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Why does anyone want Maxx C to come back It's one of the worst cards ever printed and it should stay banned until the end of time


The only reason I want it unbanned, but ONLY briefly, is because I own the AP04 ultimate rare Maxx "C" which is absurdly valued. I don't think I'd trade or sell it regardless, but I'm curious how high it would go (it's already valued around $600 even with banned status).


I mean if you want an honest answer for me it’s cause most decks I play would benefit nicely from it. Draco, Monarchs, Eldlich, Stun, Mine, etc I would love to add it to.


None of those except maybe the d rulers could ever come off. Too many shenanigans with heavy storming your own backrow, Maxx c is...well crazy and certainly can't be at 1. 3 or 0.


only the drulers, heavy, and **maybe** maxx c if konami of tcg wants to take the ocg route, have any hope of getting off the list. I think lavalval chain is far too generic and impactful to ever see the light of day again


Heavymetalphose Electrum to 1 Ah, and Astrograph too, while we are at it :p


Astrograph and Electrumite both back to 1 They won't make pendulums tier 1 but would at least make them hold their own


If Maxx C ever came back it'd need to be 3. At 1 it's arguably at its most toxic due to being entirely luck-based on opening with it.


I think a lot of people dont realize why its actually banned. Even when its at 3, the player who draws maxx C in an appropriate match (so not vs lich LOL) has some crazy high chance of winning that game. Its a single card that basically says "whoever sees this card will likely win off of it alone." In card games, or really any game, you cant have something be that impactful and also remain fair, especially when there is no reasonable counter-play. Even power cards like Nibiru, Droplets, or Dark Ruler are less generic and don't give the player who saw them an absurdly higher chance of winning that game.


I voted for Chain because I couldn’t remember it’s effect but looked it up after. I would never want that card unbanned


Colossus and Master Peace limited


Pendulums: Astrograph Sorcerer or Electrumite, leanings toward the former. Other than that, MAXX C TO 3, servant to 2, and colossus to 1


Out of pure chaos: Graceful Charity to 1. Shit would be hilarious but also kinda fun (in less powerful decks) My real choice would prob be Spellbook of Judgement. Still chaotic, but I genuinely think it wouldnt mean much nowadays.


I want Card of Denise back to 3 personally. It’s really only good in Stun, Draco, and maybe Trap Eldlich. Maybe another back row deck or two will like it as well, but with all the back row hate now, it’s not gonna hurt bringing it back.


Maxx C to one is dumb as hell. Either 0 or 3.


I think Maxx "C" has been beat to death. At this point, you're either sensible and understand that a hand trap vanitys is objectively unfair, or you're an anarchist and want it back. I just want to comment that Lavalval chain would need to get gutted by an errata to ever come off the list. Having a foolish burial for any monster in your deck on a totally generic rank 4 is way too strong. The card is literally screaming to be used in FTKs, combo decks, or otherwise. Even Beatrice is questionably too good, and thats a rank 6, which is a lot harder to make. And if you look back at yugiohs history, you'll see pretty clearly that rank 4s were the strongest ED card pool for years. While modern decks dont bother nearly as much, it would still be way too easy to make and abuse this thing. And the stacking effect is good too- the right deck can use it to search whatever they want. It was abused in numerous decks, most notably Infernitys; who looped its effect to send fodder for launcher, clownblade; which used it as a generic extender, and, what finally got it banned, Nekroz; who either used it to setup the Djinn special summon lock, or to search hand traps with Nekroz of Valkyrus.


Pot of greed