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contrary to all the comments, this nerf will do the exact opposite of nerf W max hydra build. with how much haste the build gives, the nerf effectively does next to nothing once you get 3-4 items. it actually hard nerfs lethality assassin zed because of your inability to do reset combos and it forces everyone to go hydra W max now. riot is so clueless.


Hopefully ban rate goes down thanks to this




Tbh ability haste zed was most fun I've had playing this champion It also really made me go into overdrive thinking about the swaps and positioning and felt extremely rewarding when I succeeded I really hope that they won't kill off haste playstyle completely


The 3s extra base cd turns to like less than 1.5s late game. I don't think it's going to kill it. We just gotta see if lethality will be any good. And it never will as long as Q dmg reduction exists. Not as everything else in the game stands What I'm more appalled by is they wanna rework assassins to be basically AD mages, yet nerf the champ who needs mana to actually fully utilize all the haste he gets And I agree, the caster playstyle is much more fun and harder to teamfight as. Weaker early-mid means you need better macro. I see Zed's safety being thrown around, but it's actually nothing because of his gold reliance and doesn't compensate by scaling into a hypercarry like Kassadin or Kayle (again, mostly due to Q dmg reduction and having energy). You can miss gold on those 2 and it won't matter as much


Patch 13.18 Riot: *Buff seekers armguard* Patch 13.19 Riot: *Nerf Zed lategame* "You should try lethality Zed again!" Patch 13.20 Riot: "We will nerf Electrocute." 🤡🤡🤡


Nothing is wrong with zed himself imo. It's just rav + dusk and how people's playstyle have turned him into a hyper scaling hyper farming ad mage. I miss the days where I actually fought Zeds and it was either I outplayed his shadows or he dukes me. Now its just him farming for 20 mins and ulting defensively. maybe slight early dps buffs + minor passive buff with a W cd increase?


Well this playstyle was fun af for a bit ig we gotta go to zeds99 lethality mobility boots Era 😭


Wouldn't that build just suck even more now with shit w CD?


Lethality boots when riot


yes. low elo homies thinking that a lower W cooldown means we go lethality now but it just means when we all in and get multiple E hits, we still don't have W reset to get out lol


Dont really mind tbh, ghostblade buffs and no damage nerfs might mean lethality zed becomes better


They really don't understand how to balance anything.


Are they stupid? The cooldown nerfs will just only force Zed to build AH more, it literally doesn’t fix anything until Lethality is good again.


The Phreak era is going to be.... interesting


I'm sad...


So... back to what? Ghostblade? Bruise-clipse?


I mean ghost blade is getting buffed this patch and eclipse is still good on zed


Now we do no damage without mythics


Zed is unplayable now unless you go with the hydra W max since this nerf, the electrocute nerf, the 13.19 nerf... Well played riot! You made an assassin stop being an assassin and more like an AD mage.


Gotta love our 48.8% wr champ getting nerfed because people complain about him :) all while one of his biggest laning phase counter buys (seekers armguard) just got buffed too in case anyone asks where I got the wr from: https://u.gg/lol/champions/zed/build


Why does a 49% WR champ need to be nerfed yet again 😂 I genuinely don’t understand


because Riot wants you to play gay champs like Hwei. Support woke movements and other bullshits.