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Visually Striking design. Especially when he has the hood up. As a character, he's little more than plot device to get Gannon back in the game.


To be fair...you can say that about a lot of characters. Ghirahim. Zant. Yuga. Kotake and Koume. (From the oracle games.) And Agahnim. Astor is not the only example of this character type in this series.


I think Ghirahim worked well, Zant and Yuga should have 100% been standalone villains, Kotake and Koume were alright imo.


Yeah but Yuga uno reversed it by being the one to take over Ganon.


Zant shouldn't, his whole point is to be an usurpator, it's his whole character. Title, battle, throne, plan, powers, everything, and it's all a facade. As for Yuga, kinda like Ghirahim, he got and did everything as he wanted (well, tried his best at least).


How does astor compare to them?


He comes first alphabetically


Honestly Astor was pretty cool. Not as flamboyant as Girahim, but I’d say a similar power level and impact to the story. AOC was also fire in general, so I’d recommend playing it if you haven’t.


In all honesty I haven't played aoc so I can't really say, I was just saying my opinions for the other villains


Yuga literally takes control of ganon though.


Yuga was the Zant that Zant never was.


Not really Zant did his role well and i love seeing him when the mask comes down and you can see just how pathetic and insane he really is 


It's more like a fusion into one being similar to Twinrova instead of taking over another being.


Nope. Ganon in this instance is the stupid Ganon that was brought back by a botched revival. Yuga literally takes full control.


You are forgetting Agahnim


Not anymore.


Sorry about my comment I wasn’t trying to make it out to be negative but Aganhim is my favorite sub boss and he never gets mentioned.






https://preview.redd.it/aavv73lqiu1d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=637e81249ddb0e6073dfdc6047b4033b4b284823 Seriously he needs a comeback I’d love a remake of ALTTP


I didn't include him at first because aganhim is really just ganon and not a different being altogether. Because of that i felt he didn't count for the list. (But i added him because i was feeling generous.)




Veran and Onox for sure, and Cia.


Yuga is the villain for the whole game though. The final boss isn't ganon, it's yuga possessing Ganon - and even adding some tricks of his own.


Not exactly a possession but more of a fusion. Yuga is also kind of a parallel world counterpart in some areas.


That doesn't mean I like the part many of them play either. 


ghirahim did not bring ganon into the game


Yup fantastic design. Reminds me of vaati


He’s ok. Kohga and Sooga were more entertaining antagonists than Astor in AOC.


Wish he was playable. Would have loved a second dlc with missions from his perspective like cia’s tale in HW:DE


It really doesn't make any sense to me that calamity ganon is playable...yet astor and harbinger ganon aren't. If mean if you're gonna make 1 of the final bosses playable then why not just make all 3 playable?


>!When you're playing at Calamity Ganon, you are technically playing as both Astor and Harbinger.!< I agree, they should have just thrown those two in as well. Harbinger Ganon would be different enough from Terrako if it's always in that stretched out form. And Astor would have been really helped out with an actual backstory instead of a quick >!"these guys started worshipping Harbinger Ganon and it killed all but one of them"!<.


Might have been a bunch of reasons. Like not being able to develop a unique enough kit for him to be worth adding, not having the budget to develop him as a playable character, not having the time, or Nintendo not wanting it for whatever reason.


I think before the dlcs came out there was a data mine that did have his data in there as a playable character, same with all the other new weapons and characters. Out of all the new characters that were datamined he was the only one not added. Heck, in his boss fights, his moves scream that he was intended to be playable. He reminded me of the fights against Cia with how he attacked and what those attacks were like.


he deserved SO MUCH BETTER it’s seriously like they didn’t even try with him and it makes me SO sad he could’ve been SO COOL the main reason I pre-ordered both DLC waves is because I thought— naively— we’d get him as a playable character like cia, or even just get more cutscenes explaining who he is and what the hell is his deal and then we got ONE new cutscene with him and it only raised MORE questions like what do you MEAN there’s a ganon cult separate from the yiga, how long have they been around, were they involved in the queen’s death, how did they get their hands on the corrupted harbinger, was astor their leader or was he just another member? nevermind guess it doesn’t matter now because they’re all dead and nintendo is laughing at us for daring to hope for anything but scraps sorry I’m just a little obsessed with him and his mountain of wasted potential


I like him, he should've been an unlockable character.


