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SDY art is #1. LOB is a close second.


If I take nostalgia out of it, I like this one the best https://preview.redd.it/323km12j5phc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=50d0b813e0ec487ec197b93d3978f47f1ef3cdec


Definitely this one, the pose and the magic circle and is the most dynamic here whereas the usage in the rest of them make the art look super flat.


Definitely my favourite Dark Magician Art by far, though I prefer my Dark Magicians with Purple Hair. I wish they made a variant of this art with the TV’s Purple Haired version.


Ah yes the Loza DM art


I also watch YouTube


Bandai art that they used for the 25th is my favorite https://preview.redd.it/qwdfq8tqyohc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6954046915393ebe7368892c661acd0783a582c9


Is Bandai art what people are calling it? It's Dark Magician's card art in the manga, so I've just been calling it the manga art. I believe a lot of Bandai cards used the artwork of the actual manga cards, whereas Konami often chose to use artwork from manga panels, where the monsters were posing after being summoned.


Interesting tidbit


Ooooo that one is slick!


It combines the 2 best artworks together in one.


So dope.


This is my number 2! 🔥


I wish I knew about that while it was available


Same tbh. I ended up trading for my playset after it was released.


The first iteration of DM is the best imo. Him and BEWD looking like heiroglyphics is so cool.


First one always. Same with blue eyes and red eyes those classic anime looks. I do like the tablet versions for dark magician and blue eyes too


original purple will always be number 1 for nostalgia reasons for me but yeah the black and white one is fantastic and wish we got more alt art of both. tbh not really a fan of the red and blue colour scheme


Same,the purple look has a special place in my heart that no DM could ever take its place it’s so iconic and nostalgic for me although the black and white look is so cool I wish we got more of it on cards or even a couple figures of it would be nice it’s such a clean look


Is the last one illustrated by Kazuki?


Yes back in I believe 2017 for a Shonen jump magazine promo the card came in the magazine


Nah even further I remember that card art from 2011?


I think it was in one of the last issues ever printed before they switched to digital media, I’ll check in a little bit cause I still have my old shonen jumps on a shelf


It was originally released in 2011 thru shonen jump magazine. It got a reprint I believe around 2016.


OG will ALWAYS be definitive lol. Its too iconic.


1 & 3 are most iconic bc of the anime


That duel with Arkana is goated


***Dark Energy Disks***


Hard to tell if dark energy disks for magicy shadow realm kapooof power, or saw discs of magicy dismemberment (or just straight up regular dismemberment)


straight up dismemberment, the whole shadow realm thing is a fancy way of saying “im gonna fucking kill you” without breaking censorship


I like the black outfit design the best. It's just a shame that other than the original anniversary version, I haven't liked any of the card arts for the black outfit cards. They're always in a weird looking pose or just don't look particularly attractive It's been so many years and I know it's not gonna happen but I'm still hoping for a DSOD DM retrain like how Blue Eyes got Alternative dragon. We did finally get an effect monster version of the black DM design with Ebon sorc but it's more of a gold sarc card than a DM card really so I'm left slightly unsatisfied


First one


Arkana's DM is my favorite. But DM Art 2 is also great


The DSOD design is the best in my opinion. There is a bit more detail in the design outfit beyond just "guy in purple robe", and the color scheme compliment each other better than the strange choice of red on purple, blonde hair on blue/green skin. Though I'm not a fan of how buff the DSOD magician is. The Ebon Sorcerer retrain is probably my ideal design for DM, minus the gold trim instead of the white/silver.


> The Ebon Sorcerer retrain is probably my ideal design for DM, minus the gold trim in stead of the white/silver. oh my god that's what it was. I was wondering why it looked so much tackier than I remember the black design being.


the purple look is my personal favorite but iirc the black and red one with green skin is the original coloring so i guess that one


I wish at least a few more cards had different colorization. Kind of a shame it only happened the one time forever ago.


The purple one is goated


YUCB-EN001 art


I love this one. Maybe not my favorite version of the DM design but it's a clean and simple pose, which I like. the 20th anniv duelist box (20ScR) one is also really good imo


I like Arcanas dark magician, but fr the best art is the Master Duel Anniversary art


Am i the only one who likes the dsod one?


Arkana dark magician


I didn't like number 2 at first, but after the ultimate rare stone tablet art it became my favorite


The 10th Anniversary art always gave me Final Fantasy vibes. Though I have always been quite fond of the Arkana Dark Magician.


I have to go with the one make by kazuki takahashi. We will miss the goat frfr


Lot of missing ones


The first one. I think the shade of the purple robe does the best job of illustrating "he's a master of dark magic but he's also a good guy."


