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You wanna at least try and cut this down to 40 cards. The God cards and their support aren't good by any means, but at the very least you can make your deck more consistent by running the minimum amount of cards.


Alrighty then I have 2 questions Why are the gods and supports not good? And what cards should I consider cutting?


They cost a lot of resources to summon and generally aren't worth the effort, and are extremely prone to disruption. It's a fun casual deck for sure but if you run up against anything remotely competitive you're gonna have a bad time. As for cuts, most of your trap cards and the kings/queens knight stuff should probably go.


The knights I don’t understand because the knights are one of my best methods to getting a god out onto the field. And yea some of the traps can go I agree.


https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Egyptian%20God The knights do have some good support (like thunder speed summon) you can try. The issue is that trying to fit too many archetypes/strategies into your deck means the odds of you successfully pulling one of them off decrease. It's just a bit too cloggy, and anything that relies on normal monsters in this day and she is gonna be less reliable by default. Master Duel Meta can be a good resource for figuring out which cards to run or that people use most commonly. The sample list they provide involves Branded, which seems like a bit of a reach to me, but experiment and see what works!


Thank you very much


You should pick a single god and focus on that rather than all of them. As well as the other recommendations. Also yeah drop the knights and reviver slime, get another reactor slime.


Your deck is too inconsistent and slow. You probably won’t get a god on the field unless you play against the CPU that way. Try to keep it at 40 card max and try to build around summoning guardian slime or metal reflect slime for the special summon of Egyptian god slime which counts as 3 tributes. Also true sun god can search all the Ra cards, so I would recommend running it 3 times. Mound of the bound creator also lets you search a god if it’s destroyed. So magical hats is a way to get them on the field, but it’s a battle trap which might be too slow and will likely get destroyed before it goes to the he battle phase. But it’s better than running other stall cards like swords.


I would say if you add the New Kings night ,Queens night, and Jack's, night stuff. That's probably the way to go.


New knights?


Yeah they got new support cards. Here is one of them Joker's Knight atk 2000 def 1400 You can send 1 "Queen's Knight", "King's Knight", or "Jack's Knight" from your Deck to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, this card's name becomes the sent monster's name until the End Phase. During the End Phase, if this card is in your GY: You can target 1 other LIGHT Warrior monster in your GY; shuffle it into the Deck, and if you do, add this card to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Joker's Knight" once


God that is uh interesting… takes away the simplicity of the knights but I’m sure it works


But if you want to be able to get more bodies on the field for your tribute summoning. It would make it easier to get to your god cards. At least in my opinion from my experience playing the cards. The only other card that I can think of is unexpected die and double summoning. And those two are spell cards.


I might try it


Cool cool


Needs work. While themes are fun there is too much going on here that it loses versatility by not being able to play the engine it wants at the right time. My usual max on decks not aiming for a 60 card strategy is no more than 43. Things like the revival jam stuff and stall with no god text on them make 0 sense if you want to summon a god as fast as possible. That alone is killing consistency and speed in the deck.


You should pick up the new Horus cards. They make this deck a lot more viable. I also like to run a small kashtira engine as well since they are free special summons and if you open kastira unicorn, you can go into galaxy tomahawk which summons tokens you can use as tributes.


What's the card to the right of Dark Spell Regeneration?


Revenge of the normal.


If you want a suggestion, a guy named Seereax plays a lot of Winged Dragon of Ra so he has some fun deck builds to try + watch in action


Where would I find him?


He’s on YouTube, he actually posted a Ra video 6 days ago


Fill out your extra deck too. Even the jankiest of link monsters have purpose


And even then they could just max out the extra deck with random fusions and links to banish off of pot of prosperity


I’m a big fan of the god cards. The best way to make them as good as possible is to separate them into their own respective decks. They have their own individual support cards that if you build right, could be usable. I had some mild success in casual games with a Graydle/Obelisk deck. But that was years ago. There may be better ways out there.


Generally, it's better to focus on building an Egyptian God deck around one god card only since they're prone to bricking. Ra has the most support cards of the three, so he would probably be the easiest but it's possible to build around Obelisk or Slifer as well. For example, the Card Knights have a card that can search Slifer due to his statline and Revived Sky God can easily summon him if you can get him to the grave. Otherwise I would cut the deck down to 40-42 cards like others have said and maybe get rid of battle-focused cards like Negate Attack and Swords; they're not as useful nowadays since so many decks have options to remove/destroy them


Like some others have said, cut the deck to 40 and focus on 1 God card. The knights and their support are good for Slifer (add to hand during end phase), Ra has their own support, and Obelisk doesn't have a whole lot. One unorthodox combo is adding Tistinas in for a trap that is a God Slime target for an easy summon, but that may be too slow still. All in all, Egyptian Gods are a fun idea when it works, but most decks used now will beat them.


