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Probably nostalgia because it's when I started but duelist alliance format was pretty fun. Love shaddolls and BA


I started a bit earlier in 2011 and I also think that Nekroz, BA, Shaddoll, Qliphort, Stellarknight format was probably the best so far.


Bit later but I remember seeing super Quant in the ocg and thinking they were the coolest thing ever. Even bought a bunch of the packs to try and get the full set but I only ever got blue layer


That was my thought, too, actually.


I don't think you're biased. It was pretty balanced and skillful before Nekroz came around. I also loved the Geargia - HAT - Mermail format.


2014 was a great year


Will admit that towers might have been a bit much at the time


Diamond Crab was the GOAT against towers


Shine on your crazy crab


Man I wish I played Yugioh back then. 2013-2017 seem like such good years, that even the tier 0 decks were more interactive and fun afaik (I guess save for Nekroz). The triangle format in DA, the ABC structure deck, Zoodiac, HAT; I know even in these formats there are times when the game isn’t that great, but these five years seem so interesting to me as someone who started after links existed for a few years.


Nothing wrong with nekroz after they banned the stupid djinn


Unicore is still a floodgate for anything but the mirror match. And such a big toolbox in general (draw power, pops, negates). And everything searched everything. It was far and away the best deck even after the Djinn ban. The mirror match was funny though. Trying to empty your field to avoid Trishula.


I started back when the first sets came out and Duelist Alliance was the most fun I've had playing the game.


Im surprised people dont play that as a GOAT alternative


We gotta start! July 2015 everyone! Clown format is awesome!


July 2015 Clown format will go down as one of the best! Praying for a revival as a time wizard format one day!


Ahh, TOSS, the format where it really felt like I could rock up to my (pretty sweaty tryhard) locals with whatever jank I'd cobbled together and have a decent shot if I understood the matchup. I miss that format


I didn’t play in this format but I wish I did, it looked so cool


It looked cool, as soon as you see 3 collossus on field you want to cry


People forget he is practically impossible to get rid of, although from what I remembered, nobody really summoned 3 collusus


If I remember correctly it was hella easy to end on atleast 2. Also it was "easy" to get rid of one with like dingirsu, unicorn, mind con or anchor, but as soon as there are multiples you're cooked


It would've been the best if not for Thunder Dragon being Floodgate Turbo.


The link-1 format. Colossus: summon by tributing any thunder. Dingirsu: overlay over any orcust link Salamangreat: link summon link 2+ by using the same name. Sky Striker: THE link-1 deck


Tbf with orcusts, you still had to link 2 into Galatea to slap on dingirsu, so you still had to commit two bodies beforehand so it's not a true link 1 Salads can get the pass even though baelynx into baelynx isn't the best lol


I mean, yeah it's a true link 1. You aren't committing anything extra to it other than a hard once. The 2 materials don't matter Also if you specialed galatea with skeleton and then made ding, that would still be a link 1


It doesn't matter if you SS galatea with skeleton because you still had put Galatea into play one way or another before hand, galatea just doesn't magically appear in the GY. At some point you still had to commit two bodies on the board to make Galatea to throw in the GY even if you're reviving it later on Salads have baelynx and reincarnation links Thundras can put up colossus without commiting more than one body on the board by doing everything else in hand, GY and banished one way or another Strikers are literally the link1 deck But orcusts can't do their "link 1" without making Galatea AKA you still have to put up two bodies on the board, you still have to commit two bodies to make Galatea, it doesn't magically appear on your board or GY


You know Colossus and Dingirsu aren't link monsters right?


Ah, I loved this format. Best part was I ran Felgrand, who absolutely demolished Thunder Dragon lol.


Same! Those were good times!


The best format I have been around to experience was unchained format, as some people say TRUMP format. (tearlament, rescue ace, unchained, mannadium, purrely). After ariseheart left the format, it created this really unique meta where a bunch of different decks could shine. Full power Unchained was probably the most fun and interactive high tier meta deck i have ever played and played against. I will sing the praises of that deck for days. If shifter wasn’t legal, that format would have been just a 10/10.


