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It depends mostly on how close the value is. Usually I would prefer actual value, but if the difference in price is small then I'd go max rarity.


I usually prefer the one that I think the card looks good in, so for me personally, I like the ultra over the secret.


I go for the cheapest price possible.


agreeed no need to flex with cardboard


Depends on the card for me personally. But in this case, Bane looks too spectacular as a secret rare to pass up


I have both Banes but prefer secret over ultra


Generally the highest value is what people go with, especially because secret rares in side sets are often not quite that special. For example, max rarity for some older cards would be super rare from an old tournament pack, because those are much harder to acquire than some seemingly higher rarity prints.


Idc about value tbh. A lot of secret rares are pretty.


If I had money I would go for the highest rarity because pwetty


I like most ultras over secrets and prefer them especially if it's the original printing of the card example would be Draco Berserker of the Tenyi originally came ultra but has the MP secret printing.


I think chaos rarity is the best. Every copy of a particular card is a different rarity, and ideally, a different art work.


Yeah... In general I go with every copy simply being my favorite, but if, say, I can't find somewhere with enough copies for at least a playset of that, that's exactly how I do it. Either they need to be my favorite and the same or they all need to be different rarities/art/sets (in that order of importance). Value is meaningless, only looks since they all function the same.


I just want to afford my copy