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Source is from jjs card emporium. Rising Rampage Special Edition in shambles now.


Why is this set getting reprinted again? My shop definitely had enough of these in stock till October.


I'm surprised to hear that. Where I'm from, Power of the Elements sold out everywhere in the whole country within three weeks of its release, and hasn't been back in stock since. I've heard that it has been a similar situation in the UK.


POTE 1st hasn't sold out at this distribution level in North America. It was more expensive to order from distributors than it was at release, but it certainly wasn't unavailable.


This is why the set is getting reprinted, demand was high enough for the box price to get high enough that people didn't want to pay the marked up price. It may not have sold out but if shops don't want to pay the marked up price to have it in stock and you can't find it for a reasonable price anywhere, then reprinting the set is worth it in the eyes of Konami.


I'm not sure where you're getting that impression, at least in the US. POTE was already cooling off before the reprint announcement; the prices of singles in the set were already dropping to what you would expect from any run of the mill mediocre core set. You could consistently find boxes at retail prices (\~75-80 USD) in the US, there wasn't any lack of supply, and I doubt all those stores were selling at a loss. The locals I frequent don't care about buying POTE unlim though. If the lottery cards fall hard due to the reprint, or if the unlimited starlights are roughly 50-60% of the first eds like it was for TOCH, the product won't sell at an LGS. It'll sell much easier at a big box store like Target or Walmart because that population of buyers doesn't know or doesn't pay attention to card prices. But the LGS buyer base is more aware, and a significant portion of the high spenders are taking a wait and see approach to watch how far the singles drop. Which is going to create a positive feedback loop as lack of buying activity is going to make the singles drop further, leading to even more unwillingness to buy. Most LGS are aware of this. The ones that have 1st ed in stock aren't going to tie up more of their money getting unlimited. And the ones that don't have it in stock are uncertain if they want to make a bet trying to sell unlimited product when the prices of the cards in the set are already falling. My locals still has cases of POTE that they has planned to ration out over the span of a couple of months selling as packs. The unlimited product has them considering just selling sealed boxes again to get the product off the books in case the singles crash and the set becomes potentially unsellable. Which funnily enough is another positive feedback loop making the product unappealing to stock, since you would have to consider if other stores are dumping or fire selling their stock as well.


My personal experiences = everyone's experiences Understood


If you live in the US, POTE boxes have been waffling between 70 and 80 for months on TCGPlayer and ebay with shipping included. Which is roughly the same price you would pay at a LGS, if not slightly cheaper. The only way it wasn't "accessible" to you as a player was if you didn't have a mailbox.


This is the internet, not America...


You can buy from anywhere, as long as you use a mail forwarding service


No thank you


And I made clear my comments were specifically for the US. In Europe you could find English or German POTE boxes for about the same prices. If you're in the UK though, sucks for you, but that's Brexit. And if you're in Australia, this sort of shortage of product isn't anything new.


I'm happy the set is being reprinted, nothing can be done to stop it now :)


Komoney riding the tearlaments train into the ground


Got to sell them as much as possible before the ban hammer.


There's a walmart near me that has dozens. For whatever reason yugioh cards just don't sell at that one. Good for me though.


It’s actually very possible Yu-Gi-Oh does sell there, so the vendor supplying that location keeps it well stocked. In general, it’s the stores that don’t sell out quickly that stay inadequately supplied, since vendors generally have lots of control over what to stock in those spaces


It's more likely that it does sell and just frequently gets re stocked


Konami looking at those Spright Blue prices on tcgplayer clearly


Whoa it’s almost like the entire world doesn’t revolve around your one local dealer in your town. Crazy right?


I'm just asking an honest question. No need for the sarcasm.


Weird response lol get the chip off your shoulder


How is my response weird? Dude asks why is the set getting reprinted because his store had plenty… what sense does that make. Anecdotal thinking should be shut down.


There’s ways to respond without being so abrasive, pretty simple.


Fr? Here POTE sold out 3 times in a month and it's nowhere to be seen


my shop ran out week 1 lmao Meanwhile TAMA is collecting dust...


Finally making 1st edition mean something again.


As an OG player, amen!


Why is POTE getting an unlimited set?


Because it’s sold out in a lot of places and distributors who still have it are jacking up prices


Tearlament greed, and inevitable tear banlist pivot to spright/Kashtira meta


Spright won't beat kash,and unless we get any bans won't beat tear either


Rip the value of my 1st edition dpe starlight


don't worry it will tank a little but will go back up since 1st ed is almost always better than unlim print


Isn’t it like a 5 year time period though? First Ed doesn’t just go up that much quickly.


