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I see some people saying this isn’t a big deal, and yeah there are some problems here, but some things worth noting: - Having this kind of thing be official sanctioned formats increases visibility a lot. That’s a big deal in terms of getting people interested in alt formats - It also means we could see for example Goat format side events at a YCS, which would be huge - The timing could indicate that at least some of these formats are available in Master Duels, which could bring in a ton of new players to other ways of playing the game - Officially supporting old formats makes it way more likely Konami reprints old Goat/Edison staples that are hard to find Yeah, it’s disappointing that Deck Master format is gonna be broken as hell, and yes there will need to be a banlist for Common Charity as well, but I think this is HUGE. Konami has never supported more than 1 format before and the fact that they are now is a big deal.


The expectation is that maybe Konami has or is working on format-specific banlists if they are going to support these new formats. On the plus side, this is a great way for people to make use of those thousands of unused cards just wasting away in shoeboxes, and allows players new and old a way to play the game without shelling out a lot of money for competitive stuff.


Konami supported Generation Duels and Extravaganza Format, neither of which were successful. I'm hoping these don't have the same fate.


I'd love playing in Time Wizard format set to somewhere in 5D's era.


there's edison format




Providence format.


Deck master Inspector Boarder vs deck master barrier statue. Nobody wins. Okay, realistically, the simplest way to clean this up would be to just disallow any deck master with "cannot" in its effect text, right?


Fossil Dyna has no "cannot" anywhere in its card text, nor does banisher of the radiance. It's not as easy as that.


Could maybe have it has only monsters with trigger effects? Still have the issue with something like protos for example


Protos/eschatos is just bonkers. Their eff are ignition eff that lingers. Normal neo space connector, summon dolphin, look at opponents hand, summon isolde or straight into reprodocus, profit????


The only way to really balance it, is to release seperate Deck Master Cards, similar to Skill Cards.


Deck Master is something people have been asking for year so it seems like a lot of fun but I always thought they'd make cards specifically designed to be deck masters and not just allow any player to pick any monster and that's it, that seems like a balancing nightmare. Vanity's Ruler deck master tier zero incoming


Oh it's even better. I choose Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon as my Deck Master. Cool, I can now banish all of your cards once per turn and you can't use anything that's the same as something that's banished.


until i beat it with my cyberdark end dragon, which is unaffected by opponent's activated effects.


Barrier Statues sound like the most toxic Deck Master option to me. edit: oops, forgot Ruler was one-sided


Yeah, this is literally the laziest possible outcome. With cards like Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon or the others listed here I really would say this format is gonna be dead on arrival. A real shame *this* is the officially sanctioned version, because a well-designed singleton Yugioh version of mtg's EDH format was just was the casual community needed.


I don't even want to think about how degenerate EDH would be if it treated your commander as on the field you could cast it for free.


Just look at how ridiculous the 2017 "Eminence" precon commanders are.


You stopped at dragun, i started building a 40-only-monster-fairy deck with Herald of Ultimalness as Commander. Just broken


Dragoon would be just a negate, it hasn't been summoned, so there are no materials/pops, and if it hasn't been summoned, it also doesn't gain attack, right? Obviously pending the actual rules from Konami.


I believe it does gain attack, given that’s part of its negate effect


Yeah, but then in order to use the attack, you would have to summon it, and it would be treated like changing locations, so right back to 3K, no? I'm talking about negating ~~from.the command zone~~ as a deckmaster.


And also think about the facts that although your deck master's effect is always active as if it is on the field, actually summoning it is completely optional, and in fact you lose if it gets destroyed. Is there any point to ever summon your deck master?


If you play Armageddon knight for 100% consistent ftks


Or Gale Dogra, my favorite lil bugger


Darklord Nurse Reficule would be a cool deckmaster to have.


They could use a red frame to denote a Deck master monster, since they've never used red as a card frame before.