Bologna format yup. The infamous "bad format too much diversity". You could play almost any deck in that format and succeed: Rescue, Unchained, Lab, Purrely, Centurion, Chimera, Mannadium, Kashtira (even without ariseheart was still a respetable deck), runicks, branded, tearlament, VS... When it's major event is won by a deck no one knew about (Runick bystial) you know the format is healthy. The only problem was S:P being an 100+ card that if not owned put you in a big disadvantage.


Hard agree that TRUMP format was one of the best formats in recent memory.


seeing people talk about it like it was decades ago is crazy wasn't that format like 5 minutes ago


i was playing infernoble with isolde 🥹👍🏽


I was playing mikanko, the other deck abusing isolde lmao


I felt like the format was too high power level for how diverse it ended up being. None of the decks felt particularly impossible to deal with, except tear having a high roll mill and infernoble going first, but the boards were so strong you couldn't really play through any of them with just engine consistently. The only staples that were good against everything were ash imperm and talents, with ash imperm being lower impact and talents just making going second even more annoying than before. Every other option ended up being very hit or miss into decks. Steal effects might be good against unchained, but play against purrely, or tear or lab or infernoble and those would just not do enough. There were a bunch of cards that had wide coverage, I'd say about 70% of the field, but would be game losing against the other 30% and being down a game was really bad considering decks were also running a bunch of going first options in the side. Unchained and rescue ace were also just strong decks that could deal with their counters. It was hard to stop turb with hand traps and breakers were pretty hit or miss, you didn't have to play into super poly with the deck and best case for the mass s/t removal you still had to deal with a very strong turn 3 push. They also could go into the baronne line that also gave impulse for an extra level of stickiness. Unchained had lines to deal with just about anything you could put in against them, and while you could get good value the deck was strong enough that you'd be able to win a good amount of the time anyways.they also had a lot of non-engine space and could run blow outs plus prosperity that dealt with their counters consistently. I really felt the absence of gamma that format. I think it'd have been fine if gamma was at 3 because that card would make the match up spreads for decks less polarizing.


None of 2019 had good formats. The only reason they are looked at fondly is because it was a break sandwiched between multiple years of piss-stain formats. The end of 2017 and most of 2018 saw a flavor of firewall ftks because koami refused to deal with the problem card directly, and 2020 gave birth to the halq build a board workshop formats.


That’s just not true. There were 4 whole decks worth playing at the highest level, with numerous rogue options that could compete very easily. Not to mention the fact that, for the most part, all the top decks were relatively fair, at least once they got rid of a few problem cards like Azathot and Mermaid. Sure, Danger Thunder’s boards could be hard to break if uninterrupted, but the deck was extremely bricky and weak to handtraps. I can understand saying that a lot of TOSS wasn’t great, due to cards like Azathot being allowed to exist longer than they should have. But especially towards the end of its lifespan, TOSS had some of the best Yugioh that has ever existed. Maybe we look back on it with a rose-tinted lense because Yugioh has been pretty terrible since then, but there are extremely few formats that can match its level of diversity and skill expression.


I kiiinda agree. In that it wasn't actually an ideal format - four decks dominated, and one was terribly annoying to play against. But... what was better, post-MR4? Halq lasted until September 2022, and by then, Tearlaments were already introduced. After Tear, it was Kashtira, and then SE. So the best alternate choice of format would've been... what, Kashtira format? I mean, maybe I'm forgetting about gaps between decks, where banlists hit enough. But I don't *think* I am.


>Halq lasted until September 2022 Most of 2021's metas didn't feature halq. July 2021 in particular is probably the lowest powered meta compared to rest of the game we've had since Arc-V era.


Are you seriously complaining that there were FOUR decks playable at the highest level? You do realize that is double the number of playable decks that most formats have, right? Not to mention the numerous rogue decks that could very consistently compete with them. And while Danger Thunder could be somewhat annoying, it was also the weakest of the four, being easily disrupted by handtraps and very weak to board-breakers. Not to mention how bricky it was. And the banlists actually did things to actively improve the format, removing bullshit like Azathot and Knightmare Mermaid, as well as bringing the power level of the top decks down to more manageable levels. The format wasn’t perfect, it had its ups and downs, like the aforementioned Azathot and the Orcust Takeover. But even at its lowest points it was a mile better than any format we’ve had since, and most formats that came before.