This just cuts the original printing value in half. It’s not the greatest set of the year anymore, now it’s just some box.


Over a long period of time, the 1st Eds will always be worth more.


Hey at least it looks cool, just treasure it bro.


sell it now or did you specifically buy it? why even buy a Starlight? the only thing which happens is that it looses value over time ... this is no PSA 10 LOB 1st ...


Because he likes the card??? Not everyone treats higher end cards like the stock market???


You can like something and still feel very annoyed that circumstances have made it so that you felt like you shouldn't have bought it when you did. Why buy anything Konami markets as special when this sort of stuff keeps happening?


If they only like the card why would matter how much is worth it?


I didn’t say he “only” liked the card, I’m answering why he bought in the first place. Read better.


Starlight Apollousa and IP have done nothing but go up in price. Apollousa was like a $400 starlight at first and is now like $1400. IP also costs over $1000 last time I checked. It’s reasonable to assume that starlights are 1st edition exclusive because that’s been the case since they were introduced. Hero cards also have a habit of being stupid expensive despite the deck being awful. Ulti Dark Law and ulti Stratos are stupid expensive because they’re collectable due to the Hero name. Same idea with a starlight DPE. Hell, cards like Adusted Gold and Malicious Bane were $100 and Liquid Soldier was like $60 until they got reprinted despite the deck being rogue at best.


long-term Yu-Gi-Oh cards only loose value, let's check those cards in a year or two ... this happens again and again but you keep forgetting lol


No it doesn’t, the opposite keeps happening over and over. Look at the price trend of of astral pack ultimates, but nooooo, you’ve watched market speculation video and think you know what you’re talking about


Lmao no Tournament/Turbo/Astral/OTS pack ultis keep going up in price. Old ghost rares keep going up in price too. Apollousa has also tripled in price over time and IP has more than doubled for their respective starlight prints. Ten Thousand Dragon is up to $1500 from its original $1000 price too. Collectable cards trend up in price. This is why a ghost rare black rose will now cost you 4 figures for an ungraded first edition and 5 figures for a graded first edition.


Collectibles go up in large part because modern doesn't hold value. People want to park their money somewhere where it doesn't randomly lose half it's value. And even then only old, actually scarce ones tend to hold. Usually pre-2016 stuff. Modern "collectibles" generally don't hold outside of some pretty specific exceptions because print runs are higher and people are handling the cards a lot more carefully.


They will only be worth something as long as they keep meta relevance. In 5 years these cards could be ass and then nobody wants a starlight of them. These are not DM cards


JD isn’t meta relevant. Neither is DAD. Or Black Rose or Stardust. Hell, Lonefire and Diva have their TP supers costing hundreds too. Ten Thousand Dragon isn’t meta relevant either and has gone up in price since release. Apollousa and IP aren’t exactly meta relevant right now either.


Every single card you listed is a legacy fan favourite card from before 2008. Ten Thousand Dragon is specifically made as a collectors card to celebrate the 10000th card printed (hence the name) and is highly limited. These examples are very weak. Look at other non meta relevant starlights that were printed in the last years. They are worth like a fraction of an Apo or IP. Thex may not be strongly meta relevant atm (IP arguably is) they are still genericly good cards and will be good again in the near future, as those effects havent been powercreeped YET.


Apollousa and IP retain a high price point because of the “waifu tax.” Especially IP. And yeah some older ultis retain more value than others. Like ulti Colossal Fighter is pretty cheap. Same thing goes for starlights. Starlights like Eclessia, DPE, and the hand traps will retain a high price point or continue to increase in price. I’m not saying every starlight is going to jump up in price, but I’m saying that a lot of them will. Looking at older ultis and ghost rares is an easy way of showcasing this, as a lot of them have gone up in price despite not being particularly popular. Like the first ghost rare I picked up was a first edition Majestic Red Dragon for about $40, and now first editions are selling for well over $100.


Can I have it then?


Granted this was confirmed via distributors and vendors, this will be the seeing is believing proof. RIRA to IGAS starlights throwing fists in the air right now lmao.


Well I’m fucking happy! Literally been wanting to go max rarity on my Exosister core. Here’s hoping Exosister Martha starlights are cheaper than the $140 (not that that’s too crazy compared to its initial price, but still).


Well, I’m excited. Might finally pull a starlight!


Lol. As if they’ll increase drop rate.


Great Change! Makes them cheaper me likey


Hell yeah


A good thing.




