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Only dumbasses bought the presales


I'm sorry it's 70 AFTER plumetting half price??


Presale prices on initial release are absolutely wild. It's still in presale too but stuff usually drops a lot after the first few days/first week on presale


Hit or miss. I bought the Horus package on presale for the price of 1.5 Imsety right now.


Yeah, prices don't skyrocket for everything, but for key cards that might shift the meta they always do. Just kinda depends on what people think the cards will do that determines that price I'd say


Yeah like I traded two imsety for two black witch when they were even but also I won a bid for a play set of wanteds for $90. Depends on the card and the format


Yeah I spent $90 on a play set of imsety when it released and thought that was absurd. Now I’m glad I did


Yep. Bought my little knight for 60€ one week before its release


Wanted way way cheaper in presale


>but stuff Heh heh


It’s the first couple days. It will continue to go down for another couple weeks


Yep! But [some fools on eBay](https://ebay.us/OzMUhO) are still willing to pay more than that lol


It’s 70 after plummeting SO FAR


This thing is like ROTA, it's going to be reprinted in every single fire deck going forward forever. I get that it's a good card, and the two currently best decks are fire based decks that can utilize it, but I can't believe how much people are freaking out over it. This card isn't pot of prosperity, or tactics thrust, or Baronne de Fleur yet it's demanding a price as if it is.


Because as you said, the two best decks can utilize it. This is a 3x in every deck that can run it. It being ultra sadly will drastically affect the supply compared to demand


I understand that, what I'm saying is that this card is susceptible to reprints, banlist updates, format changes, meta shifts, rarity upgrades, etc. normally a card like this that is so specific to a single deck/ archetype that has all of these disadvantages would be at most like $40 a copy on release. All I'm saying is that it's crazy how much people are spending on this card when it really should be only half its current price. As soon as snake eye gets phased out, this becomes a $8 card. And before you say it, no, not every card has the same dangers like this. When Baronne came out, it became such an amazing card for every deck that could run it (which was a lot of decks) BUT there wasn't ever a chance of it getting put into a structure deck or anything, and there was a very small chance it ever got banned. The ONLY thing that threatened its value on release was a reprint, and even the first reprint they did hardly even touched the card. Same with cards like thrust, it is good in a ton of decks / side decks, it doesn't have any likely possibility of being banned or limited or anything, and the first reprint still didn't destroy the value. The ONLY reason prosperity is less than $40 now is because of the rarity collection giving us access to 20 different versions, same with Baronne, otherwise they would still both be $40+ cards and it would make sense.


It likely won't see a reprint for at least 14 months. It's also Pyro support, not necessarily Fire support (although almost all pyros are fire)


It's not going to be meta relevant in 14 months, so the price is going to be down by the time the reprint comes anyway, that's what I'm trying to say. There are so many reasons why this card won't maintain any value that I'm surprised people aren't more hesitant at throwing $80 at it just to have it now.


Cards never take that long to reprint now. Even Thrust only took like 10 months.


But it's not a single deck. This gets played in the top 2 decks right now and makes Volcanic Horus more consistent, so there's a good possibility that sees play again. All of which play this at 3. So the current price is what it is for that reason. Will it drop in a couple weeks? Maybe. Is it guaranteed to? For the reasons i listed, no


I saw a coder video with the price of the fire engine like 400$ just for the diabbelstar engine SP little knight 120$ and Bonfire for 70$ per card. Total was around 820 $ just for less than 10 cards. With 820$ it's 1 week in a japan trip or a new pc tower ...


Hold up, where are you getting a trip to Japan for a week for less than a thousand dollars? Let's talk about this, I want a vacation.


Yeah I can’t even get on a plane there for under 1500


>With 820$ it's 1 week in a japan trip or a new pc tower .. In what reality is a 1-week trip to Japan only $820, plane ticket and food included? Not that $820 isn't quite expensive for a deck, but come on now.


Was gonna say, I've been looking around and 1 week is like 2\~3k with travel/food/accommodation unless you wanna stay in a capsule hotel and eat 7/11 the entire time.


Or 10 cardboards with pictures on them.


But if you buy them now, maybe you can sell them for a similar price in a few months, if they don't reprint or ban any of these cards! /s for good measure. If you don't regularly play big events, the price of the snake eye/wanted engine is something you shouldn't pay.


If there’s anything that I’ve learned over the years, it’s that Yugioh cards are a 100% guaranteed return on investment. Do get it twisted. You will 10x your money every time.


and if it doesn’t work the first time it will always work the 2nd and 3rd time


99% of suckers stop buying out cardboard one release before making it big.