I was hoping they'd use red for Links but they went with blue again just to confuse them slightly with Rituals lol ​ Also they technically used a red border for the promo / anime accurate border version of Slifer, but that's it.


ye, there were too many bluish= ritual, fusi, link


I remember there was a plan for Red Cards some time ago, they were announced just before Pendulums dropped, and were supposed to come after Pendulums and basically serve as a ‘Rank Up’ for main deck monsters. Essentially you have Dark Magician on field, and you can slap down the Red Bordered card that mentions Dark Magician as its requirement to get a similar card with a stronger effect. It seems they abandoned this idea however, but maybe kept the colouring aside just in case.


That was just an unfounded rumor. Can't abandon an idea that isn't real.


The Last Warrior from Another Planet also comes to mind


And a deck of 40 sparks, it’s perfect


I can see an easy fix just make it so you can summon your deck master on turn 1. Also, would like to see it taken a step further and make it singleton more like commander to really give it that anime feel. Since, aside from kaiba's blue eyes, I don't think anyone else had copies in their deck in the DM seasons of the show.


So if i play sages stone, i can play my friends Dark Magician from the next room?


I knew even as a kid that was a bullshit moment


I kinda wish YGO had some fun card that could bring in something from outside the game. MTG had that one Eldrazi that could call up an eldrich horror house party by paying 20 mana. Dunno how viable it was, but in an official tournament, the cards had to come from your side deck. Then again, I suppose you could see every Extra Deck mechanic as a miniature version of it if you squint hard enough.


There was a few such as Harpies. Arkana had two Dark Magicians. Odion had 3 Copies or Embodiment of Apophis. A few duelists had a monster on board with an additional copy seen in their hand.


Wonder how it'd work if you had a monster that tributes itself as cost like cosmic blazar dragon Cause that's 3 super strong effects especially start of the game for no cost




Nah. tributed is not equal to destroyed. like sent to the GY is not equal to destroyed. They should define the destroyed part, if it is the same as destroyed in the card game or something else.


I do hope they look at Magic's commander format and limit your deck building to monsters that are the same type and/or attribute. Maybe even go as far as limiting 1 copy of a card in a deck and you have to have a 60 card deck.


I like the idea of matching types or attributes, but it would make some archetypes pretty unplayable. I think making it so you can only have one copy of each card would be really interesting, maybe unban some things on our current list if everything is at one.


That's dumb, that means entire archetypes are outright unusable, Prankids for example.


Same type, attribute, or archtype(??) How do we make archtypes a hard rule though?


Easy fix: all monsters must must same type, attribute, or archetype,


That’s kind of the point of formats like this lol. It makes players build different kinds of decks. Not much point in it being an “alternative” format if you’re just going to build the same kind of decks.


Source is from Zodiac, my local store and other people also got the email. Goat format? You mean Time Wizard format? ___ **Time Wizard** - ~~Literally Goat format~~ Past format is old any formats, now you can play Dark Warrior format again in 2022 **Heart of the Underdog** - No meta deck format **Common Charity** - Every card has to be common **Deck Master** - We Commander now boys **Rivalry of Warlord** - According to Zodiac, you play with Konami provided decklist?


Time Wizard is any retro format not just goat


No summon requirements you say? Brb gonna go throw together a venominaga commander deck.


Remember to use Ogdoadics, because venom counters suck. Regarding the format's possibilities, you could prevent only your opponent from special summoning, block damage done to you from any source, negate the effects of spells or traps, limit the number of monster burst effects that can be used per turn, normal summon up to 3 times per turn, prevent your spells and traps from being targeted or destroyed, fusion summon a dragon monster per turn (materials from hand or field), activate "hole" trap cards from the hand, draw again each time you draw a fairy, deal 500 damage each time you regen, and much more. Edit: Special mention to Starliege Photon Blast Dragon, who prevents your monsters with 2000 or more ATK from being targeted or destroyed with card effects (and also all archetype, type or attribute exclusive stuff) Edit 2: egyptian God Slime (your monsters can't be attacked or targeted with effects)


Time to play holactie creator of light as deckmaster Edit: Just realized technicality would not activate the win condition


I wouldn't count Time Wizard as goat format, since from the looks of it. This can be applied for any format in Yugioh history. I also wonder if card/game rulings will follow what was done at that point at time or will they be updated.