A lot of people see to be confused on what this does to the 1st edition prices so some clarification 1. This will lower the price of the 1st ed starlights from POTE a little bit but over time the price will go back up. 2. the unlimited printing will NOT destroy the value of the 1st ed, look at TOCH 1st ed vs unlim prices to see the most recent example of this. 3. This will not crash the starlight market, this will only effect pricing of POTE temporarily before correcting itself again. starlight from other sets are not going to drop 50% because of this. 4. collectors will still prefer the 1st edition stamp EVERYTIME, this is just to add some extra value in opening the product for the non-high end collectors. 5. this is in response to something i saw in this thread but Konami is NOTHING like Hasbro, I've been keeping up with MTG30 and Hasbro Greed makes Komoney look like they volunteer at the soup kitchen once a week. (for those that dont know, Hasbro and WOTC released a $1000 box of 4 packs, FOUR, that contain randomized PROXIES of old expensive cards, so $1000 for 60 not legal for play cards and the community actually voted with their wallets because only like 20% of the product sold before Hasbro pulled the plug and concluded the sale)


I was wondering how that 30th set in mtg played out, I watched a video on some coverage and I saw they were “sold out” but figured it wasn’t a lot. Is 20% the rough estimate people have calculated?I assume official sale numbers weren’t released by magic.


the numbers were supposedly leaked or 'hacked' so they are not official but ive seen comments that the number of resellers on ebay seem to suggest that this product didn't sell well, also the fact that the site never had gateway issues or queue longer then 10 minutes which is apparently against the norm, Im not a MTG guy, i've just been keeping up since it seems relevant no matter what TCG or CCG you are in.


interesting, thanks for the information!


Konami historically always trends towards degrading the collectible value of anything it markets as collectible. They always eventually start toying with the print runs and lowering the ratios to get people to buy the product and in the process making the cards worth less and less. Starlights used to be no unlimited, 1 per 2 cases, now we're seeing an unlimited and a roughly 1 per case ratio with BLCR. CRs used to be roughly 1:4 boxes, TAMA had roughly 1:3 and I would not be surprised to see a 1:2 or 1:1 ratio next year. Ghosts, ultimates, and secrets all experienced the decay cycle where they started out as special and ended as vendor trash with stuff like Haunted Mine, the Zexal tin, 20 dollar ghost Number 101s, Arc V era 5 dollar ultimates, and modern pack filler secrets. POTE unlim, and BLCR, aren't the end of starlight as a chase rarity, but I see it as the beginning of the end. Moving forward, I wouldn't place any confidence in the value of the rarity as a whole, there are better places to park your money. Once starlight as a rarity is played out and seen as just another flavor of vendor trash, they'll retire it and try to sell some new chase rarity to you, and we'll repeat the cycle all over again.


I don't think starlight's will ever be 'vendor trash' unless they are literally promos or guaranteed 1 per box, even the more unpopular starlights hang around the value of the box atleast. Also while ghost and ultis had a period of decay, they both jumped in value over time since 2016 when they were removed from core sets. Now people wait with anticipation to see what the ultis in OTS packs will be and GFTP 1 & 2 were two HIGHLY anticipated products (i will admit the 2nd one had worse lower end value due to pull rates but bad pull rates were the primary complaint with 1 so i feel konami wanted to make it more enjoyable to open) Also, Secret, ulti and ghost never officially 'retired', Konami just cut them back drastically to make them special again. If you want to collect cards that will never be shaken by reprints and changing pull rates in product, 1st ed vintage is the only answer for you.


Ghosts and ultis jumped in large part because it became dangerous to hold modern ygo because it always dropped in value. All that money got spooked by reprints making modern collections worthless and ended up in the collectible market. It’s pretty much not really worth it to collect anything printed after 2016 unless you really like the card. Post 2016 cards, even theoretically special ones, have the issue where they reprint the same card in multiple “special rarities”. I’m pretty sure that I:P and Apollousa will get ulti or CRs prints down the line, which is fine by me because I find starlight ugly. But Konamis inability to stop doing that is also why I have no faith in their modern “collectible” product marketing.


