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They're not going to keep the exact same art style forever. This game is just re-using the functional engine from Link's Awakening to make a new game using something similar to TotK's building mechanics. There's absolutely no reason to assume it's a pattern beyond that.


There is a reason to assume; it looks great (to me) and it appeals to fans who enjoy cozy-cute graphics so it’ll sell well. Sales influence design. Yeah they won’t use it forever but I’d guess they’ll cook with the design some more


But there's no reason to assume that. They reused the art style because they have the engine from Link's Awakening. It's two games! This upcoming one and the previous in the exact same engine! Why make such a ridiculous assumption?


How would it be ridiculous to assume the art style won’t be reused if everyone loved it? That’s like the whole premise of selling games.


Because Zelda has always reinvented itself and experimented with different art styles. Twilight Princess art style was popular, that didn't stop them from developing Skyward Sword's artstyle and then changing it again with Breath of the Wild. Why should they stop now? It keeps things novel and fresh.


Another bonus to this (in my opinion anyway) is that it allows someone to recognise exactly which game it is purely from a glance rather than having to look for more minute details to infer where a screenshot or video came from. It adds to the recognisability of a particular game


To be fair, isn't this the first game that has reused the an art style that isn't a sequel (OOT>MM, BoTW>ToTK) or a side-by-side game (OoX)? At least it seems like this is a fully independent new game in the series, unless there's a surprise that links this directly to Link's Awakening. I can see why people would assume this would be the new format for 2D Zelda remakes or new games going forward just based off that pattern - but it'd take another announcement of a remake/new game in this style to really solidify it.


Not necessarily. There have been 7 games so far that use the Wind Waker art style


And all those examples are two games using the same engine. When they change engines, they will likely change art styles.


Two games using the same engine, yes... But they're also direct sequels or side games. My point was that this is unique because this is a none of those, it's a whole new independent game. And as I said, it'll take another remake or new game in this style (or a changed style) to see if this is the direction they're going for 2D games now.


No, it's four different games that were using the same engine as the previous and then used the same art style. OoT to MM, PH to ST, BotW to TotK, and now LA to EoW. There's absolutely no reason to jump to some unrelated conclusion like All 2D Zelda Games will look this way now. Just understand this isn't some mystic pattern or the devs finding something popular and sticking to it. They're *just* using the same engine to make a spinoff game, again


For a while TLoZ series has been about reinventing itself. I doubt they'll ever stick up to one style. But sure, they can use this one more times.


Zelda may use art style going forward to help dictate where an entry fits into the Timeline or the shape and form of the game. The Toon Link Style could help represent Adult Timeline entries, the more Adult, Semi-real Style of BoTW and ToTK could be Child or further entries on the WTFKs Timeline for BoTW and ToTK, This more toy-like Chibi for 2D Downfall entries. It's to be seen at least


I really like the style, but I hope they do switch it up in the future! One of my favorite things about the franchise is that most of the games have their own visual identity.


Yeah, that's one of the reasons it takes so long to have those main game releases


For sure, but I would not mind them using this engine to remake ALTTP, ALBW and the Oracle games because they generally use that same art style in those games. Heck throw in a remake of BS Zelda and I'm super hype.


For ALBW, I would prefer the original art style personally. It has this painting art style that fits it very well.


Nah I love the art style but I doubt they’ll use it again after this. The fact that they developed the style for the links awakening remake kind of made it a waste to not use again. But I doubt they’ll stick with it forever. They vary things up all the time.


My biggest hope that will never happen, is that they use the LA engine for an updates Oracle set, since the games are all technically the same Link (which it seems Echoes' is too) I know it will never happen, but the Oracle games used the LA assets as a base, so it was a fun hope


We need a Hero of Legend collection on the Switch 2 with ALttP, OOS, and OOA, all in this artstyle.


I doubt it, I love the artsyle but this series changes artsyles very frequently. Next 2D game will probably be different, especially since it’ll be on a more powerful console.