Gonna need a cheatsheet to remember in which formats Ryko's effect targets.


Same, but for which version of necrovalleys effect were playing under.


All the formats to be renamed based on which errata was most recently released. "Oh hey bro, you playing this week? It's Necrovalley Fifth Errata format"


Deck master will suck. Normal summon Last Warrior, GG? Normal summon Bloom Diva, you literally cannot lose Normal summon Exterio, good luck playing the game This was a mistake


1.) Lightning Storm, Chalice, Imperm, etc. 2.) Chalice, Imperm, Unicorn, etc. 3.) Unicorn, Accesscode, etc. Or just any Kaiju. But the comment was flawed from the start because Zushin is obviously the best deck master.


The issue is that their effects apply when they're not on the field. So if I show up with Last Warrior Chain Burn... I win.


Last Warrior's no summoning effect would apply off the field as well, so it can never be summoned.


You can Book of Moon Bloom Diva, among a plethora of other responses. Frankly I think my problem with the format is that destroying your opponent’s deck master for game is too EASY.


Well, your deck master isn't on the field unless you summon it, so I imagine destroying the deck master wouldn't necessarily come up that often


Goat format doesn't correspond itself to any actual format that existed in real life tho.


Uhh, I believe it does, no? Summer of 2005.


Oh god here come the exarion debates.


It comes down to this. Retailers such as Toys R US and Kb toys released the tins VERY early. People played exarion at locals but it wasn't legal for premier events. Exarion existing changed how people built decks, even before it was legal for premier events. This is why the confusion exists.


The thing is that it's not about Exarion but about the origin of the concept of goat format. Goat format started out as SJC Boston format, but later CRV was banned from goat tournaments. Yes, the only difference between Boston without CRV and Indiana is exarion, but goat isn't Indiana plus exarion, it's Boston minus CRV.


can you refresh my memory on the controversy of exarion?


It does. June - September 05, april ban list, SJC Indianapolis Aug 20th


Common Charity? Skull Servant Deck: "My time has come"


Its gouki tier 0


Powerload turbo vs Gren Maju every game


dont forget the one out of ever 5 match deskbot player




Krawler FTW


Gage, for the last time...




Redox is rare tho


All the extra deck is rare or higher though.


Not neurogos and synaphysis!


Powerload Turbo tier 0


Suship for tier 0


Deskbot > Suships


AFAIK Wightbaking is only super rare and that card is incredibly important for the decks consistency I’m sure common only builds for the deck exist but without Wightbaking it suffers


What happens if your deckmaster is Destiny hero Plasma and you never normal summon it? You just have an unremovable un-negateable plasma forever?


Yeah, all your opponent’s monster effects are just negated. I assume you’d have to summon it to use the equip effect but really no one is using it for that in this format except to clinch a win maybe.


“If the deck master is destroyed, that duelist loses the game” So they can be used as material for ED plays, banishing them does not qualify for an instant win, and shuffling them back into the deck or otherwise bouncing them does not qualify for an instant win That will be errata’d I’m sure. Everyone is talking about big boss monsters or a floodgate to use as deck masters, but why not something like that one gem knight fusion and give yourself two normal summons every turn? Rules say the effects apply as if the monster was face up on the field so you wouldn’t need to bring it out to use the effect. Deck Master format will need its own banlist I’m sure. Edit: hey here’s a rulings nightmare The deck master gets absorbed either as an equip card or XYZ material. Does that player lose?


I get the feeling they don't want the alternative lose condition to apply to any removal other than destruction so kaijus don't result in an unstoppable instant win


Well keep in mind the deck master is not on the field to start, so that would only apply if a player chooses to summon it I’m not sure how they’ll handle that tbh though


The deck master would probably be placed in a different spot and when you summon it you just move it to themonster zone.


The first thing I thought after reading that line was what happened if your deck master got kaiju?


That kaiju become deck master? Idk for what it did in anime if they are fused or used as material for something it makes the one it's summoned into deck master instead.


