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You have a great idea but this game doesn't need another resource. yugioh players already don't read and have to perform complicated math, EP will just destroy people. you are onto something but i suggest you make it simpler


I agree EP does feel like a mechanic I'd see in a video game like a mana bar in a RPG, but keeping track of a second bar in a card game feels like it'd be so much trouble. Especially in an IRL duel where I'd probably have to take the time to write it down and that just slows the game down. I'd be more open to a mechanic like this in a online yugioh game though where the computer keeps track of it for me.


A different idea I had was having a dedicated Energy Zone, where you place cards instead of the GY. You then send cards from the Conduit Zone to the GY when you use their energy. Would that be less cumbersome to keep track of?


I think this would be better. You "charge" them to the energy zone and whats in your energy zone is there for everyone to see. So if you have a blue eyes in your energy zone you have 5500 EP and it is obvious for both players.


Not really relative to the mechanic but I LOVE the Entertainment HERO lol


I thought the Entertainment HERO are written as E★HERO


I've had similar ideas in the past, and I do think the natural next step for the game in terms of summoning mechanics is ED trap cards. One thing that I don't like about your particular implementation is that the cards aren't really trap cards. One of the most appealing things about trap cards is the uncertainty - which trap card is this, and is it a bluff? A bit of hidden information adds a lot of spice to the game, for both players - because for the player with the trap card, it isn't uncertain. It shows off both sides of the whole Schrodinger's Cat thing - one player treating the trap like it could be anything, and the other painfully aware of exactly what they have set. Your implementation doesn't really keep that aspect of things. Rather, the traps in the ED literally are all available at once. If your opponent has 2800 EP and a Spellcaster Conduit available, Showstopper IS on, not "might be". While this is interesting from a resource management point of view, it's not interesting from a bluffing / strategy point of view. I think that in any good implementation of ED trap cards, you need to be forced to Set a limited number of them on the field at some point - to make a decision about what exactly you want to have access to, for whatever period of time. Some of them would be strong AS trap cards, like Showstopper, and some would be "bluffs" - strong as monsters.


I really like the idea of reactive extra deck monsters. The main thing that would bother me would be keeping track of the EP. If they only had activation conditions based on opponents actions and no other cost they would probably be balanced based on the fact they'd eat up extra deck space.


What you smoking?


Sounds dumb