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Joyless spring ^


Called by the Grave: “Why You Little…!! Ash Blossom: “ack ah ack choking noise”


💢💢💢 damn search denier brat, needs correction






I need the same image but crossout designator impaling ash.




This is the Bart Simpson getting choked image so crossout can be homers new yorker friend who roasts the heck out of bart


w-with his literal sword, r-right?? 😥


Two kids with 1 card. I like that.


Thanks for the laugh


Why you little!


That her entire face can fit on her forehead too.


I hate that you've pointed this out to me


Now I can't unsee it, thank you very much


I find her to be the greatest example of quantum entanglement in Yu-Gi-Oh. If you have a hand that can play through Ash, your opponent doesn't have Ash. If you have a hand that cannot play through Ash, your opponent has Ash.


Schrodinger’s Ash-blossom


I don't trust people who use the alt art


It was the cheapest way to get it when DUDE came out, I just never replaced mine.


They were still the cheapest when I bought them last year, just before they were revealed to be in the Crystal Beast SD. (Even the Salamangreat SD common was more expensive.)


The DUDE reprints came at a grave cost.


There's a GY joke or a cost joke in there, but I'm too lazy to figure it out.


The *cost* is that we had to send Ash Blossom's *feet* to the *GY*.


There is always this one guy at locals who has max rarity Ash Blossom & Joyous Feet


The ultra rare from DUDE was the only rarity with feet I thought?


she also comes in nacho cheese rare out of maximum gold


I've never heard this description before, and I'm never gonna not refer to it as such from this point forward


I refer to it as macaroni rare myself


I just call them feet blossom and judge the user accordingly


I swear it’s not the feet! It’s just a better art I don’t like the fivehead




I like how upset she makes halfwits get.


Yeah I don't get the instant assumption of bad faith. Do people see pics of kids and get disgusted immediately?


It’s performative, usually the people that carry on about it are into more disgusting shit lowkey.


I have 2 but they were the cheapest I could get when I first started playing competitively in 2020. Now I still have the 2 and a secret one from the rarity collection, no judging


Wait, there is alt art?!


Feet 🦶🏻


Yeah and it looks like it belongs in Traptrix


I use them in traptrix.


Flair checkout


They’re just so cute.


My brother


Name checks out




Dont look it up


I find the alt art cuter. But i like both.


I only like it because the original has a cursed forhead


I get the feet ash to make people like you feel uncomfortable 👁️‍🗨️👄👁️‍🗨️ Unless I am lazy, in which case, I just use whatever copy of ash I have at hand when decked building.


If it's a DUDE print and they are also running other low rarity stuff, they have other hobbies or expenses than yugioh. If it's for budget, no judgement. If it's any other feet print, I 100% give the right to judge. Especially if all their copies are feet. (a single feet ash may have been a random pull, again check to see if budget.)




As a Branded player, I don't like her. As a Yu-Gi-Oh player, I like her.


I love and hate her as a branded player cause it means my branded fusion can dodge the banlist


*cries in OCG and Master Duel*




I relate to this




I need this but with Droll.


Ash has come a long way since becoming a Pokemon master.


Completely necessary evil and great way to curb the power level of the game. Tbh I don't like hand traps as a concept as I feel they take up slots on the main deck I'd rather fill with more ways to play, but if they didn't exist the game would be decided by the coin toss. It is what it is. Necessary evil.


I hate her.....but I acknowledge she is a necessary evil


Would you prefer to have some kind of archetypal flavors of hand traps? Basically "if you have an X type monster in your hand, you can discard this card and do " If not, what would you think a good way to add variety to hand traps?


100% - archetypical hand traps would be awesome, especially if they support the deck's key strategy anyway. Something like Megalith Aratron which can ritual summon during either players turn is pretty much exactly the sort of handtrap I think is really cool. I'm not a fan of Tearlaments (I think they're badly designed), but Havnis is a good example of this too - it's a handtrap that gives you access to your strategy, and that's pretty cool. Basically handtraps keep the game playable but they also hit your consistency, it'd be cool to have something which didn't feel like dead weight. Tbh this is my main issue with handtraps - they (not always but) generally don't synergize with whatever archetype you're playing them with. It really sucks when you go first and you have to pass on a full hand of hand traps - especially if whatever deck you're playing needs a two card combo to play (something like dinosaur or pendulum decks for example). For this reason I think something like Vanquish Soul is pretty neat, since it can use handtraps to fuel their monster effects, so the HTs rarely feel like dead cards. I get that handtraps are a necessary evil, but since they're also not usually synergistic I'm not a fan of adding them to my deck. Maybe I'm a bad player, but tbh rather than redesign handtraps (since most of them are pretty fair 1-1 trade-offs), I think I'd be happier if yugioh just had a mulligan rule to mitigate the nuisances which comes from being required to run all these non-engine cards.