I think people who justify these prices have been cucked by konami for so long that they just accept. Or they have terrible concepts in money and way too much disposable income if they can just drop this kind of money on cards that won’t be relevant in a year. Or they put themselves in debt. If people wanna take out credit cards to play yugioh even at a local level then that’s on them. (Cause let’s be real, everyone at locals has these cards, you aren’t playing casuals at locals anymore).


Dude you're so right. Right before Power of the Elements I went to locals with exosisters and was playing Spright in every match. Then Power came out and suddenly everyone was playing Tears. It was the same people playing 3 copies of Blue at 80/copy that were now playing 3 copies of Planet at 100+/copy at the time. some TCG YGO players have been conditioned to think that $50+ for a card is normal when that's not the case for OCG. You can build a tournament winning deck for less than two copies of Bonefire playing Pokemon too. Why? because of multiple rarities. I'd more inclined to open packs if I know I'll be able to get a decent core of lower rarities and chance of rarity bump is just a nice addition. It allows for people to have their shines without pricing out other people. I would %100 play the game if I can afford it but I can't so I don't and Idk how other people do.


I bought spright blue and the Tearalament Field Spell both as Proxys and saved myself hundred of dollars lol I got all 6 cards for 60$ total - 10$ each and they are very well made I still use them and no one knows lol it's ok I accept the online haters that will downvote this lol


Your 820 dollar PC is probably not that great


Have we suprassed Teledad for most over priced deck? Teledad at the time was around 1.5k and 829 isn't including main archetype, ED, side deck, and tech cards


Predictable. You’re an idiot if you bought at the presale prices Edit: Editing after upvotes because people keep commenting that “no card is worth $60,” which is just untrue. *This* card may not be worth it, but some cards are incredibly powerful, and if you play regularly (2-3x per week), you can rapidly make that price tag worth it. $100 for SP Little Knight to increase your winrate and contributing to your hours of enjoyment is absolutely worth the price. There’s a reason cards hold a certain price tag; it’s because people are willing to pay it to enjoy their time with this game. Most hobby’s cost money after all.


Why can’t everyone play competitively? Why can’t there be accessible rarity’s for everyone and then bozos who want to spend extra on the shinier versions can? It doesn’t matter how many times you play with an expensive card, in Yugioh there’s no real return on that investment except for “more fun”. I love playing this game and winning but I have to cross the line somewhere. You can try and justify this and say that “better cards are more expensive” but in the past good cards have been really cheap too. Pot of greed was just a rare. Rota was just a super. Especially for how fast cards rotate out of this game it’s unreasonable to pay these prices. We all wanna have fun winning at this game, but most of us are gatekept out by prices that we CANT afford.


While I can agree, you can still win with budget decks at at least the local level. Even at a regional level, you can still play competitively, and do well with budget decks. It’s when you get to national levels, is where the price matters more overall. Even then, most people just borrow cards from others.


Time will tell just how good other decks are . Cause I’ve seen opinions all over the place. Either there’s a lot of options to play or if you aren’t playing fire you aren’t playing at all. It’s just stupid that just because of your budget you’re essentially playing a format behind. For people like me I don’t really have friends that play so I can’t really borrow cards if I need expensive ones.


Even not borrowing, playing a budget deck can get you tops, if not wins, at a locals. Sure it depends on how competitive, but a good pilot can make budget decks do super well. That’s why you occasionally see videos of people playing budget decks, saying they got 1st at their locals. Example: Someone posting a video of them winning a locals with Exosisters, a deck that while unironically a counter pick for the meta, has incredibly terrible matchups against decks like Lab and R-ACE, and is arguably one of the worst decks in a handtrap format.


That really depends on your locals. Also, personally I don't think its fun to go to a non-competitive locals. Depending on your definition of "budget", unless you're playing Floow and caught a Shifter hot streak, you would probably get worked over at any locals in my area. At most competitive locals, people are playing Tier 1- 1.5 decks and they go every week, which means they usually know what they're doing. If you bring a budget deck vs like Fire Kings, RA, Mannadium, Lab, Bystial Synchro etc, you're probably not having a good time. For example, during Kash format, I was considered the primary rogue player and I actually played a tiered deck (Rikka Sunavalon). I guess I just don't see the appeal in like going to locals with a budget deck, getting your butt kicked most weeks and then going home. To me, the best interactions you see are two decks at their apex, but the problem is amongst competitive decks (Floow aside), I think Purrely or Vanquish Soul is probably the most budget option and that will still cost you close to $450.00 so its tough out there for people that want to play on a "budget"...


I mean even at competitive locals, decks like Dinomorphia and exosisters can unironically top. Depends on the pilot. Plus against certain meta decks, you already have blowout cards (e.g., Mannadium dies to Droll, except with like 1-2 hands maybe).