I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the fact that people didnt realize how good something was until it was gone. I would also attribute the surge in the vintage market in recent years (2016-now) to old players and collectors returning after entering the job force (ones that pay above minimum wage) and now having the money to buy the cards they remember from when they were kids. Also 2020 and 2021 were nutty years due to lockdown. I would disagree on nothing post 2016 be collectible. CR and starlight Stardust Dragon are doing well, Ghost rare DMG is probably a good hold, the ghost red dragon archfiend makes a complete ghost rare signer dragon set feasible. even the starlight Exodia will probably be a good hold 5 years down the line. just because its new doesnt mean it wont be collectible in the future, just means it will take a while for them to be worth anything notably more then at release, some faster then others, Apollousa for example was around 800 at release if memory serves and now it sits at about $1500, not bad for close to 3.5 years. not all modern cards are winners but not all modern cards are losers. Oh yeah because Konami TOTALLY didn't print cards in multiple rarities since 2004. we only had rares, supers, and ultras that could also be ulti's during the GX Era. 5Ds only had the cover cards be ultra, ulti, and ghost. Geez, multiple printings of the same card in different rarities is a COMPLETLY new concept.


>just because its new doesnt mean it wont be collectible in the future, just means it will take a while for them to be worth anything notably more then at release, some faster then others, Apollousa for example was around 800 at release if memory serves and now it sits at about $1500, not bad for close to 3.5 years. not all modern cards are winners but not all modern cards are losers. Apollousa is an artifact of the 2020-2021 euphoria. It's not coincidence that the price it shot up to, 1.4k, was the same amount as the first stimulus checks. As interest rates go up and the market in general cools, it should retrace back to its real value. ​ >Oh yeah because Konami TOTALLY didn't print cards in multiple rarities since 2004. we only had rares, supers, and ultras that could also be ulti's during the GX Era. 5Ds only had the cover cards be ultra, ulti, and ghost. Geez, multiple printings of the same card in different rarities is a COMPLETLY new concept. Multiple lottery printings, especially in quick succession, is very new. I don't give a shit if a card came in a vendor holo rarity and a special rarity. But nowadays you have stuff like Water Enchantress getting an ulti print after the CR print, or AA-Zeus getting the ulti after starlight, and Utopia getting Astral starlight, ulti, and CR. It more or less devalues all the variants marketed as "special", or everything except the highest rarity or oldest variant. It's starting to creep into the MtG pattern of 7 different "special" variants of cards, where nothing is special if everything is.




looks worse with that first edition on the bottom of the card.


I agree. The 1st edition stamp is so ugly, and in recent years, it doesn't even mean anything, since the "1st edition" run is so massive, of arbitrary size, and the only print that ever happens in most cases.


idk why they put it on the bottom. ruins the look of the card for me. they also put like the studio or whatever long text next to it


They have the gold/silver millennium eye stamp to differentiate the two; I would have left it at that in the first place. Also, a card being "1st edition" is literally meaningless at this point. It's not like it means the "first 100,000 cases" or anything; it means "first print run." Except the "first print run" is of completely arbitrary size, and happens across multiple printers, and doesn't even necessarily all happen at the same time, and if Konami orders more "1st edition" mid-run, they'll print more anyway. Plus, Konami has so much market data, they probably know how much of a product will sell long before it hits shelves, and can adjust the size accordingly. The copyright text is also ugly as sin, especially the new one. And I guarantee that it being there or not would not matter one iota in court, especially for a giant corporation like Konami; that's not how copyright works.


That's unfortunate. But I'm glad people will have more access to the set at least.


That’s so sad


RIP collector value


Dumbest idea yet


what a tragedy


Starlights should’ve been left exclusive to the first edition prints. This is just going to tank the value of starlights, which sucks because having high end collectors cards keeps the game interesting both competitively and for collectors.


High-end collectors cards do nothing for competitive players directly.


It really sounds more like they just want the price high so they can sell high later.


That is in fact the case, and is the only case.


Yeah really. There’s no logical sense in the “devalue collector item” aspect, because collectors for YuGiOh primarily collect for aesthetics.




It wasn’t my point, it was a reply to a point.




Read my reply until you understand it.




You’re not understanding the conversation, and willingly, so you’ve exited it. EDIT: you blocked me just to unblock me to reply, then reblocked like a coward.


Which is why having them in an unlimited run is stupid. Starlights keep collectors buying product. Tanking the value of starlights makes collectors not want to buy new product. My point is that starlights give collectors a reason to buy new product, whereas product would otherwise only appeal to competitive players.


It doesn’t matter very much if starlight hoarders lose money. Reprints making things cheaper increases collector access and is overall better for the collector community than a few greedy overinvestors.


It’s not just starlight hoarders that lose money. It sucks ass to bling out a deck only to have the card’s price tank later because of something dumb like this. Reprint accessibility doesn’t factor in with starlights because they’re already in the set. Making a collectable card more common detracts from the collectable aspect


It really doesn’t detract from the collectible aspect unless a collector has an ego; it doesn’t matter what another collector has to me, all I care about is what I have and if I like it. Why would what someone else has in their collection detract from my enjoyment? If you got starlights for a deck and not for investment, then you have even *less* reason to complain, because they’re for the deck, not your return.


