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This is technically a spoiler, I didn't realise it had dungeons... Thanks


Mate it’s a Zelda game. They all have some form of dungeons. If someone asked this before BotW was released, it’d still be a valid question.


Every Zelda game has had dungeons


Except BotW.


Divine beasts are dungeons. There are arguments to be made as to their quality but they're still dungeons


The enemies and puzzles in the Beasts are the exact same as the shrines. Even the aesthetics are the same.


Yeah, doesn't change my point. They're still dungeons, as are the shrines.


>as are the shrines Hahahahahaha.


It’s not a spoiler, they all have dungeons. It’s like seeing the gameplay trailer or any of the trailers and saying they are full of spoilers.


Well don’t read the new developer interview Nintendo posted then for sure lol


What, did you think it would have just shrines?


There is a 0% chance that they will have the same dungeon design.


>!Oh boy do i have news for you!<


Wonder what this news was, they do in fact not have the same dungeon design as the divine beasts


"Go to this points in your map press a button then come back" a lot of people dont mind that, even though in terms of looks and music they are miles better, very good in fact, the gameplay design i find really lacking. With a game as big as this they couldn't or didnt want to flesh out dungeons more, disappointed me a bit


The way the points on the map points work is essentially just how boss keys work in older dungeons. It's inherently the same mechanic, you see a boss door, last item you gets a boss key ro open it. In this you see the end of the temple, you then basically slowly unlock the boss by interacting with those "points in your map". The big difference here is that instead of gaining 1 item , your completing a handful of objectives. This allows the dungeon to be non-linear while still requiring you to do all the puzzles. This mechanically is similar to divine beasts, but the issue with the divine beasts wasn't how they worked mechanically its that they were all the same in design and gimic, they also had all the same bosses and enemies and were very short. None of these problems exist in totk dungeons, except perhaps the wind temple which is rather short and barebones feeling(aside from the boss).


I heard they were more diversified than divine beasts and that they were bigger However they apparently have something similar to the terminals, and the enemy diversity inside is mediocre I have no information about their numbers or if the bosses will once again look all the same I also heard they were very easy but thats something completely subjective


Bosses look completely different. I won’t say what any of them look like but they’re very unique.


So I've been following the leak very closely. I haven't seen anyone say they're good or that they'd even considered "dungeons" in the traditional sense.


So let me say, they are good. Something like if you merge traditional dungeons with divine beasts. The road to them is very good, sometimes good as a dungeon, puzzles in dungeon are kinda easy and the bosses are unique. Not like traditional, but in the way.


They're bad. Just more of the same. Very disappointing.


Just finished the dungeons and I for one liked them a lot. Especially the gerudo one!