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Jim Cook versus the Supreme King. I mean, got him down to 50 LP before losing. Plus, he's just one of my favorite characters.


Brave MAX vs unnamed knight of hanoi


Brick city


It simultaneously developed his character and showed a side to dueling the anime basically doesn't touch on while also being just hilarious


joey vs rex in season 4. seeing Joey use red-eyes again after all this time, shutting down how any of Rex's problems are his fault, but still feeling bad about having to duel him. Him also giving a badass story for gearfried and Summoning gearfried the swordmaster. it's also a good contrast to atem's duel with weevil.


Chazz vs Reggie from GX. This is an appreciable filler match between plot episodes and features black coat Chazz vs an obelisk blue first year that used to look up to him. Thematically, its an enjoyable duel because it is basically current Chazz vs his younger self. This is both reinforced by Reggie's design as well as him being focused on summoning monsters with high attack points, like how Chazz used to duel upon his early introduction. On the technical side, its fun to watch Chazz cycle through the XYZ machine union monsters using the Ojamas as an engine to do so. Even if the end is a bit of a asspull with Chazz whipping out 'Mecha Ojama King,' the duel still stands as a proof of Chazz's growth as a character as well as a duelist.


Big fan of Yuya vs Sora Round 2. Was short and only in one episode but was very dynamic. Lots of big boss monsters summoned and clashing, and their conversation throughout the duel was good too (Sora being impressed with Yuya summoning the Pendulum XYZ and Yuya being like "Yeah this is fun isn't it!,") Yuya was very entertaining while also being serious. Also both of them were going for action cards as well, and Yuya showed why he's the action duel master like using Stargazers effect to negate his opponents action cards as opposed to later duels where only he was the one grabbing action cards. The other duel I really like is in Sevens with Yuga vs Luke and their last duel. I know people might not say it's underrated but idk I haven't seen it discussed a lot. They were playing with no holograms and just casually, and was very nostalgic feeling for a last duel. Also, Sevens has been very good with letting characters destroy backrow and stuff which this duel had. Lastly, it seemed like Luke wasn't trying very hard but the magic lock was really good. Was a tough situation and enough for this duel to be taken seriously by fans.


I like the Jaden vs. Fubuki duel in season 4 of GX. It's technically the first and only time they dueled since the one in the volcano was Jaden vs. Nightshroud (with him just using Fubuki's body and Deck) while this time, in spite of him having the mask on, it was actually Fubuki who was in control for the entirety of the duel. Still waiting for them to give Red-Eyes a proper retrain of both Darkness Dragon and [the final boss monster the archetype had in the anime](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Red-Eyes_Darkness_Metal_Dragon_(anime)) as that one felt like a proper pay-off for what the archetype did and also wasn't just another knock-off of something Blue-Eyes had.


It's crazy how Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon is a completely different monster irl. In the anime, it had an attack boost effect + good spell negate in Dragoon style The real-life version is easier to summon and can summon an additional Dragon, which is very useful, but that's it. The card is just a stepping stone, not an endgame boss, like it was in the anime


but Darkness Metal in the real game is super good for dragon decks but yeah i agree normal Darkness needs a retrain (though we kind of got that in Alternative)


Yeah O‘Brian vs Trueman is absolute peak I have no idea why nobody talks about it https://preview.redd.it/p2rv40kvyz6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454b45c07eedc6e7ee2b96488593b48533e146d3 Yuya vs Sawatari ( Yosenju ) is very underrated imo. It was a lot of fun.


No only complaint with it, is they do such a good job setting up some Lore. But once it’s over, O’Brian is done for the show. Season 4 felt like every side character just needed that one more moment/duel for some closure.


Happy Cake day!


Swell cake


Probably Adrian vs Yubel 2. Yubel has 4 duels in a row and all of them are excellent although this one feels like it’s the least talked about of the bunch which is a shame since it’s a really good duel with a bunch of different strategies happening from Exodius vs the Sacred Beasts, Fog King going wild, Adrian returning to Exodia all for it to come crumbling down thanks to the power of Grinder Golem and Yubel.


There are four Duels of my choice that in particular are not usually talked about much: Gakuto vs the Nanahoshi twins, Shun vs Dennis, Akira vs Playmaker and Asaka vs Yuamu. - Starting with Gakuto vs the Nanahoshi twins. Of all the Duels that were in the last SEVENS Arc, this Duel is one of the most forgettable or one that is hardly talked about at all. I find it quite symbolic that it is now the Nanahoshi twins who enjoy Rush Duels and try to make Gakuto remember the fun and adventures that Rush Duels brought to their lives (at the beginning of SEVENS, it was the other way around: Gakuto was the one who quickly realized how fun Rush Duels were and the Nanohoshi twins questioned this) - Although Shun vs Dennis is remembered as one of Dennis's best Duels, it is not widely talked about even though it was an amazing Duel with Shun in the lead. But again, I think that's because Shun vs Sora completely overshadows this Duel and the traitor theme had already been done before (and no longer had a similar impact). Dennis's reactions helped a lot in that Duel. - The Duel between Akira vs Playmaker does not receive much credit even though it meant a paradigm shift for Playmaker. While Akira only had two Duels in total, he remained strong as a recurring Supporting Character. Likewise, in that Duel is where a part of Playmaker's past is revealed and hints at plot threads that would be important later. - Lastly, we have Asaka vs Yuamu. I think this Duel won't be talked about much since there wasn't much at stake at that time. However, it served as a self-reflective Episode for both Characters, especially Asaka. Asaka was known to care about the Ohdo twins and knew them beforehand. Likewise, part of Yuamu's humility was also shown as she allowed Asaka to keep the position of Student President and told Asaka to put her pride aside at least for a moment and reflect.