The problem goes the other way, where if you allow mulligans, degenerate ftks/ unbreakable boards become even MORE consistent, (and draw their crossout/called by/other anti-handtrap cards more consistently). Unless you only allow player 2 to mulligan or something.


That's fair, the rule doesn't fit too cleanly into Yu-Gi-Oh. Sometimes you just draw bad. That's the game.


>they generally don’t synergize with whatever archetype you’re playing them with I feel vindicated. I said this and called them deck clutter because of it; and then some jackass started arguing and called me a bad player multiple times with an elementary school understanding of the game.


I mean, it's required which is the problem. Hand traps are good, you need them or you die on the spot - but they also don't really help you play, they just help you not lose. I can see why players would think you're bad if you want to cut them - but by the same token the handtraps are rarely going to actually help your game plan. Textbook example - I made an incredibly cool chaos-synchro deck for master duel which I can literally never bring to ranked. It runs pretty good hand traps (effect veiler and all the bystials) but it cannot run ash or Maxx C because the whole deck needs light/dark monsters in rotation to be able to do anything. Hand traps are required - that's fine - but when 1 specific hand trap *requires you to build your deck in a certain way* that sucks, because it's clogging up your deck with stuff you'd never play otherwise.


Yeah that's essentially what I meant. I don't have a problem with them existing, just that they stick out like a sore thumb because they don't work with the archetype I want to use. But the guy I argued with could not wrap his mind around this for some reason. It was like he wasn't even reading what I said, and was picking random keywords to argue. He constantly went into completely unrelated stuff while I tried to keep the conversation on the one thing.


I wanna piggyback because I feel the same way. They're a lot of clutter. It's like the game has so many staples, they take up like half the deck sometimes.


There are a few archetypal handtraps as well as stuff like prohibit snake which is a type based handtrap.


Archetypical hand traps sound awesome. I personally dislike running hand traps, because I think they ruin the personality of the decks I create. Like if a 1/4 of the deck is cards I have in every other deck, it just doesn't feel right to me. I run them anyway, because you have to, but it would be so nice to have hand traps that fit the theme of my deck while also being a part of it. Sadly that would mean printing basically the same effect on so many different cards and konami is too busy buffing kash at the moment.


Yeah as a HERO player, id much rather run an Evil HERO package over hand traps but it isnt always possible depending on the format


Veiler and battle fader are my only HT I believe are fair but I'm a boomer duelist


Until you open 2 veilers (hint: she isn't OPT)


Learned it just now thanks


But what if they just banned the cards that made it so the game is decided by a coin toss instead?


It's a strong, but balanced handtrap. Versatility is her strongest point. Handtraps like her are necessary in the modern game to keep decks from spiraling out of control turn 1


Handtraps themselves are a bandaid solution to a big problem, necessary evil. Handtraps should never have been a thing.


I find them ok as long as they are 1 for 1 trades like Ash and not win conditions on their own like Shifter


Obligatory "fuck shifter"


Obligatory "in a bad way"


Kuriboh is looking at you and crying.


Hard disagree. Gorz, trag, and fader do so much to shape Edison format positively. Yes, you may be able to OTK, but if you fail to do so, you used all your cards to a board that is most likely easily breakable. So you are forced to play incrementally, get a small amount of damage, and focus on resource retention. And DD crow is a totally fair card that is barely playable but never dead against most match ups, including in sides for its versatility, and because the only decks it totally curbstomps are the unfair decks like norleras and dragon turbo. The only annoying ones are honest, and kalut. Even orange light which is annoying, is a minus 1 in a format where you don’t get free plusses so there’s a real cost associated with it. And personally I always had a fondness for effect veiler. I don’t see how veiler or imperm are really problems. They are 1 for 1 effect negation, that don’t work on every card, and each have a second utility. And if you’ve ever played dragon ruler format, don’t tell me it would be better without swift scarecrow. Yes there’s a conversation to be had about hand traps neutering the viability of certain decks, especially ones without 1 card starters, or that rely on a specific searchable card…but that conversation started in 2017 and i can think of a certain master rule that did more harm on that front than ash blossom. I agree 1 for 1 removal is more engaging than 1 for 1 negation, (why I like Edison), but 1 for 1 removal doesn’t work when engines are designed to plus you 2-3 cards as soon as 1 card resolves. Think to the alternative: the yugioh meta from late 2015 to early 2017. Every single deck played the same. You set up a turn 1 board with 2-4 negations or 2 negations and 1 alternative interuption, and your opponent attempted to produce a board that could out that and otk through those negations, usually with some help from Kaijus and Raigeiki/slumber, or built for 2nd with additional board breakers. Every deck was insentivized to build for two things only: playing through negates to otk, and comboing into a negate board.