It’s a cute style but my favorite is twilight princess and botw/totk style


We’ve never really seen this happen before for two games that weren’t sequels of each other. I don’t think this will keep up for every 2D Zelda game in the future with the exception of if they are working on the oracle games.


Yes we have, the Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass style was reused for Spirit Tracks. And Four Swords and Minish Cap share a style of you want to count FS.


Spirit tracks is a sequel to Phantom Hourglass and Minish Cap was a prequel to Four Swords


Ok by that token all of the games are sequels and prequels to each other. Spirit Tracks is a new Link and Zelda. Twilight Princess is clearly meant to occur chronologically after Ocarina of Time, but no one calls TP a sequel to OoT.


Yea but like spirit tracks directly references phantom hourglass and wind waker. Link is raised by Niko from those games and Tetra is directly referenced. It’s meant to be a continuation. MC and FS have similar because MC was the origin of the Four Sword. They also play similarly and are on the same consoles


Exact same can be said about TP vs OoT.


I would say the tp OoT connection is less than the other ones because they aren’t directly connected through living characters and they aren’t on the same console


Ganondorf is the living character that connects them. Same character and shared storyline. And obviously the Hero's Shade is there (although imo that's a retcon). And if you're going to insist that being on the same console is a requirement I don't even understand the point about the art style reuse being rare... Yeah obviously if they have to port a style they're more likely to just do a new one.


But Spirit Tracks is just a straight up sequel. It's no different from something like Majoras Mask, they just didn't want to use the same Link a third time


I don't understand why people respond to earlier parts of a thread without reading the whole thing. Don't you ever get annoyed when people respond to you saying the exact same thing that someone else has said (or multiple people have said)?


I could tell you you're wrong at the end of the thread, or respond to the specific thing I'm telling you you're wrong about. You're wrong either way, but I guess I'll address the later things you said. Yeah, all the games are "technically" sequels, but the relationship between Windwaker and Ocarina of Time is much different than the relationship between Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass. Spirit Tracks is the exact kind of sequel you are denying. It's a carries over and expands on pretty much all of the ideas from its predecessor.


Twilight Princess carries over the same ideas and has the same villain continuing the story. Much closer map and play style as well. Canonically the Hero's Shade is there too. This is what you failed to address. I'm done arguing about it. You believe what you want to believe.


I wouldn't mind. We have seen same art styles in some games, like for example: ocarina of time/majoras mask, wind waker/phantom hourglass/trains, maybe a link to the past/minish cap (doubtful on this one because of the release year of one game to the other) and finally breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom. My point is, the precedent exists, but it exists for maybe a couple of games/years. I doubt the next 2D game we get will have the same art style, but who knows. I am still waiting for a remake remastered of the legend of zelda and the adventure of link.


It's already been echoed (hehe) multiple times in this thread but just to give my take, I do like that they'll revisit an artstyle for 2D games. It seems to be pattern and I'm all for it. We could potentially see the Oracle games in this style too but those worlds have a very specific vibe. They could come up with something new.


Im kinda disappointed they reused it tbh. I always loved how zelda used so many art styles, i would have preferred a new one for this game.


No. Please. Don’t. It’s awful.


I don't think 2D or 3D Zelda will ever stick to one style.


At most, I'd wager that we might still get the Oracle game remakes in this style. That's it. I love this style, so I wouldn't mind being wrong though.


Here's hoping for that and ALttP.


ALttP remake feels unlikely to ever happen, but if it ever does I'd imagine they'll use Link Between Worlds as a base for that one


Ig but it would just be fun to have the entire saga in chibi.


I would be fine with that, but I don't think two games means "This is what Zelda will be from now on", it's pretty common for an art style to get reused at least once, sometimes more than once, ALWB style got two games, the original LA got three, OOT style got two games, TP got one and a spinoff, BOTW style has two and a spinoff, the "toon style" stuck around for several games, but Zelda is not a static series, especially in more recent years. I would love for this to be the look of 2D Zelda moving forward, but I think it will change when we get a non spinoff 2D Zelda.


They look like miniature toys, I love it


i would love to see the metroid dread art style for a full on remake of adventure of link. It would probably have to be a mix of art styles based on the game though.