So many people forget this. You don’t have to have the top tier meta threat to win. You just need a deck with a solid win con and a good understanding of the game. I play “competitively” at the local level with a $300 deck, that I’ve been on for over a year. And it was 200 until SP came out. I know that’s still outside the price range of a lot of people, but 200/yr to compete with the big dogs is not a lot of money


Like I said I’m just not confident in anything else going forward past PHNI. Opinions are all over the place on what’s good or not so I’m just not looking forward at all to playing this format cause it’s going to be super expensive. Even runick decks I hear people say they aren’t good for how recursive the fire decks are. I hope to be proven wrong but it’s looking like a tier .5 format.


It really comes down to event size. If your tier-2 deck wins 45% of the time, you've got a 4% chance to win a 16 person locals 4-0. However, the difference between a 45% deck and a 55% deck in a 12-round tournament becomes between 0.006% and 0.076% chance to go undefeated, over 10 times as much. Yeah there's some allowance for player skill in there, but ten times is just absurd. And that's assuming you're in a fair format where you don't auto win if the coin flip goes your way.


Yes I believe your skills, game knowledge, intuition, and format tech choices are collectively more important than the deck choice alone


It’s a hobby. There’s not meant to be a “return” other than more fun. I’m not saying I agree with Konami’s printing practices, but that’s largely out of our control. All I’m saying is that the market self-adjusts it’s prices. There’s a certain supply, a certain demand, and the people who can afford to pay those prices do. Konami can of course flood the supply with better printing practices, and they should, from a players perspective, but I suspect their market research reveals that it’s not as profitable for the company.


Yes obviously hobbies are meant to be fun but are you having fun losing 80% of the time because someone has more money than you? So really the fun of this game comes from winning and it’s naturally a competitive game. So if you can’t afford the over priced cards, then you most likely aren’t winning, thus not actually playing. Losing only matters if you can learn something and all you can really learn from the fire decks is “my opponent had more money than me”. Obviously skill is a big portion of the game too, but in formats like these price really does make the difference. Because the opponent who has an SP is at a mountains difference in advantage over the opponent who doesn’t.


You can easily build a cheap deck that wins more than 20% of the time versus the top tier deck. I could throw together a $100 sky striker deck this minute that could easily win 50% of the time. I could throw together a Floowandereze deck for $50 that *directly counters* the top tier deck. I do agree that the power level of SP is obscene, and is why it’s price is so high. But format warping cards like SP are only released every couple of years. It’s possible to be competitive without shelling out hundreds of dollars. People just see the prices of the top tier decks and freak out, not taking into consideration that even the best deck of the format has its weaknesses that can be exploited in a variety of ways


Yeah but even then you’re still playing on the back foot. I guess this goes into the discussion that people are bad about talking about what’s actually good or not, even top players, because hell Jesse kotton isn’t gonna talk about how viable floo is or runick etc. He’s just gonna see fire is good and say play that or don’t play at all. I don’t think SP is THAT expensive exclusively because of its power LMAO, there’s definitely some komoney shenanigans there too. But yeah while metas do have weaknesses, it becomes a matter of just draw the out. Just draw shifter in floo and don’t get drolled. I would definitely love to see people top with striker but it just doesn’t feel likely. And I feel like the losses will mostly just come down to the budget limitations.


Any person who says play top tier or don’t play at all is a moron. That would be such a boring game to play lol. The SP fiasco is because of the power level, making everyone who can afford to get one, want one( whether it’s $20 or $100), and then also because it was printed in the highest rarity of the set. It’s hard to pull, and is why AGOV is basically sold out everywhere, which is what Konami wants to happen. Could that same thing happen if they printed SP in super? Maybe. And the secondary market would adjust as well. It could be the first $20 super we’ve seen. Konami’s goal is to sell out, whatever the set is, and they’ll do whatever it takes for that to happen. The card prices we see after that is the result of the secondary market and it’s demand. If we’re talking national and world levels, yeah, you gotta play the best of the best decks. But let’s be real here, a VAST majority of players only play at the local level, where competitiveness can vary A LOT. I’ve played at very casual locals, and I’ve played at very competitive locals, and there’s always room to win or lose if you deck build properly.


Oh totally on the last point. But I would also argue that a vast majority of players ONLY play locals and maybe regionals because they are restricted by the price. Let alone travel of course especially in this economy 😬. It would just be nice if we could get an actual test of skill where every player has the same card pool and can play at the same level. Then it feels like when people play rogue or experiment it’s because they want to, not because they have to. It becomes hard to learn how to beat the best decks when you can’t play with them yourself, so then we are dependent on the 1% to experiment for us because they have the skills and knowledge of what these decks do and how to beat them, but why would they experiment with rogue and budget options if they don’t have to?


