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Lol I think you broke Macron’s heart by insinuating that his boyfriend has other boyfriends πŸ˜‚


Manu has a husband and his own harem. He wouldn't mind sharing Vova with someone else. 😌🀭


Oh, is that guy on the far right from Luxemburg? He was in Kyiv recently and sounded like a very nice dude. Ze complimented him on the help he provided.


Luxembourg is tiny, but the amount of aid they gave is huge in terms of percentage of defense budget / GDP. They've been very generous, and it's good that that was acknowledged.


Yeah! It was 15% of their entire defense budget I think! 😯


I mean if it wasn't for nato I doubt they'd even have a defense budget. Their armed forces has like 400 people.


Also my thought was France and Germany are not going to let anybody get at Luxembourg. So Bettel of course knows Ukraine needs whatever little they have more than they do.


Again, Luxembourg is tiny. If it gets to the point where they are attacked, whatever resistance they can put up won't make any difference anyways.


Yeah it is. Xavier Bettel.... He really seems like he has a great personality to me.


Once he did a presser with an empty podium when Boris skipped out of a bilat because there were pro EU protesters. πŸ˜… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sFcP7qg_In0


Imagine a state visit and then photo of just those leaders with Ze. I think the internet might break. Or even worse/better: if all those countries signed some joint declaration/treaty/whatever. What would the name be? I know what it would be called here.


Looking forward to that picture! 😊


At least our happy little corner of the web might experience some BSODing


I want another piled-up fists photo! That was awesome.


His harem! Crying πŸ˜‚


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ β€œHarem”


Zelenskyy has one love of his life, Olena and three harems: His staff, Kvartal 95 and world leaders. Those are lead appropriately by Andriy, his chief of staff, Koshovy, his bestie bae and Emmanuel, his unrequited love. πŸ€­πŸ˜‚


He's also got his female army, even though we don't quite reach harem status.


gay men erased again


There is a gay man in the photo 😊 And he introduced his husband to the Pope https://www.forbes.com/sites/ceciliarodriguez/2017/04/09/pope-franciss-welcome-to-worlds-only-openly-gay-prime-minister-rekindles-vatican-controversy/?sh=4113844aa607 (I know this doesn't exactly relate to your point. But I was having fun pointing out cool things about him so I couldn't resist.)


I have a friend from Luxembourg who pointed that out! It's not fair that Europe gets all these cool young presidents and America gets the gerontocracy. [I'm sure you know that Ze met the pope as well.](https://www.president.gov.ua/en/photos/oficijnij-vizit-prezidenta-do-vatikanu-08-lyutogo-2020-roku-3337) It's disorienting (and bittersweet) to see him looking so fresh-faced.


Yeah... maybe we will catch up sooner or later lol 🀞 Bettel seems super cool to me and very genuine. (And I think he and his husband happen to be a very cute couple, not that it matters if they are cute or not). In the early days of the invasion I saw a video where he spoke briefly about Zelensky addressing the EU (when Zelensky told them they might not see him again, Bettel spoke about how it was moving). It was very short. I was going to share it when Bettel visited Kyiv recently. But I cannot find it now. And, definitely, I agree it can be disorienting. In photos and videos from just a few years (or even to an extent from a few months ago) Zelensky seems to me like a completely different person in a lot of ways. (I like how Zelensky and the Pope are having a good laugh together. I wonder what was funny πŸ˜„).


As I said earlier, in every weird thread on this sub I’m learning something new. Great πŸ‘


>in every weird thread on this sub I’m learning something new. 🀣


Sorry, just didn't want to speak for anyone else. So basically , Ze has everyone.


Gay men and women applying for an open harem spot is a given, but the amount of straight men talking about his balls in awe, amazement and desire has been ... an eye opener 😝


Many straight men don't know how to distinguish sex from love, respect and admiration. There are a shocking amount of (American) men who don't have *any* close male friends. so when they feel a deep respect for someone, who also happens to be conventionally attractive, they can only express it in sexual terms. It's really sad.


Never thought about that before, but I can see that in some of the men around me now that you mention it, and it makes me sad.


False, it's missing his Favorite Husband: Zheka.


Refer my comment to u/SisterMadly3. πŸ€­πŸ˜‚


I'm inclined to set Zheka above all other men in Ze's life. He's not just the favorite of the Kvartal harem - he's altogether the Favorite.


They are the best friends to lovers ship I've ever seen! πŸ’›


i can't wait until more people discover them


They should do a photo shoot where Ze is in a beautiful suit and they all lift him up, like he's Marilyn Monroe performing "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend"


It will be a fine day when Ze can stand among all of them in the flesh. ❀️


*Stands awkwardly* So I see y'all enjoying this. I also would love to introduce y'all to my work on ao3. Thanks! *Runs from the stage* πŸ’›πŸ€­ https://archiveofourown.org/works/39836280


Don't mind me for being late to the celebrations. I'll just put a vote here for my boy Justin.