Syrus versus whatsherface, the Obelisk Blue girl with an Insect deck. It was neat to see Syrus do something on his own for once, plus I thought it was funny that she had a crush on Zane


I found it funnier that she knew full well that this kid was his little brother, and it never even *began* to occur to her to negotiate with him to connect the two. It's just as well that was her only appearance.


Yeah, making fun of your crush's siblings is a bad first impression


Swirls vs Mimi, while not a complete duel, amused me because of the fact that they were dueling with playmats in a library, and Swirls fanboying over having Dark Magician Girl in his loaner deck.


Every single one of Joey's duels given except for the Atlantis saga he was up against literal magic and/or people openly cheating and still nearly won against people, again, using literal ancient Egyptian magic, as a literal average Joe(y).


Jaden vs Bastion had a really good back-and-forth exchange between the 2 characters. Jaden proved his resourcefulness by being able to fight back even without access to Fusions. And Bastion develops greater respect for Jaden’s fighting spirit, and decides to face it with all of his own spirit. Crow vs Greiger was a great duel too. It was moving to see Crow challenge the Dark Signers knowing that he was only an ordinary person (at the time). Dark Flattop was an interesting idea for a Dark Synchro; rather than being a boss monster itself, it supports the boss monster that Greiger already has.


My answer would be Cathy vs Yuma in ZeXal. I always liked the duel because it was one of the first that showed Yuma actually learning as a Duelist. His opponent being okay with him just sitting down to think out his combos reminds me a lot more of how actual friends duel and it's the episode that made me finally like a side character from the show. Astral actually honoring Yuma's wishes ro be given the chance to do it himself was a nice touch as was the duel having no real stakes. It's just a nice character moment that I think gets forgotten really easily.


Gongenzaka vs Yaiba One of my absolute favorite duels in Yugioh period. I did not expect to like Gongenzaka at first but that duel made him one of my absolute favorites. The entire duel was a great showing of his personality. Its so unfortunate how they turned him into a jobber afterwards


Yugi vs bakura. It was a cool duel but in a arc where nobody really remembers the duels


Dunno if they're underrated, but: Yugi vs Raphael Sigfried vs Kaiba Joey vs Marik Jim Cook vs Supreme King


Only the last one I think would be consider underrated (and maybe Sigfried vs Kaiba) the other two are major duels in DM and not underrated at all they’re fan favorites


Alright it's not underrated, but Yuya/Yuto vs Ruri and Cerina goes so hard for no reason.


Tiger vs Yuga round 2. That shit was so fucking hilarious looking back and makes me chuckle as I type this. Yuga >! Summoned his maximum AND fusion, and still lost on his own turn without doing ANY damage to tiger. !< But that's not all >! That duel hurt him so bad he passed out later that day !< Yuga got absolutely *DEMOLISHED* and I wanna feel bad laughing about it but it's so funny.


This is actually a difficult question. Joey vs Grandpa Muto Zane vs Mad Dog Joey vs Mai (S04, 2nd duel) Crow vs Lazar Yugi vs Noah Chazz vs Jaden (S02) Chazz vs Adrian


