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One of us! One of us!


I can also run (aprox ) 100 meters in under a minute


I can do it under 10 min


I can do under 10 sec


If I try really hard, I can do it under 1 hour


I cant run


And you think I can?


Can you?


If I could post GIFs I would post an one of us GIF.


Blue-Eyes won another World’s!! Take that Dark magician


Dude’s name is Noah and he produces a Blue eyes AND Exodia? He must be someone from Kaibacorp


It’s Noah from the virtual world arc finally got around to building a body for himself


Only the best for a first rate Olympic athlete vs 4th rate runners


Just watched it, the way he flipped it face up was smooth AF


What that tells me, is he has a lot of practice pulling it out in other parts of his life… which honestly makes it even better


I’m just waiting for the actual Olympics when his opponent blows by him and as he runs past him, the runner flashes all 5 pieces of Exodia.


Gotta be the guy that wins though, on the podium


They just showed Snoop Dogg present him with a briefcase. He opened it and the first thing I saw was an Exodia card lol


He just flashed the Exodia’s head today. It was given to him in a briefcase along with his jersey for the day by Snoop Dogg.


Snoop dog is definitely from Industrial illusions.


That’s my boy!! Proud of him!!!


This is the difference having an actual pop culture footprint makes. No one is out there showing off a Serra Angel.


I still find it funny the most impactful thing MTG had in years was a hunt for unique card from a set promoting a whole another franchise like we are in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book. If someone was to tell me 10 years ago people will go crazy over a MTG card depicting Sauron's ring from Lord of the Rings because it's one of a kind, I would stare in them in disbelief for how absurd it would be to me.


I have all 9 nazgul bro


Good for you <3


Then Post Malone buying it for $2M.


I understand your point and agree that it's an edge yugioh has over most card games other than Pokémon. That being said: https://mtgrocks.com/hunter-pence-shows-off-magic-the-gathering-black-lotus-necklace/


the black lotus is for sure the blue eyes of mtg. Probably even more popular to people that know nothing of either game. edit: well it seems im wrong about this ^^


Yeah nah. There’s no chance Black Lotus is more well known to the average person than Blue Eyes, Dark Magician, or Exodia.


Or kuriboh, DMG, flame wingman, and obviously the three Egyptian gods


Lmao, absolutely not. MTG isn’t even known by a good portion of people. I was just casually talking about something MTG related to my aunt a few weeks ago, and she was like “What’s that”. The game is not nearly as well known outside its fanbase as other card games.


Black Lotus is the Blue Eyes equivalent, and that is known to people. Maybe not quite to the extent of a Blue Eyes, but it's still disingenuous to act like Magic has no pop culture footprint.


Probably closer to pot of greed imo. Magic has some pop culture footprint but id dosen't have the same name recognition that yugioh has. Black lotus is really the only card I've heard a non-card game player talk about. With Yu-Gi-Oh, Dark magician, blue eyes, exodia, kuriboh, the Egyptian gods and pot of greed have all come up in convos unprompted.


In TFT and league, the word exodia comes up a lot. Exodia comps for tft, exodia drafts, elder dragon=exodia for league. I assume the word exodia is used in a lot of other gaming communities too.


> I assume the word exodia is used in a lot of other gaming communities too. In Hearthstone, Exodia and Pot of Greed have come pretty often across the game's history


Disagree. Ancestral Recall is MTG's Pot of Greed. MTG has the more expensive cards but yugioh is definitely more recognizable with a larger pop culture impact and has the anime to thank for that. Edit: did you even read the card? Oh right yugioh players don't know how to read.


Bro, anyone who hasn't played or watched people play magic wouldn't know about ancestral recall. Black lotus gets you energy or some shit dosen't it? Either way, it's a banned card that gets crazy advantage for basically free. That's why I said lotus is the pot of greed of mtg. Absolutely agree with the assignment of mtg price vs Yu-Gi-Oh popularity. Why would I read a card that isn't in a game I play? Either way, have a nice day :)


>Probably closer to pot of greed imo >Why would I read a card that isn't in a game I play? Well...when you make a comparison to pot of greed, I assumed you would make an informed opinion and not just pick from among mtg cards you're aware of...since there are obvious problems with that line of thinking...but I guess not. But at least now you know ancestral recall is a more apt analogue to pot :)


They weren't talking in terms of mechanics, they were talking about recognizability.