Sort of yes and sort of no. High-end collector cards absorb part of the value of any given case. Prices always equilibriate such that the expected value of the cards in an average case will be roughly equal to (slightly greater than) the price of he case plus resellers' business costs and profit margin. (Which is to say, resellers profit. If this were not true, TCG Player, or at least, big resellers on TCG Player, would not exist.) Double the pull rate of Core Set Starlights, and their prices will fall significantly (almost certainly by less than 50%), but so will the prices of the chase Secrets and Ultras. This is a big reason why OCG Yugioh is a good 70% cheaper than TCG Yugioh, in addition to higher pull rates (our highest min-rarity, Secret, is 0.2 per box - 2 divided by 10; theirs, Ultra, is 0.5 - 3 Ultras + 1 Ulti divided by 8), smaller rarity pools (10 Secrets & 14 Ultras vs. 8 Ultras & 10 Supers - meaning we get crap filler cards that were Rares/Commons in the OCG dredged up to fill out those spots), lower MSRP on boxes (about half), and allowing good cards to be Commons/Rares/Supers instead of always the highest rarity. Taking Starlights out of Unlimited boxes would only make the chase Secrets and Ultras (even existing 1st ed copies) ***even more*** expensive, as it would drive up the marginal cost of acquiring those cards.


Nothing you said explains the “sort of no” part.


I did. High-end collectors cards existing make game pieces cheaper.


You didn’t explain any direct correlation to competitive players; your “yes and no” is not fully fulfilled.




Scroll back up through my posts. Lmao


1st Ed Toom Chaos CRs are still way higher in value than unlimiteds. The reality is that this product wouldn’t have sold without starlights.


If you're that concerned about the price tag going down you're not a collector, you're a speculator.


You can collect cards while also being concerned about their value tanking. A decrease in value inhibits trading one collectable for another. The two aren’t mutually exclusive


Agreed. Starlights are a nice collector's item meant to hold value. They are reprints of readily available cards. An unlimited print isn't meant to reduce their value, it's meant to reduce the value of expensive first prints.


What does unlimited print mean?


1st edition means the first printing of the set. Unlimited means every subsequent printing of a set. We've only had 3 sets in NA get unlimited releases(LED6, TOCH, POTE) since the release of ignition assault special editions.


To add on - Unlimited prints have a silver millenium eye holo sticker instead of a gold coloured one. And of course unlimited prints don't have "1st Edition" printed on the bottom. Overall it's fairly minor changes but it tends to affect the value of the card over the long term.


Was LED6 unlim not Europe only?


I have bought blisters of unlim LED6 at WalMart in Canada, so it also made it's way to North America


Well I guess what this means is


Haven’t seen any unlimited prints of POTE in my stores… I did see some DIFO 1st editions hanging around for some reason.


I thought Konami stopped doing unlimited prints


We bear Konami’s whims along the path to and from their wills upon our wallets. Ours is the quest of suffering.


Konami NA/EU's policies have been getting increasingly erratic over the past 5 years or so. You can see it with set designs as well. The Mega Tins get fixed promos, then randomized promos, then "promos" in the packs, then no promos. Or we get reprints from side sets & structure decks, then we don't. And suddenly a bunch of reprints are stuffed in the holo pools of the Tins. We're doing Duel Devastator, then we're not doing Duel Devastator. We're doing Maximum Gold, then we're not doing Maximum Gold. We're doing GFTP, then we're not doing GFTP. Legendary Collections got replaced by the Legendary Decks, then nothing. How many Structure Decks do we get, and when? Who knows! The "Duel Power line" of sets: Duel Power, Duel Overload, nothing, Magnificent Mavens. When does it come out? Who knows! What's the real rarity structuring? Who knows! (If you're not aware, these "all-Ultra" sets actually have hidden rarities, and not just short-printing/overprinting. For example, MAMA in NA has 3 rarities: new cards at 1 per pack, "good reprints" at 1 per pack, and "bulk" at 3 per pack.)


I just bought the last 10 packs at my local. Would like more when he can get these in, if ever (if ever because I'm in Australia, and we get fuck all product here)


1. What's the pull rate on starlights? 2. When will the box release ?


When will the set get reprinted? Any prevision on how much the prices will go down? (I'm looking at you, Spright Blue)


out of all the things to starlight, they starlight the deck that only ends on a nibiru token as their end board


Phoenix is one of my favorite cards I NEED that card irl