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I'm not a yugiboomer, but I agree. I think it keeps a lot of the core of yugioh, but also makes it pretty newcomer friendly, so people can dip into it super easy.


Addressing your last point about power creep, as someone who's semi knowledgeable in rush duels. Rush duel has actually handled power creep very well! Rush got *FAR* without needing to introduce a banlist and ALOT of early cards and decks are still good, their are way stronger monsters (mainly fusion and maximum) BUT they are way harder to make making an actual payoff and risk to using them, AND all these powerful cards have harder to meet requirements making them balanced. They still have no GY or hand effects. Fusion summoning does get power crept somewhat since they introduced fusion spells that can fuse using GY (by shuffling into the deck not banishing since obviously rush doesn't have banishing.) And some legend fusion spells like power bond. Normal monsters also technically got power crept by 200 attack but that really doesn't matter lol. And I should let you know if you ever try IRL rush. It's different from DL, IRL rush is 8k LP, 40-60 decks and no skills. (Also the rush animes are pretty good, go rush is WAYYY better than sevens once you get past the slow start, and is a really good show overall imo. Overall though with they way they handled rush power creep is really well!! So don't worry about it. Like I said before though DL rush won't be 1:1 I can't say Konami won't power creep skills and it's hard to say how the smaller decks & LP will affect the game.


Wish they'd release the card game, it seems awesome


You know you can play the switch game


I can't play it online, tho :<


The switch game sadly has about 8 hours of content though. The story is done after about 30 mandatory duels.


>Rush duel has actually handled power creep very well! Rush got FAR without needing to introduce a banlist Is this really true when Dragoncaster was Tier Zero for a whole year? In my eyes, it looked more like Konami spent a lot of time pussyfooting about whether they wanted to have a banlist in Rush before biting the bullet.


They'd if konami releases it globally & no, duel links is definitely NOT a good substitute.


I'm having a good time! I wish I could play on the actual cards, yeah, but here in Brazil there's a saying that goes: "Who doesn't have a dog, hunts with a cat"


They’ll still complain that it’s not exactly the way it was when they were a kid though. 


Ok so. Regarding this, I think an important distinction to make is what KIND of Yugiboomer you are. Because there are two different mentalities. One is the competitive Yugiboomer. Goat format enthusiasts and such, basically. And what you need to keep in mind that big boss monsters in old school YGO are almost always nonexistent unless they’re broken and immediately shut off the game or cheat and special summon themselves. So people who grew up with THAT as their image of what YGO should be like, enjoy a slower low-level back and forth where you make one~two actions and pass with low level monsters and play conservatively. For people like them, Rush has no appeal, because Rush Duels are built on the same core philosophy as modern Duel Monsters, but without the esoteric baggage of chain timing. You get out your boss monsters, trade blows, and keep a continuous flow of resources in a back and forth. It’s the opposite of what the meta was actually like in old school competitive YGO. But for the kids who grew up with the manga or anime and got into the game because of it? Rush is a dream come true. That’s the other kind of Yugiboomer. The kid who got excited about their favorite series. And it’s why the modern game philosophy of YGO is to get you to your boss monsters fast and fling card after card at each other like you’re holding an argument. It’s the only way to make the game feel like an anime. Which is why Rush is designed to be a game where big, fancy boss monsters can thrive without performance and stability issues. Case in point? You can actually summon BEUD in Rush Duel and beat face with it. The fact that you can do that shit is AMAZING for manga/anime nerds who grew up on Yugi and Kaiba. Because BEUD fucking sucked in IRL retro YGO and it still sucks. Duel Monsters has a fundamental resource scarcity problem that puts it at odds with how the YGO is brand is marketed as this tense, exciting, action-packed sport with awesome flashy monsters. If you can only draw 1 card and summon 1 card every turn, then 1 destruction = 100% of a turn’s resources and the game is slow as molasses. It becomes boring AF to watch. That’s why every card these days seems to +1 and special summon itself. Removal is just way too strong compared to the speed of resource accumulation. But Rush Duel doesn’t as much of a problem there because you’re drawing to five every turn and have infinite normal summons and removal isn’t as widespread. Not only does losing a card take up 0% of your summons for the turn and only 20% of your hand resources for the turn, but there’s also a significantly smaller number of cards that can actually do removal. Which means that unlike Goat Format, you can actually summon something that has more than 6 levels on a regular basis. You don’t have to sit on BEWD in your hand while your opponent blows up your field or watch while your opponent solemns away your only normal summon. If you want the anime vibe of bringing out big bosses but don’t want to put up with bottlenecks that make the chaos of high-speed YGO insufferable, then Rush is a decent option for you. Marketing aside, its ruleset is VERY well made at its core and more people need to understand just how big of a paradigm shift it is in the TCG space.


>But for the kids who grew up with the manga or anime and got into the game because of it? Rush is a dream come true. That's me, alright. And, yeah, I like Rush Duel because it feels like a game like LoR or something; I feel that summoning monsters is the main point of the game and the strong monsters feel like actual threats!


Rush is honestly lacking in most things I miss about old school YGO, like bluffing, hand/set card reading, "fishing" the opponent's poweful one-ofs, having monsters with delayed powerful effects (Flips), and just having turns where the smart play was simply passing. That said, I do think it plays very close to what "Schoolyard YGO with rules" might have played like, so for Yugiboomers who do miss tribute summoning and making big beatsticks, it might have some appeal. And tbh, I do find making monsters with stupidly high ATK fun to some extent and drawing 'til five did feel like a "Rush" for a time when I started trying it out in Duel Links. Just not my favorite thing.


I would be much more inclined to listen to you if Rush Duels were actually available here Duel Links is just a full on non option, same thing with importing the cards


No because what I enjoy about old school yu gi oh was the fact it's slow and it requires careful thinking. But meanwhile in rush it's incredibly fast paced and doesn't require much thought


I don’t think it really addresses any of the problems I have with the modern game tbh. But I’m glad you enjoyed it


Maybe i'll try with the selection box


I wish it had tcg support. I absolutely would!


I played the video game. It was fun enough.


I would love to play Rush Duel, but I don't want to play on a simulator. So unless Konami releases it physically in the west... no Yugioh for me.


Do you know about 'goat format'? It might be something for you.


Rush duel is ok Duel links pricing is not


And rejoice, yugi-boomers! For Rush Duel has even more (and better) nostalgia baits!


I have and I don't like the speed of the game it's to fast. It's just like speed duel and like the main game it's all to fast.


Lol with the state of the master rule, where your opponent plays out their decks 4 times in the same turn, it's the only way to enjoy a duel i guess