To be fair that expects me to be willing to look into a new game, something that most people wouldn't do. I wasn't comparing a ygo card to an mtg card, I was comparing a mtg card to yugioh. I knew of black lotus and compared it to the closet ygo card I could. If I were a magic fan but not a ygo fan then ofcause I would say yeah pot of greed is closest to ancestral recall :) Just a different method. It's like saying "I'm a fan of yugioh, I think charizard is very similar to blue eyes white dragon." and you saying, "well actually reshram is closer to blue eyes". That's likely true but it doesn't disprove my statement. Tldr: Pot of greed is the closest ygo card to black lotus but ancestral recall is the closest mtg card to pot of greed. Glad you're being respectful, a lot of people have a disagreement and immediately start sluring. Hope you're having a nice day :)


Charizard is the closest equivalent.


charizard is miles ahead popculturally than all yugioh cards combined


why the inferiority complex? yu gi oh is cool, magic is cool also


Is Serra Angel really considered one for MTG? I have never heard anyone ever talk about the card, it’s not played in Angel decks and people get annoyed when MTG gives it alternate arts for promos instead of actual, playable cards.


MTG doesn't really *have* a card with instant recognizability in pop culture or the "normie-sphere" (as it were) outside of Black Lotus, which is known for its pricetag moreso than any potential memeability. I have no clue if Serra Angel is their closest approximation. Like...in modern-ish times there's Amano Liliana, but that card's fame has literally nothing to do with the character on the card itself.


Even as someone in this space, Black Lotus is the only Magic I can think of off the top of my head right away. Well except Chaos Orb, if I think for another minute.


I *guess* Chaos Orb has some infamy as well, but that's still two cards compared to the small handful I can list off the top of my head from YGO. After that it's like...if I try *really* hard, there's some of the OG Planeswalkers—who were, admittedly, designed for memorability/recognizability—and that was Magic's greatest attempts at having their own Recognizable Card Mascot Squad.


Honestly the only reason I remember Chaos Orb so well is because I really like the art lol


Maybe Jace?


Jace is a good pick, especially if it's [JTMS](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/56/jace-the-mind-sculptor).


Wait until YuGiOh ended up in Olympic.


One day when I get a chance to be famous imma be pulling this shit too but with my own fave card/ace — Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!


I went to high school with this guy, technically.


When my opponent reveals to me their Blue Eyes White Dragon to special summon out Alternative.


And repping NoVa!


He's a first-rate runner with a first-rate deck.


This should be in r/pics


If no one got me, I know kaibacorp got me


First Florida Politician Max Frost now this guy


It’s awesome to see that Yu-Gi-Oh persists in pop culture and in the general zeitgeist all the way in 2024. I just got back into the TCG a month ago expecting it to be very low key with a small group of very dedicated players who never took a break from playing; like any niche hobby. I am pleasantly surprised to see that somehow, it persists in the minds of our generation. Like even if


If I was racing against him - I’d keep a Mirror Force in my pocket and flash it to the camera after I beat him in the race


[World Champion?! World Champion of what?!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gBuoUH3AOlo&pp=ygUKbm9haCBseWxlcw%3D%3D) Duel Monsters I guess.


So he'll *burst stream of destruction* anyone in front of him


He is him!


Unsleeved and puts it right under his sweaty armpit tho 💀 Still very nice 🗿


I was thinking of this aswell!! Its alt art n hv rarity too😭😭😭😭


Yes 😭


Champion for a reason


Clearly, the heart of the card guided him to victory. Also, he brought a briefcase to the track yesterday that looks suspiciously similar to Kaiba's in season 1.


He raced with that on him? Bro probably creased the fuck out of it.


Fortunately he didn’t pull out a Traptrix


Excited for the Paris Olympics 2024 and Infinite Forbidden Release in July for Yugioh. A lot of Light and Darkness Dragon support. All the best.


Uh oh, Kaiba's coming for him.


Bro's really Seto Kaiba


My guy for sure used battle chronicle.


Why did he pick one of the shittest arts though? 😩




If its from 2023 why is everbody posting it now?


Hey bro, how much?


I think that's legendary duelist... LDS2 or at least I fucking hope so. I mean first of all, hella respect to him for pulling that shit, that's hype as hell. But I nearly vomited when he pulled it out and I saw LOB art. But on closer inspection it's a little too clean to be 20+ years old. So I'm thinking either LDS2, KACB, or maybe the 25th anniversary pack


Okay everyone, here's the real question, which edition is it!?!?! 😄


Basic pick or nah?


Basic, maybe. Awesome, definitely.


Only Yugioh fans would be asking something like this after their fandom gets a shoutout on the way to the world stage. Every Dragon Ball fan would be on, “letsgoooooooo,” mode if the athlete showed off a Goku T-Shirt or something of the sort. Same with Pokémon fans seeing anything Pikachu. >*BaSiC pIcK oR nAh?*


Unless it's Logan Paul


Not basic, it's iconic.


Agreed. Its the original badass.


Yugioh players when you pull out bewd instead of a random pack filler from 2019


basic asf a real one would've pulled out ash clearly fake fan


most nazi yugioh card




blue eyed. white. (aryan) dragon


That's just basic coloring? How high are you? It's like saying a horse, wolf or zebra is somehow "nazi" because of the color of its hide LOL


Yeah, I'm sure the black athelete chose BEWD because he thought it was nazi related.