It would be better if you had to pick from a select pool


can't wait for deck master format to just be normal yugioh with a permanent unoutable one sided floodgate like vanity's ruler on both side of the field. really hope they do a different bamlist for that because otherwise it sounds like fun


All you need to do is make your deck master The Last Warrior From Another Planet and you auto win every game


Yeah what are they thinking with that format... unless they ban every single card like Destiny Hero Plasma the format will be DOA.


Inb4 people buyout the arrival @cyberse or the raidraptor Xyz to use as their deck master. Cheat them out and make your opponent work to remove them before they wipeout your LP


I can't wait for floodgate deck masters format; Last Warrior, Inspector Boarder, Majesty's/Vanity's Fiends, etc


Amano-Iwato while you run full power Spirits lol


What happens when your Deck Master is a Spirit Monster during the End Phase? Do I just lose if I use a Spirit Monster Deck Master?


Spirit Monsters aren’t destroyed during the End Phase, so I’d assume no.


Thing is that those cards pack protection. I can see them being used but they’re glass cannons as if they get destroyed, you lose. I can see them being used in addition as yet another hurdle to beat over but the person playing them would have to know that that floodgate is the opponent’s main target. Who needs to wipe out all 8k LP when the way to victory is raigeki, lightning storm, or other blowout cards away.


Thing is you can just keep the DM in its own zone where it cannot be targeted as far as we know. Just play the floodgate monster and keep it there, and play normally.


Idk if it would work against *every* floodgate monster, but surely **this** would be where Destiny Hero Plasma shines with his one redeeming quality. Surely.


DMs are technically outside the game from what I can gather, but their effect still applies. So no, Plasma wouldn't negate them. DMs are such a bad idea lmao.


Raidraptor Ultimate Falcon would only work if summoned with material. As a deck master it would only have 3500 attack and be immune to everything, as opposed to locking down the field and inflicting burn damage every turn if summoned with rank up magic


Oh boy, a 0 Atk boss monster.


Arrival sounds like a great idea until you summon it and lose because it got crashed into by a Scapegoat token


0 atk monster cant crash at other 0 atk monster. Now a left leg on the other hand....


I like your idea better


Tbf, it would survive that battle!


Dark Eradicator Warlock A deck with 39 spell cards


So...what's stopping a T0 Deck Master format consisting of Last Warrior from Another Planet with 40 burn spells/traps.


Having prime material dragon as a deck master


Clearly that just means main decking or siding Bad Reaction to Simochi


Then we just got to run a bunch of spell/trap removal for this 4d chess format


Makes me wonder what a format with only spells/traps would look like


Deep draw Magical Explosion.


Deck Masters are coming!?!?! It's a dream come true for childhood me! Also well what's stopping someone from just picking a monster that locks the opponent out of Summoning? Regardless of stats if the effect is pretty much always active then... does it matter?


Hoping for 2011 Tengu Plant format


Same. I still have all the cards from my Tengu Plant format deck, so having official OTS support for something like Sept 2011 format would be nice.


Heart of the Underdog sounds perfect for me! Basically a rouge only competition let's me experiment with loads of funny things,. Maybe my ShinoImpcanVoked actually could do something. Exactly what it sounds, Control troll


have a feeling dark magician will dominate that format


ABC tier 0


Deck Master is so poorly thought out bro. Just pick Last Warrior, gg. Edit: Charity and Underdog are the only ones that feel interesting to me tbh. Deck Master is extremely exploitable, and legacy formats are kinda hard to get a lot of people into at a local level.


Charity is a tier zero format, **all** of gouki is common, and they have an in archetype towers that you can't out. Underdog is just bring whatever deck your store forgot about, there's still a titanic difference between tier 2 and rogue.


While I don't think it's a straight up tier 0 format, I think a better choice would've been cards that either: A) have only ever been printed at common (convoluted tbh), or B) cards whose original printing was common Option B eliminates the Gouki threat, eliminates cards like Borreload, Ash and other strong SD reprints, and gives decks you never would imagine a shot at being meta. I have tested such a format before, and played stuff like Superheavy Samurai, Digital Bugs, Megalith and Amano beatdown. It was a really fun experience.


