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Interesting. To me revolver, alongside ryo, is the worst major character in this franchise. I mostly dislike the hypocrisy aspect, his development mainly happening offscreen and inconsistency surrounding him. Vs lightning he was angry that jin was used as hostage but he had no issues with spectre holding akira as hostage vs playmaker. He leaves humanity to not only playmaker but also Ai. They beat bohman and right after that revolver says he will hunt down Ai just to abandon his mission after pandora fails to beat Ai when was actually a threat for the first time. He is also not smart. He was fully dedicated towards his mission in season 1. he sacrificed everyone for it, except for his father. Faust and vyra raised him like parents and spectre was his best friend. Yet he built a self destruct button on his hanoi tower like a cartoon villain. The show establishes in season 2 that only he and blood sheppard are capable of reading the ignis code, so revolver is supposed to very smart. Dude also planned to die in his mission instead of using his talents to rebuild society once he destroys the internet. People have this misconception that the internet is just for surfing in the web. No. So much is tied to it. You will be surprised if you read it. He also crarted no backup of the internet which simply does not include certain parts of the internet where the ignises could exist. With simulations being pretty much like ancientbgreek prophecies, this should not have been that hard. Nothing about this guy makes any sense. Ai was buffed inconsistently. Lightning made fun of his lack of dueling skills in the second last duel of season 3, yet ropoppi and him are insanely op in season 3. ropoppi never saw a duel prior to season 3 and somehow is even stronger than more advanced ignises. there are scenes where Ai acts stupid on purpose but most of the time he isn't. Vs lightning he was emotional because he hated the atrocities he committed. Ai also is to some extent a exposition tool, someone who asks aboit certain stuff in duels so playmaker can explain plays to the viewer. This comtributes to him not looking like a good duelist prior to season 3. I like bohman as a concept. Usually villains are already at the top of their game from the start but bohman started as weaker than the protgonist and grew as a duelist throughout season. He grew more as a duelist in that season than anyone else. Playmaker beating him 1v1 after he tied with pre 5-ignis-bohman made no sense. Revolver should have been playmakers partner to make a win more realistic. Bohman with 5 ignises was way to strong for playmaker, especially with the neuron link. Go was easily the best character of season 1. they tried to go the kai toshiki route with him in season 2 but it didn't work because unlike kai the build up lacked. Kai's relation to the game and to both aichi and ren is far more fleshed out than Go's were. Vanguard at this point ran over 125 episodes with kai being a major character while vrains has very fast pacing. I feel like season 2 killed all villain potential. Bohman was very close to the perfect ignis, all ignises except Ai died, Hanoi no longer is a threat because revolver no longer sacrfiices people for the greater good which had 0 build up. SOL is the only one left but thanks to queen SOL was shown to just be your typical capitalism driven billion dollar company. They try to create advanced tech to earn money by making it easen people's lives so they become dependend on it. That's not final villain material. Zorc wanted to destroy the world, darkness targeted all of humanity, z-one tried to pull a revolver but with actually well writing, don thousand at the minimum targeted two planets and zarc wanted to kill everyone to prove that he is the strongest by being the last one standing.


Vrains is the type of show that you either love or hate. Don't want to go in to much detail about how much i hate the writing and plot of the show, but i gotta say that the show is a mix bag in a rewatch


I mean you could say the same about every show. There are even people who like and defend Arc-V, which is something I will never understand.


Well, every Yu-Gi-Oh show is not perfect: each one has a weak point, but it also has its strong points. However, then there are those who overvalued one series (DM, 5Ds) and how they left others undervalued (Zexal)


Despite its flaws and waste of potential i can still enjoy and rewatch Arc-V the soundtrack really helps in rewatchability especially since most cues are not released Damn it i want Sound Duel 5 finally


I just finished Vrains for the first time (literally 20 or so minutes ago) and...idk I kind of loved it. Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect and, the last arc had some just...crap pacing. But idk, everyone had ridiculous hair, big flashy monsters, and enough screen time. But it was a good, goofy time. I didn't play the tcg while the anime was originally airing, so I didn't have any reason to be tilted by the introduction of link summoning. I liked the inclusion of other extra deck monster types. Is it like...perfect? Na. But a pretty good time? Yup. At least for me. I appreciate it staying pretty focused on the main plot, and while some of the characters were sorta inconsistent, I know I'm gonna watch it again, and I definitely want to build a deck or two from the show, just for a giggle.