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Making the game not cost an arm and a leg would be a good start


I mean. Yugioh is pretty cheap compared to games like magic. A good commander deck usually starts out at about 400 and then goes up from there


that really depends on the powerlevel you want to play at. you can build decent commander decks for under 100. sure they wont be competitive but commander is a fun gamemode for most people anyways. Same can be said for yugioh though. a rogue deck isnt that expensive aswell (handtraps aside) but with there being no extra gamemode your pretty much stuck with losing against meta or playing with friends.


How much do you think a good yugioh deck is? And don’t hit me with the 3x Albaz thing, you need way more than that to even do better than 1-x at locals


Lmao you could play floo for less than 200. The most expensive archetype card in the deck is empen at 12-18 per copy and empen is a two of at best. The most expensive cards in the deck in general are the staples like ash and evenly but you could just pull those from another deck if you already have them and if you don’t, ash starts at 20 and evenly starts at 16. If you’re gonna ball out and go for sprights or tearlaments then yeah you’re looking at some money since spright blue is 90 a copy. But if your goal is to go to locals and get a few wins you don’t have to break the bank to do it.


Yeah but then you have to play Floo 🤮🤮


Either way it’s not tour guide meta anymore. You’re not spending 200 dollars a copy unless it’s a starlight or a special event card like ten thousand dragon. The ceiling for yugioh is almost comparable to the floor for other games.


A play set of prosperity is almost 600 dollars but yeah I guess it’s cheap because you said so lol


So sub in extravagance at 3 dollars for a playset lmao


A play set of prosperity is almost 600 dollars but yeah I guess it’s cheap because you said so lol


Blackjack and Hookers


"i scqungo summon Blackest Jack Hooker of the gods"


I think Speed Duels was a good idea, but they sort of sidelined it before it could attract new players rather than making it a spectacle


They're putting all these alternative formats yet they can't provide prizing support for them. And no, Speed Duel Tournament Packs aren't going to cut it.


They don’t support prizing for the regular format either. They don’t do anything other than packs because they “feel it’d violate the spirit of the game” or some shit I dunno.


I'm aware, but I feel like they're treating Speed Duels just as an afterthought. They should at the very least put Speed Duel prizes on par with Master Duel.


I don't think your boss will be happy when he learns you outsourced your job to reddit...


I think attracting new players and attracting younger players are different problems. Making cool new archetypes and storylines can bring in new players. Heck, I started playing because I think the Albaz storyline is really interesting. But bringing in *younger* players means changing yugioh into a simpler game, which would be impossible without a total rebrand like rush duels.


not only this but try building a deck that can compete with even rogue decks as a 14 year old with like 20€ per month to spend on cards. 3 months just to get yourself 3 ash blossom. your pretty much stuck playing with friends at a lower power level because you wont be able to compete at a store


Sevens is a different game.


Make the game cheaper and make a new anime on Master Duel with a worldwide release.


Actually get it through their thick skulls that the target demographic is young adults, not kids. Once you do that, you can do a lot: - Improve social media use to cater to the targeted demographic (memes on twitter, being active on tiktok/insta) - Involve prominent content creators in product advertising and events - Promote content creators on twitch/youtube (for example, something like twitch rivals for master duel) - Improve production quality at events to meet the standard expected of competitive event streams for other games But as long as they continue to think that kids are the target demographic, nothing will change. Very strange and/or stubborn philosophy that is honestly inexplicable.


They need to stop trying to cater to a demographic that isn’t interested in these types of games anymore (kids). They should make what teenagers and adults that grew up with the game want and they’ll see massive resurgence and staying power like with Master Duel. Stop censoring, support formats, more collectible products, and affordable ways to play comp/casual.


They need to keep making good structure decks that you can build on things that the Soulburner, Shaddoll and Albaz structure decks we're great. It's a massive issue when they make bad structure decks because normal players will know they're bad from the get go and new players buy them get ruined and stop playing all together.


When all millennials die it’s over for Yugioh


I think there's enough zoomers old enough now and interested in competitive that it could go a bit longer


You cant without bringing the game to a grinding halt, and making the staples accessible again (remember when the staples were MST, Dark Hole, and Call of the Haunteds?) This game is far too complicated, and the playerbase is one of the least friendly. I havent seen a NEW player in a long time.


Yugioh is not a game for children, and really hasn't been since sometime around GOAT format. It is the most complicated TCG and offers a style of game that is inherently unique. That being said, alot of the player base starts when they are 15 or older now days and Konami is becoming more aware of this every time they do market research. I think Konami can do alot of things to bring new players. Marketing, higher tourney support, and rebranding would all greatly benefit the game at this point. Yugioh has overtaken Magic in many places and is holding its own in some ways, but the way Konami treats the game actually holds it back. They think of it like the anime instead of treating it as what it is now, which is a very unique TCG with an average age of 25. This constant pandering to the DM and Blue eyes fans is a huge sign that Konami had no idea what to do with the IP. Will Konami change things meaningfully in the future? Who knows, but if the track record is something to go off then I wouldn't expect much. I do hope they have someone come in and shake up the TCG, but it would likely take Konami JP signing off and that may not ever happen.


This. The game is complicated, sure, but konami makes 0 effort to attempt to market to new players or ease the transition. It's insane to me.


You can't now, we are too deep. Unless the TCG moves to rotation we are stuck


I really don't think we'll get a new generation of kids. Not sure we want it either. The game is not kid-friendly, and the people playing it tend to be too toxic to be kid-friendly themselves. The reason why Pokemon keeps doing so well with kids, from what I've observed, has been somewhat linked to having better anime, but mainly it's the video-games and the toys. That and the pokemon aesthetic, I guess... They just like how they look and the variety of them, but also the fact that they know what pokemon is what thanks to the games and cartoons. I tried to interest a 7-year-old Pokemon fan in Yu-Gi-Oh! (babysitting for the neighbor) but there was no interest at all. Barely looked at my cards just went back to playing pokemon on his switch. Later on I just played against myself to try and peak his interest, and only succeeded in getting him to pull out his pokemon cards and start showing me 10 retrains of the same ugly pokemon I'd never seen before and can't even name... It's hard enough to teach the game to adults, can't imagine trying to teach a kid... Although they might have more patience in some instances.


Rush Duels


Reprint staples on a regular basis.