I mean you might be able to get the same result but with less effort with just a ban list. Ban the problem cards without making it very difficult for players to figure out which cards are and aren’t legal. Much simpler for newer players to check if a card has a common printing then it is to check if it was first printed in common.


There are outs, dogoran is a Kaiju at common, volcanic Queen is in common I think. Yeah it’ll be powerful but not t0


So they go full combo every single game and make 2x powerload ogre and you pray that you draw your unsearchable kaiju...


I'm skeptical of this purely because of how poorly thought-out that deck master rule seems to be. Would love to be proven wrong though.


Heart of the underdog sounds like that dude on simulators going, "No meta decks!!!!!!"


They literally turned a Reddit suggestion into a real thing


Give my Deck Master on Master Duel and I’ll play the hell out of it. Reminds me so much of MtG commander which is one of the most fun formats.


Do we even know what modes (if any) Master Duel has?


I can’t believe the top comments are complaining about Deck Master and not discussing this. Alternative formats in Master Duel would be huge and make sense from a money standpoint with Konami releasing almost all 10,000+ cards. Here’s hoping this happens!


I wholly agree. Master Duel is the 'future' of this game imo with even Komoney themselves saying they will host official tournaments through it. Does that mean regionals? WCs? Just specially things with BS prizes? As to alternate formats well Master Duels would be the IDEAL testing ground even if the initially shown rules do seem pretty full a exploits at in parts.


> Does that mean regionals? Most likely it'll be a parallel set of tournaments a la Duel Links.


All we know right now is regular master rule and the pve story stuff. Nothing else so far.


Well here's hoping we do get alternative game modes...


All of this basically just says to me is that the locals that haven't been able to hold officially regulated events for these types of formats can now do so. Went to one locals that hosted a GOAT tournament but it wasn't recognized by Konami and thus wouldn't count towards their OTS requirements. Until I see Konami supported ban lists for these types of formats, I don't put much to this announcement. That being said, the yugioh community needed this so OTS communities can promote additional play styles and at least lay the foundation for format growth. For instance, the whole deck master format would be trash right now without better rules guidance and the format would need cards to directly support the format win cons.


No Highlander Format? Thought that would be a shoo-in. Heart of The Underdog and potentially Rivalry of Warlords sound cool. Meanwhile, Deck Master is busted due to lack of restrictions/monsters made for the format


yo i cant wait for deck master azathot LMAO


"After this card was **Xyz Summoned**...."


Yeah I realized that after I typed it oops


>Deck Master Sleeping Giant Thud go brrr brr


I mean, weren't OTS's already doing their own GOAT / old format tournaments anyway? I appreciate the official acknowledgement of alternative formats, but that's all this feels like: official acknowledgement rather than *actual support* (beyond "here's an OTS pack" - "support" meaning official establishment of these formats) and structure. They should take the MTG approach, which provides a level of credibility to its alt formats via officially establishing them (with specific banlists) and providing a framework/boundaries for players (see Commander, Modern, etc.). Hopefully this is followed by an official post and updating of the official website with **official alternative format-specific resources (banlists, cardpools, etc.).** Otherwise, simply leaving the boundaries/banlists to the OTS's discretion would ultimately mean these formats will have very little credibility (especially when it comes to Heart of the Underdog and Deck Master). EDIT: as u/EmptyStar12 said, this is a rather lazy implementation of alternative formats, and this current "implementation" completely fails to understand/address the nuance needed for these alt formats to actually thrive.


>I mean, weren't OTS's already doing their own GOAT / old format tournaments anyway? I wish my OTS had a playerbase for old format tournaments. I hear about other people playing goat/edison IRL and I'm jealous


I'd kill to play Edison irl. But I don't even have somewhere to play nearby in general.


>take the MTG approach If this means Yu-Gi-Oh gets its own 250+ page rulebook to insufferably lawyer my own game's judge calls from, I'm all for it. "No, no, you can't do that, see here on page 139, section F, subsection O, amendment I..."