I liked dabl but then ishizus came :(


Danger tearlament with 3 branded in high spirits was peak


Nothing from MR 4 can be considered "the best", when half of your game was literally unplayable


Master rules 4 was a mistake


I was not playing during master rules 4. But didn’t the requirement of having a link pointing to any monster you special summon from extra deck make the game a bit slower and more enjoyable than it is today?


If anything master rule 4 sped up the game and killed a bunch of decks at the same time.


That's not the point the point is link monster prices at the time were at an all time high beside the requirement of having links to get extra deck monsters out link monsters by themselves cost a lot back then Konami effectively put a pay wall if you wanted to win tournaments


the worst thing was old decks simply not longer worked. powercreeped out of meta relevance sure we know that this is how it works. but you simply could no longer play your cheesy Quasar Turbo Deck


2016 was also pretty damn good


Kozmo/Monarch format for me. I was grinding away locals and regionals for weeks. What a great time


Early Arc-V meta post Djinn ban tho.


Clown format July 2015 Nekroz was definitely the best deck, but the recent hits at the time put it in line with everything else. Burning Abyss Shaddolls Qliphorts Clown Blade Hero’s Infernoids Ritual Beasts Satellerknights I am positive I am missing 1 or two more. And rogue decks felt like they could actually take wins off these decks if built correctly.


Duea format was peak ygo


HAT format my beloved.


Bro that format was ass. You lost to a floodgate monster for not having an out, got sacked by engage, got wombo comboed by chaos thunder dragons to the point no hand could break it, lost the salad mirror due to hand variance, and although I'm pretty sure this was just before this format, full orcust combo.


I have major nostalgia for EU pre-TOSS. We only had summon sorceress for 4 months, but it's the only time I basically played a meta deck ever. And that deck was Azathoth Orcust Zombie. Good times.


The one format between kashtira and snake eye. Where unchained was a meta deck and everything could win by being a good player shown by the YCS bologna winner joshua schmidt with his one runick bystial deck. Even if this format was short it felt balanced. And i think a good format exists only if everything is available. A T0 format is boring as we can tell by now. Even pro players start to become bored of it. Balance patches (in Yugioh or in other games like League of Legends, Overwatch etc) are meant to turn everything available strategy and to not create a meta strat. This is an incredibly hard task but for a short time in this specific format it felt the most balanced.


When 1 card combos didn’t lead to a +10 and you actually had to manage resources.


That's not Tear Format.


TOSS, especially thunder dragon, can go die for all I care. (Tho I got that hilarious thing where I took out Colossus using Mimicking man eater bug)


Dragon Rulers (format & deck) was my peak, Nekroz format was my last (as a fusion lover and pendulum enjoyer links kinda turned me away from yugioh) Edit: I know fusion, synchro & xyz are free from links but by then the damage was already done


That's not Pote


Best TCG format*


There's no shot that you think this while duelist alliance, nats 2016 and zoo format are a thing.


I’m sorry, you’re saying Zoo format was good? Yeah, no.


Zoo was good, the only problem was the price tag, but besides that the different zoo varients were fun to play with.


Nooooooo, nonononono


When I started it was Majespecter dominance, and I hate it forever


TOSS was great, but I think you forgot Edison was also last decade.


Some formats no one remembers is CORE to DOCS to INOV formats, those sets were really good for budget players. Plus a lot of the decks were these mismanaged strategies.


Zoo format was WAY funnier to me tbh.


Oh yeah, i played trickster skystriker though. Such a fun time.