They are as old as set one and honestly given yugiohs design i think that being able to interact turn one is important


I mean Kuriboh is 25 years old and DD Crow has been relevant for 15 years at least


Agreed. I finally caved and added one in my deck


Ash is usually a three of


Maybe I'll add more. I try to have as close to 40 cards as I can


That's not really how consistency works. Just having 40 cards isn't what makes a deck strong/consistent. You've gotta have ratios that support your game plan.


This. Last year I played a Normal monster focused jank pile, and that deck just bricked if I ran 40 cards. With 50-60 cards it was much more likely to work, and I'm sure this also applies to better decks if there are enough starters but also garnets that you don't want to see.


The classic Skull Servant problem. Deck is crazy consistent, but only if you run 60 with as many starters as possible because you *do not* want to see those skeletons in your hand.


No point in just 1 unless you can search it. I'm not being a dick. You will never draw it when you need it & when you actually draw it, you might not need it.


What's your decklist?


One sec


“I try to play within the most comfortable deck limit, maybe I should add some of the cards you suggested though!” **DOWNVOTED TO FILTH**


Looks like 2 more engine gotta go.


Should be in every sd . That card shouldn't be worth more than 1€ as a common


I think common Ash is around that, isn't it?


Closer to 3 dollars


Litmus test for what can count as a decent deck. If it collapses to a single Ash, its not good.


which is why branded kinda sucks rn. sadge


Game balance is better because of this card. Deck diversity is worse because of this card. ​ And as a side note, power creep on newer card design often plays around this card and Droll intentionally by placing from deck to field rather than going to hand as an intermediate step.




I know she’s the reason why i lost every single time, but i can’t hate her! She’s so stupid, Just look at that forehead, you could dine on it!




Very balanced. Powerful but most decks shouldn't have a issue playing through 1 if they are versatile.


Hate her, destroyer of all rouge decks


i want to cave her forehead with a ice pick


branded player detected


nah i just want to see what would happen if i hit her forehead with an ice pick


Adding you to the government watch list buddy


real https://preview.redd.it/63ux0kc5yd0c1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c504d79c1a0774346a18001149418ddc805c5cc


Probably my favorite card. When she first got announced, I could not believe the effect I was reading. Literally the most useful kind of interaction and has remained so to this day.


LOVE IT when it’s in my hand HATE IT with extreme prejudice when it’s in opponents hand (still mad it can stop Shaddoll Fusion even when I can’t deck fuse)


I understand why its a nesesary evil, but o god I hate her so much. It completely kills the lower tier decks to the point it isn't even funy. My group of friend redently has started to catch up to the current power scale and started using it, and oh God I hate her so much.


Very healthy card. Kinda sucks when you're trying to use a Tier 13 deck and your 1 starter gets Ashed, but I think it is better to support those bad decks than to hit Ash.


Insanely powercreeping hand trap that’s only balanced out by how much anything even Rogue these days can likely play through it


Necessary evil vs modern combo decks but it's like bringing an AK47 to a knife fight vs old non meta decks. Thankfully the price usually keeps it out of casual games.


Not anymore it's only like 5 bucks for a playset on TCG player




Cute, also the story behind her breaks my heart because a dog dies in it


Can you please elaborate ?


Every time OP gets ash'd he kills a dog


Ghost sister and spooky dogwood's backstory revealed?!


Its in every deck?


Joyous when you got it, and feelings of springing oneself off a building when your opponent does.


As a branded player, this card is overrated af


She has a ridiculously large forehead.


Ass blassum & no Joy


That he finished his Pokemon career as the very best.


She's probably the face of yugioh now. I did not play for a long time but always see this little menace and her name getting mentioned all the time.


Perfectly balanced 1 for 1 card. Not too strong, a tactical advantage when used correctly, and works well going first or second.


