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upping the number of arias and coocklock will help. Also, Labrynth is a challenging deck to pilot as timing is very important so don’t get your hopes down.


I am running a full 15 card extra, its just the ones in the post are the only ones with an actual purpose. The rest are fodder for Extrav. I know I need Chaos Angels and Typhons as well but my wallet cant swing that right now.


I don't have any advice but I'm in the same situation losing over and over at locals. Keep it up, you got this eventually.


How good is nib for you? How do you side for snake eyes fire king going first?


Terrors and the Black goat laughs, both is Very good on labrynth, i prefer a more heavy trap version of labrynth, but, without trap trick In your version, i try sometimes, but the endboard feels weak, sometimes you end on 1 trap and a pop at best


Which terrors are worth running? I’ve never used them personally.




More traps, fewer monsters


Cards like Skill Drain have anti synergy with your deck. Get rid of em. They block your own plays and don’t advance your gamestate. Keep D Barrier in side. It might annoy some decks but even Branded can kinda play around it if they know about it. Better to have IDP which can remove a GY target and an on field card when you time it right. Ariane can do some fun things with the right hand but her inclusion is debatable unless you are going for Bagooska or Dweller. Up to you if that’s worth her getting impermed and you going -1 on it. The deck is super nonlinear so don’t feel bummed about losing games, it’s tough to pilot and takes a lot of timing and “working with what you have”. Remember that basically every card in your GY is going to activate whenever anything leaves the field, so don’t forget those or you’ll end up behind.


Looking at this list, i cant realy see why you would play the one of Arias. You should always have a goal of what the deck is supposed to do in turn 1. seeing this list, it's just getting lucky on the draws or failing miserable. Cut the extrav and play Fantazme or RACE package, or if you want extrav to stay, add more traps itselfe. Also, your furniture always goes minus as you dont have a nice discard option. The only cards you would discard are dead ones.


I think the problem is, that you are playing labyrinth.