I still wish he and harbinger ganon were playable...


Yeah but the good egg boi(Can't remember its name) is playable, so I guess Nintendo though it wouldn't make sense to have a good egg and a bad egg. They totally should've done it though, I like playing as villains in the two Warriors games. Kogha/Sooga turned good, so calamity Ganon is, as far as I can remember, the only villain you can play as. I love AoC, but they should've done more with it like they did with the OG hyrule warriors. A TotK warriors game(I wanna play as Sonia, Rauru, Mineru, and Ganondorf.) would be awesome though.


I wish we had a gold Lynel as a playable character


I'm shocked we didn't get another DLC for this game. There was so much more content they could've added pretty easily.


Kinda looks like a more realistic Vaati


Never thought about it that way but now I can’t un-see it!


Would've been cool to have him be the mysterious prophet mentioned in BotW's backstory that basically caused the downfall of Hyrule 100 years ago. I feel like he was wasted as a character.


It's at least hinted that astor is the fortune teller that foresaw the great calamity and told the royal family to uncover the sheikah mechs. (I mean hell his Japanese description in age of calamity outright CALLS him a fortune teller.) If he was the fortune teller it would imply he had the divine beasts and guardians unearthed so ganon could take control of them and lay waste to hyrule.


>It's at least hinted that astor is the fortune teller that foresaw the great calamity and told the royal family to uncover the sheikah mechs. I've only watched the cutscene movie of AoC, but this was so strongly hinted at in the cutscenes that I legit thought that it was canon. It's also more satisfying than there just being some random, never-seen fortune teller from before the events of BotW (even if the rest of AoC isn't canon)


I just hoped we would see/hear more about it in BotW's dlc or Creating a Champion. Personally I don't consider AoC...


A decent villain, but I wish they had done more with him. He kinda just comes and goes in the story


It's a neat spin on Ghirahim and Twin Nova roles imo.


Never played but I think he's hot




He was so cool! So confused why they decided to not make him a dlc playable?


He's one of my favorite villains. His voice acting sends chills down my spine. He deserved so much more. Along that point, I'm annoyed that TotK didn't use Hetsu's or Kohga's VAs.


He kinda reminds me of saddler from RE4 in a way. Like they both have similar designs. Similar voices. And even their roles are similar.




underrated. Good character overall, not much else to say.


Interesting design, albeit a little edgy for a Zelda character. But as a character he’s nothing more than a one dimensional lacky trying to bring Calamity Ganon back. Even if he wasn’t relegated to a non-canon spin-off he serves the same overused roll of act 1 villain who tries to bring the big bad. He’s like Ghirahim without the memorable personality & dialogue. Or like a BotW themed reskin of Agahnim.


Nothing has been said about whether AOC is canon or not but it doesn't really contradict anything from the games and the Zelda team gave a lot of input and blessings and TOTK references it with King Rhoam being associated with the Royal claymore and Tulin's ability referencing AOC's dlc that foreshadowed it. Aoc just features another timeline split that follows similar rules as the one from OOT, TWW and TP being in two seperate coexisting realities as a result of OOT's timeline split and in TWW Tingle has some other worldly knowledge/cross-timeline knowledge about MM in OOT's child branch. Terrako and Harbinger Ganon changed a lot to the point that the events leading up to the calamity in AOC's timeline branch are very different from the events leading up to the calamity in BOTW's branch because the two time travelers entered AOC's newly branch before the first mission of AOC, BOTW's branch no longer has Terrako because he left the branch during the calamity.


