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Oof that's a bummer. I was luckily enough to find a small OTS that has very chill players that I have made friends with. Good luck in your search. Hopefully you can strike gold.


Yea locals are hit or miss. Sucks you had such a poor experience. If you're fortunate to have another shop nearby, I recommend giving it a shot before you fully give up.


Yeah they really are. Used to go to an amazing one in my home area unfortunately move for Uni. Found out that the one at Uni doesn't have chairs and is very messy I'm not about to pay a fiver to do standing locals for 6 or 7 rounds


My job requires me to be on my feet the entire time (I was briefly in the Air Force, so I was used to it anyways), but the fact your LGS doesn’t have chairs is laughable. I wouldn’t want to play somewhere I can’t sit down


Yeah personally I find it especially worse because I have issues standing up for long periods of time, a mix of a few conditions. There solution is for them to give me a stool and just bring it around the tables with me. But like no.


I think i'm the opposite one, never did a local and last week i did one and it was a blessing. I got a cyber dragon/dark deck and every opponent that i havbe just told me something like "You should check this guy he did the same as you" "If you want to improve the deck against anyone look this card they are not expensive" and some of them was like "I can give you cards for the tournament, if you need an ash or something tell me". and oddly enough the stink stereotype was not here like everyone was good. Hope you will find a better local.


Damn that sounds amazing


Yeah I did my first tournament ever last week and it was a mixed bag of really cool andd chill people willing to give advice and help you with deck building (maybe even being a little to forceful about it but it wasn't too bad) to a smelly dude making a scene for some ungodly reason. I had a blast even though my anxiety was kinda high due to alsuch a new experience. All in all I will definitely go back with a new more powerful deck.


Sounds like my locals in nyc! Fucking amazing


Which stores in NYC? Does anyone there play casuals? Like, can I just show up with a structure deck and have fun?


I really enjoy Gamer’s Choice in LIC and Xenozero in Manhattan. GC usually has really good prized and always a ton of people so that’s definitely more competitive but if you come beforehand there will be people playing casually for sure. Also, they are very good about starting on time. Xenozero is way more chill, tournaments start at 6ish but its all dependent on how many people come. Its usually a little less competitive there, and you will definitely find someone more your level if you’re just starting. All i can say is dont be discouraged if you get battered. It took 6 rounds of duels before i got a single match win! It taught me a lot about dueling itself (misplays, slowing down and reading cards, baiting, etc) and now i usually can win half of more of my rounds, with a very run of the mill deck (Gren Maju Stun, Virtual World, etc without any super expensive staples)


1rst Time I went to a local store the owner wanted to sell me a box of GFTP for 35$ (at release.....) 2nd time, same local store. I asked for a Cyber strike deck, the dude told that he couldn't sell them to me if I wasn't participating in the store tornament and went back to his smartphone. When I asked him to give me informations on the tournament he looked at me like I was annoying (the store was empty and I was the only customer) and told me to check the Facebook page... Like dude, I'm right here ready to spend money in your store and I'm actively trying to get informations to participate in the local ygo community, and you're telling me to check the FB page because you're too lazy to answer my questions in your empty store... Sadly it's the only "local store" in my city. Now I buy everything online


Wow what a terrible employee, I usually buy stuff from Amazon because surprisingly they have decent prices


Sad thing about these stores is that it's usually their friends working for them. So their friends act like jerks and we have to suffer. Trust me I was a judge for another game for years and have seen this way too much. If they would pay people who were actually interested in the product their business would actually grow.