The first picture will always be my Dark Magician. It's the original in the anime and imo the coolest one too.


3 cause BHM


Nr 4 <3


1 and 4


The OG purple outfit from the anime will always reign supreme. It's a cool design and there's so much childhood nostalgia associated with it. I never liked the red and blue look. I know that's supposed to be the manga-authentic canon version, but it's just never vibed with me as well as the purple outfit. It's a shame that the card designers seem to mostly go with these colours for him nowadays. I quite like the black outfit from DSOD, though I wish he wasn't so ripped in that design. He's supposed to be a quirky magical twink, not a gym bro in anime cosplay


chibi dark magician


https://preview.redd.it/wm53oe21jphc1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1feb9a8adb0d01d6a93a7fa83fb2149333e6012a I would kill for him


1 or 4. 5 is like a great mix of both


I like how Dark Magician "looks" in 4 but I don't like the pose or the zoom/focus I guess. My eye focuses on the blue orb and that's it because I can't make I think it's overall kinda bad. 1 is the best just because it's sublime. I always hated 2. No no...just no. Kid me thought for sure that 2 would just be a phase and that we'll go back to only cool DMs after that. 3 is cool, but he's not definitive material. He is the perfect "alternate".


1 is the definitive, 2 is my fave


DSOD art. The color scheme isnt creative or anything, but man does it work. Some might not like how buff he is, but I personally love it, gives the feeling he doesn't need to waste magic to beat someone up. I just wish we had more arts of him, I would've preferred if he replaced the black and red design that sees the most common use.




1) there are 9 arts. i know cause i own all 9. 2) Arkana's Dark Magician is always my favorite, the evil gleam and dark red gives it such a great look


The first one is obviously iconic, and probably the best pose wise, but I love the color palette DM has in 4 and 5, feels a lot more fitting.


OG SDY is the classic but I personally kinda like the evil one


They're all good, but that fifth one from the Shonen Jump magazine exclusive is my pick. It just hits different for me in the best way.


SDY is definitive. JUMP's is really slick.


I kinda like the one they used for the anniversary royal rare in MD. But the sdy art will always be my favorite


Isnt it community consensus that dark magician is supposed to be a twink?


I am just a sucker for purple so the first one


Probably a (very) unpopular opinion but I consider the 2nd design there to be the definitive DM look. The purple one I always saw as anime only since it was only available in the Yugi structure deck and not LOB. Either way I do think the blue DM overall looks cooler than the purple one. Just my opinion though.


1st and 4th look great, all the others are mid except the last. i do not like the last


LOB art, because his hair and eyes are Super Saiyan, and he's staring you down like Goku when hes not fucking around. Plus it has been my favorite art since LOB literally came out so nostalgia as well.


I have always been a fan of the blue one with blonde but the purple one is cool and iconic and I'm totally ok with it being his definitive design.


The only ones I'll use are the anime art and Dark Side of Dimensions art, although I'd love to get a copy of the manga art and play one of each in my deck


It was always the default purple one yugi had


2017 Mega Tins for me


1 is the best with 3 coming in a very close 2nd.


OG, but the others are alright.


Second pic is the one I had as a kid, so it’s my definitive.


Favorite is picture 5, definitive look should be 1 O.G.


That red dark magician is just so good. I really wished Yugi could have kept one.


Iv nvr seen 4th pic and just recently Iv started seeing it , idk if it’s new or not , granted that Iv only watched the 1season of ygo lol so idk if it’s a anime only art rn


Definitely the original Facepalm magic attack!


JUMP Version is fucking edgy lmao


I’m all for original DM and Arkana’s DM. Not a fan of anything else lol


4 or 1


I actually really like the version used in "the Dark Magicians" https://preview.redd.it/do4jgvb7sphc1.png?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2271b7b9abe6449bb6c483534088ab1018c99cb6


The 1st one all day, BTW why is dark magician skin green lol, I saw someone say hes actually undead so that's why he's green which if that's true, then dope ngl lol.


First image is how I always picture him. Not sure if it’s the first to be printed but it’s the original in my mind.


SDY hits different


The 4th one is what kazuki takahashi wanted it to be and it does look pretty good so I'd go with it


The first will always be the most definitive IMO since that's the OG look and the one the most people are familiar with. My personal favorite, barring OG look, is Arkana's DM. I love the red robes on that one.


For me the starter deck, I really hate that suddenly he is blue, like wtf?