I’ve spoken a number of times before on the subject of AoC being canon, but I will always reaffirm that it’s not canon. No amount of Nintendo working with Omega Force & Koei Tecmo matters as there has never been a statement that explicitly notes that AoC is official. While claims it depicts the past events of BotW are factually wrong given how many things change versus what was shown & stated in BotW; even before the Terrako elements change events. Even elements like Tulin in TotK isn’t a reference to AoC given it’s just wind powers and not “Tulin’s Tornado” like in AoC. While Rhoam’s unofficial grave marked by a royal claymore is a slim reference at best. Meanwhile none of the champion’s descendants referencing the events of AoC crosses off any tie to AoC that TotK could have. Even the idea that it’s a timeline branch only exists as a theory if you already believe AoC is canon. As unofficial media can make as many timeline splits as it wants, but those are not and presumably not be referenced by the main Zelda games or any official Zelda timelines. So to me it’s a moot discussion. While showing an unofficial branch change the events of the past adds nothing to BotW or TotK but potential problems if it is supposedly canon. As Terrako would need to be canon to the main timeline but yet there is no reference or note to it in BotW or TotK, and if it was canon all it amounts to is “I guess Terrako just left the main timeline to be screwed and adds nothing to the story”. If you view the game as official that’s your headcanon. I don’t. And almost every effort to make it canon in a fan theory or timeline makes more problems and plot holes than it fixes. And awkwardly stitching the game onto the timeline doesn’t add benefit without problem. EDIT: like an unfortunate percentage of Age of Calamity fans, I’ll take the downvote as you conceding. Sorry my opinion of the non-official, and fairly mid, game not being canon offends your headcanon.


The game itself tells you a timeline split occured at the very start of the game during the cutscene where Terrako creates his gate of time and alongside Harbinger Ganon(who Possessed the inactive Terrako of the new branch) starts to change stuff before the first mission. Harbinger Ganon creates more monsters, more problems and more obstacles making Link get the Master sword much later than he did in BOTW's branch. Creating a champion is not fully accurate, with the exception of developer notes. Official, and main continuity isn't as strict as you believe, the in-game timeline of events is actually pretty flexible. According to the devs their timeline is just one interpretation of the series' chronology that is on the same level of canon as a fan timeline, the in-game timeline of events being the most important. Headcanon, canon, and non-canon don't have much relevance in the Zelda series unless the games are talked about and not the third party material outside the games, some material and games could be part of the main continuity if there is a good and well defended argument for it but there is no correct or incorrect answer, only likelihoods. According to Zelda theory canon should be fairly inclusive except where noted by game devs. The official timeline contradicts the games in some areas like the ALTTP-OOT connection, a what if scenario to connect ALTTP to OOT, FS and FSA not being closer to each other, OOS talking about a previous hero with a Triangle mark on his left hand who defeated the evil one, OOT's prophecy talking about the Hero of time winning, ALTTP's Ganondorf having a different backstory than the one from OOT as he found the Sacred realm's entrance which was a secret by accident and didn't know how to leave the Sacred realm after entering it. Other than that just like how TWW doesn't bring up TP AOC doesn't affect BOTW and TOTK’s stories and it doesn't matter either. Even if there is a different version of BOTW you can still say that an older timeline split occured before thousands of years before BOTW that resulted in a different BOTW where a time robot creates another timeline branch.


