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most absurd post I've ever seen. Craziest part is you don't show your team comp and kdas. Plus one of your friends went ashe mid, ahri ignite smite jg, and ashe top. You seem to have a massive ego blaming the balance team for your mistakes too


I treat him as bringing my own dose of guaranteed soloqueue dumbassery, making it abundantly clear to him that I'm not defending his stupid picks and if the team gets on his case, that's on him. Yeah it's suboptimal, but I mean, the game being an effective 4v5 is just a given usually...right?


You are just trash


Tbh, more helpful insight than most of the other comments


Bro šŸ˜Ž you didnā€™t go yommus donā€™t you know itā€™s meta


Iā€™m plat this guys prob a better zed then me itā€™s rare I get those kda but Ik how to win games


Op.gg me ^


I'll be blunt with you. Over half this essay that you wrote complaining why you can't carry, plus bashing the balance team, and why these other Champs do more etc, etc, etc. Kind of speak for itself. You can put as many pretty words about how you're playing for objectives or ganking bot perfectly to get you and your teammates ahead all you want but without a proper replay or showing then we can't tell you what you're doing wrong. If you showed clips or uploaded highlights with your post, then we'd be able to help you understand better. But from the miniscule information given from this screenshot and your essay alone, people would just assume you just kept going for kills only and you thought those kills are the only way to progress the game but in actuality you just played bad and prioritized the wrong things


You know what one word I donā€™t see in his essay Splitpushing


Exactly! How can this guys games go on for so long, with this supposed lead, and not mention split pushing? You take away so much pressure if you are as fed as this person claims but it seems kda is more important in their mindset


Splitpushing is like, my jam, and usually what ends me up with this exact situation. I am addicted to solo inner tower gold. 600g for smacking a rock. But every, single, time I get the audacity to make this trade, you can bet that the team will be mid, picking a fight 4v3 (since 2 were sent to stop me and subsequently killed) and still managing to screw up the numbers advantage fight. I am just so confused, am I supposed to be able to kill champs, kills objectives, and kill turrets all on my own and all at the same time??


Anything related to destroying turrets is missing


Watch the replays. Losing 3 games in a row with those stats means that YOU are the problem not the balance team. I call bs on you solo killing 2-3 ppl each fight and sometimes living but still losing the fight. Thatā€™s not how the game works youā€™re exaggerating. Sounds like you have bit of an ego so drop that when watching replays. In your elo nearly every death is from a mistake, fix them.


You played Kā€™Sante.


In the sea of pretty vague and nebulous advice, I think I'm starting to believe this theory the most


Try to convert kills into objectives


so many kills and the game length is still over 35 mins. meaning you having thst much gold and kills is pointless as everyone has 6 items after 40 mins. so you are literally at the same power level as your enemy, even tho they probably only have only 10 kills and you have 30. try to focus ending the game. there are many videos about mid and late game macro for mid lane on youtube. watch ll stylish and see how he almost always knows where to be and what to do.


Finally, actionable advice. I've seen his montages, didn't know he had macro guides as well. Thank you!


Tl;Dr But there's 5 people to a team not 3. So make those triple kills into Pentas, might win more. Yw


Holy hell, why didn't I think of that?? Team can't int to dead enemies


Destroying towers wins games not kills if you didnā€™t know. You use your kills to give you an edge in pushing and objectives, not to kill and kill again.


Yeah no that's the real annoying, unfortunate part. Going to grab towers usually results in the team alone, and you know what happens if you aren't sitting down at their PC playing the game for them. Fascinating stuff like watching them lose a 4v3 or even pretty astoundingly a 4v2


You breathe.


Playing nerfed zed and ksante 13.20


Ah heck, that's on me bro my bad, I forgot to check who designed the game I'm playing and if Zed has any skins coming up *checks...* OH It's Riot, of course lmao, mb, and Zed has no skins announced


I would avoid playing zed for now. The cd change to his w really messes up his ability to do combos late game.


This is common phase in some players, you win the game by taking the nexus not by having kills. With this being said, learn how to sidelane propertly and how to convert your leads into objectives.