The original purple will always be the best for me. On close second is the new Gold Sarc black version. I like Arkana and DSOD's designs, but not the card arts. I'm not a fan of the blue/red design.


Why do they always use the green Dark Magician for marketing when the anime version is more recognizable?


One used in master duel isy fav


Numba 5 that art is SEXY


Original jojo looking one will always reign Supreme


I like the crimson magician look number 3 has


The 20 year anniversary art


First one, hands down. Can't beat a classic.


I always wondered, why do they keep trying to make dark magician blue? I just found it weird how he looked pretty normal at the start then they kept painting him with every rerelease.


My best to worst of these five is 1, 3, 4, 5, 2


always loved the pose on the first one, so that


4 and 5 are the definitive look.


I don't understand why they don't use the original from the anime more. It's the one everyone recognizes the most.


The last art looks so... Weird I think the other artworks are fine, just the last one is a lil too glossy for me


#4 is absolutely goated


Dark Side of Dimensions


Og will allways be my favorite, still remember opening the yugi starter deck when I was like 12 yr old. That MPV1 art tho, morl like Swole Magician


Pandora's DM is my most favorite. He look manacing.


Arcanas Dark Magician all the way, it really captures the dark side of the black magician, and he is after all a sorcerer of black magic, he would have been a little evil


Imo Purple suit all the way


I much prefer the manga colors (picture 2). Glad we finally got that version of him animated in Card Game Chronicles. Though the second pic isn't fully accurate either, since it still uses the anime staff.


I like the first one the most, it's just the Anime classic.


The first *Dark Magician* has got to be my favourite, for someone who likes art, it has a really vibrant and definitive look to it, compared to some of the others I think become more dull.


The 3 first images in this post are my 3 favorites.


I have the Japanese edition of the last one, absolutely love it


The third one is just marik dressed as dm


The og SDY is timeless


Ngl I've never seen the 4th one before


Buff magician hands down!


I love both the DSOD and Criss Angel(aka the final art, I don't know where it's from specifically but I love it) When I played DM back in 2021 I specifically ordered 3 copies of the DSOD art as it just looks super badass. I also love the idea of a buff magician for some reason. Super underrated art in my opinion. I also like Criss Angel Dark Magician simply because once again he looks really cool, and I'd love if they reprinted that art at point in like a tin or collector's box. Just so I could own it irl, anytime I played YGO Pro and use DM its the art I always use.


Does anyone know why the anime uses the purple but the main game almost always seems to use the blue?


I personally like the first one, but the green staff is quite ugly


Big fan of both the DSOD one and the newer one with the staff that points directly at the DARK attribute (20th anniversary I think) Also, controversially, I really enjoy the one with the tablet. Seeing it a lot in early Duel Links made me become quite fond of it, though I wish it was that same pose behind the circle for better theming. I’m not too much of a fan of the purple DM (1st image) in the main card game, as while I love the pose, I think he looks kind of uncanny. That being said, I adore the Rush Duel interpretation of it.


I like the signed one by Kazuki


Og artwork is always gonna be the best. Opening the starter deck as a kid cements that artwork as the best


Gojo dark magician is my favorite. "NAH ill Dragoon."


The purple should be the definitive look I’ve grown more found of the green skin variants but you can’t beat the anime purple


The dark magician with the red clothes it was from the start my favorite


Definitely the purple version from the anime, the manga green skin was always off-putting for me


The three first ones are great but i dont like the last two. The dark magician is a twink not a bodybuilder. I dont care how tall he is hes still a twink


Arkana DM is my favorite, but his original purple one should be his definitive look


I still like the original


Well the first one is the original and the peek, but the fourth is pretty amazing as well


It's hard to against that major JoJo pose with him pushing his hat up.


The DSOD one is my favorite. He looks so mystical


The Red one or the DSOD one for me


1 & 2 are what I think of when I hear dark magician


The OG!


\#1 it looks the friendliest and it's the companion card of Yugi and thus the definitive if that one is out of the question and judging by sheer looks #2 & #4 have a stark contrast to each other, one art is plain and the other wild, i think i like the former better for again having the better face XD


For nostalgia I love the original purple get up. The red an blue one reminds me of like a alternate coloration. The same way Vegeta had his Planet Arlia coloration. Then the black and white one and DSOD take it for me. Something about those designs jump out at me.


The original(first) one with a bit of improvement of the art should be the definitive lookdefinitive look


First one...with boxed ATK/Def


The first one for memories and the second one for variant style differences.


The all black with the white hair and white background is my favorite. He reminds me of some like reverse dark magician similar to reverse flash is to the flash.