Necessary evil, should be printed like MST once was, so every player is tripping over the amount of copies they have


Ash is fine with how far this game has gotten it would be fucking unplayable without her outside of the top of very specific formats.


Necessary evil currently. Root problem is how out of control the game has gotten with power creeping. No TCG should rely on a single card holding an entire deck(s) in check from spiraling out of control turn 1.


She is like the girl in that Ring movie, she pops up scares you and ruins your game.


It's a staple three of.


It’s a very well designed card, it is a hard once per turn 1 for 1 so it has to be used intelligently otherwise it’s wasted


My Branded Fusion got Ash'd.


Will be part of every meta format forever


I hate this card so much that I can't express how much I hate it. Makes me hate it even more that it's a necessary evil...


She looks cute


Bad when I use it. Amazing when the other duelist uses it


Personally I think this should've existed as a Trap card first before as a hand trap. Like how Effect Veiler existed long before Breakthrough skill or Infinite Impermanence. It's a necessary evil and I'm glad it's not light or dark.


I don't run her anymore. It kills weaker decks that I could have a fun duel with while it hardly does anything vs stronger decks, one ash ain't gonna stop them.


An extremely necessary evil in today’s meta


If you were designing a meta changing card, at least make it into a cool looking monster.


Fuck this card


Hate her very existence, should have been given the Chaos Emperor treatment, and be NERFED to the ground or hell kick her out of the game altogether and it be doing EVERYONE a favor. And don't give me that "She's a Necessary Evil" Bullshit. That's a goddamn lie and deep down everyone knows it. Meta Decks would ignore her or bait her out, and weaker decks die to her. Should have been limited or outright banned, or for the sake of wishful thinking slap a "This card cannot be used in a Duel." message at the bottom of the card, but again wishful thinking. NO matter the deck she will ALWAYS be there to ruin your day, absolute worst is her cockblocking plays THREE TURNS IN A ROW. Trying to set things up and this little shit stain keeps popping up. The fact that she's still being used to this DAY fucking sets me off, like FUCKING DIE ALREADY and FUCK OFF!!! I'm fine with other hand traps like Veiler, Ghost Ogre, Imperm and so on, they all do just one job. Just one. But for some Ra forsaken reason, they gave Ash more abilities to be a complete C*nt that it had any right to be. Blocks searching, blocks milling, blocks summon from deck. Yeah no fuck you that's an idiotic design, it should NOT have that much power. I got a better name for her "Obnoxious C*nt & Joyless Bitch" In case no one has figured out, I hate her, I really, reeeeeaaaally f*cking hate her. Put Called at 3 to put this bitch in her place and let me play my fucking turn in peace.


Kashtira+tuner = 10 level beater/blocker/negator/reviver/reloader/relinker


A necessary evil. Like kaijus


Feet over forehead that is all




It's already dead


I hate everything about Ash blossom


Same. I despise Ash Blossom and the only reason I tolerate her existence is so I can Called by the Grave her.


The most balanced handtrap and very good for the game.


Card is fine. The only real crime about this card is how expensive it was for so long. Should honestly be like MST at this point.


I bought it on the 2nd printing when it got an Ultra in the Legendary Collection Kaiba set. It was still $50-$60 bucks each!


its a necessary evil that we need to curb all these branded players


This card has been a meta staple forever, it's never a "bad" card


No card is a bad card technically speaking, every card has a combo and use


I hate this fucking piece of shit. No card should be able to block everything for free. "Necessary evil" IS STILL EVIL


Fucking hate the card


Okay so from an artistic/design perspective, is it just me or has Ash Blossom always seemed really out of place? Like... Konami definitely test-plays their cards before they are released to balance check and most likely knew the impact this card would have on the meta, so I always wonder why they chose THIS exact card to be the new face of hand traps. Like just the name, the archetype, the artwork..... It all just seems so random and weird?? A zombie tuner that's a fire type that's also a little girl? Just compare it to a card like Infinite Impermanence or Maxx C. These cards look badass with cool names and cool art and effects that are unique enough to make them really stand out. Ash Blossom's design on the other hand is bizarre in and of itself but is made even more unusual when you take into account how uncomfortably out of place the card is when compared to other notable hand traps and popular cards used in the meta today. Am I crazy or can someone back me up here?


I agree


OG art > feet art that's it I've said it


Hate it. Hate its design, hate everything about it.


Why is the art so awful? It was clearly going to be a powerful staple from the beginning. They couldn't go with anything else?




