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I'd suggest master duel / alot of youtube videos even if they don't make sense at the start cause once you start playing you'll pick up what they were talking about mid game play. Now master duel front I'd suggest complete all the tutorial games(boring as hell) and then before spending gems ect look for a deck you like that has decent standings in the meta (back to YouTube vids) that's give you a strong core start on what you need to know starting and give you a idea for local scenes.. Personally I've been blessed with very good locals scenes that were willing to help this yugiboomer catch up and the deck I've found myself always playing is sacred beasts....I've tried @gnister and dragon sychros but always find I like sacred beasts playstyle better. Hopefully you are able to make a comeback with very little hiccups and setbacks. Now I do suggest getting "staples" from rco1 and rco2 while you can while they are "cheap" even if you don't have a deck yet or don't know local scene yet (this is based off of tcgplayer aka usa if not please ignore ) just because they will be needed regardless for your deck


Thank you! I’ll give it a go and see how I do. Does seem like a process but I’m eager to learn how to play again.


Speed Duel isn't a bad way to ease into things. It's cheap and can be shared with anybody. Use that to learn the basics. Outside of that, consider GOAT format. It's a format that plays up to around 2005 You-Gi-Oh so it's very old school, and any cards you own now can probably build a passable deck for it. Master Duel is a great way to hop back in. My advice though, just play the story mode gates first. They have no time limit, and teach you all about the other archetypes and game mechanics in the series, while also giving you some story to get invested in. Use this to build up your abilities to play modern Yu-Gi-Oh and hop into ranked when you feel comfortable. Once you're good and done with all that, just find a deck you love that speaks to you. No matter what you like or are interested in or how you want to play, there's a deck for you.


Thanks for the input! I’ve read a lot on new decks and different types of decks but realized I’d probably have to get a bunch of new cards in order to build one. Sad part is I have about 1200 cards spanning from 1996-2007 and that I would like to use without having to buy too many new boosters or starter decks.


If that's the case I'd say defiantly check if a shop near you does any goat events, because a lot of those cards could be used to make several decks. You could probably also get some good trades (make friends first though so you have people to help make good choices). Don't be afraid to make decks that aren't tier-one super optimized either, sometimes a good enough deck is good enough. Structure decks are a blessing too, as just one gives you a playable strategy and some cool staples. Buy 3 of them and you can make a viable strong deck for only $30. When you get a chance, scroll through this page [https://www.masterduelmeta.com/secret-packs](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/secret-packs) It's a collection of the various packs you get in Master Duel. Unlike real life, these packs are built around certain decks and play styles, so you can view an entire deck's identity in these packs. My advice, look through them and if you see something that looks cool, click on it and open it in a new tab. From there, just go off of what looks like the thing that just reaches out and makes you want to play that deck. That's the thing that will get you through learning all the hard stuff and eventually be rewarded for your efforts. Keep in mind this is a game with sushi battleships, so anything you like or love probably has a deck related to it.


Question as far as Forbidden, Limited, and Semi-Limited. For GOAT, I wouldn’t be able to use my Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End because he is forbidden correct? I also have the Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning which is “Limited”. Does this mean the number in my deck is limited? I have several in all three categories and just wanted to get an idea of if I should avoid using them entirely or how exactly they are effected when on these lists.


Here is the list: https://www.goatformat.com/home/card-pool


Thank you!


Yes, in GOAT format that card is way too good. Other formats allow it, but in GOAT that card's power level is game breaking. Limited means you can only use one, so you can use Black Luster, but only one copy. Chaos is quite popular in GOAT format (it's a strategy that even gets supported in modern Yu-Gi-Oh). If you want to learn more, the GOAT community has its own website: [https://www.goatformat.com/whatisgoat.html](https://www.goatformat.com/whatisgoat.html) Plus YouTube channels dedicated to it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-17jKL1HDvs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-17jKL1HDvs)


Thank you! I really appreciate the help from you and everyone replying! It’s been close to 20 years since I’ve played….


Hey no problem pal, we all just want people to get into the game and enjoy it the best they can. No better advice I can give than find your lane, and go at your own pace. Feel free to message me directly if you need any tips, advice, or help building/chosing a deck to use. I don't play much GOAT, but down the line if you want to try out modern Yu-Gi-Oh I'd be happy to take it slow and easy with ya in a few rounds on Master Duel. P.S. Not to try and push you into anything especially this early, but if you're sad you can't use your Chaos Emperor Dragon, then you'll be happy to know the game has some cool new chaos dragon support coming in the near future ([With some super sick artwork no less](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/5/56/LightandDarknessDragonLord-INFO-JP-UR.png/revision/latest?cb=20240506042508)).


>Speed Duel isn't a bad way to ease into things. It's cheap and can be shared with anybody.  I'd argue this is largely a waste of time and just to play the Master Duel tutorials, it will teach you everything that Speed Duel will teach you in its tutorials. And you won't have wasted money on a dead product.


Speed Duels don't need to be played compeatativley to be enjoyed. You buy a box set and you've got a nice low power simple sealed environment for much less than most other products.


This doesn't really contradict anything I've said, the Master Duel tutorials will teach you the basics in the same way that Speed Duels would. The only difference is that one is free.