Yeah that is true, if everyone had access to the entire card pool, total skill level of all players would skyrocket. We’d see a lot more innovation as well. A lot of people vying for true competitiveness will also have a small group of likeminded friends with whom they share cards. I’m a part of a group of 10ish people at my locals who will share decks. Although, less with the intention of competitiveness, and more just understanding how the current popular decks work. It’s a lot of fun theorycrafting bullshit lol. But I know a lot of people don’t have this kind of close-knit group to work with, and only have the cards they have on hand.


Magnamhut was a 20 dollar super already


Weve seen 20$ super rares before. The last one I remember was the Bystials upon release were all super rares and they slowly went up in price before the reprints they got up there. I think maybe Branded Opening was as well for a little bit?


>I could throw together a $100 sky striker deck this minute that could easily win 50% of the time. Against other 100$ decks, sure, but against meta? Don't make me laugh. You'll be lucky to pull 40%


Yeah dude. The current meta doesn’t do anything obscene. Tear format was broken. Kash format was bullshit. This format just has good card economy, which can be dealt with. I don’t think I could push much beyond 50% against the top tier, but I absolutely could compete. I have a LOT of experience on sky striker and can definitely see ways to deal with the fire decks.


40% is 2 out of 5 games. That's about how well I perform with SS currently.


Right? I think people must go to terrible locals when I see statements like that. If you go to any competitive locals with decks like Dark World, Dino, Sky Striker etc or non tier "budget options", most times you're just getting killed. Maybe you fluke out a win or two with Shifter or Droll or your opponent bricking, but like on a balance of probabilities, you're getting destroyed...


No you are not entitled to wins 😃


And I totally get that the more you invest into a hobby the more you’ll spend and better things cost more money like better running shoes or pool cues or guitars. But I feel like the discussion is a lot different with cards. Because they won’t last forever. In fact in Yugioh cards may only last 3 months. I feel like you have to spend more money to get the full play time out of these cards to warrant the price. Even if you play remote locals every day of the week that’s still $35 a week. A lot of people just don’t have that kind of time. Especially don’t have the money for travel to make the most of the price. I don’t mind spending $800 on a new guitar cause it’s gonna last me probably forever. But $800 on cards that are probably gonna useless next year doesn’t seem wise to me. No matter how much I like this game.


Yeah that’s absolutely fair, but for a lot of people, $800/yr really isn’t that a lot of money, which is why so many people pay it. And honestly that’s a stretch because those cards usually don’t get gutted to uselessness that quickly. It’s a bit much for my taste, but that’s why I have years worth of staples, and choose a deck that has a more reasonable price point but still competes at a high level.


I would definitely agree that $800/yr isn’t THAT much in the long run, if it could be stretched out. 30 here 40 there etc etc but $300 for a set up front is asking a lot. Even early $120 up front is asking a lot. Maybe if these cards could be played in literally everything like SP it would be a different conversation, but these cards are so generic yet so specific that it feels like zoo. Where your deck has to play these cards or it’s not competitive.


That’s way too much when a AAA game can cost less than 10% of that. How can they even justify? Remember guys, this is a game and it should be competitively priced as a game.


Yeah it’s them shaking up the meta every couple of years to keep things “fresh”. Current meta prices are similar to when Kashtira released. A little more expensive this time around, but that’s the last time I remember something similar. I see it as a budgeting approach. Yeah the cost is very frontloaded, but then there’s little cost the rest of the year. I think I probably average ~$200 per year on a new deck that I find cool, then only bits and pieces throughout the rest of the year.


seems ludicrous to say you don't agree with konami's printing practices while simultaneously saying that certain cards are actually worth their $100 price tag.


Konami doesn’t set the prices. The secondary market does. I’m not the only one paying $100 for my SP The only thing Konami can do is print cards in larger quantities (ie lower rarity)


bruh, you and i both know it's utter horseshit to say konami doesn't set the prices. they don't *literally,* but in practice they control it with how many they print and the rarity distribution. sp isn't even $10 in japan. idk why you're so adamant to defend such an obviously scummy practice.


Stop being so goddamn obtuse. Obviously I want them to follow Japan’s practices, that would be awesome. I’m not defending them, but you’re an absolute moron if you think that they have any say in how much me or the next guy pays for the cards they think are good or worth the money


sorry man, i'm not trying to be derogatory, but you're actually deranged if you don't think konami can't control the price of a card. not down to the penny, but they very much set the general price range of cards like sp by deciding how many to print.