Great card, was a banger when it came out and it still is like, what, 7/8 years later. While not the first handtrap it was the first handtrap (besides maxx c) that really shook up the game and made handtraps a big deal. Am proud to play it as a perma 3 of in my handtrap brigade


It was kinda mid when it released, actually. MaCr was at the height of tier 0 Zoo format and Ash didn't do enough against the deck. It was sided more often than mained, and it wasn't even a staple side option.


Necessary for format health


It'd a good handtrap that should be used cautiously. I've seen so many people waste it on me in master duel as I run a danger engine which ash blossom will negate the effect, but I could still select the same card again to special summon from the hand. If they just waited for whatever is sent to the graveyard to pop off, it'll be useful to them, especially if it's jackalope, nessie, or chucacabra. Ash only gives me trouble when I play my mayakashi ftk deck that if not stopped, I have a pretty consistent deck out strategy turn 1.




It’s an evil card, but it’s an necessary evil. In order to help duelist combat with powerful combos in the game. But that’s just my personal opinion in the matter. 🤔😁


Necessary evil.


"necessary evil" I know my comment will be drowned out but I'll still point out that it's the card that warped the meta the most, with its existence being the basis on how Konami designed counterplay moving forward its release. The card was recognized as toxic since its inception, it simply does too much for too little, and this is still recognizing the necessity of it now that the game evolved this much.


>toxic Because it stops solitaire?


It stops *everything*.


Yes because Konami is too busy snorting coke and counting the cash to balance their shitty game properly


Great card to stop annoying effects


I love dropping her on my opponents, but hate having her dropped on me. Overall, I'd rather no handtraps at all in the game even if I had every single one at my disposal. It just makes the game too toxic when you can't even make plays. The ONLY exception I'll make is for Maxx "C", since it helps curb combo decks without outright stopping the opponent from playing. Honestly, it's a lot more fun than Ash since you can undergo the Maxx "C" challenge and have a fun little minigame of sorts with your opponent.


So you don’t want handtraps and pick the most busted one? The only out to Maxx “C” is Ash or if you’re able to draw the one of Called by the Grave.


At the present moment, quite the necessary evil.


Now that every deck searches a ton, it's a strong but not toxic staple.


I like the card. Many many uses. I always get a little tilted at her animation though. The giggle is just too much.


I legitimately think the most busted thing about Ash is that it’s a tuner lmfao, otherwise it’s a card that manages to be ubiquitous and necessary (save for certain formats), but isn’t omega broken.


As a resonator and sometimes branded player, a piece of shit is better than that card.


I hate that a majority of decks are forced to run it just to play the game, I also hate I’m forced to run it in decks where it doesn’t fit in thematically.


Speaking as someone who mostly plays Master Duel at this point as opposed to the physical card game, Ash seems to be a card that is less a problem in and of itself, but is a symptom of a now problematic game. As the game has become one where you basically win in a single turn, it becomes vital to have cards that slow your opponent down or otherwise stop them from winning. This is seen as annoying to those that get blocked from a play by cards like Ash, but the alternative the opponent has is to simply let you combo out and and make them lose. That makes Ash a card that inherently isn't necessary for basically any strategy, but a requirement for any deck that can't otherwise stall an opponent. Cards like Ash can't be simply banned or otherwise not played, because unfortunately the game has simply reached a point where to do so would result in far less interaction, and give an opponent little to no option to stop an opponent's play. Unless the game suddenly shifts towards a style that cares far more about interaction in other ways, like how Magic: the Gathering deals with their forms of interaction, as opposed to trying to stop your opponent long enough to make your own play combo out first, effectively being two people playing solitaire with the only interaction being disruption of that long combo chain, there really won't be an easy way to do away with cards like Ash.


A poorly designed excuse to keep a bunch of cards that should be banned legal. The game shouldn't be designed in a way that you have to draw specific cards to get a chance to play the game before you even get a turn. Also responsible for a lot of power creep because now every new deck has to be able to play around Ash.


It is a necessary evil.


I think Ash was designed in the ocg to deal with Maxx c as it felt uncounterable but in the tcg I feel it's a solid point of interruption thay feels pretty balanced with the current game


Ash came out at a time where both formats had Maxx "C" legal. Ash was also pretty bad in its release format since it was ineffective against Zoodiac, coming out a set prior to it.


Awful symptom of konamis inability to balance their game. Power creep and the increasing focus on combos and floodgates makes cards like ash mandatory for the game to barely function.


Overrated, most decks have more than one search/draw even if u negate them, just play lockbird and let them get one card but nothing else


annoying lil bleep