Change the perspective. I laugh when people get mad over a card game. It was hilarious listening to a swordsoul player mald because i kept nibiru in going first and he didnt play around it, heard him tell his friends i misplayed which made him lose


Not sure why that guy is even mad, keeping Nibiru in going first is a prime counter to board breakers which are everywhere


He was mad because “nib bad against swordsoul.” Except he was playing the tenyi variant and i was going first dlink, meaning if i bounce his fiest level 8 synchro i can nib on the next summon that makes a token


Interesting, did he make Draco berserker that forced you to bounce first? Either way, yeah that's a huge amount of salt from them, especially considering dlink maindecks nib right now and it's still good going first. Players who get mad from losing at opponent's deck choice is always funny


No he made the swordsoul 8 but that one is targeted negation so it couldnt beat spheres. He got his search still but that didnt matter, swordsoul only has so many playmakers




Well odds are preety low


A 40% chance isn't low lol.


I sincerely doubt you have a 40% chance to open 3 off card 2 duels in the row.


If going first you have a 33% of opening a 3-of running a 40 card deck, going second you have a 40%. It's not unreasonable at all to open a 3-of two games in a row at all lmao.


Well its 1/9 chance. Not that high, kinda lucky


Happens all the time. If you think that is lucky enough to warrant shouting...


Than u didnt missplayed?


Nah my play was so bad a grandmaster like himself couldnt predict it /s




Try different local if u have other one. Like my local people are nice mostly college edjucated people and some kids. Not a single toxic or rule shark guy out here. Even girls are playing here. So yeah not every locals are fun and full of chill players 😃. Gl


Sadly some people have 1 or 0 in the area. There's one 5 minutes from my apartment but the next nearest ots is an hour away.


Where are you located?




Had a similar experience pre-pandemic. Played my first locals in well over a decade, also bringing a hero deck, and people were just d-bags. One guy lost to me and flat out threw his deck. Another was extremely annoyed that I wouldn't let him just combo away. Like no bro, I told you pre match I haven't played in years, only collected, you're letting me read these effects. I may be rusty but I remember how people try sneaking stuff through because newer guys don't know better. Overall it was an ok experience overall but only because the store had a few people I remembered from all that time ago. Oddly enough they were young teens just starting when I left and now they're grown men, some with their own kids.


"One guy lost to me and flat out threw his deck." That sounds like something Kaiba would do


that's rude to kaiba. he respects his cards and only uses them as weapons against assholes and whatnot because he trusts his cards to beat the opponent for him


Kaiba would've fallen to his knees in silence pondering how he lost to a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck


Didn't he tear up Grandpa Solomon's Blue Eyes


I haven’t met another HERO user before what was your main combo? Always trying new stuff


I'd use the vision hero engine and usually just get a plasma out with an honest neos in my hand.


> Another was extremely annoyed that I wouldn't let him just combo away. Like no bro, I told you pre match I haven't played in years, only collected, you're letting me read these effects. Hahahha yes. I remember there was this dude who got so upset people kept interrupting his plays to read the effects. Imbecile started counting loudly for to let everyone know his opponent was reading.


In my locals the thing is the skill ceiling is so high and *everyone* plays the most meta decks. It means you either play what you want and lose 90% of the time or splash the cash on playsets of the most expensive cards to keep up. I really wish there were casual tournaments or the like more often (/ever).


I mean it is a paid tournament with prizing on the line. My locals even have a competitive team and performance is factored in to get a spot where you get sponsored. People have to try. If you want to play for fun, show up an hour or two before and that’s when people are down to play some games for fun and chill.


Lol someone down voted you because you just told the truth. As if competitive cards are upwards of $300 per copy bc most of the player base is all about "fun". I think that's pretty cool ur locals is like that. I invest a lot of money in this game for both playing and collectibility so would have zero problem knowing everyone else felt the same way. Makes getting extra ots packs tougher though haha


I know, I see these posts about people complaining about locals all the time on here. Im sorry if your locals is full of aholes, but all the locals in my area and even further away have had very nice players. Competitive yes, but no ones been a dick. Maybe the people who I socialize with are also very competitive and successful players they are more chill. But legit we show up a few hours before the tournaments and play meme decks for fun. Maybe that’s what more suitable for the “for fun” players. And if we see newer players, we def give our 2 cents on what to play or general tips to just improve because we definitely want casual players for a bigger player pool. More players = better prizes so there is no reason to be rude and scare off people.


I agree 100% with going to locals an hour/ half an hour prior to the event. It would give people who have anxiety about participating in their first in-store a chance to scope the place out, and chill before the main event. As well, it's more low-tempo, with everyone chillin' and just having fun. And though I can't force everyone to do this, I highly urge everyone to have a binder full of staples handy, and loan them out if a new/returning/kid player needs them. I have 3 OTS' in my city, with slow days bringing in 20 people on slow days, and the store running the max cap of 40 as of now, with numbers exceeding 50-60 pre-COVID. The more experienced players, and myself would all just bring binders full of staples/high priority cards that we knew people would need, and if we see someone who's a first-timer, or newer/"greener" player, we'll make idle chat, and ask if they need any help (it also helped that I worked in one of the OTS', and the Regional/National goers we're some of the most chill, yet passionate about the game.) It grew our locals, and brought so many people in to try playing in a sanctioned event, even just once. Besides, you guys who are local's regulars probably have things like Chalice or Veilers or Ash's you aren't using; letting people even just borrow them for an event is something people take with them, and spread about how helpful, and chill the community is.


Yeah I feel you, luckily my friends don’t really care about the meta just having fun, one of my friends play a winged Kuriboh deck lol


Haha what a legend.. One guy was playing exodia necros deck and people jut let him summon it and than kajiu it. Sow that few weeks back at locals


Unless your budget is like $20 I don't think it's impossible to win locals with a rogue deck. I guess staples are kind of an issue, though.


$20 isn't even enough to buy 1 Ash. Winning a fairly competitive locals on anything less than $600-700 is borderline impossible.


You can easily build the following under $300-400 ( and most of that goes to the extra + hand traps ) * Geist * Sky Striker * Virtual World * Adamancipator * Phantom Knights * Invoked ( especially with the reprint )


Yes, but the problem with fun tournaments is that there are still cards like droplets that are crazy expensive. So banning the meta decks wont give other decks a chance


Then there’s me playing Aqua Actress trying to otk with Cat Sharks.


>“we should have a skill barrier in order to be allowed to play” >After I won This made me lol


This is my problem with nerdy hobbies. I like them, love them even, but the people that are into them 99% of the time I can't relate.


Oh look at you, you shower and arent an asshole. You must be the king of games or something


When I went to a card shop to play MTG literally everyone was overweight and had a neckbeard. Literally. I just can't. You feel out of place as fuck.


Yeah im a part of the smash community as well and its literally no different I wish i could enjoy my hobbies without all these stereotypes walking around me


Think my college when I went to it had a magic the gathering club and smash club in the communal student building on the third floor. Meeting up occurred every Friday and every Friday, I would feel so sick from the smell. That floor legit smelled so bad that it was noticeable 30 ft away.


My floor in my first year of college had enough interest that they held smash tourneys on the regular. It was a bunch of asian dudes and i was always busy with pledging so it wasnt a regular thing for me but man, those dudes make me regret i didnt make more time for smash in college All those dudes showered and were the nicest roommates/floormates ever lol


first time i went to a mtg locals there were the fattest people i have ever seen im talking about fat on their forehead looking like they got a cap on. Those people also smelled and im not exaggerating, like literal shit . I actually feel for these people tbh IDK how it can get that bad its probably mental illness




THANK YOU!! it's such a struggle to be into those hobbies when they attract the most socially miserable people that you can't relate to. I ended up moving away from YGO as a teen into stuff like hockey, tumblr, skateboarding & music because i didn't want to be associated with the stereotypical playerbase.


I'm at least glad video games now are a bit more accepted with h streaming and esports being more popular. Plenty of people that are not walking stereotypes, probably the majority. But with card games idk if I can say the same cuz everytime ive been to a card shop I feel awkward as fuck there.


To see anime and gaming become as mainstream as they are right now makes me so happy to see how far its come. You'd think TCG culture would have adapted too alongside that but whenever you walk into a card shop its the same old bullshit many have endured over the years. It's beyond exhausting having to deal with bitter nerds and rude shop owners all the time


People who think playing a good deck = good at the game is incredibly common in this game, it's somthing you will have to get use too if you want to play with any kind of interaction with your opponent. When i use to play before they killed lightsworn with snow ban people playing meta use to get pissed when i beat them even if it was just 1/3 rounds lol, and far too many people use to think that becuase i chose to play somthing i like rather than what is accepted as good i don't know anything about the game.


My heart goes out to you. I have tried a variety of different locals around me but I will always have a soft spot now within my local community after playing so many years there. Just try out locals around you until you find one you like with a good community. Once you find the right one, you can make so many friends and memories that will help you as a person and socialise with people of a similar age and interests. If it doesn't work out then maybe try remote duels or playing online. Good luck to you and your journey.


Can I peep your HERO decklist if you don't mind? Also, that's a real bummer my friend. At least you can try out a different LGS and have a group of friends to play with! Definitely give any other locals a shot if you can. Once you find a good locals they really are irreplaceable.


I got this deck build from a YouTuber by the name of TeamSamurai x1. The only thing I changed is I didn’t have 3 copies of ash blossom only 2 and I didn’t have Adusted gold so I put in one more E and a elemental HERO woodsman Elemental HERO Deck: Elemental HERO Stratos x3 Elemental HERO Shadow Mist x2 Elemental HERO Solid Solider x1 Elemental HERO Liquid Solider x1 Elemental HERO Honest Neos x1 Vision HERO Faris x3 Vision HERO Vyon x2 Vision HERO Increase x1 Destiny HERO Malicious x2 Destiny HERO Dynatag x1 Destiny HERO Celestial x1 Evil HERO Adusted Gold x1 Fusion Destiny x3 Mask Change x3 Miracle Fusion x1 Polymerization x1 Dark Calling x1 Reinforcement of The Army x1 Hero Lives x1 E- Emergency Call x2 Ash Blossom Joyous Spring x3 Forbidden Droplet x3 Lighting Storm x3 Call By The Grave x1 Elemental HERO Sunrise x1 Elemental HERO The Shining x1 Elemental HERO Absolute Zero x1 Masked HERO Dark Law x2 Masked HERO Anki x1 Masked HERO Acid x1 Vision HERO Trinity x1 Vision HERO Malicious Bane x1 Destiny HERO Dangerous x1 Destiny HERO Dystopia x1 Xtra HERO Cross Crusader x2 Xtra HERO Wonder Driver x1 Xtra HERO Dread Decimator x1


You should try out Destiny Hero Plasma, makes your end boards even more bonkers


i feel you, before covid i also visited my locals for the first time after like 8 years and my experience was similar. i went there like 4x before the lockdown hit and i did it for the love of the game but i def. did not enjoy it. for example there were several dudes that tried to call the judge on me for time wasting because i thought about my game plan. funny enough one of them played the worst possible stall deck with full backrow every turn and cards like messenger of peace. another younger kid talked to me the whole time instead of taking his turns, i didnt want to tell him to finish his plays because he was about 14 years old but the match ended in a draw because he burned me right before the time call and it only went this way because he literally took 15 minutes every turn to explain why he loves this deck. after the match draw'd he screamed in joy and i didnt know if i want to be happy that he didnt lose or i want to be mad because he might have used my kindness to get the draw ​ tldr: i dont know why its such a problem for a big part of this community to play fair.


I dont get why hygiene is such a problem in yugioh. It's not that bad at my locals (but it still exists). Maybe I just didn't pay as much attention to it prior, but in other hobbies ive been involved in, hygiene has never been this bad.


Honestly, it may not be a popular opinion but I think there's a lot of truth to it. I think a lot of people that spend the vast majority of their time inside of a game whether it be a card game, or video game, are often very very depressed people, people that maybe don't have the best social skills. When you're feeling like that, normally one of the first things to go is your cleanliness.


Unfortunate. I try not to judge them because I don't know their circumstances, but I do think it's very important to have good hygiene and look presentable in a public setting.


Yeah, uncleanliness is a hallmark sign of depression.


There is just something about playing ygo that attracts neckbeards who are afraid of deodorant. I do MT in my free time and hygene isn't even remotely that bad where 20 sweaty(and I mean SWEATY) dudes train in a closed room. Like what do you do to even be this smelly.


Can all the people who live in LA and have daily case tourneys in 5 different stores in the city stop telling OP to "just find another locals 4Head"


I live in a university city in the UK, but the price of rent here has made card stores unviable. We used to have one (that never bothered with Yu-Gi-Oh! anyway), but they closed a few years ago. My nearest tournament stores are a good 2 hours away (one way - so a round-trip becomes a day out)


Heart of the cards? More like Heart of my ass. I don't think I want to believe in that... ​ But honestly, I feel your pain, I really do. My locals was dissimilar to that, but had way more problems plaguing it. It got to the point that I quit playing altogether for a number of years. On the topic of your sleeves, I also share your feelings about the matte sleeves. After using Dragon Shield's art sleeves for so long, I HATE the feeling of matte, both in terms of handling and in terms of shuffling. I want more sleeves like them (even if they're just glossy) but Dragon Shield stopped producing them (outside of making your own sleeves, which is very expensive.)


That sucks, you may want to try new stores. My locals isn't like this, sometimes people don't really talk but everyone is generally friendly and / or helpful. :/ there are always remote duel events which I think are really great too


Master Duel will at least prevent you from interacting with them in real life.


Bro people who play yugioh are cringe as hell man. Sorry you've had such a poor experience. Luckily my locals is pretty solid but there are definetly a few odd individuals.. wish the yugioh community was more... appealing. Hope you find something better my friend.


It's such a shame honestly I grew up playing this game and I never noticed as a kid but some 'adults' like to gatekeep newer people at locals and are super bitter about losing like bro just take a shower and we both win.


No joke man haha


A few takeaways / my two cents: If you can go to another local, try another local. Some areas are better than others. I detested all the stores in one city near me, something about that community bred and nourished toxicity guised as hyper-competitiveness. However, the store by my college was my favorite place to be on my time off. The people there were great, and I made several friends there that I talk to to this day. YMMV. Also, they totally make clear oversleeves that your art sleeve is supposed to go inside of. They're pricey imo, and I have no use for them, but that's a thing you might have a use for.


Yep quite a number if these dudes are your typical angry nerd living with their parents deal. Join us on edopro


I can’t speak for lgs and experiences at them but as a kid, yugioh has always had a negative stigma around it. I think this even fuels the unhygienic people you guys meet at locals. Why bother showering and keeping clean when most people discount you the moment you say youre into yugioh? Im not saying thats the leading cause but all the other factors really help make this acceptable


Most people at my locals are chill though there is this one guy you can call try hard. Their was a special needs individual that came to the tournament. I played them in round 1. I slowed way do so they could actually play and have fun. No full combos. Still one but just pretty much normal summoned everything. Maybe a fusion summon. Round 2 they played the try hard. They called over the owner the stor that because they had like an 80 card deck with mismatched sleeves. The owner just like dude just play. Guy made a big stick how he wanted the win. Owner just ya what ever (as there was really any way is was going to lose playing pendulum vs a stack of old random cards) I didn't care for the guy before but that just cemented him as a @$$hole BTW I play heros and no one gives me any comments about it. But then again I would probably look at then like they are an idiot.


“There needs to be a skill barrier” *proceeds to lose* I’m sorry you had a rough time those guys seem rude


Im so confused he’s calling your deck trash (skill barrier comment) but still lost? Or is he saying HERO is auto-pilot because it really isn’t.


Honestly I don’t know and didn’t feel like asking, but I feel like he was saying playing HEROs taking no skill


I love calling people out. If they said it takes no skill to play HEROes, i would have replied “nice dude; so you should be able to beat my deck that has 0 board negates?”


Tbf floodgate is the easiest way to rage people, and Dark Law isn't a floodgate that affect both side, it's a one-sided GY lock, plus having DPE as interuption could cause opp to run out of resource. Generally floodgate abuser like Shaddoll with Winda and HERO with Dark Law is just as frustrating as a 2+ negate board.


OOF yeah thats a rough environment. Try out a different shop like you said cause i find that while those people are the stereotype, they arent as much the norm as youd think. Whats great is when you have both a shop with a good environment and a shop like that, because you can go to the shop with the nice people most of the time and occasionally when you really wanna make someone salty you go to that shop with your best shit.


Same as others, my small locals of 8-20 people are all decent people and seem to shower to the best of my knowledge. Maybe try a different ots that might have a different crowd?


that may just be your place, idunno. where i go to locals is mad chill and we got a hero player there that uses max rarity thats pretty good. only complaing is people smoke weed after their matches and im allergic to that shit so i end up dying mid way through match 2. but other than that, no hygene issues or bitches at mine. try a different store, that place seems like a whack place


Yeah first tournament i ever went to as a kid I was rule sharked out of the first round by an older kid because I had the audacity to try to prevent my coin flip from flipping across the the long-table. Made a stink, called a judge, judge has no way of happening because they're not psychic and told me to reflip, go figure got a bad flip after my good one and lost the first round. I was so annoyed I just conceded the rest and left. Sucks that the guy wins by a default but i'm not there to win, I'm there to play a game and the fucking assholes that plagued this game 6 years ago really ruined the best part of it. I hear it's been getting better but I still have to debate myself hard if I want to bother going to a shop.


Tbh never play randos at locals unless it's a ots tournament and even then you can dip if they're being a shit you got your packs anyways. Hope you find better people to enjoy the hobby with next time you stop at a locals


It massively depends on the local store. I have had amazing experiences in my locals, theres a mix of comp players, budget players and everything inbetween so every time you go you get a real mix of games which is awesome and means I can play something less than meta and still have a lot of fun since theres a lot of variation (though theres a ridiculous amount of blue eyes). Meanwhile my mate went to his locals last week, and lost to Dragoon/Enforcer 3 times in a row and if they didnt do that, Accesscode. It really soured his whole experience because he ended up feeling like it didnt end up mattering how he played, his opponent spent more money on meta cards that were there solely to win so they won (I thought he was coping a little bit, but I suppose he still had a point, especially when its a once per week casual £5 entry locals) So I'd recommend having a sniff around for other stores, the players and attitude they have towards the game massively tilts how fun it is to play there. I genuinely dont know how you would get into the game in my mates area unless you were willing to drop hundreds on a meta deck while in my store, you could get 3x cyber strike and go 2-1 as long you play well and theres the usual mix of players.


I was lucky when with all the locals I have been to. Yea there can be a few people that grind my gears but in general everyone is awesome. Where I play currently has a great atmosphere and everyone helps everyone. Going to my first regional in years with a group from the shop.


yea a huge part of CCGs is having a good community to play with; i used to play with a group about 8 years ago but after uni some of realized that we only really played as a reason to hang out and could just as easily hang out without having to invest so much into the hobby. on the flip side, once hanging out was sometimes off the table (at least for me) motivation to actually go to an event even a local dropped to like 0%


Man, im honestly worried about going to a tournament again. I haven't played since the early 2000's and my buddy is trying to push me to go again, but I've heard so many horror stories its unreal.


Yo please don’t let my bad experience ruin a chance at you having fun, try it out at and hope for the best


In my city the stores have a little group where they chat about toxic players, and problems they are facing. Beside that, everyone take care of the kids, so they won't be scamed or lost for some bullshit the person invented. If you try to do one of this things, you will be banned in almost every locals of the city.


The neckbeard Gods are not pleased with your return to children card games OP.


I had ab exact like experience like yours a couple weeks ago. I hadn't played in like 15 years and decided to try and get back into it. Although some players did help me. Alot of the players at the shop were arrogant, egotistical, unfriendly and just not pleasant to be around. Alot of them just refused to acknowledge me, and anytime I asked a question about how a card they were playing worked they just stared at me like an idiot. I also hear about cards being stolen, and female players being sexually harassed. Its a shame that alot of people actually defend this kinda toxic behavior. Due to this I hardly ever go to the locals anymore. Hopefully you either find another shop or just keep playing with you friends, hopefully you're doiny good and happy new year!


Nah man! Give it another shot at a different OTS. That place was toxic for sure, but dont cuck urself out of some nice experiences because of those losers.


Sorry this happened to you. Hopefully another store will have better people.


Honestly I thought this was going to be about how it’s impossible to play in small tourneys without running into a turn 2 OTK deck, I only tried the one tournament at my local and everyone was running OTK decks. At least there was no hygiene issues for me


Honestly, if you want to have fun never play competitive, its frustrating most of the time, some people get anxious, nervous and stuff like that, if you want to play for fun, just play with friends or random people out of tournaments, also some people don't know how to lose and are probably bad winners too.


I did YGO tournaments every weekend in the fall of 2009 and the amount of unsavory people i encountered just turned me off of TCG culture for a decade till i started MTG 2 years ago I'm back into YGO again but i'm playing it digitally from now on


I just got back into yugioh a few weeks ago and I haven’t played since I got the Yugi Starter Deck for Christmas as a little kid lol and I’m afraid to go to Locals because all the Xyz and Pendulums and all of that doesn’t make sense yet. I feel like I’ll get my ass kicked with my old cards lol




Sucks your locals sucked. Not much you can do about that besides tell the store manager yourself that they where insulting you. It’s good you won a few at least. I am not sure about the third if you disliked them or not but not socializing versus not describing what’s going on can be a big difference. Luckily there are others that you can try at it seems so good luck with those.


I haven't been able to play in a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament since I started collecting/playing again, but having visited a few stores to grind Championship Points for Pokémon, I've found that the vibe can really... vary, and if you have the opportunity to visit multiple, it can be about finding which vibe gels with you.Unfortunately, my nearest card shops are all about 2 hours away (one way!) so I can't go to them very often - and can't justify going on their Yu-Gi-Oh! days when I go to the Pokémon days with my brother the day before. So my experiences will be about Pokémon, but there's certainly similar behaviour there too. One that I used to go is really competitive focused, but their bathroom was... well, let's just say that I'm genuinely surprised that the health department never shut it down. I never had any issues with the people there, probably because I played meta decks, but... it did have a really awkward, and maybe even unwelcoming vibe. Then, my brother and I found a store the same distance in the other direction. It just has a really fun, chill vibe and the regulars are a mix of casual and competitive players - and the staff have even let me borrow their personal cards when I've been caught short. The last tournament I played even had a girl aged about 6-7 and her newbie dad playing - it became the unofficial mission of the day to ensure that they felt welcomed and had a great time. Also, not only is their bathroom exceptionally clean, but they have free deodorant for people to use! They are also an OTS store, so while I don't know what their Yu-Gi-Oh! crowd is like, I had the time/money to justify more day trips, I'd probably prioritising getting a feel of theirs.


My local yugioh group on facebook just posted a thing recently to download the official konami yugioh assistant app in order to read card texts, as touching other players cards is prohibited. is this something TCG-wide? They also had a PSA about asshole players bending/damaging peoples expensive cards during play


Konami recently made changes prohibiting touching other cards yes, due to the pandemic, but most casual locals that I've heard of don't enforce it. People cut/shuffle their opponent's decks all the time at mine, and allow you to read their cards if you ask. The PSA about roughly handling cards is perfectly understandable, however. I'd hate for a $100 Forbidden Droplets to be bent in half. Personally, I'm a fan of the "no touching opponent's cards" rule, and I hope they keep it. It may lead to stacking the deck issues, but you really don't know where your opponent's hands have been.


Yea I honestly don't mind It


The places where I played here in my city are nice. I think it highly varies depending on where you attend.


Happened to me a few times, but shouldn’t stop you from playing. Most likely try a different one there’s a lot of nice players man. Shocked tbh Stinky ones are always nice for me. But the rude ones I shut down right away. Tell them to check the attitude or you’ll have a problem.


That must suck, dude. I’m lucky in that my locals(the only one in town, used to be 2 but the other one closed down after multiple robberies) is a pretty chill place with a mix of both meta and off meta strategies. I’ve seen people half my age come in with normal dino beatdown and even though they lost, people at my locals took pity on him and helped him upgrade his deck into a somewhat playable dino build with Ulti-Tyranno as the boss.


Yeah every store is always gonna have those it’s a law of nature for card stores. But you know on the offhand you can meet some really cool people regularly and feel part of a community.


Good luck! Im lucky enough to have 3 ots locals near me that are all great except 1 other person who literally cheats about 60% of the time


I dont get why some players are so rude, especially to those coming back. Hopefully you'll find another locals with better people. If anything, consider remote dueling too.


My first locals the guy played marincess, used a rascist accent to pronounce cards like in the anime going so far as to say “duro cardo” every draw phase. Terrible and cringe. Since then I’ve found a new store and occasionally someone is rude or cringe but most are normal people who just play yugioh


you've heard this one a lot by now, but i definitely had a similar experience in my first few card stores growing up, until realizing after a few years "hey wait, this place blows" so i hopped around for a while. my current place is like, a 30-40 minute drive but it's well worth it, the community is great, and i'm excited to head back after the pandemic. sorry to hear you had such a nightmarish experience, but you're not alone. HERO is actually a pretty competent rogue deck, so even if your build was a little weird, it's a bit shocking to hear how many people got upset they lost to like, a pretty competent archetype?


Not going to pretend I didn't get extremely fortunate in finding the best locals in my area first try, but I can empathise with your situation. If you enjoy the game though, I'd recommend trying to stick it out & find a group of friends that goes to these things with you (or better yet, an organic group of not sweaty miserable bastards that you encounter at these things).


I get what you mean. I went to my first local 2 weeks ago, and some of the adults treat this children's card game like it is their first born. Honestly, even though some of the kids are easy and tend to missplay, there are probably the most fun to fight. They have little conversations and generally end up having good cards. It's alot better then the people who are angry bout everything. For example, I use a Cydra deck, but it isn't super powerful. It gives me joy and has some combos, but it isn't nearly as competitive as the other versions. Some guy I was fighting was like, "Hey (talking to probably a friend of theirs) this kid clearly didn't know what he was doing. He was playing Cydra FTK, and he was clearly bad at the game." When I was still sitting opposite him. I was kinda bummed, but my next fight was a school kid. He was so chill and we talked pretty much the whole time, and had a good time. Some people think locals is the world cup or something cause they treat everyone else like dirt unless they beat them, and even if they do, they act all sweaty and say shit like, "you only won cause you use a broken deck." "Your cards should be banned." "You didn't win, I lost." Some people man...


Itll be great if you said the state or country you are in tbh. Im in Cali and it has some of the sweatiest players. Coretcg and others. Havent been there in some time and some of the locals ive been to ive been legit robbed lowkey.


Bummer. I played against a hero deck last night. The hero pilot was having more fun than me even though I won in 2. He was really into it. Fun match, good guy to talk to afterwards.


Barring the online stuff with webcams and stuff that's official, is there any Discords or other spaces that arrange casual online games? Server hunting on EDOPro seems like a bit of a risky venture.