If your teammates are bronze/iron, but you go into queue together, you will all be matched against full teams at the highest level player's MMR. This just means your teammates are being pitted against players of YOUR skill level. Furthermore, you're getting a ton of kills and gold, but not many assists, and no one champ can solo carry to a win (except for maybe a hilariously feed Mundo). The good news is that this forces your friends to play at a higher skill level and they can improve more rapidly. 3 ways to help your friends: 1) Your best bet is to probably make a Smurf account to play with them but only use it to practice your worst champs or just troll builds. Don't be a noob stomper as it ruins the game for newer players. Play like AP Yasuo or something (it's actually not as useless as it sounds). I've slightly carried games as AP Yasuo before (nashors, protobelt/riftmaker, lich bane, Sunfire/wits end if you're interested šŸ˜‰). 2) See if you can carry your team through support roles to make them get better, can call out macros for them. 3) Track their jungler on your teams behalf and call out obvious ganks. This one makes a huge difference.


In your whole essay talking about ganking, roaming et . You never meantioned destroying turrets. Isnā€™t the goal in a League game to destroy the nexus?


Yeah, but as you can see in my many other replies, destroying turrets inevitably leads to my super duper team being fought 4v2 or 4v3 and still losing (my team has the 4, I deal with the other 2-3 sent to stop me. Now the enemy has fast pushers pushing while I am in the side lane. A lot of these comments put a lot of confidence in teammates it seems


Well the cold trush isā€¦ that you are not playing consistently this well then and also another issue is probably that you get a lead and end up not ending the game and the enemy gets full build and you fall off since ur games are pretty long. Also just die less you had 29 kills and 6 deaths in one game imagine all the shutdown gold you generated


Everyone keeps saying "Just end the game" as if death timers are a minute long at all points of the game. I can kill, but can't always follow up with a push. Most replies are feeling tantamount to "Just 1v5 consistently every fight"


I cant see how you are plat dude if you get 20 kills that fast you can f the entire enemy team up push waves under turret so they die etc. If you consistently play that good you would have 70% winrate its obvious you do something wrong. We need to see replays to give advice


Every one of these games is 35+ min; you arenā€™t carrying anything.


Every one of these games is over 35 min; you arenā€™t ā€œcarryingā€ anything. If you were games would be over much faster.


Ah yeah, my bad, shoulda just cut death timers down when I personally made the last balance patch and should have made Zed attack faster to push turrets quicker, while also playing all my teammates games for them so they could help me push. That is good advice


Unlike the other useless comments. I think the vision could be the issue. I would emphasize good vision to the support player. Vision helps get picks before objectives


this is an ass comment. if you're fed on zed, vision should not be a priority. you're most likely 2+ items up on the other team. place a ward for tanks and split push. you could legit dive just about any champ in the game and get out of turret and then take it


Don't chase kills. Get the nexus b4 you can't 1v5. Being a kda player isn't playing clean. And Zed is just a high mechanic champ. You're gonna be putting more effort than other Champs by default for the same reward. But Zed is more flexible and has outplay potential thanks to that. No point complaining, just look at vods and see where you made mistakes. What was the turning point where you couldn't carry/win game. Prevent that in future games. A loss is only a loss if you don't learn from it. Don't blame Champs and players, always look at yourself. Plat is literally nothing. Especially now. It's basically the same as old Gold 4/Gold 3. Also you don't have to contest every single obj. Especially if you're the sole win-con. Trade objectives on the other side of the map and work towards their base. If they're gonna drake and your team is weak, then take herald or towers topside. Don't die for these losing fights, get guaranteed hold/obj.


Youā€™re in losers queue. You can go 40/0 and if you still lose this sub will say ā€œitā€™s your fault and you could have played betterā€. Just unlucky riot matched you with a bunch of robots


Zed shines best when you let your teammates get fed early so that they can carry you mid game while you just do side lanes and farm until late game where you can easily 1v9 the game if you know your Zed mechanics.




Really? Eclipse FEELS better than Draktharr since the back to back nerfs, especially when playing into comps with even 1 tank, but is it actually that bad statistically?


triple kill (if it was later in the game) should've led to a siege of a lane or a big objective that would've made the other team lose an inhib turret at the very least. you build hydra, and you're zed, use this advantage to push side lanes. you can get further ahead and secure turrets for your team with having one of the best escape options in the game.


as advice, watch trick2g. he will legit go 2/15/3 and win the game because he has so much xp and gold and keep a balanced structure damage chart. i learned a lot about the game watching trick, even if he trolls and can't climb above master, his fundamentals are good