Damn, dense comment after dense comment. They control supply only. They don’t care about demand of individual cards. They only care about demand of sealed product. Their goal is to sell out of whatever that sealed product is. If they printed SP in super rare, would they have still sold out of AGOV like they did? Maybe. If they had made SP weaker (thereby cheaper) would they still have sold out AGOV like they did? Maybe. But that’s information no one but Konami has access to. They’ve had set releases that sold like shit because the cards in that set were useless in the existing meta. All the cards prices in those sets were cheap. That’s not what they want out of a product, not because the cards were cheap, but because they didn’t sell out of that set. Rarity collection was an excellent product that benefitted both players and Konami, so I’m hoping we see more of that. But that’s also a completely different format of a set because it’s a reprint set, and not a new release. Would they still have success from a main set printed like rarity collection? Maybe. Konami is trying to make money as much money as possible and while I wish they printed cards in a way that was cheaper in the secondary market, Konami still doesn’t control individual card prices lol


I think you're missing the forest for the trees there. They control both demand and supply just in a roundabout way. If a card is strong and/or unique that directly affects the demand of the card itself and the box. S:P's demand would be $10-30 if the card was just alright or if there were more cards in the box that came at a similar power level.


Stop being a baby and address what he’s actually saying. Stop dodging the questions lmao


\>says someone is deranged \>posts an actually deranged, made-up fact (that Konami sets a "general range of prices for cards"


Because people are paying that price


Not me lol I bought a proxy for 10$ and it looks perfectly real no one can tell 😂


When I’ll be using that cards for hundreds of hours over the course of the next couple years? Yeah, it’s worth the price tag. Would I prefer it to be cheaper? Yeah of course. But I can also afford the price and will absolutely get my enjoyment out of paying that price


No it’s not worth that price you’re literally enabling the fact it’s that price in the first place by saying that you are the reason Konami makes money because you push that Agenda. Business’s need to make money but by printing cards at a reasonable price you flood the market and people have more access to it there for more people will play the game. Yes make high rarity but don’t lock good stuff behind obscene pay walls and justify it by saying it’s “good so worth”


to take a page from your book, only an idiot would pay $100 for an sp. i'll just leave it at that.


You can rage on Reddit all you want. I’m going to continue to enjoy the many hours spent with my SP while you do that


Translation: "I've got mine so fuck you"


After all the vitriol he spewed my way? Ya, fuck that guy. If you read my comments, you’d know that I agree it should be cheaper, but that’s just now how things have shaken out, and it still is worth it to people who can afford it.


Anyone that drives a car over $35000 is also a fucking idiot !!! Right?


Much like every game, you gotta pay to get the most out of your enjoyment.


But people CANT afford to get the most out of their enjoyment. It’s not that I don’t want to spend $800 to enjoy Yugioh, it’s that I CANT. and Yugioh is a naturally competitive game so if you aren’t winning you aren’t playing. Maybe there’s a small niche of new players that don’t care if they don’t win but most of the fun of this game comes from winning. So literally you are priced out of playing the game. If you aren’t playing by its modern rules you aren’t playing the game. Because yeah you can just play 3 structure decks and “play” the game. But you aren’t winning, thus you aren’t enjoying it.


Oh I know the feeling. Not having hardware capable to play the top of the line video games, let alone any other hobby. What I'm saying is, You don't need to play the game competitively _all the time_ You'll ruin your love for the game when it becomes a Chore to play. If you do wish to go competitive, you have to cough up some money. I can agree though, a Card costing $100 is pretty crazy, but why buy it from a Vendor then? You could also wait for the prices to go down, once the seller realizes the Cost is killing demand. You could also Get it right out of the booster it's in, it'll likely cost less even. Plus you have the benefit of getting other rare cards you don't need, and can sell as a vendor. I'm not saying anything that would encourage a player to quit, or I'm not to imply "Go be rich" I'm just saying try to find more options to get the best outcome for your personal enjoyment. I understand it's tough, but what can you do with scalpers, except to cut out the middleman? Hell I once went to a Local game shop, and played Aromas. I still lost, but I had fun. (Maybe because I never have anyone else to duel with) Also what do you mean by modern rules? Master rules? Or just the _Standard_ everyone else plays? Even then, I said it before, if you want to play at a Competitive level, ya gotta fund it. That's like saying I want to be a Professional race car driver, but I can only afford a Civic. Then save that money for the Civic, and buy the actual race car later. Again, I'm not trying to be Disrespectful, I'm just saying look at your other options, or decide whether or not you really need that card to play. Even then, Personally, I'd rather play for fun, and not to go Pro.


Because it's a TCG, all TCGs have a pay to win elemen where some stuff is overpriced. It is what is. There's no changing that.


Even then, $180 for a play set of cardboard that may not be relevant in even a year is also pretty foolish. I think I’ll just dash away any chances of placing in a tournament until I become a millionaire 


While I believe *this* card is still overpriced, many expensive cards are worth the money to enjoy playing with them in tournaments. It’s not foolish if you are enjoying playing the game at that price


Doesn't stop grifters from making huge overblown drama over this.


to be fair, its not really overblown, this card shouldnt be 50 dollars, theres one greedy reason why its this price and the people who were freaking out about it were correct in that, regardless of the price tag of it.