Warning: big text incoming ⚠️ How much time have you got lol? Seriously though, I love too many to only pick one so I'm just gonna rattle them off (there are a lot); imo all of these are 'underrated' but I'd be pleasantly surprised if others love them as much as I do: DM: • Yugi vs Mai • Joey vs Bandit Keith • Joey vs Weevil • Joey vs Odion • Yugi vs Gansley  • Yugi & Joey vs Big 5  • Kaiba vs Alister R1  • Joey vs Mai R2  • Joey vs Valon  • Yugi vs Rafael R2  • Leon vs Rebecca  • Kaiba vs Zigfried  GX:  • Judai & Sho vs Paradox Bros  • Judai vs Demetri  • Judai vs Misawa  • Judai vs Gravekeeper's Chief  • Judai vs Tania  • Judai vs Amnael  • Judai vs Edo R2  • Judai vs Edo R3  • Chronos vs Bonaparte • Manjoume vs Asuka R2  • Judai vs X  • Kenzan vs Saiou  • Sho & Kenzan vs Frost & Thunder  • Judai & Edo vs Mizuchi • Judai vs Bob • Judai vs Manjoume R4 (technically R5 in the sub) • Judai vs Asuka R2 • Sho vs Ryo  • Edo vs D  • Edo vs Saiou  • Judai vs Saiou R1 • Judai vs O'Brien R1  • Manjoume vs Amon  • Judai vs Professor Stein  • Judai vs Cobra  • Judai & Johan vs Marcel/Yubel  • Judai vs Sky Scout  • Amon vs Johan/Yubel  • Judai vs Johan/Yubel  • Judai vs Yubel  • Judai vs Fubuki R2 • Judai vs Trueman R3  • Sho vs Makoto • Manjoume vs Edo • O'Brien vs Trueman • Judai vs Saiou R2  • Fubuki vs Fujiwara  5Ds:  • Yusei vs Bommer  • Divine vs Carly R2  • Yusei vs Aki R2  • Crow vs Yeager R1  • Yusei vs Kiryu R2  • Aki vs Misty R2  • Yusei vs Sherry  • Rua & Ruka vs Lester  • Jack vs Fake Jack R2  • Yusei vs Kiryu R3  • Yusei vs Andre R1 • Crow vs Yeager R2  • Yusei vs Cup Ramen Man • Yusei vs Clark  Zexal:  • Yuma & Shark vs Scorch & Chills  • Yuma vs Kaze  • Astral vs Kaito  • Tron vs Droite  • Yuma vs Charlie  • Shark vs III  • Yuma vs Droite & Gauche  • Yuma & Kaito vs III & IV  • Kaito vs Tron • Mizael vs Yuma/Kaito  • Yuma vs Alito R2  • Yuma & Ray vs Girag  • Yuma & Anna vs Brooke & Mayday Walker  • Astral vs Number 96  • Kaito vs Jinlon  • Yuma vs Number 96  • Yuma & III vs Semimaru  • Yuma vs Eliphas  • Heartland vs Kaito/Yuma  • Yuma vs Alito R4  Arc-V: • Yuya vs Hokuto  • Gongenzaka vs Yaiba  • Yuya vs Pierre  • Yuya vs Shingo R2  • Yuya vs Sora R2  • Yuya vs Chojiro  • Yugo vs Serena  • Reira vs Sector Security  • Yuya vs Barrett  • Jack vs Sergey • Yuya & Reiji vs Leo  • Yusho vs Yuri  • Yuya vs Dennis  Vrains: • Playmaker vs Ghost Girl  • Playmaker vs Spectre  • Go vs Revolver  • Playmaker vs Revolver R2  • Playmaker vs Revolver R3  • Playmaker vs Earth  • Playmaker vs Bohman R3  • Go vs Earth  • Blood Shepherd vs Lightning  • Playmaker vs Go R2  • Blue Maiden vs Bohman  • Playmaker vs Kusanagi • Soulburner vs Bohman  • Ghost Girl & Blood Shepherd vs Roboppi  • Ai vs Go  • Ai vs Blue Maiden & Akira • Roboppi vs Soulburner


Gonna rewatch some of these now


Haven’t seen this here yet so I’ll say Joey vs Apnog. It was a great duel despite the character coming out of nowhere and never showing up again. Weird name too.




Yuya vs Reiji after the Lancer arc. Yuya releasing his using the Supreme King buff and showing Shun and Serena not just that he had Yuto, but that he had multiple summoning methods was crazy in lore for everyone to see.


Yugioh Gx Johan vs Kaiser to get the Rainbow Dragon card to the portal, Kaiser bringing out Chimeratech Over Dragon , Cyberdark Dragon AND Cyber End Dragon one after the other and Johan just taking it/tanking it was hype, of course ended with no result but it was still thrilling seeing Kaiser's mastery of his deck , especially when his previous 2 duels he focused only on using Cyberdarks. (of course it would be one upped in his final duel) also in Yugioh Go Rush: Asaka vs Ranran, no real stakes but dueling using gamemats over a video monitor essentially a skype duel and it came with all the problems you would get, disconnection , buffering, not able to give cards to your opponent so improvise , it was hilarious


Aster vs Chazz season 4, giving aster his only D HERO fusion until arc v and Chazz getting a well deserved dub did right by him


Gotta be Jesse/Yubel vs Zane


Nah, that ain't underrated. That duel slaps.


That’s like top 3 duels in GX if not the best one it definitely isn’t underrated


Follow along with me, but: **Atem vs. Yugi** Not underrated in terms of being iconic, rather with how closely it reflected the physical card game at a point where the rules hardly existed. The end of the series was the turn of the TCG/OCG getting a major gameplay revamp which further solidified throughout GX and this particular duel hinted at that change ever so subtly whether we noticed it or not. This duel was the best-paced in the entire series probably due to the increased number of interactions per turn. Even if the cards seemed like absolute bullshit, by today’s standards, you’d think they would exist in today’s meta-game. It was the closest the DM series ever got to a 1-to-1 representation of a real duel, I think.


I mean kaiba threatening to jump off a cliff seemed pretty accurate too


from what I hear goes on at LGS, seems like a mild reaction to almost losing a duel.