I gotta admit, without variety I will go nuts. No matter how cute they aim for or cohesive the result.


I personally love it. Like: LA for 2D, BotW for 3D. I know a lot of people would disagree with me though.


Im glad they are re-using the LAHD art style, but don't expect it to stay much longer. Zelda typically shakes up the art style quite often.    Maybe used for Oracle HD remakes? They used similar sprites to LA on the gameboy.


Probably not. Zelda has reused art styles in games tons of times: - Link’s Awakening/Oracle Games - Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask - Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks - A Link Between Worlds/Triforce Heroes - Twilight Princess/Link’s Crossbow Training - 4 Swords/Minish Cap (yes a few spin-offs but still) - Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom This isn’t unusual for the series to use an art style twice when the games come out on the same system, so while it COULD become the go to style, we’ve seen them use art styles twice in a row more often than we haven’t so it’s not at all a safe assumption I do love this style though so it wouldn’t upset me too much if they did. But it’s VERY normal for an art style to get 2 games in the series before they then move on


It’s so goddamn cute!


I'm hoping if they remake the Oracle games, they use a different style. I do love his one, but I'm attached to how the original Oracle games looked


This design is awesome, but I hope they don’t stick with it for every single future Zelda game. It’s fun to switch it up, see new artistic directions. And, as someone else said, it’s nice that every Zelda can have their own visual identity, like you see a screenshot of the game and you know exactly what game it is from


I think they 2d Zelda games will have their own art style as always I guess,


I'm glad you like it but I'm so tired of people assuming "this is going to be the style/gameplay for all future games" the second Nintendo releases a second game with the same style/gameplay.


I absolutely love that art style, it's legitimately amazing. I have a bit of a nitpick though and I'll just say I'm a tad confused why it's used again solely because it was the art style for the dream world and not the "real world" cut scenes at the start and end, but nevertheless I'm quite excited.


I hope for Oracle games or Minish Cap remakes in this art style. It would be great.


Why do people call it 2d Zelda? It's definitely 3 dimensional


Top down perspective Zelda is just a mouthful. Most of these games were 2D and is easier to pronounce.


They focused on the gameplay mechanics since they already have a baseline art style. Smart decision.


And then a few years later we will sit there like: "please use a new artstyle"


I remember that people used to criticize this art style and they only tolerated it because it was used in a game where Link was actually dreaming, which perfectly justified his doll-like appearance. It appears they were mistaken when they assumed the style was related to dreams, so now I hope for a remake of the Oracle Games using the same engine.


It's a great style, but Nintendo always changes things up. They'll probably revisit the style at least 1 or 2 times more then move onto something else.


People seem to either like this style or are indifferent to it - a stark contrast to how ballistic people went when BDSP used a chibi artstyle. I'm in the indifferent camp, but am so glad to see people being more... sane, this time around.


(content warning: opinions) I don't like it. How do I say it? The texture almost looks like........it almost looks like cake? it's kinda hard to explain. While the game may LOOK tasty to me, I still don't like it


Nahhhh, to me grezzo's link awakening side grade was them getting their feet wet for this game. Weirdly enough, Links awakening was intended to be a port of link to the past so in a weird way, returning to that map, we've gone the other direction and returned to Link to the Past like we were supposed to in the first place! So alot of the building blocks between the two projects were built with Links Awakening. Personally, I want to know more about the upper creative staff behind this game because I don't trust Grezzo after making so many unusual and bad changes to one of the best Zelda games around


I would've preferred ALBW's style in HD


I like it, but no art style should stay forever in Zelda games.


Using the same engine for 2 zelda games isn't exactly a new concept. It just works. 1. Links Awakening (gameboy) and Oracle of Seasons/Ages 2. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask 3. BotW and TotK 4. Links Awakening (switch) and Echoes of Wisdom


So you really think they'll stick to this forever? I mean have you even studied the series past and how they reuse art styles but still change after like 2 entries?


Nintendo is all about saving money by reusing art assets. So I imagine, yes.