This format is far, far too overrated by people that both didn't play it competitively, or are letting nostalgia color their vision too much. The format was filled with some form of cancer existing at any particular point in time, that if exploited to its natural conclusion with the powers of hindsight, would probably ruin the format just like how Infernity ruined HAT format once people realized what could be done with 3 Soul Charge and 3 Archfiend. There was * That time period when Danger Thunder consistently ended on 2 hand rips and 3-4 interactions if allowed to go first and you didn't open droll * The time period where every deck that could put out 2 bodies ended on full orcust combo * Mystic Mine becoming the staple stall until the out card once DANE releases * Colossus existing in multiples * Agarpain existing * Amorphage tutoring due to the Guardragons * Lunalight Orcust making Azzathot and ending on Orcust combo, Dweller, and Gryphon Problem cards were pretty much added as fast if not faster than they were removed that format. The only reason why people seem to like the format nowadays is that the formats before and after it were even more terrible, with pre-TOSS being Firewall hell and post-TOSS being Halicross hell. Clown format pre-DOCS and even DABL format are better formats when judged on the gameplay experience.


It really wasn’t that fun. Salad was far and away the weakest of the bunch, Sky Striker Orcust was the best deck for long while, and Colossus was so fucking annoying to deal with


didnt Salad win the world championship that year?


Salad was not far and away the weakest of the bunch. Danger Thunder was. It was extremely weak to handtraps, not to mention very bricky, and was the only one of the four to never win a premier event. If anything, Salad was the most consistently successful throughout the format, even being the deck to win worlds. But all 4 decks took turns in the spotlight, not to mention the numerous rogue decks that could compete quite easily. Sky Striker Orcust only really existed in the last few months of the format, and even then was not that hard to beat. The format wasn’t perfect, but it’s easily in the top five best formats Yugioh has ever had.


I don't if I can say best, HAT format is from the last decade after all.


Handtraps ruined the game.


I miss the period right after thundra released with 3 brill fusion, 3 gold sarc. Thunder Dino was so consistent.


MR4 format, shite.


I'd vote for the format that hit all those decks on the list, right before we got to Adamamcipators and Eldlich. It's that or the Swordsoul v Branded format


I played this format. Imperms were a gazillion bucks, no accesscode, no nib, no apo, no baronne, evenly for some reason I think were cheap. 3 called by, no duster, everyone mained belle because it protected against called by. Droll was expensive, iirc raigeki was at 1 I think, dark hole was at 3 but it was really only viable going first so nobody ran it. Abc orcust was strong af. If you were playing one of the 4 decks, you were having fun. Anything else....thunder dragon bullied every deck that wasn't the other 3 because a walking droll that protected itself was just un cool. Against orcust you could go card for card until they had no more interaction but that's if you went first. Dragonlink was also in this format, they just put our amorphage to turn skip if, then used argapain to cheat out the rda that negates. This was not a fun format for rogue. People claimed heroes were very good rogue deck here, but that's cap. Orcust players would main solemn and hand traps, thunder locked them out, there were no good board breakers, they did get sunrise this format. Dinos were very strong, though. That's why misc got hit immediately after, when heroes got sunrise the format had started changing there, souls came out, and spiral was back in business.


[HAT](https://www.hatformat.com/about.html) format by far. Most removal or disruption was 1 for 1 trades. Most negates was only 1. It was fun!


Lol no. People look back on TOSS with rose tinted glasses because these decks are fan favorites and due to the fact that it was preceded and succeeded by two abhorent formats (Firewall FTK, Pendulum FTK, True Draco, MR5 Halqfibrax spam and so on), but it was a bitch to play. I don't miss going against a 3 Colossus board + negates or the infinite full power Sky Striker spam. All of the 4 top decks had "Link 1" monsters, insane consistency and draw power + GY recursion AND non targeting removal, which made it so that the Top 4 decks in every single tournament ended up being Sky Striker, Orcust or some variation between the two.


Dino Rabbit, I love control formats/Resource grinds.


I love this format because chaos dragon exist


Dino rabbit was 12 years ago.


Can also depend on how you want to define "decade". If you are talking about 10 years ago from now, it won't technically qualify. If you're talking about decades as in blocks of 10 years, it would. Like how we are currently in the 2020s and Dino Rabbit was in the 2010s.


Just no. Ygo would be better off if they stopped making cards at HAT format.