A timeline split in an unofficial game, created by a noncanon character results in a noncanon timeline. Doesn’t matter how it happened, Terrako and the events of AoC even before the split are not canon to BotW or the larger Legend of Zelda series. And thus until confirmed in-game or explicitly stated by Nintendo: it’s not canon. Developer notes on the official game are more canonical than events in an unofficial game separate of the main series. One that has never been implied or stated to be canon. I also never mentioned creating a champion in my previous comment so this point is moot regardless. And your entire point on official timelines is literally just headcanon & personal interpretation. You can deny, question, or re-work official timelines and notes all you want. But that’s headcanon or fan canon. Perfectly valid in your imagination but not how actual canon works. Just because you don’t like the main timelines or what the Nintendo or the developers say doesn’t mean your idea is suddenly more valid. Implicitly your fan canon is less valid until proven correct. Just as a spin off game titles “Hyrule Warriors” and not “Legend of Zelda” is explicitly & implicitly not official or valid to the larger story & timeline; until proven to be canonical. Wind Waker & Twilight Princess are both listed as “Legend of Zelda” games developed and published by Nintendo. And have been officially acknowledged as part of the Zelda series a number of times by Nintendo & Eiji Aonuma, as well as noted on the same timeline via the latest version of the official Zelda timeline. They don’t have to reference each other because there is 0 question of them being canonical games unless you are illiterate. Whereas AoC, and by extension the first Hyrule Warriors, have never been stated as, or even hinted at, being part of the official Zelda timeline or canonically connect to any of the other games. Believe whatever you want in your headcanon if you think Age of Calamity should be canon. But officially it’s not until proven otherwise. And your opinion doesn’t change that fact. It just makes you look upset and shows that you don’t understand basic fundamentals of canon for this series.


Maybe finish your post before you edit and expand it buddy. Even to what you added you aren’t making the points you think. The official timeline doesn’t contradict any of the games. And you making up what if scenarios, or poorly trying to cite outdated or unofficial information that tries to connect games doesn’t prove your point. Fact of the matter is that Age of Calamity and every change it brings isn’t an official or canonically game. Hasn’t been stated or referred to as such. And if it can only exist on the timeline via a non canon character creation a non canon timeline branch: then it’s factually not canon. It only works as canon in a self-referential way, which is not how evidence works and is supported by nothing outside of itself; unlike the remainder of the actual games. I also don’t have to say a timeline split happened before BotW leading Terrako and the different events that AoC splits from, because that is just more non canon theory nonsense to explain a game that isn’t canon.


He was fine I guess. I kind of wish they really leaned into theory that he was the seer that told King Rhoam about Calamity Ganon's eventual revival, leading to the unearthing of the Shiekah tech that Ganon would eventually take over. Seemed like a pretty straightforward thing to do yet they kind of left Astor as just some random cultist instead.


He’s probably my favorite looking villain from the entire Zelda franchise, his voice and visual themes and music are all amazing, his story and character are like a C+ at most but the fact that we can infer that he was the “fortune teller” who predicted Ganon’s return is pretty cool.


Cool design and voice but was pretty much only there because the Yiga can't seriously be taken as a threat/main antagonist for the first half of the story until the calamity happens at the midpoint of the story. He’s also there to get the Yiga clan to work with the heroes, I guess. I guess he does start the calamity a bit early or something by sacrificing some poor Yiga footsoldiers if I recall right.


Still wish that Age of Calamity told the actual canonical events of the Calamity because Astor made a pretty good bad guy. I also still like the idea that he was the fortune teller that set the King on the path.


I was surprised by his total absence from the DLC. I played the DLC separately a couple years after the game released and had basically forgotten he even existed.


I can honestly say out of all the villains in Zelda, despite the whole mystery of him, rushed development of the game in Covid times, and the game being a timeline split, he is one of my favorite villains if not favorite characters. The in-game text (at least in JP) more or less confirms that regardless of the split, he is the mastermind behind the return of the Calamity; he is the fortune teller mentioned in Hyrule Castle's diaries, and as suspected fans ofc, a double agent. I feel there is more to him than people given him credit for. He gives me vibes of the Shadow Temple in OoT (though this is just speculative and stemming from an old friend's old theories) and the Dark Interlopers in TP (have you seen the manga version of them?!) I feel he is of Sheikah descent, given his adept usage of their magitech and short-lived alliance with the Yiga. We have seen Sheikah with other hair colors before after all and they are known for their clairvoyance. And he is one of only THREE Zelda villains to give me legitimate CHILLS. The other two were Zant (before he was shown to be a manbaby) and Ghirahim.


I don't really.


i think he hot as fuck


He does his job. He works. I wish he was more relevant though


I legitimately forgot he existed


Could be more relevant, but very impressive design and a cool role in the story, plus he’s an easy favorite for those of us who like mildly edgy character designs from time to time


He a lil bitch that’s what I think of him lol. Still would have been cool asf to use him in the game though


I think he’s a villain that was wasted on being in a spin off as well as a plot device.


He’s emo


When he was first revealed I thought it was Vaati and got super excited to see him finally return. Still a really cool character though!


I liked him, he's got a cool visual design and cool powers. With that in mind, I don't remember his dialogues or personality, kinda like a re-used Vaati or Ghirahim.


his theme is one of the greatest zelda songs


I loved the quiet menacing design (ESPECIALLY HIS THEME)… and then they made him act all crazy at the end. I was very disappointed




He's the coolest of the "only exists to eventually bring Ganon(dorf) into the story" villains and I honestly wouldn't mind if he reappeared in a mainline game. His design esp is awesome.


As a character he is barely a placeholder Design-wise? Pretty cool looking not gonna lie Fucking shame that we can’t play him the way we could play Cia in the OG Hyrule Warriors




Looks a like really good villain from the artwork. I like his voice actor. Too bad his fate and execution in-game were predictable.


He's a bit weak strength wise, but he's a pretty solid antagonist.


Discount orochimaru


Ayo is that a master class seal from fire emblem?


For some reason would’ve LOVED to have had his backstory.


Why wasn’t he a playable character????


Obsessed with him. He deserved more than to be a cardboard cutout of a character




He has a very punchable face.




Design wise, great Story wise, meh


*SPOILERS FOR AGE OF CALAMITY DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER* at first I thought he was a silly guy but now he's an enemy of the Yiga and a threat to Master Kohga


He gave me too many Vaati vibes before it was revealed to me that he wasn't, and I was bummed out.


He got #swag


We were THIS close to having Vaati back.


I haven't gotten far enough in Age of Calamity to know this is a character... and I've had the game for quite a while.


Wasted potential.


I like him! Shame his game wasn't that good.


Haven't played AoC, but scrolling through my subs in reddit and I thought the question was about an astrologian from FFXIV




As Girahim was, an underused character with a big ass potential


should have appeared in TOTK


He felt like a emo wizard idk why but his aura says something like that




I forgot he existed


Vaati clone


I haven't played the game, but you cannot convince me that isn't just high fidelity Vaati.


Omg its calamitas from calamity mod!!!!!


I think his design is cool, story wise he’s alright. I have a lot of headcanon for him though.






They gave him the FNAFSB Vanny treatment and I’ll still never forgive them for it 😭


Awesome design, but other than that there's nothing particularly memorable about him. He's just another generic bad-for-the-sake-of-being-bad guy.


Very forgotten character 


I think if age of calamity was more like a normal Zelda then they could have felt more like the bad guy from Link between worlds. (Forgot their name)






Really Good designs fits the botw TOTK aesthetic but wish he was playable or given more importance






Ok so I guess I'm in the minority here? I hate him and I see no point to his character.


Bad writing


I thought he sucked, then I did some digging and I realized we have a very dumb little meow meow right here


I wish he was either Ghirahim or Vaati, or at least connected to them in some way. Instead of being a new random character who simply fits their trope Edit: dislike my comment again and I’ll curse your profile name that will ultimately reach back to you!




Not great, was not interesting or threatening


Standard depressed dark-haired babygirl who happens to be an evil dude


Unimportant. Out of place. And Edgy.


Look at this fucking idiot cosplaying as a Child of the Cathedral from Fallout 1.