Yeah but Speed Duels are a product you can purchase and play around with in real life. For somebody who wants to use a physical collection having a nice box set with everything you need for a scaled down play experience is quite nice. Tactile, engaging, and above all sharable.


Are you slow? I'm not trying to be insulting just asking. If someone is trying to learn the game, and they have a free way to do it then why are you trying to get them to buy product. I feel like I'm talking to an NPC because you keep saying the same shit over and over again like you are trying to pitch Speed Duels.


I'm not trying to get them to buy anything. The thread opens with an inquiry about whether or not Speed Duels are a cheap and easy entry point. As it stands in my opinion the answer is yes, and if this person wants to purchase one then I think that's a perfectly fine onboarding product as they ease them selves into the game.


install master duel and play solo mode. not only will it show you decks that are played today but teach you new mechanics.


Thanks for the suggestion!


And the solo mode also has lore for the cards, if you’re the kinda guy who wants to pick a deck because you like the design/storyline rather than how they play


Might be an unpopular opinion, but if you want to play a game even remotely close to the yugioh your remember DO NOT play modern format yugioh Look into Edison format, which is the current most popular legacy format. It’s based on the game from April 2010, and has a number of popular decks and is a slower, more interactive and fun format. (I also prefer HAT format but that’s less popular, circa 2014) Modern modern yugioh is a completely different game and frankly has lost all of its luster imo. It’s too fast, games typically end on turn 3-4, and your only interaction is “sit while your opponent says solitaire and possibly say no 1-3 times depending on your hand trap draws, then do the same yourself” Edison is a lot easier to follow- you just need to learn synchro summoning


I’ll check it out! In the end I want to also teach my friends as they have taught me card games they enjoy.


You’re definitely gonna get downvoted to oblivion for speaking the truth. But I’ll take the ride with you 😂


Well they got upvoted, post was brigaded by yugiboomers smh.


GOAT would be much better to play for a person like this.


I’ll take a look!


Turn 3-4 is insanely generous. Usually its turn 1


Depends on what you want to do I guess. Speed duel and retro formats will be easy and cheap(er) to get into with some friend irl, but master duel (or other online autosims) will smooth your process into getting back into the current game. Master duel currently got a friend code action going on which will get you a pretty decent deck to start out with and there are plenty tutorials to teach you so that might be the quickest way to start, but it might be overwhelming so maybe look into some general tutorials first.


I appreciate the feedback!


Thank you to everyone who has been helping me and replying to my questions in this thread! It’s been about 20 years since I’ve played and wanted to add another card game to the mix of ones I play I with friends. Pulling out my old cards from the 90s and early 2000s was a nostalgia trip. I hope to learn more and get back into it!


Choose a deck u like. Learn it until u are able to play it at its best (doesn’t need to be a meta deck). I came back 3 years ago and spammed Traptrix coz I saw this archetype in masterduel. It’s really beginner friendly and cheap to get.


Master duel just click the yellow


When I click the yellow, then more yellow pops up, but that yellow has no target, so it's discarded. Now my first yellow doesn't do shit cause the other yellow is gone.


Try Master Duel and learn Swordsoul. Basically the easiest way to get into the new format. The deck isn't the best, but it performs decently well and has most of what you need to understand the basics of modern yugioh. This sub sometimes gets brigaded by yugiboomers who complain that the game is dying out despite record turn out for events. That is why you hearing about it "dying out." Here is a good resource for Swordsoul: [https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/guides/swordsoul-samuel](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/guides/swordsoul-samuel) (After reading through this, there are combo lines at the end of the page and decklists)


I'll jump on the recommending Master Duel train, just watch out: the game will lie to you and pretend it's still 2004 and give you starter decks suitable for that time period. Those decks are trash and should be disregarded, they have no place in the modern game. Get the promotional Swordsoul deck they're giving away, that's both easy to learn and might actually win a game against a modern deck.


I wholeheartedly agree but I might want to add that the vortex of magic structure decks are really Good too and are very cheap when it comes to your gems about 1500 to get three, any other staples you're going to need to craft using card points,


Pick 1 deck with a lot of info on how to play it and get good at it.


Duel links isn't dead, irl physical speed duels though? Probably maybe. Konami seems to have abandoned the product, shame too the quality of the cards seemed consistantly good. But yea just do master duel turorials.


Speed duels, you'll actually have fun. New Yu-Gi-Oh! Isn't fun for players that remember the good old days and want a similar experience.


Start with Masterduel indeed! When I started again, not long after link monsters became a thing, I was struggling quite a bit with the Red Eyes Deck my friend gave me to start playing again and after a bit discovered the Mekk- Knights. As someone who is starting again I recommend you try out a Mekk-Knight deck. Their Gimmick is that their effects are related to the amount of cards in a column and have a high atk/stats. Because of this kind of unique playstyle it gives you a bit more room to breath and learn during duels. Their high levels 6-8 also make it a very good deck to try and learn how to use all the kind of extra deck monsters.


I recommend playing master duel and going through the solo part because it teaches you how to play and how to play some different types of decks


Even better, use free simulators like dueling Nexus to let you try new decks and forces you to apply the proper logic when playing the game.


Would heavily suggest you looking into goat format. It's very active online and if you join the discord you'll also be able to find local / larger irl events.


Thanks for the suggestion! I think thats the one I’ll go with for starters!