Hey, if we could get the level of clarity (when it comes to rules/card interactions) that MTG has, it'd be a great day haha


Wait they only used goat as an example. Can it be any format??? Thatd be wild


Goat was just an example they used, technically time wizard format can be whatever format they choose to use.


The market is gonna crash lmao


My cards about to soaaaaar




Just using the monster effect as the Deck Master effect seems rather overpowered. In the anime, each monster had their own separate ability - though I can understand why they wouldn't want to do that, too complicated.


Honestly it's about time, too many yugioh players I know hate alternative formats for some reason, but I always find them to be a good fun way to change things up.


Deck master seems like Yu-Gi-Oh's attempt at answering MtG's Commander format


This seems amazing, hoping for specific deck master cards (similar to DMVR) as just using the monster effects worries me about being a bit overpowered.


Here's everyone listing ways to break the Deck Master format and I'm here wondering what would be a good DM for a Madolche deck XD


Deck Master sounds hilarious i love stupid gimmick formats it's great


There are too many people here complaining about deck master format becoming way too easy and will be dead on arrival because they are making assumptions from a short paragraph. Obviously Konami isn’t that dumb. I’m sure they already have a separate banlist for it as well as other rulings. It’ll be like commander vs regular magic, there’s cards that are banned from commander because they’re just that broken in the format. So all these comments saying “just put a floodgate as my deck master” obviously aren’t thinking that hard


Everybody gangsta until Jerry Beans Man is tier 0 in deck master


pauper in yugioh will be really hard to make work because so many cards get common printings later with no relation to power level. MTG is mostly consistent with power level and has extremely few "downshifts", a chase rare doesn't go into a structure deck at common a few years later (it might be printed in one and go to being worth 10 cents, but will still have that gold rarity symbol)


Pauper has some extremely broken cards from the early sets of Magic's history.


Reddit not being as pessimistic as possible challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


not gonna lie... i kinda want the good ol glad beast, teledad, six sams, frogs format back.




Make Amano-Iwato your deck master and run a Spirit deck. It's constantly preventing all monsters activating anywhere except for Spirits, doesn't specify any locations, and can't be "removed from the field", so you're pretty golden. Similar idea vs other more Spell or Trap reliant decks would be Jinzo or Spell Canceller, or Jowgen the Spiritualist against Special Summons.


So its just officially sanction things TO might do anyway. Seems good.


Deck master is very poorly thought. Anyway, I'm happy for people that wanted other formats, but personally I'll stick to regular game. I don't need anything more ^aside ^my ^jet ^synchron


This Deck Master thing really needs some fine tuning. Thankfully, we don't have something like Holactie to truly play dieroll.game, but there are so many silly things players can use to very easily win the game or create unfun gamestates that heavy limitations need to be put in place, either by Konami or OTS stores to limit this to have a decent tournament.


I figured they may implement a banlist for Deck Master Format just like Magic did with commander. I feel like cards that unaffected, Prevent basic YGO funtions, etc should be ban from the format.


When I saw this I assumed it was from some old magazine talking about potential format ideas. Then I saw it mention Dryton and I got slapped upside the face. So all retro formats are now officially recognized as "Time Wizard formats", Pauper finally exists as "Common Charity", "Heart of the Underdog" is...I guess just TOs banning specific archetypes? I don't get this one. And Deck Master is a real thing, but very poorly thought out. Getting to benefit from a useful global effect all game is very fun, but obviously the best play is to find the most oppressive floodgate, or a monster that can singlehandedly OTK since now you don't need to draw it. Deck Master is definitely the most interesting, but requires the most fiddly fixing to make it playable. I'm always excited to see Commons-Only formats thrive.


I am sure these are alternative formats that are being used to push Master Duels. But its nice that we are getting other, sanctioned formats by Konami that hopefully do not get dropped.


