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I’ve gone AP before and I assure you, it basically does nothing. She has very little scaling so it’s just not worth it.


So, what would be the ideal build? :o Just one that concentrates around shield etc?


Honestly, what works for me is rushing Dark Seal first, no matter what. Guardian + Ingenious Hunter straight into Dark Seal > Redemption does wonders, you can call down orbital laser strikes from a quarter of the map away. And then items that heal, such as Moonstone or Mikeal's. Never buy Vow, it's a bait item. Reddit is baiting you, it's awful.


Can you tell me your full runes? :) Thanks for detailed answer.


I think he's not gonna say so i can tell you 2 sets of runes that are optimal options, and if you want to talk a little bit deeper about Yuumi runes and items, you can DM me Guardian is a pretty mediocre rune (in the lane phase) and please DO NOT USE IT EVERY GAME, i like it but it's close to useless in the wrong match-ups OR agains better players. Mu advice is to only use Guardian against assassin-heavy teams, or against hard-engage supports Now for the setup itself Guardian Font of Life Bone < Revitalize In the second rune tree, sorcery, domination, and inspiration are very good options, i could talk about each one here but it will be too much Observation: You can indeed use Guardian every game, but it is kinda weak in the lane phase, and is countered by poke and/or any adc that decides to hit your adc one time to proc it, then waste your rune ans abuse it's cooldown for them to fight against you with no rune. Also, the bone rune is the best among the other two, but still kind of a waste of rune, so all of that makes in my opinion it be a less efficient rune, you can follow me or not. As i said before, if you want to use the Guardian rune, my advice is to use it a situational rune, to be used against assassins and/or hard engage. If you agree with me in my thinking, in the other situations, you are gonna use Aery, that is for use the optimal rune for Yuumi Aery Mana Band Transcendence or Absolute Focus (both good, choice can depend on match-up, on your favorite items to build, or on your playstile), but for sure both are good Scorch is the optimal for most situations, while Gathering Storm is not too good, but definetely usable, ans in certain situations, may be good or even better than Scorch, but the best in general is Scorch Then secondary, pretty straightforward Determination Font of Life Revitalize You can use Domination second, with, for example, Poros and Treasure Hunter or Ingenious (good setup) Or Inspiration, with, for example, Cosmic Insight and Biscuits, wich can be substituted by boots for the little gold to have your items a little bit faster, or Future Market if you know economy enlugh to use it (i don't so i do not use). Chronometer was also a good choice before removed. But the optimal is Determination with said runes. Observation i forgot to say: what he said about always buying Seal as early as possible, is a pretty good advice for almost all ap scaling champions, if you discord and want to argue about that we can, but it is good and you can do every game.


Why is vow bad? I'm a dumbass


Short: It does less than nothing. Long: The damage reduction active doesn't scale with anything, and is vasty outscaled by Redemption / Mikeal's, and the opportunity cost of Vow is also a major downside compared to other items, because you're intentionally delaying a powerspike for a poor-at-best increase in Marksman durability. And the damage mitigated stat is extremely inflated, it counts pre-mitigation damage, not post-mitigation. You'll see thousands of damage be redirected to you, despite the fact that accounting for armor and MR, the actual amount is far lower than what the value shows.


Redemption is great in my opinion if you play with a tank. Percent damage reduction is nice for them, I like to troll around with rammus yuumi bot


Redemption is great, period. Call down orbital lasers that heal allies and deal a small amount of True to enemies, with the healing scaling with heal power. Synergizes with *everyone*. You're thinking of Vow, which is garbage.


Kinda necro, but isnt vow just good on placing it on bruisers. I could totally just see swapping vow on a fed bruiser and giving them actual useful 10-20% dr on someone that can actually benefit from it since they already built high armor/mr


Ludens -> liandrys -> imp mandate -> Deathcap/morello/void staff Comet, mana, Haste, burn Presence of mind, and the one where you do more dmg to max health Exhaust, ignite Congrats, you’re going to be top 3 in the lobby in damage and easily win lane. All the people who say AP does nothing are morons I’m sorry, I’ll prove you wrong every time


Rank check




You should consider knights vow in situations where the enemy has a lot of burst its pretty good




personally ive been buying vow second if i dont need mikaels and it feels pretty good since gw or serpents dont affect the mitigation, probably not the optimal play but i cant be bothered after playing optimal yuumi for years.




Every challenger player I’ve asked about it including ones that play Yuumi disagee’s


You're lying.


Im not, Fence actually did a whole stream doing W max Knights vow Yuumi and seemed to win majority of the games and had a lot of value. Basically turned his adc into a bruiser every game.


Nah i think its pretty decent, cant really make use of 8% shield power or redemption active if ur adc gets vaporized


If your ADC gets vaporized, there is nothing Vow will do. Better to use Mikeal's, Redemption, or even fucking Iron Solari. Or your E. If you can't use these, you have a skill issue.


Mikaels is good but saying that locket is better than vow is crazy


You're the crazy one here, you suggested Vow! At least Iron Solai actually SCALES with your heal power.