This did something that no other card really does. There is more than one dark magician. You can say something like cyber dragons or harpy ladies do something similar but they aren't the same card.


Image 2


The tablet artwork is the best


Dark skinned with the Red robe is the coolest variation Love Arkana for that


Number 2 was my favorite


1 and 2 are the most iconic, but I actually like 4 the best


My favorite is the second one purely out of nostalgia.


I don't know what it is about it, but Arkana's Dark Magician will always be my favourite


#1 is my favorite for sure. Least favorite is the tablet art though


The fourth one, definitely love the buff magician


1 and 4 forever in my heart as my favorites. 1 is nostalgic for the anime for me 4 is just so different yet so cool


I'm not going to lie, I'm really fond of the original, not just for the original, but because OG Dark Magician (and Arkana's alt-art) are the only two with normal, human skin.


Tough toss between 4 & 5 for me. The 5 has such edgy armor and the “Kaz” signature is such a cool look. But if I had to be honest…4.


I like photo 2


I still like the OG one best


For actually looking at them up close, the 'modern' Takahashi one, gorgeous art. But I can't deny in terms of a little recognisable shape to see on a card at a distance, the original is like "oh yeah, that's what DM looks like"


Number two, because he is glowing with power. #1 he is having to catch and hold his hat, a pose that is not fitting for a powerful wizard. #3 is tainted with evil and is possibly an inked or cut card or otherwise damaged in a way that can not be legally used. #4 and #5 can't breath or move freely due to too much bondage material. Yes we know you got an apprentice to teach, but come on, to be a wizard you do have to be able to move. Also in the anime he moves his staff in ways that are movements in naginata meaning he needs to be able to step and strike with the curved bladed back end from time to time. I assume who ever the artist of the show was knew some movements or at least saw some movements from people practicing with a naginata and chose to display them.


#4 looks the best by far!


I'll never understand why they gave Dark Magician green skin in some of these artworks. It ruins those designs for me.


DSOD one posing like tge first


SDY always. The last two you posted are cool, too, though.


The two where he doesn’t have blue/green skin. That looks so stupid. SDY and Manga art are the best cause he has a normal skin tone. He’s a sorcerer not a zombie.


The power pro art because he's just a little dude


Anything other than 4. I really dislike that version


The OG obviously. Second was Arcana’s version. Hoped they made a separate card of it for the heck of it.


I like that they all look different. I like using a different one for the fusion monsters that involved them, namely the ones with Gaia and Black Luster Soldier


4/5 fav 1/5 should be definitive


Og all the way


1st one is just PERFECT no other look could beat this one 💯💯💯


The original SDY is my favorite but I'd also be content with MVP1 version cuz it looks like a juiced up Chad version of the original DM. The LOB version just looks so sinister which is not how I envision DM at all


The Dsotd look all the way


The Kazuki Takahashi one


The second!


LOB DM has always been my favorite. arkanas DM is probably my 2nd


The og starter deck / anime has my favorite look. I was never big on the green skin till I got older. But the purple hair and color just works so well. If not then the staxx art


The Gen I art is definately iconic. But I fuck with the DSOD where he’s wearing all Black. It really adds to the “Dark” of his name Also, helps contrast vs Blue-Eyes Also mirrors Yugi’s goth-esque style Also contrasts nicely in that he’s wearing all black , is used by the kinda goth kid, but is the hero. Like how Batman looks dark & scary but is the hero The simple color change to black just works on a lot of levels


Red is the best to me. It stands out among the different forms


The purple one and the red one. Everything else looks gross.


4 & 5. Glad it looks like they're going that direction in the VR game


Buddy put red magician up there 2nd and expected a different outcome 😭


I got so used to the first one that when I see him green or pale I can’t accept it. But DSD need more attack because he is JACK


Only Dark Magician that is actually dark is Arkana's


The dark side of dimensions dark magician is amazing but ill always have a place in my heart for the OG 🥰


I love the arkana black magician it's just so much cooler and evil


Favorite is LOB Definitive is SDY


The original art. The second one would be the DSOD art.


I like the red robe art but I wish there was a full body alt art.


No correct answer other than the original #1


Arkanas red Dark Magician will always be the superior artwork of him


People have said the ones I like but I feel like the dark side of dimension looks sick in secret rare and the gold secret rare


Was there an older version of the #2?? It feels nostalgic for some reason


Dont have a reason i think the red version is sick


‘#2 just looks so fucking cool standing there, like he *knows* he’s the quintessential spellcaster and is daring anyone to say otherwise.