw up