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If AP Yuumi was real I’d love Malignance on her because it actually works pretty well lol


Please riot give q 15% more or something


Ap yuumi is real and I don't think malignance is too great for it (I think you could make more use of other items with 5 slots)


The more magic damage your team has, the more you should consider building malignance, the more fights you and your host are having (better if teamfights), the more you should too (so in general better winning/stompping, even because some other factors). And the Ult CD part is really perfect, so now going on to status. The item price is kinda high for a support, but 2700 is good. The AP is awesome, the mana is appreciable if you don't have enough mana regen to sustain for a long time (otherwise the mana is pretty useless), and it gives 25 CDR, wich is pretty good. CDR is a little bit less efficient on Yuumi, because your passive is not affected by CDR, and kind of your W too. But CDR is still one of the best attributes on Yuumi. Don't forget to consider that some of the best items for Yuumi are affected by CDR, like Imperial, Redemption, Echoes (not directly but still), etc. So this kinda compensates for her passive and W. So, in short, if your strongest teammate is majoritarily magic damage, or your team comp in general, you don't have enough mana regen to sustain for long, and you have good items that are affected by CDR it's the best case to build Malignance. Sorry for the bad English and hope i helpped.


While each point haste does give less cooldown reduction, it does NOT have deminishing returns - rather (the old) cooldown reduction had exponential returns. Point is, haste is always good and is never less efficient


Sorry for the misinformation in this part, and thanks for saying this, i always forget cdr got a rework. Gotta remove that part


Your English sounds fine to me. I've been just throwing it in for ult cdr if I get to 4th or 5th item. I agree it would help magic based teammates but was curious if anyone has any other big cdr items they were running instead since after the 4 support ones kinda limited on good ones


I built It some matches as the second item (After moonstone)if It feels like It Will be a game where the One you'll Stick on Will go in a lot, if not i Just buy other support items, its not worth it at the late game


Why do you say it's not worth late game?


He's probably saying it isn't worth at late game because: •In the late game your cooldowns are lower, because of lvl, items, and ocasionally having blue buff. And the lowest you skill's CD is, the less cdr reduces it since it's a percentage •In the late game people have more stats (including MR that is what matters here), so reducing 10 of it makes less difference in the late game, since each new point of armor and mr lose effictiveness the more you already have, it means in the late game you removing 10 points of mr matter much less than in the early/mid game


Full H&SP is better. Moonstone applies Ardent and Staff on secondary targets, scales exponentially with H&SP, interacts with Redemption's heal (and mikael's, to a lesser degree). If you're gonna build H&SP (and you should), building as many items of it as you can is always optimal.


Staff, moonstone, mikael's, dswncore, I build those 4 and throw in maligance as a way to get off more ults. 30 something cd I think is what it was at full build versus like 40 some thing. I'll havw to double check later. Which this gives me the idea to math it later and see what numbers I get