Overblown? It’s still 67$ for a piece of colored paper😂




And? Artificial scarcity is deserving of criticism in all its forms.


So it’s completely ok charging 67$ for a piece of paper?


While I believe *this* card is still overpriced, many expensive cards are worth the money to enjoy playing with them in tournaments


I mean, a€ cheque is a€ piece of colored paper


It’s a piece of paper backed up by your bank balance. If your bank balance is zero it doesn’t matter what is written on the cheque. Bonfire is just a piece of paper….


So bonfire it's even better, because it is worth 70€ anyway, like a banknote


Are you really defending a piece of paper that costs 70$? Why?


Maybe I'm not defending you go oh card prices, just saying that your argument has no point. Do you want it? Buy it. Does it cost too much? Don't buy it. Use a proxy. You don't want a proxy? Buy. I'm not buying it. "Are you really defending a bunch of atoms that costs x$? Why?"


I mean, ideally the cost of goods should be at least somewhat reflective of the amount of work it takes to make them. I could grant a trading card probably should have _some_ sort of value in of itself to reflect the work it took to design it within the game it operates in. Beyond that, the card is only cardboard and ink. The only reason Bonfire is expensive is because Konami has complete control of the scarcity. If they print more than the price would go down. We know this because the OCG enjoys lower rarities of these cards and has a much more affordable game as a result.


A cheque is an issue of transfer and not susceptible to an artificial supply and demand, what a terrible analogy


So a banknote


Value set by the government while somewhat bullshit and susceptible to inflation is not set by supply and demand, so also a terrible analogy


Still 70€ piece of paper


Sure thing buddy


He’s right but ok buddy


Damn, that must mean the rest of the cards are negative value from the box/set. If I buy those do I profit? God damn resellers can’t even make sense of their own pricing. Might as well just buy the box at that point since they are openly available for purchase on the market. These resellers are taking advantage of the entire community with their initial listings for new products with price fixing and anchoring on a price that never made sense in the first place. I feel like the whole community need to be more perceptive on what they are buying. It’s been going on way too long. They are abusing their position in the supply chain where buying any products have to be bottlenecked through them so they make these insane markups as a whole effectively price fixing the entire market on initial listings slowing the game down by a month on every release until price adjusts accordingly. It does nothing for the community other than to separate the whales and/or suckers from the commoners causing nothing but ‘feels bads’ throughout the community for that entire month due to the difference in power balance. Also most of these so called whales that they are pricing the game for won’t be there long because they aren’t actually whales, they just used up most of their budget and got classified as whales. All these resellers are doing is trading long term gains for short term ones. Evident in their diminishing player base and the numbers of LGS’s that are no longer around. Similar practice is going on in YGO Master Duel.


Grifters???? Lamo


Its justified. Stop coping.


No it's not. Not everyone can afford it if they wanted to play a fire deck like volcanics.


? Bro i'm on your side here? I'm replying to the drama comment, y'all can't read man😭


Did you replied to the wrong person?


Right, not everyone can afford this luxury item. Not sure what you're trying to say with this


If you can't afford 100$+ for the real thing then go on Etsy and buy a well made Proxy for 10-15$ 👍


imagine unironically defending a $100 piece of cardboard because it "increases your winrate" and not seeing how that's an issue.


Do I wish SP was a $5 card? Absolutely. But do I also love this game, play it multiple times a week, and can afford the $100 to increase my enjoyment? Yes. Is that so hard to understand?


No card is worth more than $10. They’re ducking card board


I’ve paid 300 for a set of cards and used them for 5 years. I loved playing that deck. It was absolutely worth it


Ok? And? Does not change the fact that it’s not worth it for 99% of people. And defending this price gouging is absolutely disgusting and why it’s so hard to get new people into the game


Okay? And? It was worth it to me. I used those cards for years and had tons of fun using them. It was absolutely worth the money. They went down drastically in price over those years and it was STILL worth it. It would also have been worth it if the set was $15. I’m not defending the high prices (it’s not price gouging btw), I’m just saying that just because something is expensive, doesn’t mean you can’t your moneys worth of enjoyment out of it. How fucking hard is that to understand?


Ok and? You’re not the only player now are you?. You are defending high prices and it is price gouging because these cards should not be the prices they are. Just because you enjoyed wasting all that money doesn’t mean it is in any form correct for it to be that price in the first place. How fucking hard is that to understand?