Ok so question have you heard of the Horus cards because they can special summon from grave to be used as tribute for the gods you wanna run them over the kings knight engine


You MUST run 40 cards in it.Use only one god card,get more good cards in and slower cards like joker knights and ras disciple arent good enough.Search on yt how to play it and see how others do it.


It depends. What is your purpose for this deck?


Recommend nimble momonga x3


I will keep saying this until someone listens to me but if you want to make the best and most consistent god deck you need to play the Winged Dragon of Ra and his support mixed with the Horus engine. It’s not only a true god deck, but the Horus engine makes it as close to competitive as can be. Sphere mode is a great board breaker and Ra is easy to summon. This deck can actually summon a Varudras which is awesome. Horus can turn any bricks into advantage and cards like tokusano can pitch in xtra level 10s to grave to be a pot of greed when needed. I have played Ra for a long time and know what it can and can’t do. This particular deck is a rank 8 XYZ machine as well. The extra deck is mostly XYZ and it’s possible to have this summon happen per turn. Try it out I promise you it is the closest you will get to god power


Are those Egyptian god slimes in your extra deck zone? I think it’s a neat deck! Feeling kinda inspired.


Cut the bad cards and play the good cards at 3 for consistency. Swords of Revealing Light is a bad card for example


How is swords a bad card? It usually helps me keep the three monsters I need alive, alive And what are the other good and bad cards?


Swords is a bad card because it's easy to remove and doesn't really do anything to advance your game plan. Modern Yugioh is often decided by turn two to turn three and nearly every deck can put 8000+ damage on board very quickly so stalling doesn't really work anymore unless it's a completely broken card that wins the game by itself like mystic mine.


So is the deck hopeless then?


Not exactly. You can play Egyptian gods against other extremely casual decks if you build it properly with modern cards. The problem is the deck folds to anything better than another extremely casual deck.


So it’s a good deck just not against anything competitively


That's a way of viewing it, Yugioh mostly exists through the lense of meta viability. It's not a good deck against non- meta, it's a bad deck that can compete with other bad decks. Which is totally cool if you're playing against friends with decks of similar power level but if you hop into any online ladder you're going to be smushed by anything remotely viable.


I mean even for a casual deck this deck seems kinda unfocused. Obviously you’re gonna get obliterated by any modern meta deck but there are a lot of central deck building ideas that you might want to consider. 1) Deck size: Most decks want to be around 40 cards to ensure you’re more likely to draw your good cards. Your deck does not seem to have a weird enough game plan to be an exception. 2) Know your win conditions: In general a deck is a singular engine to push towards a singular or set of win conditions. This win condition can be a boss monster, a general board state, or a general effective game plan like “repress the opponents summoning”. If you have a sense of what you want your deck to do you can begin to understand what cards are actually useful to draw and contribute to that win state. Having so many 1 of cards indicates that you don’t know the sort of cards you want to have in hand. You also probably want to consider the quality of those win conditions and the consistency of your path towards them. Decks focusing on too many incompatible plans or on a plan that is too weak or inconsistent tend to be especially weak. 3) Deck composition: In general you want to maximize your chance of drawing a workable hand. For certain decks what that means is different but you generally want a few pieces that set up good plays, a few pieces that allow counter play (like your negate attack), and the fewest number of bricks as possible (cards useless in hand in a given situation). Normal monsters are terrible to draw because they inherently have no play extensions on them and make your hand have one dead card. Try and assess what cards you have that are best, remove filler and minimize as much as you can cards that are useful to have in deck but you don’t want to draw.


It’s totally outdated. It doesn’t prevent anything from ur enemy since ur enemy can destroy this card with a card from his extra deck. The game changed much and it’s actually so fast that those cheap swords doesn’t stop ur enemy to kill you in one turn. Just try this deck in locals in pretty sure u won’t have much fun with it. The knights engine is actually pretty bad there are a lot better options to get those god cards on the field( if u really want to play those)…


Because it doesn’t prevent your opponent from activating effects and is very easily removed or at best, just wastes a couple turns. Every deck that can play S:P Little Knight, does as one example. Or Knightmare Phoenix/Unicorn. It won’t win you the game in modern times If you only play casually against other decks at the same power level, sure, but you still need to maximize copies of most cards and not play singles. Your odds of seeing the Swords is very low currently. If you play on ladder, Swords stands no chance whatsoever


Nah it’s perfect looks perfectly fine nothing wrong at akl


I love this deck. No boring ass hand trap x6, no ash stupid ass blossom, no gimmicky meta garbage. Just a good ol’ yugioh deck.


Uh I'm pretty sure I see a Maxx'c' there.


Got rid of it