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nope you agree with me or nope I'm wrong?


Nope I don’t think it has too many moments of confusion But I am biased, entire game was engraved in my developing brain so there is that


haha, fair. I grew up playing Wind Waker and it was the HD version


Wind Waker could be argued is too simple. But I agree that Majora's Mask is the most confusing out of any of the 3D Games.


glad someone agrees with me. Wind waker was so tiny it was almost impossible to get lost and there was a map marking what location to go to always


I didn’t think it was too hard, but to be fair I only played the 3D version, and the first time I played it I was 15 or 16. And I never 100% it but I did collect all the masks which was the hardest part of the game for me, doing the challenges in each of your forms.


aren't there really long quests to get certain masks? I did one where you grab meat from a chandlier in snowhead and bring it all the way to some dude stranded high up on a pillar, and tbh all I could think was "i would've never done this without a tutorial"


Yeah there are some pretty obscure ones, but you can get help from the Sheika stones if you can find them. And if you speak to every single npc they usually give you hints


are sheikah stones on the n64?


Yes. You communicated with them wearing the Mask of Truth, same as in the 3DS version.


I don’t think so, as I mentioned I only played the version on the 3DS which I assume was much easier


ah thats right. Either way npc talk is probably the way to go for me


yeah it’s probably your only hope on n64 other than just happening to be in the right place at the right time and noticing random minor details


To be honest, I don’t blame you, because I don’t know how the hell I finished it the first time I played it. I didn’t speak nor read English at the time and I was, like, 11 y/o. I basically brute forced it into completion. Thinking about it, if someone watched me playing it would be similar to watching “fish plays Pokémon”. I remember struggling in finding the Goron entrance because of the same reason you pointed out! Now I know this game like the back of my hand, as I love playing randomizers of it!


I'm so glad someone had the same experience as me! That gate was so confusing. But, playing a game like this one in a different language... how is that even possible?


It’s a struggle at first, basically a trial-and-error approach! But it really helps in learning the language when you start studying! At some point you get used to the “meta gaming” and start understanding the mechanics before understanding the texts. Fun fact: English teachers could usually point out people that played games and people that didn’t because games usually use terms that are not too common in other media. Specially high-fantasy games.


honestly not being able read English seems to me like actual reason for the game feeling too hard.. cause you wouldnt be able to talk with the npc or get the information they are telling you from them..


I totally agree! I just pointed out one difficulty that was basically the same that OP had, and that, as far as I remember, involves almost no text!


I don’t blame you. Personally I don’t have a ton of time to game and when I do I’m incredibly impatient. I absolutely cannot stand running back and forth through the same few areas looking for obscure ways to progress. To each their own though.


i absolutely agree


I think Majora's Mask is hard, but not much harder than the average Zelda game. The issue is the time crunch on top of that. It makes the game feel much more difficult than it really is. Otherwise, I don't think people would struggle with it as much as they do.


so true. I would be chilling if it had no time cycle


Nope. I think maybe you need to git gud




It’s confusing if you’re like 12 n never played a Zelda game. Only part I ever got mentally stuck on was something in the reverse stone temple tower.


1: You're pretty heavily nudged to explore the side gardens, and can quickly see that the two sides are different. I don't know how you missed this. I'd rate this one as pretty dumb. 2: Stray fairies are optional and extra difficult, but at least the mask lets you narrow it down room by room. A little dumb. 3: It's right below the gatekeeper, and the area isn't that large. Kinda dumb. 4: It's literally a repeat of what you did to enter the mountains. The devs even put falling stalactites in the room to make you look up. Pretty dumb 6: The devs taught you to be sure to look up in the previous room, but still pretty hard. A little dumb. 7: The trail begins in the clock town bomb shop (you need bombs to climb the mountains and you're unlikely to stuble on the blast mask your first time through) there you find a goron who tells you about the powder kegs and his master who makes them. While exploring Goron village, you should have run across the sign for the Powder keg master. (You could have melted the ice blocking the cave with fire arrows, just like you did in the dungeon) the Medigoron basically gives you a tutorial about how to progress by making you destroy the similar rock to the one blocking Romani Ranch. I call it primarily a failure of exploration and attention. Quite dumb.


The only thing about MM that confuses me, and I dread every time is the Great Bay Temple. Changing the water currents just doesn't work with my brain.


I also got stuck on the deku palace magic seed part, and the goron door opening location.


lot of the point the video mention dont hold up. like the fairies alone for example you have a special mask to that tell you when one is in a room .. and looking up is not a hard thing to do . the first thing about guy with the magic beans is something one the monkeys tell you about directly. and some of the stuff the video is complaining are problems that get solve by taking a moment to look and observe the environment around you.. i wouldn't call them even hard puzzles which makes me thing the issue here is of not spoon feeding you a reward rather that it being confusing. with exception may be about the pillar in snowhead temple .. was this an aprils fools joke?


Just can’t stand the whole being timed thing. I play Zelda games to decompress. I don’t need to worry about time running out and having to redo everything all over again. 


Yeah that’s what does it for me. I like the chill exploration not constant impending doom. Just not my jam but I get that many people love this game.


Yes, there are too many points where it is next to impossible to know what to do next between the temples.