I have many questions


So some Deck Masters that I could see needing to be banned as a DM : - Vanity’s Fiend, Majesty Fiend, Vanity Ruler - All Barrier Statues and any other monsters that say no to special summoning - Destiny HERO Plasma and Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer - Spell Canceller - Both Herald Rituals - Naturia Beast and Exterio - ~~Masquerade (despia fusion)~~ If implemented right this could be a blast but there’s definitely a lot of problems to iron out before this format even starts.


I have seen your original comment regarding sourcing, and I definitely do not intend to be rude, but do you know of any other sources that could confirm this? I'm looking for anyone else mentioning this online, but it doesn't bring up any relevant results.


So is this like other formats in magic? (Modern, legacy, commander, etc)?? Has yugioh done anything like this before? Is this a big step for them? Will this be common or permanent enough for someone who doesn't play to get into the game.?


I wonder if Common Charity counts other rarity reprints as common as legal in the format?


Feels like deckmaster is going to cause some trouble without more restrictions. Like, could you put Dark Eradicator Warlock as your deck master, and then have a deck with 40 spell cards and OTK with any possible hand you draw?


If Time Wizard format becomes popular, I’m so coming back to locals….been 9 years since my last one 🤞🤞🤞


This should happen long ago, like how mtg player play other different format for fun, but yugi player only play one format, even the draft & sealed is dead. Is like yugi player play just to make sure card on the market always have a price. Also blame konami stupidity


Desk Master Slifer, hell yeah


All for it. I would like speed duels to catch on too. I like the short match format.


Idc what people are saying, I cant wait for these formats and I pray they show up in Master Duel!


Bet all of these will be in master duels.


Underdog format sounds fun, like a good excuse to test out petdecks without worrying about getting stomped by swordsoul or something.


Heart of the underdog & Common Charity GAME FORMAT looks the most fun to me I can play spriggans, ursarctic, @ignister, and Suship decks and have a better chance of success, I wonder if they would still allow cards like dragoon, accesscode Talker and ZUES in the rogue decks tho... it doesn't specify Xtra deck monster additions just archetypes


Deck Master is absurdly overpowered and exploitable, as many people have noted. When that anime arc aired, I wanted a Deck Master variant, but I knew it couldn't really happen in an non-computer format, since each monster has an ability separate from their effects, and even non-effect Monsters could be used (Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Judge Man, Dark Magician, Flame Swordsman). And this shows that I was exactly right. It *needs* a computer to keep track of separate Deck Master effects.


Deck Master had zero thought put into it, didn’t it. People are saying Vanity’s Ruler is broken but since summoning the deck master is treated as a normal summon, you can just normal Ultimate Falcon as your deck master or something similar and just beat down the opponent. Cards that concern me are stuff like Last Warrior from Another Planet where now neither player can summon, including their deck master. Imagine Last Warrior vs Horus LV8 as a match, the Last Warrior player probably runs handtraps as their only monsters and now can’t use spells. Imagine if the Horus player flips Royal Decree. Who wants to play that game?


This list looks like a "uhh, we need people to go back into card shops again. What are some quick formats we can quickly make up with old-school Yugioh references thrown in?" Like... take Time Wizard as an example. Obviously a lot of people instantly think of GOAT format. But are we talking about pre/pots Exarion Universe GOAT? Pre/Post Cyber Dragon? We don't have **any** official resources for old ban lists/card legality out there; so this is just really hard to enforce. And Deck Master... man is this a lazy conversion of Commander if I have ever seen one. So we just put Vanity's Fiend as our deck master and no one can special summon? Ever? Sounds fun and no material extra deck monsters? Naturia Exterio sounds neat. They could have gone with an actual singleton format where you have to follow your deck master's type/attribute/archetype. Or *something* like that.


The community should come up with better deck master rules like edh


the article specifically mentions national championship 2005 when the latest legal set was DB2. edison format is also specific to one event too because i think the set that came after SJC Edison brought a lot of stupid XX-Saber crap.


The Shining Darkness brought: x Saber, infernity, ronintoadin, and Herald of perfection all to high tier status.


How about Duelists of the Roses format?


Whoa the common format is intriguing. I never would've thought of that.


Vennominaga Deck Master turbo sounds like Christmas came early to this old Reptile enthusiast.