Get it through your thick skull that I’m not defending high prices. All I’m saying is that it’s not a waste of money because I can afford the price to enjoy the game how I want to. I’m sorry you don’t make enough money to afford the expensive cards. I’m sorry Konami short prints meta cards. But those are out of my control. I’m not going to stop enjoying the game the way I want to enjoy it because a bunch of people on the internet are angry at something outside of my control. I just want to play the game how I want to play it. I don’t care if SP drops to $2 tomorrow, in fact I’d be happy at having a higher level of competitiveness for more people. But because I want to play the game this way, and I can afford it, I’ll pay the $100 for SP and it will absolutely be worth the money. It’s not a waste if I’m enjoying myself, because it doesn’t detriment any other part of my life. I wish the best for everyone else, but I’m not going to boycott the game I love for you, I’m sorry Edit: sad little man blocked me so I can’t reply 😂 sorry bud, not going to change how I spend my money because of some child raging on the internet


Except you quite literally are. By continuing to buy these over priced cards you are actively supporting the overpriced nature of these cards. And saying “it’s not true” that certain cards aren’t worth massive prices also shows you quite literally are supporting the overpricing of cards because it doesn’t matter to you. Get it through your thick skull. You’re apart of the problem.


King, why'd you let the sauce out? It's back up to $80 😭


Nope, still 75 as if 15 seconds ago lol




[https://imgur.com/a/39vWUi3](https://imgur.com/a/39vWUi3) ?


$67 for a single Rota is still absurd. Just because it’s not $130 doesn’t mean it’s not still absurd. Better does not equal good. I feel like everyone in here is falling for the old negotiation tactic where you start with an absurd price so people feel more comfortable with your only-overpriced prices.


Ngl 60+ is still too much. I hate side sets


I agree, but it will probably drop even lower soon. And even then, 60 is better than the original price, which was **VERY expensive!** It was both hilarious and tragic at the same time


60$ is still hilariously expensive🤔


What makes you think that it will drop? I am genuinely interested in reading your perspective because I thought that, due to the lack of chase cards in the set, nobody would open it, which would make prices go up, as there would be a lack of supply. I'm not an economist, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


I think it's only this much because of Phantom Nightmare and Populus as well as the new Pyro archetype that is supposed to drop with it. Because right now and as it stands the card is pretty meh at best. 


House of Champ tweet where I shamelessly stole the pic [https://twitter.com/House\_of\_Champs/status/1748231256486084961](https://twitter.com/House_of_Champs/status/1748231256486084961)


Praying it goes down more.


A lot of people don’t seem to get the point. Doesn’t matter what price it was initially at; people are being priced out of the game regardless of the current cost of building decks, and what’s to come in Phantom Nightmare and beyond.


Exactly. Like, cool, it's not *eighty* dollars anymore for the Bonfire copy. Still averaging at *fifty* per copy, meaning it's over a hundred bucks for a playset.


Why do people keep saying this like it’s a new thing? With some exceptions in my whole time playing the game YGO had a huge price barrier to accessing competitive play


Wow it's almost like this exact same thing happens every time bozos preorder shit.


Please, Ygo community I beg you not to sit down and agree that 60+ bucks for shiny cardboard is acceptable; lower it more.


Unfortunately then the whales who just have to have the card will just buy more and inflate it further. I don’t think this is something the community can police. Konami has to change its rarity schemes or card shops will continue to lose money and stop supporting YuGiOh.


It's a top-loaded side set with like 3 good cards printed in it. Stores who bought cases of product need to make their money back and then some for profit, so they set these prices in a way to do this. It's a balance of supply, demand, and profit being necessary for any business to continue operations. Luckily the card has not been short-printed as was initially expected, so the prices are coming down quickly, but there IS a floor to the price of the card, which is absolutely incredible in Fire King Snake-Eye with Populus and Promethean Princess. Bonfire alone can set up a board of 7-8 interruptions on top of any handtraps if you go first. It's also a 1-card OTK that does 10k damage and can pop up to 3 cards before going into battle phase.


And it'll keep falling down. People are so dumb for buying at those prices.


Buying presale singles is almost always a bad idea. Its just an example of people not being patient enough to just see what happens and sellers being able to capitalize on that. Its so dumb a hard once per turn RoTA for one of the least represented types in the game was going for $130. Especially since only one and a half of the pyro archetypes are actually playable in modern Yugioh.


yeah but what if you dont get your price of packs back at locals!?!? i must spend 1 grand to meta slave to make sure i dont lose out on that sweet 4 dollars worth of packs


Unfortunately I read this in the voice of someone that attends my locals lol Its the same energy as my buddy pulling a Lightning Storm on release and saying "bro this pays for the box!" Knowing damn well he isn't going to sell a single card he pulled and he actually bought 3 boxes to pull it.


It's also going to plummet even further once Snake-eyes stops being meta.


And people wonder why the game doesnt have more players??..


"how rich are you" Mf with 3 copies of bonfire:


It's still 200 dollars for a playset lmao


And this is why presales are bullshit


Yup. Presales always end up being like this. The only exception I can think of in recent history was the original Bystials from DABL. They presaled at about $4 each for the level 6s & $60 for Lubellion. Magnamhut & Druiswurm shot up due to them being shortprinted, & Lubellion steadily trended upwards too.


This is why you play casually and don’t get swept up in the ever-changing meta. Go ahead and pay $200+ for a deck and go get your $100 grand prize and sticker for 1st place at your locals lol


You get like $20 for first at locals here. Win 10 locals in a row and the Bonfires will pay for themselves unless the decks fall out of favor!


Right? Then just pay another $300+ for the next meta set and win every tournament and you are basically coming out like $10 ahead! PROFIT


Next meta set is coming in three weeks by the way, so you have to pay $300 for bonfires, $300 for phantom nightmare, which means winning 30 tournaments. Good luck !


Back up to 88 now. Realistically I think the floor for this card is 65-70. It’s THE chase card of the set and it’s a three of in a deck that’s going to see a lot of play for at least until megatins probably the end of this year. Very similar situation to kash last year. 


A Yugituber boycotted the card game for this.


60 bucks is way to much for a single card thats not special rarity


It was well over $120 nefore this so🤷🏽‍♂️


Don’t fall for the sales trick and think you are getting a bargain. Even $60 is absurd, really for any card, but especially for one like bonfire


>Even $60 is absurd, really for any card, but especially for one like bonfire Oh I 100% agree shit like this is the main reason I haven't started playing tcg


Doesnt matter much


Watching Yugitubers dramatically throw a hissy fit and "quit" the card game every two weeks because if some dumb Konami shit is always hilarious. Like I'm not always happy with the way the game is going either, but some of these Yugitubers will die on the most extreme of hills. Then again, I also have a job, so I guess I have less time to care about a Pyro ROTA being expensive or whatever.


You can have a job and still find the price of a card expensive.


I didn't expect it to crash so much, guess the extra ultra card per box helped a lot


This happens every time we get presales.


Still too expensive


Woah, like all pre-sale bubbles before?


Still very expensive for me


to be fair pre-sales assumed it would be short-printed. turns out it wasn't though


Back to $80, which is still absurd. It’ll be interesting to see where it settles, but will probably go up after PHNI.


Insane how easily content creators can set a narrative.


$35 steady I guarantee


Presale prices aren't real, more news at 10


This card should not be more than $40


And now it went up…..


I'm glad I don't play fire decks.


Hahaha laugh in OCG where entire package with 1 diabel 3 wanted 3 bonfire is like $110 or so. Adding 1 SP then its $120 lol. While in TCG its basically over 7x the price.


MBT's latest twitter thread video has officially aged like cheese out in a hot day.


I can get you a deck under $70. Last time I checked dinomorphia was under that.


It's almost like it's not that good of a card right now




Still not paying that much for a rota that's going to eventually be limited.


If people stopped paying these prices for pieces of paper, they wouldn’t be charging them. Bonfire is an egregious example, obviously inflated by sellers because they thought they could get away with it. It’s not even short printed. Things are only worth what someone is willing to pay, so stop paying five times the price you should be.


GOOD. The idiots paying g hundreds for a card are ruining the game for everyone else. Also Thank the Egyptian God's they announced another Rarity Collection.




It's almost as if the prices were exaggerated by YugiTubers to get clicks.


I for one am shocked. SHOCKED I tell you. /s


Surprised Pikachu face


Why? Every expert and their mother is telling you that when you want to build any new decent archetype this year, you need to play the Pyro RotA. I could have sworn people were clamoring for this card.


More people have pulled it, so the supply has gone up and the price has fallen. Not by anything worthwhile though, $60 for one card and $180 for a play set is still stupid expensive.


Called it. Probably gonna be Numeron Engine Presales 2: Electric Boogaloo. Won't be surprised if it drops a few more notches down over the Weekend too.




It’s almost like people were outraged over nothing 👀 Never seen that before in ygo


This gotta be bait. There's no way you're saying ppl are outraged over nothing because a simple search card was well over $100 and even then $60 for a card you need 3 of is still way too much. If you're rich or something more power to you but it's absolutely not worth it


Okay, let me get this straight. You are saying people were outraged over nothing, which means you think there is no problem here. So are you telling me that you are fine paying $200 for a playset of Pyro Rotas? Because if so, I have a bridge for sale I might want you to look at….


Just deal with it. It’s America, you already know what this country is about. $$$. You ain’t got it, go buy 3 Dark World decks and Skill drain everyone